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J Community Psychol ; 51(5): 2117-2132, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36811161


There have been delays integrating universal screening and referral for social needs in pediatric practice. The study investigated two frameworks for clinic-based screen-and-refer practice in eight clinics. The frameworks depict different organizational strategies to bolster family access to community resources. We conducted semi-structured interviews with healthcare and community partners at two timepoints (n = 65) to investigate start-up and ongoing implementation experiences, including continuing challenges. Results highlighted common within-clinic and clinic-community coordination challenges across diverse settings as well as promising practices supported by the two frameworks. In addition, we identified ongoing implementation challenges that face efforts to integrate these approaches and to translate screening results into activities that help children and families. Assessing the existing service referral coordination infrastructure of each clinic and community in early implementation is critical to screen-and-refer practice as this influences the continuum of supports available to meet family needs.

Instituições de Assistência Ambulatorial , Atenção à Saúde , Humanos , Criança
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(5): 625-637, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37483087


In this paper, we consider whether the field of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) needs its own code of ethics. We begin by describing unique features of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) and the diverse strategies that the field has developed to address complex clinical dilemmas, among them workforce development, clinical supports, policy statements, and statements of ethical values. Because of the field's interdisciplinary nature, we also consider how various contributing professions and organizations address ethical issues. While these are important resources that can inform ethical decision-making, we identify some of the limitations of the current approaches. We argue that it is time for the field of IECMH to take an intentional, systematic approach to directly address the complex and unique ethical dilemmas faced by infant and early childhood mental health practitioners, and we grapple with some of the challenges developing such a code might entail. We suggest several avenues for better understanding the scope of ethical issues and ethical decision-making processes in IECMH that could be used to support developing an ethics code that is responsive to the unique and challenging world of infant and early childhood mental health.

En este estudio, consideramos si el campo de la salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez (IECMH) necesita su propio código de ética. Comenzamos describiendo características distintivas de la salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez (IECMH) y la diversidad de estrategias que el campo ha desarrollado para tratar los complejos dilemas clínicos, incluyendo el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral, los apoyos clínicos, las afirmaciones de las políticas, así como las afirmaciones de valores éticos. Debido a la naturaleza interdisciplinaria del campo, también consideramos cómo varias profesiones y organizaciones que aportan contribuciones tratan los asuntos éticos. Aunque estos son recursos importantes que pueden servir de apoyo para la toma de decisiones éticas, identificamos algunas de las limitaciones de los acercamientos en el presente. Sostenemos que es el momento de que el campo de IECMH asuma un acercamiento intencional, sistemático que directamente trate los complejos y distintivos dilemas que enfrentan quienes ejercen en la práctica profesional de la salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez, y nos enfrentemos con algunos de los retos que el desarrollo de tal código pudiera significar. Sugerimos varias maneras de comprender mejor el ámbito de los asuntos éticos y los procesos éticos de toma de decisiones en IECMH con el fin de apoyar un código de ética que tome en cuenta el distintivo y desafiante mundo de la salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez.

Dans cet article nous réfléchissons et étudions si le domaine de la santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance (IECMH) a besoin de son propre code d'éthique. Nous commençons par la description des traits uniques de la santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance (IECMH) et de la diversité de stratégies que notre domaine a développées afin de faire face à des dilemmes cliniques complexes, y compris pour ce qui concerne la formation du personnel, les soutiens cliniques, les déclarations de principes, et les déclarations de valeurs éthiques. Du fait de la nature pluridisciplinaire de notre domaine, nous évoquons également la manière dont différentes professions et différentes organisations qui contribuent à notre domaine abordent les problèmes éthiques. Sachant que ce sont là des ressources importantes qui peuvent informer nos décisions éthiques, nous identifions certaines des limitations des approches actuelles. Nous faisons valoir qu'il est temps que le domaine de l'IECMH aborde intentionnellement et systématiquement les dilemmes éthiques complexes et uniques auxquels font face les praticiens de la santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance, et nous nous attaquons à certains des défis qu'un tel code peut présenter. Nous suggérons plusieurs directions afin de mieux comprendre l'étendue des questions éthiques et des processus de prises de décision éthiques au sein de l'IECMH de façon à soutenir un code éthique qui est sensible au monde unique de la santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance ainsi qu'aux défis auxquels il fait face.

