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Nature ; 605(7909): 285-290, 2022 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35477765


Comprehensive assessments of species' extinction risks have documented the extinction crisis1 and underpinned strategies for reducing those risks2. Global assessments reveal that, among tetrapods, 40.7% of amphibians, 25.4% of mammals and 13.6% of birds are threatened with extinction3. Because global assessments have been lacking, reptiles have been omitted from conservation-prioritization analyses that encompass other tetrapods4-7. Reptiles are unusually diverse in arid regions, suggesting that they may have different conservation needs6. Here we provide a comprehensive extinction-risk assessment of reptiles and show that at least 1,829 out of 10,196 species (21.1%) are threatened-confirming a previous extrapolation8 and representing 15.6 billion years of phylogenetic diversity. Reptiles are threatened by the same major factors that threaten other tetrapods-agriculture, logging, urban development and invasive species-although the threat posed by climate change remains uncertain. Reptiles inhabiting forests, where these threats are strongest, are more threatened than those in arid habitats, contrary to our prediction. Birds, mammals and amphibians are unexpectedly good surrogates for the conservation of reptiles, although threatened reptiles with the smallest ranges tend to be isolated from other threatened tetrapods. Although some reptiles-including most species of crocodiles and turtles-require urgent, targeted action to prevent extinctions, efforts to protect other tetrapods, such as habitat preservation and control of trade and invasive species, will probably also benefit many reptiles.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Extinção Biológica , Répteis , Jacarés e Crocodilos , Anfíbios , Animais , Biodiversidade , Aves , Mamíferos , Filogenia , Répteis/classificação , Medição de Risco , Tartarugas
Proc Biol Sci ; 291(2014): 20231693, 2024 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38196358


Intraspecific chemical communication in frogs is understudied and the few published cases are limited to externally visible and male-specific breeding glands. Frogs of the family Odontobatrachidae, a West African endemic complex of five morphologically cryptic species, have large, fatty gland-like strands along their lower mandible. We investigated the general anatomy of this gland-like strand and analysed its chemical composition. We found the strand to be present in males and females of all species. The strand varies in markedness, with well-developed strands usually found in reproductively active individuals. The strands are situated under particularly thin skin sections, the vocal sac in male frogs and a respective area in females. Gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry and multivariate analysis revealed that the strands contain sex- and species-specific chemical profiles, which are consistent across geographically distant populations. The profiles varied between reproductive and non-reproductive individuals. These results indicate that the mandibular strands in the Odontobatrachidae comprise a so far overlooked structure (potentially a gland) that most likely plays a role in the mating and/or breeding behaviour of the five Odontobatrachus species. Our results highlight the relevance of multimodal signalling in anurans, and indicate that chemical communication in frogs may not be restricted to sexually dimorphic, apparent skin glands.

Anuros , Reprodução , Caracteres Sexuais , Pele , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Cruzamento , Pele/química
Mol Ecol ; 31(15): 3979-3998, 2022 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34516675


Secondary sympatry amongst sister lineages is strongly associated with genetic and ecological divergence. This pattern suggests that for closely related species to coexist in secondary sympatry, they must accumulate differences in traits that mediate ecological and/or reproductive isolation. Here, we characterized inter- and intraspecific divergence in three giant tree frog species whose distributions stretch across West and Central Africa. Using genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism data, we demonstrated that species-level divergence coincides temporally and geographically with a period of large-scale forest fragmentation during the late Pliocene. Our environmental niche models further supported a dynamic history of climatic suitability and stability, and indicated that all three species occupy distinct environmental niches. We found modest morphological differentiation amongst the species with significant divergence in tympanum diameter and male advertisement call. In addition, we confirmed that two species occur in secondary sympatry in Central Africa but found no evidence of hybridization. These patterns support the hypothesis that cycles of genetic exchange and isolation across West and Central Africa have contributed to globally significant biodiversity. Furthermore, divergence in both ecology and reproductive traits appear to have played important roles in maintaining distinct lineages. At the intraspecific level, we found that climatic refugia, precipitation gradients, marine incursions, and potentially riverine barriers generated phylogeographic structure throughout the Pleistocene and into the Holocene. Further studies examining phenotypic divergence and secondary contact amongst these geographically structured populations may demonstrate how smaller scale and more recent biogeographic barriers contribute to regional diversification.

