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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38868456


Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become one of the most common imaging modalities for brain function analysis. Recently, graph neural networks (GNN) have been adopted for fMRI analysis with superior performance. Unfortunately, traditional functional brain networks are mainly constructed based on similarities among region of interests (ROIs), which are noisy and can lead to inferior results for GNN models. To better adapt GNNs for fMRI analysis, we propose DABNet, a Deep DAG learning framework based on Brain Networks for fMRI analysis. DABNet adopts a brain network generator module, which harnesses the DAG learning approach to transform the raw time-series into effective brain connectivities. Experiments on two fMRI datasets demonstrate the efficacy of DABNet. The generated brain networks also highlight the prediction-related brain regions and thus provide interpretations for predictions.

Front Big Data ; 5: 888592, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35800414


In classical causal inference, inferring cause-effect relations from data relies on the assumption that units are independent and identically distributed. This assumption is violated in settings where units are related through a network of dependencies. An example of such a setting is ad placement in sponsored search advertising, where the likelihood of a user clicking on a particular ad is potentially influenced by where it is placed and where other ads are placed on the search result page. In such scenarios, confounding arises due to not only the individual ad-level covariates but also the placements and covariates of other ads in the system. In this paper, we leverage the language of causal inference in the presence of interference to model interactions among the ads. Quantification of such interactions allows us to better understand the click behavior of users, which in turn impacts the revenue of the host search engine and enhances user satisfaction. We illustrate the utility of our formalization through experiments carried out on the ad placement system of the Bing search engine.

Proc Mach Learn Res ; 119: 7153-7163, 2020 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33283197


Missing data has the potential to affect analyses conducted in all fields of scientific study including healthcare, economics, and the social sciences. Several approaches to unbiased inference in the presence of non-ignorable missingness rely on the specification of the target distribution and its missingness process as a probability distribution that factorizes with respect to a directed acyclic graph. In this paper, we address the longstanding question of the characterization of models that are identifiable within this class of missing data distributions. We provide the first completeness result in this field of study - necessary and sufficient graphical conditions under which, the full data distribution can be recovered from the observed data distribution. We then simultaneously address issues that may arise due to the presence of both missing data and unmeasured confounding, by extending these graphical conditions and proofs of completeness, to settings where some variables are not just missing, but completely unobserved.

Proc Mach Learn Res ; 97: 4674-4682, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31886463


Systematic discriminatory biases present in our society influence the way data is collected and stored, the way variables are defined, and the way scientific findings are put into practice as policy. Automated decision procedures and learning algorithms applied to such data may serve to perpetuate existing injustice or unfairness in our society. In this paper, we consider how to make optimal but fair decisions, which "break the cycle of injustice" by correcting for the unfair dependence of both decisions and outcomes on sensitive features (e.g., variables that correspond to gender, race, disability, or other protected attributes). We use methods from causal inference and constrained optimization to learn optimal policies in a way that addresses multiple potential biases which afflict data analysis in sensitive contexts, extending the approach of Nabi & Shpitser (2018). Our proposal comes equipped with the theoretical guarantee that the chosen fair policy will induce a joint distribution for new instances that satisfies given fairness constraints. We illustrate our approach with both synthetic data and real criminal justice data.

Uncertain Artif Intell ; 20192019 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31885521


Missing data is a pervasive problem in data analyses, resulting in datasets that contain censored realizations of a target distribution. Many approaches to inference on the target distribution using censored observed data, rely on missing data models represented as a factorization with respect to a directed acyclic graph. In this paper we consider the identifiability of the target distribution within this class of models, and show that the most general identification strategies proposed so far retain a significant gap in that they fail to identify a wide class of identifiable distributions. To address this gap, we propose a new algorithm that significantly generalizes the types of manipulations used in the ID algorithm [14, 16], developed in the context of causal inference, in order to obtain identification.

Proc AAAI Conf Artif Intell ; 2018: 1931-1940, 2018 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29796336


In this paper, we consider the problem of fair statistical inference involving outcome variables. Examples include classification and regression problems, and estimating treatment effects in randomized trials or observational data. The issue of fairness arises in such problems where some covariates or treatments are "sensitive," in the sense of having potential of creating discrimination. In this paper, we argue that the presence of discrimination can be formalized in a sensible way as the presence of an effect of a sensitive covariate on the outcome along certain causal pathways, a view which generalizes (Pearl 2009). A fair outcome model can then be learned by solving a constrained optimization problem. We discuss a number of complications that arise in classical statistical inference due to this view and provide workarounds based on recent work in causal and semi-parametric inference.

Uncertain Artif Intell ; 20182018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30643490


The goal of personalized decision making is to map a unit's characteristics to an action tailored to maximize the expected outcome for that unit. Obtaining high-quality mappings of this type is the goal of the dynamic regime literature. In healthcare settings, optimizing policies with respect to a particular causal pathway may be of interest as well. For example, we may wish to maximize the chemical effect of a drug given data from an observational study where the chemical effect of the drug on the outcome is entangled with the indirect effect mediated by differential adherence. In such cases, we may wish to optimize the direct effect of a drug, while keeping the indirect effect to that of some reference treatment. [15] shows how to combine mediation analysis and dynamic treatment regime ideas to defines policies associated with causal pathways and counterfactual responses to these policies. In this paper, we derive a variety of methods for learning high quality policies of this type from data, in a causal model corresponding to a longitudinal setting of practical importance. We illustrate our methods via a dataset of HIV patients undergoing therapy, gathered in the Nigerian PEPFAR program.