Saúde Mental , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Lactente , Saúde Mental/ética , Saúde da Criança/ética , Saúde do Lactente/ética
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(5): 614-624, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37247197


Infant mental health is explicitly relational and strengths based as a field. Ethical dilemmas in infant mental health have received insufficient attention at the level of infant mental health professionals (IMHP) and other professionals caring for infants who must grapple with questions of when caregivers and infants have conflicting interests. We present composite cases drawn from North American and Australian contexts, using three systems in which such conflicts may commonly manifest: child protection, home visiting, and medical settings. The field of infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) should begin to discuss such dilemmas and how best to balance the needs of caregivers and infants when they are not well aligned.

Como campo profesional, la salud mental infantil se basa explícitamente en relaciones y puntos fuertes. Los dilemas éticos en el campo de la salud mental infantil no han recibido suficiente atención al nivel de los practicantes profesionales que luchan con preguntas de cuando quienes prestan el cuidado y los infantes tienen intereses que entran en conflicto. Presentamos casos compuestos tomados de contextos en Norteamérica y Australia, usando tres sistemas en los cuales tales conflictos pudieran comúnmente manifestar: protección infantil, visitas a casa y escenarios médicos. El campo de la salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez debe comenzar a hablar de tales dilemas y cómo equilibrar mejor las necesidades de quienes prestan el cuidado y de los infantes cuando ambos no se encuentran bien emparejados.

La santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance est explicitement relationnelle ainsi que basée sur les forces qui existent, en tant que domaine. Les dilemmes éthiques en santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance n'ont pas assez reçu d'attention au niveau des praticiens aux prises avec des questions ayant trait aux moments et situations où les personnes prenant soin des enfants et les nourrissons ont des intérêts qui sont en conflit. Nous présentons des cas complexes issus de contextes nord-américains et australiens, en utilisant trois systèmes au sein desquels de tels conflits peuvent se manifester : la protection de l'enfant, la visite à domicile, et le cadre médical. Le domaine de la santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance devrait commencer à discuter de tels dilemmes et de la meilleure manière d'équilibrer les besoins des personnes prenant soin des bébés et des bébés lorsqu'ils ne sont pas bien alignés.

Saúde Mental , Cuidado Pós-Natal , Gravidez , Feminino , Lactente , Criança , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Austrália , Saúde do Lactente , Cuidadores/psicologia , Visita Domiciliar
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(5): 651-662, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37000438


Ethics is concerned with the basis for moral judgments of "right" and "wrong" and is central to the clinical endeavor. Many clinicians integrate ethical estimations into their work without much conscious awareness. However, explicit use of ethical principles and frameworks can help navigate clinical decision-making when there is a sense of moral conflict or ambiguity about the "right" course of action. This article aims to highlight the key concepts and principles in clinical ethics as they apply to IECMH practice and stimulate a bigger conversation in the profession around how to support each other to maintain high ethical standards in working with young children and their families. Specifically, the authors consider the relevance of Beauchamp and Childress' four principles framework (respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice), and address some of the special ethical challenges in the field, namely, the vulnerability of the infant, the need for a competent workforce, caring for caregivers, and the problem of multiple patients. Finally, the role of infant rights is briefly explored, noting the significant interest and debate that has been generated by the publication of the World Association of Infant Mental Health's Position Paper on the Rights of Infants.

A la ética le concierne la base para los juicios morales de lo que está 'bien' y lo que está 'mal' y es esencial para la labor clínica. Muchos profesionales clínicos incorporan estimaciones éticas en su trabajo sin mucha percepción consciente. Sin embargo, el uso explícito de principios y marcos de trabajo éticos puede ayudar a guiar las tomas de decisiones clínicas cuando se trata de un sentido de conflicto o ambigüedad moral acerca del curso de acción 'correcto.' Este artículo se propone subrayar los conceptos y principios claves en la ética clínica tal como ellos se aplican a la práctica de IECMH y estimular una mayor conversación en la profesión sobre cómo apoyarse mutuamente para mantener altos estándares éticos al trabajar con niños pequeños y sus familias. Específicamente, los autores consideran la relevancia del marco de trabajo de los cuatro principios de Beauchamp y Childress (respeto a la autonomía, el beneficiar y no perjudicar, y la justicia), y abordan algunos de los retos éticos particulares en el campo, tales como la vulnerabilidad del infante, la necesidad de una fuerza laboral competente, el cuidar de quienes prestan el cuidado, así como los problemas de quienes usan los servicios múltiples. Finalmente, se explora brevemente el papel de los derechos del infante, notando el significativo interés y debate que ha generado la publicación del Informe de Situación sobre los Derechos del Infante por parte de la Asociación Mundial de Salud Mental Infantil.

