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J Chem Phys ; 159(9)2023 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37671958


Typically, the parameters entering a physical simulation model carry some kind of uncertainty, e.g., due to the intrinsic approximations in a higher fidelity theory from which they have been obtained. Global sensitivity analysis (GSA) targets quantifying which parameter uncertainties impact the accuracy of the simulation results, e.g., to identify which parameters need to be determined more accurately. We present a GSA approach based on the Cramérs-von Mises distance. Unlike prevalent approaches, it combines the following properties: (i) it is equally suited for deterministic as well as stochastic model outputs, (ii) it does not require gradients, and (iii) it can be estimated from numerical quadrature without further numerical approximations. Using quasi-Monte Carlo for numerical integration and a first-principles kinetic Monte Carlo model for the CO oxidation on RuO2(110), we examine the performance of the approach. We find that the results agree very well with what is known in the literature about the sensitivity of this model and that the approach converges in a modest number of quadrature points. Furthermore, it appears to be robust against even extreme relative noise. All these properties make the method particularly suited for expensive (kinetic) Monte Carlo models because we can reduce the number of simulations as well as the target variance of each of these.

J Chem Phys ; 159(2)2023 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37439470


The nature of an atom in a bonded structure-such as in molecules, in nanoparticles, or in solids, at surfaces or interfaces-depends on its local atomic environment. In atomic-scale modeling and simulation, identifying groups of atoms with equivalent environments is a frequent task, to gain an understanding of the material function, to interpret experimental results, or to simply restrict demanding first-principles calculations. However, while routine, this task can often be challenging for complex molecules or non-ideal materials with breaks in symmetries or long-range order. To automatize this task, we here present a general machine-learning framework to identify groups of (nearly) equivalent atoms. The initial classification rests on the representation of the local atomic environment through a high-dimensional smooth overlap of atomic positions (SOAP) vector. Recognizing that not least thermal vibrations may lead to deviations from ideal positions, we then achieve a fuzzy classification by mean-shift clustering within a low-dimensional embedded representation of the SOAP points as obtained through multidimensional scaling. The performance of this classification framework is demonstrated for simple aromatic molecules and crystalline Pd surface examples.

J Chem Phys ; 156(2): 024109, 2022 Jan 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35032989


We demonstrate how to apply the tensor-train format to solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation for quasi-one-dimensional excitonic chain systems with and without periodic boundary conditions. The coupled excitons and phonons are modeled by Fröhlich-Holstein type Hamiltonians with on-site and nearest-neighbor interactions only. We reduce the memory consumption as well as the computational costs significantly by employing efficient decompositions to construct low-rank tensor-train representations, thus mitigating the curse of dimensionality. In order to compute also higher quantum states, we introduce an approach that directly incorporates the Wielandt deflation technique into the alternating linear scheme for the solution of eigenproblems. Besides systems with coupled excitons and phonons, we also investigate uncoupled problems for which (semi-)analytical results exist. There, we find that in the case of homogeneous systems, the tensor-train ranks of state vectors only marginally depend on the chain length, which results in a linear growth of the storage consumption. However, the central processing unit time increases slightly faster with the chain length than the storage consumption because the alternating linear scheme adopted in our work requires more iterations to achieve convergence for longer chains and a given rank. Finally, we demonstrate that the tensor-train approach to the quantum treatment of coupled excitons and phonons makes it possible to directly tackle the phenomenon of mutual self-trapping. We are able to confirm the main results of the Davydov theory, i.e., the dependence of the wave packet width and the corresponding stabilization energy on the exciton-phonon coupling strength, although only for a certain range of that parameter. In future work, our approach will allow calculations also beyond the validity regime of that theory and/or beyond the restrictions of the Fröhlich-Holstein type Hamiltonians.

