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Plant Physiol ; 189(1): 129-151, 2022 05 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35099559


Cuscuta species (dodders) are agriculturally destructive, parasitic angiosperms. These parasitic plants use haustoria as physiological bridges to extract nutrients and water from hosts. Cuscuta campestris has a broad host range and wide geographical distribution. While some wild tomato relatives are resistant, cultivated tomatoes are generally susceptible to C. campestris infestations. However, some specific Heinz tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) hybrid cultivars exhibit resistance to dodders in the field, but their defense mechanism was previously unknown. Here, we discovered that the stem cortex in these resistant lines responds with local lignification upon C. campestris attachment, preventing parasite entry into the host. Lignin Induction Factor 1 (LIF1, an AP2-like transcription factor), SlMYB55, and Cuscuta R-gene for Lignin-based Resistance 1, a CC-NBS-LRR (CuRLR1) are identified as factors that confer host resistance by regulating lignification. SlWRKY16 is upregulated upon C. campestris infestation and potentially negatively regulates LIF1 function. Intriguingly, CuRLR1 may play a role in signaling or function as an intracellular receptor for receiving Cuscuta signals or effectors, thereby regulating lignification-based resistance. In summary, these four regulators control the lignin-based resistance response in specific Heinz tomato cultivars, preventing C. campestris from parasitizing resistant tomatoes. This discovery provides a foundation for investigating multilayer resistance against Cuscuta species and has potential for application in other essential crops attacked by parasitic plants.

Cuscuta , Solanum lycopersicum , Solanum , Cuscuta/fisiologia , Especificidade de Hospedeiro , Lignina , Solanum lycopersicum/genética
Plant Dis ; 2021 May 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33934632


In June of 2020 we observed greenhouse grown Cannabis sativa in Sonoma County, CA and Monterey County, CA showing stress symptoms: stunting, leaf chlorosis, and leaf senescence, when moved to flower production conditions. We uprooted symptomatic and healthy plants and observed disease symptoms only in symptomatic plants: reduced root mass, reduced root hair density, and necrosis. Roots and growth substrate samples were taken from infected and healthy plants for further analysis. Approximately one gram of soil was added to 20.0 mL deionized water and 5.0 mL of the resulting slurry was spread on water agar plates. Plates were rinsed free of soil after 24 hours of incubation, then incubated for an additional two days. Diffuse mycelial growth was observed on all soil plates from symptomatic plant pots and not healthy plant pots. Four subcultures were transferred to V8 media and grown for three days. Roots with brown lesions and healthy roots were surface sterilized by soaking in 0.1% sodium hypochlorite for five minutes, rinsed in sterile deionized water, and two-centimeter segments plated on V8 agar. After 24 hours mycelial growth was observed growing from the cut ends of the lesion roots and not the healthy-looking roots. Four subcultures were transferred to V8 and grown for three days. Mycelium from water sample isolates and root isolates were collected and DNA extractions performed using Quick DNA Fungi/Bacterial Kit (Zymo Research Irvine, CA, USA), then PCR amplified using ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) primers ITS100/ITS4 as described by Riit et al. and cytochrome oxidase I (COX) primers OomCox-Levup/OomCox-Levlo as described by Robideau et al. (Riit et al., 2016; Robideau et al., 2011). Amplicons from all eight isolates for each region were Sanger sequenced and the found to be identical, and consensus sequences deposited in Genebank with accession numbers MW436422 and MW448569 for ITS and COX sequences, respectively. Observation of cultures under light microscope revealed morphological characteristics congruent with P. myriotylum (Watanabe, 2002). Two V8 cultures isolated from roots were cut into approximately 2-3mm2 pieces and transferred to a one-liter flask of water. A negative control using clean V8 was also prepared. The flasks were placed on a rotary shaker and incubated at 150 rpm at ambient temperature for 48 hours. The resulting suspensions for zoospore and control treatments were observed under a light microscope and motile zoospores present in the water suspension from P. myriotylum cultures only. The zoospore suspension was then divided into six equal portions and applied to the soil of six C. sativa rooted cuttings in one-gallon pots. The control slurry was added to two C. sativa rooted cuttings. All plants were grown in a controlled environment for 28 days with 16-hour photoperiod. All plants were then removed from their pots and roots observed for symptoms. Plants that were treated with zoospore suspensions had tan to brown lesions on significant numbers of roots, and reduced root hair density compared to the plants treated with the control V8 agar suspension. Roots samples from all eight plants were then surfaced sterilized in bleach as previously described and five root sections from each plant plated on V8 media. After 48 hours mycelial growth was observed from root sections from P. myriotylum zoospore treated plants and not control plants. DNA extraction and PCR amplification for ITS and COX amplicons was performed from one representative culture for each plant, Sanger sequenced, and aligned with the previous sequences. All ITS and COX sequences were identical to the original sequences from greenhouse samples. P. myriotylum may cause root rot in C. sativa in greenhouse cultivation.