Le parentage attentif (aussi connu en tant que réactivité) est un échange dynamique et bidirectionnel entre la dyade parent-enfant, et lié au développement social et cognitif de l'enfant. Les interactions optimales exigent une sensibilité et la compréhension des signaux qu'envoie l'enfant, une réaction au besoin de l'enfant, et une modification du comportement du parent afin de répondre à ce besoin. Cette étude qualitative a exploré l'impact d'un programme de visite à domicile sur les perceptions que se font les mère sur leur réactivité à leurs enfants. Cette étude fait partie d'une plus ample recherche appelée right@home, un programme de visite à domicile en Australie qui promeut l'apprentissage et le développement des enfants. Les programmes de prévention comme le right@home privilégient des groupes de population qui font face à une adversité socioéconomique et psychosociale. Ils offrent des opportunités de promouvoir le développement des enfants au travers de la valorisation des compétences de parentage et d'un accroissement du parentage attentif. Des entretiens semi-structuré ont été fait avec 12 mères, fournissant des informations sur leurs perceptions du parentage attentif. Quatre thèmes ont été extraits des données en utilisant une analyse thématique inductive. Ceux-ci ont indiqué que (1) la préparation au parentage perçue des mères, (2) la reconnaissance des besoins de la mère et de l'enfant, (3) la réponse aux besoins de la mère et de l'enfant, et (4) la motivation à parenter avec réactivité sont toutes estimées être importantes. Ces recherches soulignent l'importance d'interventions qui mettent l'accent sur la relation parent-enfant en augmentant les capacités de parentage et en promouvant le parentage attentif.

Saúde Mental , Autonomia Pessoal , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Humanos , Lactente , Beneficência , Justiça Social
Infant Ment Health J ; 40(3): 380-394, 2019 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30925209


Although there are many examples of evidence-based early childhood home-visiting programming, the field itself struggles with modest outcomes and variable levels of program effectiveness. This article documents the experience of creating a statewide monitoring system to assess home-visiting program quality and compliance to identified standards, integrating multiple sources of information across different domains of functioning. Monitoring results from 57 programs are summarized, with variable but promising levels of quality. Programs generally report satisfaction and benefit from the process. In addition, the relationship between direct observations of home visits and home-visitor report of their approach to working with families is analyzed. Results suggest significant, albeit small, associations. Although there are trade-offs between comprehensiveness of information gathering and practical application, the use of monitoring findings to support home-visiting programs holds potential for quality improvement.

Aunque se dan muchos ejemplos de programas de visitas a casa con base en la evidencia durante la temprana niñez, el campo en sí lucha aun con resultados modestos y la variación en los niveles de eficacia de los programas. Este artículo documenta la experiencia de crear un sistema de supervisión a nivel de todo el Estado con el fin de evaluar la calidad de programas de visitas a casa y el cumplimiento con las normas identificadas, integrando múltiples fuentes de información a lo largo de diferentes dominios de funcionamiento. Se hace un resumen de los resultados de 57 programas supervisados, con variables, aunque prometedores niveles de calidad. Los programas generalmente reportaron satisfacción y beneficio del proceso. Adicionalmente, se analiza la relación entre las observaciones directas de las visitas a casa y el reporte del visitador a casa sobre sus acercamientos al trabajo con familias. Los resultados sugieren asociaciones significativas, aunque pequeñas. Aunque se dan compensaciones entre la exhaustividad de la forma de buscar la información y la aplicación práctica, el uso de los resultados de supervisión para apoyar los programas de visita a casa presenta un potencial en cuanto al mejoramiento de la calidad.

