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Front Zool ; 21(1): 9, 2024 Mar 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38500207


A comprehensive understanding of the dietary habits of carnivores is essential to get ecological insights into their role in the ecosystem, potential competition with other carnivorous species, and their effect on prey populations. Genetic analysis of non-invasive samples, such as scats, can supplement behavioural or microscopic diet investigations. The objective of this study was to employ DNA metabarcoding to accurately determine the prey species in grey wolf (Canis lupus) and Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) scat samples collected in the Julian Alps and the Dinaric Mountains, Slovenia. The primary prey of wolves were red deer (Cervus elaphus) (detected in 96% scat samples), European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) (68%), and wild boar (Sus scrofa) (45%). A smaller portion of their diet consisted of mesocarnivores, small mammals, and domestic animals. In contrast, the lynx diet mostly consisted of European roe deer (82%) and red deer (64%). However, small mammals and domestic animals were also present in lynx diet, albeit to a lesser extent. Our findings indicate that the dietary habits of wolves and lynx are influenced by geographical location. Snapshot dietary analyses using metabarcoding are valuable for comprehending the behaviour and ecology of predators, and for devising conservation measures aimed at sustainable management of both their natural habitats and prey populations. However, to gain a more detailed understanding of wolf and lynx dietary habits and ecological impact, it would be essential to conduct long-term genetic monitoring of their diet.

Animals (Basel) ; 11(4)2021 Apr 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33918642


Although the two species of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra and R. pyrenaica) are currently classified as least-concern by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), inconsistencies on the subspecies classification reported in literature make it challenging to assess the conservation status of the single subspecies. Previous studies relying on mitochondrial genes, sometimes in combination with nuclear or Y-chromosome markers, reported the presence of clusters corresponding to the geographic distribution but highlighting ambiguities in the genus phylogeny. Here we report novel de novo assembled sequences of the mitochondrial genome from nine individuals, including previously unpublished R. r. balcanica and R. r. tatrica subspecies, and use them to untangle the genus phylogeny. Our results based on the full mitogenome inferred phylogeny confirm the previously reported genus subdivision in three clades and its monophyletic positioning within the Caprinae. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Rupicapra species thus remain controversial prompting for the inclusion of archeological remains to solve the controversy.

Animals (Basel) ; 10(12)2020 Dec 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33276566


Across its pan-European distribution, the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) faces a wide diversity of environmental and climatic conditions; therefore, several factors, including intrinsic ones, shape life-history traits and cause significant variability in parameters of fitness. By utilizing microsatellite variations in 214 roe deer females collected throughout Slovenia, Central Europe, we determined the genetic variability and population structure of this species in the contact zone between the Alps and the Dinaric Mountains, i.e., over a wider area where data on the genetic outlook for this-the most common and widespread European wild ungulate-have been completely lacking so far. Throughout the country, we found moderate microsatellite diversity (Ho = 0.57-0.65) in relation to the observed heterozygosity reported for other roe deer populations in Europe. Spatial differences in genetic diversity of the species in Slovenia can be explained by population history linked to varying approaches to population management and/or different connectivity among subpopulations in topographically differentiated habitats. A country-wide pattern of genetic structure is clearly defined by separation of the populations into three groups present in the following regions: (i) Southern sub-Mediterranean and Karst regions, (ii) Central Slovenia, and (iii) the Sub-Pannonian Region in the north-east. This is also confirmed by evidencing a moderate isolation by distance, especially by separating southern samples (coastal Slovenia) from others. Levels of genetic differentiation vary among populations, which can be explained by the effect of natural geographical barriers or the presence of anthropogenic barriers such as urban areas and highways. In the subset of 172 yearling females, we analyzed the influence of genetic advantage (individual heterozygosity) and other genetic data (reflected in the structuring of the population) on body mass and reproductive ability. We found evidence that genetic factors influence the body mass of roe deer yearling females (explaining altogether 18.8% of body mass variance), and the level of individual heterozygosity alone also positively affected body mass, which is in accordance with the theory that heterozygosity is commonly positively correlated with fitness in wild populations. However, we did not uncover any effect of heterozygosity on two parameters of reproductive ability (fertility and potential reproductive outcome), indicating that several other factors, especially environmental ones, have a predominant effect on the parameters of fitness in roe deer.