La sympatrie secondaire parmi les espèces sœurs est fortement associée à la divergence génétique et écologique. Ce modèle suggère que pour que des espèces étroitement liées coexistent en sympatrie secondaire, elles doivent accumuler des différences dans les traits qui contribuent à l'isolement écologique ou reproductif. Ici, nous avons caractérisé la divergence inter- et intra-spécifique chez trois espèces de grenouilles arboricoles géantes dont les distributions s'étendent à travers l'Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale. Avec des données génétiques, nous avons démontré que la divergence au niveau des espèces coïncide temporellement et géographiquement avec une période de fragmentation forestière à la fin du Pliocène. Nos modèles de niches environnementales ont soutenu une histoire dynamique de stabilité climatique, et ont indiqué que les trois espèces occupent des niches environnementales distinctes. Nous avons trouvé une différenciation morphologique modeste parmi les trois espèces mais une divergence significative dans le diamètre du tympan et les cris des mâles. De plus, nous avons confirmé que deux espèces sont présentes en sympatrie secondaire en Afrique Centrale mais n'avons trouvé aucune preuve d'hybridation. Ces résultats soutiennent l'hypothèse que les cycles d'échange génétique et d'isolement à travers l'Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale ont contribué à une profonde concentration de biodiversité dans la région. De plus, la divergence des traits écologiques et reproducteurs semble avoir joué un rôle important dans le maintien de lignées distinctes. Au niveau intra-spécifique, nous avons constaté que les refuges climatiques, les gradients de précipitation, les incursions marines et potentiellement les barrières fluviales ont généré une structure phylogéographique pendant le Pléistocène et jusqu'à l'Holocène. Des études examinant la divergence phénotypique et le contact secondaire entre ces populations géographiquement structurées pourraient démontrer comment des barrières biogéographiques à échelle plus petite et plus récentes contribuent à la diversification régionale.

Anuros , Biodiversidade , África Central , Animais , Anuros/genética , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Florestas , Variação Genética , Masculino , Filogenia , Filogeografia , Ranidae/genética
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(23): 7023-7037, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36172863


Tropical savannas are globally extensive and ecologically invaluable ecosystems. As most ecosystems however, they are subject to serious anthropogenic stress. Defaunation, and especially the loss of large mammals, is pervasive in tropical savannas and known to trigger wide-ranging ecological effects, from vegetation changes to the loss of ecosystem function. Despite what is currently known about the terrestrial consequences of defaunation, and the potential cross-ecosystem influence of large mammals, virtually no research has investigated associated effects on small adjacent water bodies. This research gap persists because (1) tropical savannas have been historically neglected, (2) the ecological value of small water bodies (e.g. ponds) is only recently being recognized, and (3) empirical baseline data are often lacking. In this paper, we compared a rare pre-change dataset with newly collected data on 213 freshwater assemblages, to investigate community structure and composition before and after a major defaunation event. Our research focused on a diverse species assemblage of amphibian larvae (i.e. tadpoles) in temporary savanna ponds. We found that pond vegetation cover increased from 16.0% to 45.6% post-defaunation, that is, a near three-fold increase. Such habitat changes seemed to have benefitted those species that use vegetation during reproduction (e.g. the leaf-folding Afrixalus spp.), while others have declined. Interestingly, we found a strong correlation between tadpole community shifts and other freshwater organisms, which indicates that habitat changes have affected a wide variety of aquatic organisms. Given that organisms inhabiting temporary aquatic habitats often have complex life histories with terrestrial adult life stages, we propose that the terrestrial effects of defaunation have indirectly led to distinct aquatic communities, in addition to direct habitat effects. These results shed new light on the potential role of large-bodied mammals in shaping adjacent ecosystems, and raise important questions concerning the functioning of temporary aquatic systems in the Anthropocene.