Bien qu'il existe de nombreux exemples de programmes factuels de visite à domicile de la petite enfance, ce domaine témoigne de difficultés avec des résultats modestes et des niveaux d'efficacité du programme variables. Cet article documente l'expérience qui s'est présentée de créer un système de surveillance au niveau de l'état (aux Etats-Unis) afin d'évaluer la qualité d'un programme à domicile et l'application de standards identifiés, intégrant de nombreuses sources d'information au travers différents domaines de fonctionnement. Les résultats de contrôle de 57 programmes sont résumés, avec des niveaux de qualité variables mais prometteurs. Les programmes font généralement état de satisfaction et de bénéfice du processus, De plus la relation entre les observations directes des visites à domicile et le rapport du visiteur à domicile de leur approche au travail avec les familles est analysé. Les résultats suggèrent des liens importants bien que petits. Bien qu'il y ait des compromis entre l'intégralité de la collecte de l'information et l'application pratique, l'utilisation des résultats de contrôle afin de soutenir les programmes de visites à domicile présente un potentiel d'amélioration de la qualité.

Visita Domiciliar , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Desenvolvimento Infantil , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Illinois , Lactente , Melhoria de Qualidade
Infant Ment Health J ; 44(5): 611-613, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37379251


Introducción a la Sección Especial: Hacer lo 'correcto:' Asuntos éticos en la salud mental infantil y en la temprana niñez ética, salud mental infantil y en la temprana niñez, código de ética.

Introduction à la section spéciale: Faire ce qui est 'juste': questions éthiques en santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance.

Saúde Mental , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Lactente , Saúde Mental/ética , Saúde da Criança/ética , Saúde do Lactente/ética
Infant Ment Health J ; 35(5): 422-34, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25798493


This article examines the extent and nature of father participation in a perinatal, community-based doula home-visiting intervention that served young, African American mothers from low-income backgrounds and their infants. Home-visitor service records were used to assess the quantity, setting, and content of father-attended visits. Correlates of fathers' participation and thematic insights from mothers' and home-visitors' perspectives on how fathers perceived and interacted with the home-visiting program were analyzed to further characterize the nature of father participation. Although the community-doula home-visiting model does not include special outreach to increase father participation, almost half of the mothers had a doula visit at which their baby's father was present, many of which took place in medical settings. Mothers and doulas reported that fathers were generally positive about the doula, but expressed that fathers viewed the doula as a substitute provider of support that fathers seemed reticent to provide themselves. These results suggest that community doulas who visit pre- and postpartum in multiple settings have unique opportunities to have contact with fathers that traditional home visitors or early childhood specialists may not have.

Doulas , Pai/psicologia , Visita Domiciliar , Mães/psicologia , Apoio Social , Adolescente , Adulto , Negro ou Afro-Americano , Feminino , Humanos , Entrevistas como Assunto , Masculino , Cuidado Pós-Natal , Período Pós-Parto , Pobreza , Gravidez , Adulto Jovem
Infant Ment Health J ; 33(1): 22-33, 2012 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28520111


The relationship that develops between early childhood service providers and parents is seen as a critical component in program implementation, although little is known about how service providers and parents view this relationship. The current qualitative study examines the helping relationship between doulas and 12 African American adolescent mothers who participated in a larger study of prenatal and postnatal support. Mothers and their doulas were interviewed separately at the beginning and the end of program participation about the quality of the helping relationship and how they spent their time together. Content analysis revealed positive, negative, and ambivalent themes in mothers' and doulas' descriptions of their relationships, although the majority of the relationships were considered positive. For the most part, doulas and mothers agreed on the quality of the relationship that they formed with each other. Mothers were more likely to note the enjoyable aspects of spending time with their doula while doulas focused more on issues of trust and acceptance. The young mothers and doulas often considered amount of contact and availability (or lack thereof) as a sign of the quality of the relationship. Results are discussed in terms of the professional role of the doula and cultural influences in help-giving behavior.

Infant Ment Health J ; 28(5): 459-480, 2007 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28640430


As researchers have focused on better understanding those circumstances under which home visiting can lead to positive effects on parent and child outcomes, there has been growing interest in examining variation in the experiences of families within these programs, including the quality of the helping relationships between home visitors and parents. The current study examined how participating mothers perceive the helping relationship, using information collected from the Early Head Start National Research and Evaluation Project. Results suggest that although maternal report of the helping relationship is biased towards positive ratings, it remains a significant predictor of program participation, over and above general program satisfaction. Implications for measurement development and program interventions are discussed.