J Chem Phys ; 148(3): 034102, 2018 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29352783


In the last decade, first-principles-based microkinetic modeling has been developed into an important tool for a mechanistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis. A commonly known, but hitherto barely analyzed issue in this kind of modeling is the presence of sizable errors from the use of approximate Density Functional Theory (DFT). We here address the propagation of these errors to the catalytic turnover frequency (TOF) by global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. Both analyses require the numerical quadrature of high-dimensional integrals. To achieve this efficiently, we utilize and extend an adaptive sparse grid approach and exploit the confinement of the strongly non-linear behavior of the TOF to local regions of the parameter space. We demonstrate the methodology on a model of the oxygen evolution reaction at the Co3O4 (110)-A surface, using a maximum entropy error model that imposes nothing but reasonable bounds on the errors. For this setting, the DFT errors lead to an absolute uncertainty of several orders of magnitude in the TOF. We nevertheless find that it is still possible to draw conclusions from such uncertain models about the atomistic aspects controlling the reactivity. A comparison with derivative-based local sensitivity analysis instead reveals that this more established approach provides incomplete information. Since the adaptive sparse grids allow for the evaluation of the integrals with only a modest number of function evaluations, this approach opens the way for a global sensitivity analysis of more complex models, for instance, models based on kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.

J Chem Phys ; 146(4): 044118, 2017 01 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28147552


Lattice kinetic Monte Carlo simulations have become a vital tool for predictive quality atomistic understanding of complex surface chemical reaction kinetics over a wide range of reaction conditions. In order to expand their practical value in terms of giving guidelines for the atomic level design of catalytic systems, it is very desirable to readily evaluate a sensitivity analysis for a given model. The result of such a sensitivity analysis quantitatively expresses the dependency of the turnover frequency, being the main output variable, on the rate constants entering the model. In the past, the application of sensitivity analysis, such as degree of rate control, has been hampered by its exuberant computational effort required to accurately sample numerical derivatives of a property that is obtained from a stochastic simulation method. In this study, we present an efficient and robust three-stage approach that is capable of reliably evaluating the sensitivity measures for stiff microkinetic models as we demonstrate using the CO oxidation on RuO2(110) as a prototypical reaction. In the first step, we utilize the Fisher information matrix for filtering out elementary processes which only yield negligible sensitivity. Then we employ an estimator based on the linear response theory for calculating the sensitivity measure for non-critical conditions which covers the majority of cases. Finally, we adapt a method for sampling coupled finite differences for evaluating the sensitivity measure for lattice based models. This allows for an efficient evaluation even in critical regions near a second order phase transition that are hitherto difficult to control. The combined approach leads to significant computational savings over straightforward numerical derivatives and should aid in accelerating the nano-scale design of heterogeneous catalysts.

J Chem Phys ; 147(16): 164106, 2017 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29096493


Many problems in computational materials science and chemistry require the evaluation of expensive functions with locally rapid changes, such as the turn-over frequency of first principles kinetic Monte Carlo models for heterogeneous catalysis. Because of the high computational cost, it is often desirable to replace the original with a surrogate model, e.g., for use in coupled multiscale simulations. The construction of surrogates becomes particularly challenging in high-dimensions. Here, we present a novel version of the modified Shepard interpolation method which can overcome the curse of dimensionality for such functions to give faithful reconstructions even from very modest numbers of function evaluations. The introduction of local metrics allows us to take advantage of the fact that, on a local scale, rapid variation often occurs only across a small number of directions. Furthermore, we use local error estimates to weigh different local approximations, which helps avoid artificial oscillations. Finally, we test our approach on a number of challenging analytic functions as well as a realistic kinetic Monte Carlo model. Our method not only outperforms existing isotropic metric Shepard methods but also state-of-the-art Gaussian process regression.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 128(7): 3082-3089, 2024 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38414835


Despite the common expectation that conjugated organic molecules on metals adsorb in a flat-lying layer, several recent studies have found coverage-dependent transitions to upright-standing phases, which exhibit notably different physical properties. In this work, we argue that from an energetic perspective, thermodynamically stable upright-standing phases may be more common than hitherto thought. However, for kinetic reasons, this phase may often not be observed experimentally. Using first-principles kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, we find that the structure with lower molecular density is (almost) always formed first, reminiscent of Ostwald's rule of stages. The phase transitions to the upright-standing phase are likely to be kinetically hindered under the conditions typically used in surface science. The simulation results are experimentally confirmed for the adsorption of tetracyanoethylene on Cu(111) using infrared and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. Investigating both the role of the growth conditions and the energetics of the interface, we find that the time for the phase transition is determined mostly by the deposition rate and, thus, is mostly independent of the nature of the molecule.