Les savanes tropicales sont des écosystèmes étendus à l'échelle mondiale et d'une valeur écologique inestimable, mais qui sont soumis à une pression anthropique croissante. La défaunation, en particulier la perte de grands mammifères, est omniprésente dans les savanes tropicales et pouvant déclencher des effets écologiques de grande envergure allant des changements de végétation à la perte des fonctions écosystémiques. Malgré ce qui est connu des conséquences terrestres de la défaunation, presque aucune recherche n'a étudié les effets de la défaunation sur les plans d'eau temporaires adjacents qui sont utilisés par les grands mammifères. Cette lacune persiste parce que (1) les savanes tropicales ont été historiquement négligées, (2) la valeur écologique des plans d'eau temporaires a souvent été sous-estimée et (3) les données empiriques de référence sont souvent absentes. Dans l'étude présente, nous avons utilisé des données pré/post-défaunation sur 213 assemblages aquatiques de savane, dans le but d'étudier la structure et la composition de ces communités avant et après qu'un événement majeur de défaunation ait eu lieu. Notre recherche se focalise sur des plans d'eau temporaire comptant un nombre important d'espèces de larves d'amphibiens (têtards). Nous avons détecté une multiplication moyenne par près de trois de la couverture végétale des plans d'eau après la défaunation (16,0% à 45,6%). Ces changements d'habitat semblent avoir profité aux espèces qui utilisent la végétation pour leur reproduction (par exemple, Afrixalus spp.), tandis que d'autres espèces avec d'autres préférences d'habitat ont décliné. Nous avons calculé une forte corrélation entre la composition des têtards et celle de leurs prédateurs, ce qui indique que les changements d'habitat ont affecté la plupart des membres de ces communautés aquatiques. Étant donné que les organismes d'habitats aquatiques temporaires ont pour la plupart un cycle biologique complexe figurant à la fois un stade larvaire aquatique et un stade adulte terrestre, nous proposons qu'en plus des effets directs sur l'habitat aquatique (augmentation de la végétation), les effets terrestres de la défaunation ont indirectement altéré les communautés. Ces résultats suggèrent un rôle important des grands mammifères par leur influence sur les écosystèmes aquatique adjacents et soulèvent des questions urgentes concernant la fonctionnalité des systèmes aquatiques temporaires dans l'Anthropocène.

Ecossistema , Pradaria , Animais , Água Doce , Organismos Aquáticos , Mamíferos , Larva , Água
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 162: 107184, 2021 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33932615


African amphibian diversity remains underestimated with many cryptic lineages awaiting formal description. An important hotspot of amphibian diversification is the Guineo-Congolian rainforest in Central Africa, its richness attributable to present day and ancestral range fragmentation through geological barriers, habitat expansion and contraction, and the presence of steep ecological gradients. The charismatic Nectophryne tree toads present an interesting case study for diversification in this region. The two formally described species comprising this genus show nearly identical geographic distributions extending across most of the Guineo-Congolian rainforest, but show little morphological disparity. Both species harbour extensive genetic diversity warranting taxonomic revisions, and interestingly, when comparing the subclades within each, the two species show remarkably parallel diversification histories, both in terms of timing of phylogenetic splits and their geographic distributions. This indicates that common processes may have shaped the evolutionary history of these lineages.

Bufonidae/genética , Filogenia , Filogeografia , Floresta Úmida , Animais , Feminino , Masculino
Glob Chang Biol ; 26(12): 6729-6741, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32975007


Despite growing pressure on biodiversity deriving from increasing anthropogenic disturbances, some species successfully persist in altered ecosystems. However, these species' characteristics and thresholds, as well as the environmental frame behind that process are usually unknown. We collected data on body size, fluctuating asymmetry (FA), as well as nitrogen stable isotopes (δ15 N) from museum specimens of the European Common Frog, Rana temporaria, all originating from the Berlin-Brandenburg area, Germany, in order to test: (a) if specimens have changed over the last 150 years (1868-2018); and (b) if changes could be attributed to increasing urbanization and agricultural intensity. We detected that after the Second World War, frogs were larger than in pre-war Berlin. In rural Brandenburg, we observed no such size change. FA analysis revealed a similar tendency with lower levels in Berlin after the war and higher levels in Brandenburg. Enrichment of δ15 N decreased over time in both regions but was generally higher and less variable in sites with agricultural land use. Frogs thus seem to encounter favorable habitat conditions after pollution in postwar Berlin improved, but no such tendencies were observable in the predominantly agricultural landscape of Brandenburg. Urbanization, characterized by the proportion of built-up area, was not the main associated factor for the observed trait changes. However, we detected a relationship with the amount of urban greenspace. Our study exemplifies that increasing urbanization must not necessarily worsen conditions for species living in urban habitats. The Berlin example demonstrates that public parks and other urban greenspaces have the potential to serve as suitable refuges for some species. These findings underline the urgency of establishing, maintaining, and connecting such habitats, and generally consider their importance for future urban planning.