Pediatrics ; 132 Suppl 2: S160-6, 2013 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24187119


OBJECTIVES: Despite recent efforts to increase breastfeeding, young African American mothers continue to breastfeed at low rates, and commonly introduce complementary foods earlier than recommended. This study examines the effects of a community doula home visiting intervention on infant feeding practices among young mothers. METHODS: Low-income, African American mothers (n = 248) under age 22 years participated in a randomized trial of a community doula intervention. Intervention-group mothers received services from paraprofessional doulas: specialized home visitors trained as childbirth educators and lactation counselors. Doulas provided home visits from pregnancy through 3 months postpartum, and support during childbirth. Control-group mothers received usual prenatal care. Data were obtained from medical records and maternal interviews at birth and 4 months postpartum. RESULTS: Intent-to-treat analyses showed that doula-group mothers attempted breastfeeding at a higher rate than control-group mothers (64% vs 50%; P = .02) and were more likely to breastfeed longer than 6 weeks (29% vs 17%; P = .04), although few mothers still breastfed at 4 months. The intervention also impacted mothers' cereal/solid food introduction (P = .008): fewer doula-group mothers introduced complementary foods before 6 weeks of age (6% vs 18%), while more waited until at least 4 months (21% vs 13%) compared with control-group mothers. CONCLUSIONS: Community doulas may be effective in helping young mothers meet breastfeeding and healthy feeding guidelines. The intervention's success may lie in the relationship that develops between doula and mother based on shared cultural background and months of prenatal home visiting, and the doula's presence at the birth, where she supports early breastfeeding experiences.

Negro ou Afro-Americano/etnologia , Aleitamento Materno/etnologia , Serviços de Saúde Comunitária/métodos , Doulas , Visita Domiciliar , Alimentos Infantis , Adolescente , Aleitamento Materno/métodos , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Gravidez , Adulto Jovem
Pediatrics ; 132 Suppl 2: S82-9, 2013 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24187127


Home visiting can play a key role in the early childhood system of services. For home visiting to achieve its potential, decision-makers must make informed choices regarding adoption, adaptation, coordination, scale-up, and sustainment. We need a coordinated, focused, and theory-based home visiting research infrastructure to inform such decisions. The transdisciplinary Home Visiting Research Network (HVRN) was established in July 2012 with funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration. Its goal is to promote the translation of research findings into policy and practice. Its objectives are to (1) develop a national home visiting research agenda, (2) advance the use of innovative research methods; and (3) provide a research environment that is supportive of the professional development of emerging researchers interested in home visiting. A Management Team designs and directs activities to achieve these objectives through Work Teams. A Steering Committee of national leaders representing stakeholder groups oversees progress. HVRN's Coordinating Center supports the Work Teams and HVRN's Home visiting Applied Research Collaborative, a practice-based research network of home visiting programs. This article describes HVRN's rationale, approach, and anticipated products. We use home visiting-primary care coordination as an illustration, noting potential roles for pediatric practices and pediatric researchers and research educators in HVRN activities. HVRN creates the infrastructure for a rigorous program of research to inform policy and practice on home visiting as part of the system of services to improve family functioning, parenting, and child outcomes.

Redes Comunitárias/tendências , Serviços de Assistência Domiciliar/tendências , Visita Domiciliar/tendências , Atenção Primária à Saúde/tendências , Redes Comunitárias/organização & administração , Serviços de Assistência Domiciliar/organização & administração , Humanos , Pediatria/organização & administração , Pediatria/tendências , Atenção Primária à Saúde/organização & administração , Estados Unidos
Pediatrics ; 119(1): e93-102, 2007 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17200264


OBJECTIVE: This study examined psychometric properties and feasibility issues surrounding child-reported asthma health status data. METHODS: In separate interviews, parents and children completed 3 visits. Child questionnaires were interviewer administered. The primary instrument was the Children's Health Survey for Asthma-Child Version, used to compute 3 scales (physical health, activities, and emotional health). The following were assessed: reliability (internal consistency and test-retest reliability), validity (general health status, symptom burden, and lung function), and feasibility (completion time, missing data, and inconsistent responses). RESULTS: A total of 414 parent-child pairs completed the study (mean child age: 11.5 years). Reliability estimates for the activities and emotional health scales were > .70 in all but 1 age category; 5 of 9 age groups had acceptable internal consistency ratings (> or = .70) for the physical health scale. Cronbach's alpha tended to increase with child age. In general, test-retest correlations between forms and intraclass correlation coefficients were strong for all ages but tended to increase with child age. Correlations between forms ranged from .57 (7-year-old subjects, physical health) to .96 (14-year-old subjects, activities). Intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from .76 (13-year-old subjects, emotional health) to .94 (15-16-year-old subjects, physical health). Children with less symptom burden reported higher mean Children's Health Survey for Asthma-Child Version scores (indicating better health status) for each scale, at significant levels for nearly all age groups. Children's Health Survey for Asthma-Child Version completion times decreased from 12.9 minutes at age 7 to 6.9 minutes at age 13. CONCLUSIONS: This research indicates that children with asthma as young as 7 may be dependable and valuable reporters of their health. Data quality tends to improve with age.