J Chem Phys ; 134(6): 064713, 2011 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21322727


Microkinetic modeling of surface chemical reactions still relies heavily on the mean-field based rate equation approach. This approach is expected to be most accurate for systems without appreciable lateral interactions among the adsorbed chemicals, and there in particular for the uniform adlayers resulting in poisoned regimes with predominant coverage of one species. Using first-principles kinetic Monte Carlo simulations and the CO oxidation at RuO(2)(110) as a showcase, we demonstrate that even in this limit mean-field rate equations fail to predict the catalytic activity by orders of magnitude. This deficiency is traced back to the inability to account for the vacancy pair formation that is kinetically driven by the ongoing reactions.

Monóxido de Carbono/química , Compostos de Rutênio/química , Catálise , Cinética , Método de Monte Carlo , Oxirredução
J Chem Theory Comput ; 13(11): 5582-5603, 2017 Nov 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28910530


With the advent of efficient electronic structure methods, effective continuum solvation methods have emerged as a way to, at least partially, include solvent effects into simulations without the need for expensive sampling over solvent degrees of freedom. The multipole moment expansion (MPE) model, while based on ideas initially put forward almost 100 years ago, has recently been updated for the needs of modern electronic structure calculations. Indeed, for an all-electron code relying on localized basis sets and-more importantly-a multipole moment expansion of the electrostatic potential, the MPE method presents a particularly cheap way of solving the macroscopic Poisson equation to determine the electrostatic response of a medium surrounding a solute. In addition to our implementation of the MPE model in the FHI-aims electronic structure theory code [ Blum , V. ; Comput. Phys. Commun. 2009 , 180 , 2175 - 2196 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2009.06.022 ], we describe novel algorithms for determining equidistributed points on the solvation cavity-defined as a charge density isosurface-and the determination of cavity surface and volume from just this collection of points and their local density gradients. We demonstrate the efficacy of our model on an analytically solvable test case, against high-accuracy finite-element calculations for a set of ≈140000 2D test cases, and finally against experimental solvation free energies of a number of neutral and singly charged molecular test sets [ Andreussi , O. ; J. Chem. Phys. 2012 , 136 , 064102 , DOI: 10.1063/1.3676407 ; Marenich , A. V. ; Minnesota Solvation Database , Version 2012; University of Minnesota : Minneapolis, MN, USA , 2012 . ]. In all test cases we find that our MPE approach compares very well with given references at computational overheads < 20% and sometimes much smaller compared to a plain self-consistency cycle.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 12(8): 4052-66, 2016 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27323006


The size-modified Poisson-Boltzmann (MPB) equation is an efficient implicit solvation model which also captures electrolytic solvent effects. It combines an account of the dielectric solvent response with a mean-field description of solvated finite-sized ions. We present a general solution scheme for the MPB equation based on a fast function-space-oriented Newton method and a Green's function preconditioned iterative linear solver. In contrast to popular multigrid solvers, this approach allows us to fully exploit specialized integration grids and optimized integration schemes. We describe a corresponding numerically efficient implementation for the full-potential density-functional theory (DFT) code FHI-aims. We show that together with an additional Stern layer correction the DFT+MPB approach can describe the mean activity coefficient of a KCl aqueous solution over a wide range of concentrations. The high sensitivity of the calculated activity coefficient on the employed ionic parameters thereby suggests to use extensively tabulated experimental activity coefficients of salt solutions for a systematic parametrization protocol.