Ecossistema , Urbanização , Agricultura , Animais , Cidades , Alemanha , Rana temporaria
Syst Biol ; 68(6): 859-875, 2019 11 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31140573


Theory predicts that sexually dimorphic traits under strong sexual selection, particularly those involved with intersexual signaling, can accelerate speciation and produce bursts of diversification. Sexual dichromatism (sexual dimorphism in color) is widely used as a proxy for sexual selection and is associated with rapid diversification in several animal groups, yet studies using phylogenetic comparative methods to explicitly test for an association between sexual dichromatism and diversification have produced conflicting results. Sexual dichromatism is rare in frogs, but it is both striking and prevalent in African reed frogs, a major component of the diverse frog radiation termed Afrobatrachia. In contrast to most other vertebrates, reed frogs display female-biased dichromatism in which females undergo color transformation, often resulting in more ornate coloration in females than in males. We produce a robust phylogeny of Afrobatrachia to investigate the evolutionary origins of sexual dichromatism in this radiation and examine whether the presence of dichromatism is associated with increased rates of net diversification. We find that sexual dichromatism evolved once within hyperoliids and was followed by numerous independent reversals to monochromatism. We detect significant diversification rate heterogeneity in Afrobatrachia and find that sexually dichromatic lineages have double the average net diversification rate of monochromatic lineages. By conducting trait simulations on our empirical phylogeny, we demonstrate that our inference of trait-dependent diversification is robust. Although sexual dichromatism in hyperoliid frogs is linked to their rapid diversification and supports macroevolutionary predictions of speciation by sexual selection, the function of dichromatism in reed frogs remains unclear. We propose that reed frogs are a compelling system for studying the roles of natural and sexual selection on the evolution of sexual dichromatism across micro- and macroevolutionary timescales.

Anuros/classificação , Filogenia , Pigmentação , África , Animais , Anuros/fisiologia , Evolução Biológica , Feminino , Masculino , Caracteres Sexuais
Bioscience ; 69(11): 888-899, 2019 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31719711


Global change has complex eco-evolutionary consequences for organisms and ecosystems, but related concepts (e.g., novel ecosystems) do not cover their full range. Here we propose an umbrella concept of "ecological novelty" comprising (1) a site-specific and (2) an organism-centered, eco-evolutionary perspective. Under this umbrella, complementary options for studying and communicating effects of global change on organisms, ecosystems, and landscapes can be included in a toolbox. This allows researchers to address ecological novelty from different perspectives, e.g., by defining it based on (a) categorical or continuous measures, (b) reference conditions related to sites or organisms, and (c) types of human activities. We suggest striving for a descriptive, non-normative usage of the term "ecological novelty" in science. Normative evaluations and decisions about conservation policies or management are important, but require additional societal processes and engagement with multiple stakeholders.

Ecol Lett ; 21(8): 1135-1142, 2018 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29790283


Bridging the gap between the fossil record and conservation biology has recently become of great interest. The enormous number of documented extinctions across different taxa can provide insights into the extinction risk of living species. However, few studies have explored this connection. We used generalised boosted modelling to analyse the impact of several traits that are assumed to influence extinction risk on the stratigraphic duration of amphibian species in the fossil record. We used this fossil-calibrated model to predict the extinction risk for living species. We observed a high consensus between our predicted species durations and the current IUCN Red List status of living amphibian species. We also found that today's Data Deficient species are mainly predicted to experience short durations, hinting at their likely high threat status. Our study suggests that the fossil record can be a suitable tool for the evaluation of current taxa-specific Red Listing status.

Anfíbios , Extinção Biológica , Fósseis , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 120: 274-285, 2018 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29246817


Frogs in the genus Amnirana (family Ranidae) are widely distributed across sub-Saharan Africa and present a model system for exploring the relationship between diversification and geography across the continent. Using multiple loci from the mitochondrial (16S) and nuclear genomes (DISP2, FICD, KIAA2013, REV3L), we generated a strongly supported species-level phylogeny that provides insights into the continental biogeography of African species of Amnirana, which form a monophyletic group within the genus. Species delimitation analyses suggest that there may be as many as seven additional species of Amnirana in Africa. The biogeographic history of Amnirana is marked by several dispersal and vicariance events, including dispersal from the Lower Guinean Forest into the Congo Basin. In addition, phylogeographic patterns within two widespread species, A. albolabris and A. galamensis, reveal undescribed cryptic diversity. Populations assigned to A. albolabris in western Africa are more closely related to A. fonensis and require recognition as a distinct species. Our analyses reveal that the Lower and Upper Guinean Forest regions served as important centers of interspecific and intraspecific diversifications for Amnirana.