Plant Dis ; 2020 Dec 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33337241


In April of 2020 cuttings of Cannabis sativa (L.) in a greenhouse in San Mateo County, CA were observed collapsing, and further observation revealed: water-soaked stems, tan discoloration to the cortex, and discolored roots. The greenhouse irrigation system was supplied by a local stream. We collected one-liter water samples from: intake pond, reservoir tank, irrigation lines, and local potable water tap. Water samples were filtered and plated as described previously (Rollins et al., 2016). Filter papers were removed after 24 hours. Crown sections from four symptomatic plants and one asymptomatic plant were surfaced sterilized in 10% bleach for five minutes, rinsed in sterile deionized water, cut into four-millimeter long sections, and plated onto V8 media, then incubated at room temperature for three days. White mycelial growth was observed from foci within the print of the filter paper from all irrigation water samples but not the potable water supply sample. Similar mycelial growth was observed from plated crown tissue from symptomatic plants only. Observation under light microscope revealed characteristics congruent with P. ultimum, including aseptate hyphae and globose sporangia (Watanabe, 2002). Mycelia was collected for DNA extraction from each of the water and plant sample plates with DNA extractions performed using Quick DNA Fungi/Bacterial Kit (Zymo Research Irvine, CA, USA) and PCR amplified using primers ITS100/ITS4 as described by Riit et al. (2016). All amplicons were Sanger sequenced, aligned using SnapGene software (from GSL Biotech; available at, and compared to barcode referencPe sequences to identify the species using the BarCode of Life Database (BOLDsystems) within the National Center for Biotechnology Information nucleotide database. After trimming and aligning, all amplicons were found to be identical, yielding the 810-nucleotide long consensus ITS amplicon (accession MW114807), which aligned with Pythium ultimum ITS sequences (e.g., accession HQ643886.1) with 100% identity and homology. We then completed Koch's postulates by using pure cultures from root sections of P. ultimum to stem inoculate C. sativa plants. We used a three-millimeter corer to remove a disc of epidermis and applied a plug of pure culture to the wound. We inoculated 10 plants, with two plants mock-inoculated using clean V8 agar. Inoculation sites were wrapped in parafilm, and plants were grown in the greenhouse for 20 days. Stems of mock and oomycete inoculated plants were examined for callus formation and 30 centimeters of stem were excised from each plant. The mock inoculated plants had fully callused inoculation sites and were discolored only where wounded. P. ultimum inoculated plant inoculation sites were partially callused over and had tan discoloration of the cortex that extended 6.0 mm +/- 2.0 mm above and below the inoculation site. Stem segments above and below inoculation sites were surface sterilized and plated on V8 media as previously described and P. ultimum recovered from inoculated plants, confirmed as identical to the inoculum by ITS amplification and sequencing. Mock inoculated plant stem cultures yielded no oomycete growth. Together, these results indicate that P. ultimum has the ability to cause crown rot in C. sativa in greenhouse cultivation.