Asma/diagnóstico , Nível de Saúde , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adolescente , Fatores Etários , Asma/fisiopatologia , Criança , Volume Expiratório Forçado , Humanos , Pais , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Pediatrics ; 110(3): 486-96, 2002 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12205249


OBJECTIVE: To examine the effectiveness of home visiting by paraprofessionals and by nurses as separate means of improving maternal and child health when both types of visitors are trained in a program model that has demonstrated effectiveness when delivered by nurses. METHODS: A randomized, controlled trial was conducted in public- and private-care settings in Denver, Colorado. One thousand one hundred seventy-eight consecutive pregnant women with no previous live births who were eligible for Medicaid or who had no private health insurance were invited to participate. Seven hundred thirty-five women were randomized to control, paraprofessional, or nurse conditions. Nurses completed an average of 6.5 home visits during pregnancy and 21 visits from birth to the children's second birthdays. Paraprofessionals completed an average of 6.3 home visits during pregnancy and 16 visits from birth to the children's second birthdays. The main outcomes consisted of changes in women's urine cotinine over the course of pregnancy; women's use of ancillary services during pregnancy; subsequent pregnancies and births, educational achievement, workforce participation, and use of welfare; mother-infant responsive interaction; families' home environments; infants' emotional vulnerability in response to fear stimuli and low emotional vitality in response to joy and anger stimuli; and children's language and mental development, temperament, and behavioral problems. RESULTS: Paraprofessional-visited mother-child pairs in which the mother had low psychological resources interacted with one another more responsively than their control-group counterparts (99.45 vs 97.54 standard score points). There were no other statistically significant paraprofessional effects. In contrast to their control-group counterparts, nurse-visited smokers had greater reductions in cotinine levels from intake to the end of pregnancy (259.0 vs 12.32 ng/mL); by the study child's second birthday, women visited by nurses had fewer subsequent pregnancies (29% vs 41%) and births (12% vs 19%); they delayed subsequent pregnancies for longer intervals; and during the second year after the birth of their first child, they worked more than women in the control group (6.83 vs 5.65 months). Nurse-visited mother-child pairs interacted with one another more responsively than those in the control group (100.31 vs 98.99 standard score points). At 6 months of age, nurse-visited infants, in contrast to their control-group counterparts, were less likely to exhibit emotional vulnerability in response to fear stimuli (16% vs 25%) and nurse-visited infants born to women with low psychological resources were less likely to exhibit low emotional vitality in response to joy and anger stimuli (24% vs 40% and 13% vs 33%). At 21 months, nurse-visited children born to women with low psychological resources were less likely to exhibit language delays (7% vs 18%); and at 24 months, they exhibited superior mental development (90.18 vs 86.20 Mental Development Index scores) than their control-group counterparts. There were no statistically significant program effects for the nurses on women's use of ancillary prenatal services, educational achievement, use of welfare, or their children's temperament or behavior problems. For most outcomes on which either visitor produced significant effects, the paraprofessionals typically had effects that were about half the size of those produced by nurses. CONCLUSIONS: When trained in a model program of prenatal and infancy home visiting, paraprofessionals produced small effects that rarely achieved statistical or clinical significance; the absence of statistical significance for some outcomes is probably attributable to limited statistical power to detect small effects. Nurses produced significant effects on a wide range of maternal and child outcomes.

Visita Domiciliar , Bem-Estar do Lactente , Bem-Estar Materno , Enfermagem Materno-Infantil , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Avaliação de Processos e Resultados em Cuidados de Saúde , Modelos de Riscos Proporcionais , Análise de Regressão