Anuros/classificação , Biodiversidade , Filogenia , África Subsaariana , Proteínas de Anfíbios/classificação , Proteínas de Anfíbios/genética , Proteínas de Anfíbios/metabolismo , Animais , Anuros/genética , DNA/classificação , DNA/isolamento & purificação , DNA/metabolismo , DNA Mitocondrial/classificação , DNA Mitocondrial/isolamento & purificação , DNA Mitocondrial/metabolismo , Evolução Molecular , Proteínas de Membrana/classificação , Proteínas de Membrana/genética , Proteínas de Membrana/metabolismo , Filogeografia , Análise de Sequência de DNA
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 127: 288-303, 2018 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29551523


Members of the snake subfamily Aparallactinae occur in various habitats throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The monophyly of aparallactine snakes is well established, but relationships within the subfamily are poorly known. We sampled 158 individuals from six of eight aparallactine genera in sub-Saharan Africa. We employed concatenated gene-tree analyses, divergence dating approaches, and ancestral-area reconstructions to infer phylogenies and biogeographic patterns with a multi-locus data set consisting of three mitochondrial (16S, cyt b, and ND4) and two nuclear genes (c-mos and RAG1). As a result, we uncover several cryptic lineages and elevate a lineage of Polemon to full species status. Diversification occurred predominantly during the Miocene, with a few speciation events occurring subsequently in the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Biogeographic analyses suggested that the Zambezian biogeographic region, comprising grasslands and woodlands, facilitated radiations, vicariance, and dispersal for many aparallactines. Moreover, the geographic distributions of many forest species were fragmented during xeric and cooler conditions, which likely led to diversification events. Biogeographic patterns of aparallactine snakes are consistent with previous studies of other sub-Saharan herpetofauna.

Clima Desértico , Lagartos/anatomia & histologia , Lagartos/classificação , Filogenia , Filogeografia , África Subsaariana , Animais , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Funções Verossimilhança , Lagartos/genética , Serpentes/anatomia & histologia , Serpentes/genética
Proc Biol Sci ; 284(1851)2017 Mar 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28356450


How evolutionary novelties evolve is a major question in evolutionary biology. It is widely accepted that changes in environmental conditions shift the position of selective optima, and advancements in phylogenetic comparative approaches allow the rigorous testing of such correlated transitions. A longstanding question in vertebrate biology has been the evolution of terrestrial life histories in amphibians and here, by investigating African bufonids, we test whether terrestrial modes of reproduction have evolved as adaptations to particular abiotic habitat parameters. We reconstruct and date the most complete species-level molecular phylogeny and estimate ancestral states for reproductive modes. By correlating continuous habitat measurements from remote sensing data and locality records with life-history transitions, we discover that terrestrial modes of reproduction, including viviparity evolved multiple times in this group, most often directly from fully aquatic modes. Terrestrial modes of reproduction are strongly correlated with steep terrain and low availability of accumulated water sources. Evolutionary transitions to terrestrial modes of reproduction occurred synchronously with or after transitions in habitat, and we, therefore, interpret terrestrial breeding as an adaptation to these abiotic conditions, rather than an exaptation that facilitated the colonization of montane habitats.

Bufonidae/fisiologia , Meio Ambiente , Reprodução , Animais , Evolução Biológica , Filogenia
Mol Ecol ; 26(19): 5245-5263, 2017 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28748565


The accumulation of biodiversity in tropical forests can occur through multiple allopatric and parapatric models of diversification, including forest refugia, riverine barriers and ecological gradients. Considerable debate surrounds the major diversification process, particularly in the West African Lower Guinea forests, which contain a complex geographic arrangement of topographic features and historical refugia. We used genomic data to investigate alternative mechanisms of diversification in the Gaboon forest frog, Scotobleps gabonicus, by first identifying population structure and then performing demographic model selection and spatially explicit analyses. We found that a majority of population divergences are best explained by allopatric models consistent with the forest refugia hypothesis and involve divergence in isolation with subsequent expansion and gene flow. These population divergences occurred simultaneously and conform to predictions based on climatically stable regions inferred through ecological niche modelling. Although forest refugia played a prominent role in the intraspecific diversification of S. gabonicus, we also find evidence for potential interactions between landscape features and historical refugia, including major rivers and elevational barriers such as the Cameroonian Volcanic Line. We outline the advantages of using genomewide variation in a model-testing framework to distinguish between alternative allopatric hypotheses, and the pitfalls of limited geographic and molecular sampling. Although phylogeographic patterns are often species-specific and related to life-history traits, additional comparative studies incorporating genomic data are necessary for separating shared historical processes from idiosyncratic responses to environmental, climatic and geological influences on diversification.

Anuros/classificação , Biodiversidade , Evolução Biológica , Filogenia , Animais , Camarões , Congo , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Guiné Equatorial , Florestas , Gabão , Fluxo Gênico , Modelos Biológicos , Nigéria , Filogeografia , Clima Tropical
Mol Ecol ; 26(19): 5223-5244, 2017 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28753250


Organismal traits interact with environmental variation to mediate how species respond to shared landscapes. Thus, differences in traits related to dispersal ability or physiological tolerance may result in phylogeographic discordance among co-distributed taxa, even when they are responding to common barriers. We quantified climatic suitability and stability, and phylogeographic divergence within three reed frog species complexes across the Guineo-Congolian forests and Gulf of Guinea archipelago of Central Africa to investigate how they responded to a shared climatic and geological history. Our species-specific estimates of climatic suitability through time are consistent with temporal and spatial heterogeneity in diversification among the species complexes, indicating that differences in ecological breadth may partly explain these idiosyncratic patterns. Likewise, we demonstrated that fluctuating sea levels periodically exposed a land bridge connecting Bioko Island with the mainland Guineo-Congolian forest and that habitats across the exposed land bridge likely enabled dispersal in some species, but not in others. We did not find evidence that rivers are biogeographic barriers across any of the species complexes. Despite marked differences in the geographic extent of stable climates and temporal estimates of divergence among the species complexes, we recovered a shared pattern of intermittent climatic suitability with recent population connectivity and demographic expansion across the Congo Basin. This pattern supports the hypothesis that genetic exchange across the Congo Basin during humid periods, followed by vicariance during arid periods, has shaped regional diversity. Finally, we identified many distinct lineages among our focal taxa, some of which may reflect incipient or unrecognized species.

Anuros/classificação , Evolução Biológica , Mudança Climática , Florestas , Filogenia , África Central , Animais , Núcleo Celular/genética , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Feminino , Guiné , Ilhas , Masculino , Modelos Biológicos , Fenótipo , Filogeografia
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 106: 254-269, 2017 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27664344


The Mascarene ridged frog, Ptychadena mascareniensis, is a species complex that includes numerous lineages occurring mostly in humid savannas and open forests of mainland Africa, Madagascar, the Seychelles, and the Mascarene Islands. Sampling across this broad distribution presents an opportunity to examine the genetic differentiation within this complex and to investigate how the evolution of bioclimatic niches may have shaped current biogeographic patterns. Using model-based phylogenetic methods and molecular-clock dating, we constructed a time-calibrated molecular phylogenetic hypothesis for the group based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome b (cytb) genes and the nuclear RAG1 gene from 173 individuals. Haplotype networks were reconstructed and species boundaries were investigated using three species-delimitation approaches: Bayesian generalized mixed Yule-coalescent model (bGMYC), the Poisson Tree Process model (PTP) and a cluster algorithm (SpeciesIdentifier). Estimates of similarity in bioclimatic niche were calculated from species-distribution models (maxent) and multivariate statistics (Principal Component Analysis, Discriminant Function Analysis). Ancestral-area reconstructions were performed on the phylogeny using probabilistic approaches implemented in BioGeoBEARS. We detected high levels of genetic differentiation yielding ten distinct lineages or operational taxonomic units, and Central Africa was found to be a diversity hotspot for these frogs. Most speciation events took place throughout the Miocene, including "out-of-Africa" overseas dispersal events to Madagascar in the East and to São Tomé in the West. Bioclimatic niche was remarkably well conserved, with most species tolerating similar temperature and rainfall conditions common to the Central African region. The P. mascareniensis complex provides insights into how bioclimatic niche shaped the current biogeographic patterns with niche conservatism being exhibited by the Central African radiation and niche divergence shaping populations in West Africa and Madagascar. Central Africa, including the Albertine Rift region, has been an important center of diversification for this species complex.

Ranidae/classificação , África , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Citocromos b/classificação , Citocromos b/genética , Citocromos b/metabolismo , DNA/química , DNA/isolamento & purificação , DNA/metabolismo , Ecologia , Haplótipos , Proteínas de Homeodomínio/classificação , Proteínas de Homeodomínio/genética , Proteínas de Homeodomínio/metabolismo , Madagáscar , Filogenia , Filogeografia , Análise de Componente Principal , RNA Ribossômico 16S/classificação , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , RNA Ribossômico 16S/metabolismo , Ranidae/genética , Análise de Sequência de DNA
BMC Ecol ; 17(1): 25, 2017 06 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28659130


BACKGROUND: Ongoing conversion, disturbance and fragmentation of tropical forests stress this ecosystem and cause the decline or disappearance of many species. Particular traits have been identified which indicate an increasing extinction risk of a species, but traits facilitating survival in altered habitats have mostly been neglected. Here we search for traits that make a species tolerant to disturbances, thus independent of pristine forests. We identify the fauna that have an increasing effect on the ecosystem and its functioning in our human-dominated landscapes. METHODS: We use a unique set of published data on the occurrences of 243 frog species in pristine and altered forests throughout the tropics. We established a forest dependency index with four levels, based on these occurrence data and applied Random Forest classification and binomial Generalized Linear Models to test whether species life history traits, ecological traits or range size influence the likelihood of a species to persist in disturbed habitats. RESULTS: Our results revealed that indirect developing species exhibiting a large range size and wide elevational distribution, being independent of streams, and inhabiting the leaf litter, cope best with modifications of their natural habitats. CONCLUSION: The traits identified in our study will likely persist in altered tropical forest systems and are comparable to those generally recognized for a low species extinction risk. Hence our findings will help to predict future frog communities in our human-dominated world.

Anuros/fisiologia , Ecossistema , Animais , Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Extinção Biológica , Florestas , Modelos Estatísticos , Árvores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Clima Tropical
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 100: 409-423, 2016 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27118179


African snake-eyed skinks are relatively small lizards of the genera Panaspis and Afroablepharus. Species allocation of these genera frequently changed during the 20th century based on morphology, ecology, and biogeography. Members of these genera occur primarily in savanna habitats throughout sub-Saharan Africa and include species whose highly conserved morphology poses challenges for taxonomic studies. We sequenced two mitochondrial (16S and cyt b) and two nuclear genes (PDC and RAG1) from 76 Panaspis and Afroablepharus samples from across eastern, central, and southern Africa. Concatenated gene-tree and divergence-dating analyses were conducted to infer phylogenies and biogeographic patterns. Molecular data sets revealed several cryptic lineages, with most radiations occurring during the mid-Miocene to Pliocene. We infer that rifting processes (including the formation of the East African Rift System) and climatic oscillations contributed to the expansion and contraction of savannas, and caused cladogenesis in snake-eyed skinks. Species in Panaspis and Afroablepharus used in this study, including type species for both genera, formed a monophyletic group. As a result, the latter genus should be synonymized with the former, which has priority. Conservatively, we continue to include the West African species P. breviceps and P. togoensis within an expanded Panaspis, but note that they occur in relatively divergent clades, and their taxonomic status may change with improved taxon sampling. Divergence estimates and cryptic speciation patterns of snake-eyed skinks were consistent with previous studies of other savanna vertebrate lineages from the same areas examined in this study.

Lagartos/genética , África Subsaariana , África Austral , Animais , Anuros/genética , Sequência de Bases , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Evolução Molecular , Especiação Genética , Pradaria , Lagartos/classificação , Tipagem de Sequências Multilocus , Filogenia , Proteínas de Répteis/genética
Naturwissenschaften ; 103(7-8): 51, 2016 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27262290


Anurans are renowned for a high diversity of reproductive modes, but less than 1 % of species exhibit internal fertilisation followed by viviparity. In the live-bearing West African Nimba toad (Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis), females produce yolk-poor eggs and internally nourish their young after fertilisation. Birth of fully developed juveniles takes place after 9 months. In the present study, we used genetic markers (eight microsatellite loci) to assign the paternity of litters of 12 females comprising on average 9.7 juveniles. In 9 out of 12 families (75 %), a single sire was sufficient; in three families (25 %), more than one sire was necessary to explain the observed genotypes in each family. These findings are backed up with field observations of male resource defence (underground cavities in which mating takes place) as well as coercive mating attempts, suggesting that the observed moderate level of multiple paternity in a species without distinct sperm storage organs is governed by a balance of female mate choice and male reproductive strategies.

Anuros/fisiologia , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Animais , Anuros/genética , Feminino , Fertilização/fisiologia , Genótipo , Masculino , Repetições de Microssatélites/genética , Paternidade
Beilstein J Org Chem ; 12: 2731-2738, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28144343


The contents of the gular glands of the male African reed frog Hyperolius cinnamomeoventris consist of a mixture of aliphatic macrolides and sesquiterpenes. While the known macrolide gephyromantolide A was readily identified, the structure of another major component was suggested to be a tetradecen-13-olide. The synthesis of the two candidate compounds (Z)-5- and (Z)-9-tetradecen-13-olide revealed the former to be the naturally occurring compound. The synthesis used ring-closing metathesis as key step. While the Hoveyda-Grubbs catalyst furnished a broad range of isomeric products, the (Z)-selective Grubbs catalyst lead to pure (Z)-products. Analysis by chiral GC revealed the natural frog compound to be (5Z,13S)-5-tetradecen-13-olide (1). This compound is also present in the secretion of other hyperoliid frogs as well as in femoral glands of male mantellid frogs such as Spinomantis aglavei. The mass spectra of the synthesized macrolides as well as their rearranged isomers obtained during ring-closing metathesis showed that it is possible to assign the location of the double bond in an unsaturated macrolide on the basis of its EI mass spectrum. The occurrence of characteristic ions can be explained by the fragmentation pathway proposed in the article. In contrast, the localization of a double bond in many aliphatic open-chain compounds like alkenes, alcohols or acetates, important structural classes of pheromones, is usually not possible from an EI mass spectrum. In the article, we present the synthesis and for the first time elucidate the structure of macrolides from the frog family Hyperoliidae.

BMC Evol Biol ; 15: 67, 2015 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25928080


BACKGROUND: Correct species identification is crucial in different fields of biology, and in conservation. The endemic West African frog family Odontobatrachidae currently contains a single described species, Odontobatrachus natator. From western Guinea to western Côte d'Ivoire it inhabits forests around waterfalls or cascades. Based on more than 130 specimens from 78 localities, covering the entire distribution, we investigated the molecular diversity of these frogs. RESULTS: Our analyses included mitochondrial and nuclear genes, with a concatenated alignment of 3527 base pairs. We detected high level of genetic differentiation with five distinct lineages or operational taxonomic units (OTUs). These OTUs were also identified by two different species delimitation approaches, Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent (GMYC) and cluster algorithm. All OTUs occur in parapatry in the Upper Guinean forests. One OTU, assigned to the "true" Odontobatrachus natator, covers the largest distribution, ranging from the border region of western Sierra Leone-Guinea to eastern Liberia. Two OTUs are restricted to western Guinea (Fouta Djallon and foothills), while two others occur in eastern Guinea and the border region of Guinea-Liberia-Côte d'Ivoire. The OTU representing O. natator consists of two divergent subclades: one restricted to the Freetown Peninsula (Sierra Leone) and the other covering all populations further inland. Environmental niche models indicated that the restricted Freetown Peninsula population is separated by unsuitable habitat from remaining populations. CONCLUSION: Geographic isolation of OTUs and molecular differences comparable to species level differentiation in other frog families indicate that O. natator contains cryptic species diversity. Respective distribution patterns most probably resulted from repeated changes of forest cover (contraction and expansion) over evolutionary timescales. The survival within forest refugia that have persisted through multiple drier periods and subsequent dispersal during wetter times may best explain the observed geographic distributions of OTUs. According to the IUCN Red List range criteria each OTU should be classified as "Endangered." If the Freetown Peninsula "natator" population is recognized as a distinct species it would warrant recognition as "Critically Endangered." The identification of cryptic lineages highlights the urgent need to protect these frogs, all of which are endemic to small areas within the Upper Guinean biodiversity hotspot.

Anuros/classificação , Anuros/genética , África Ocidental , Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Filogenia