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Conserv Biol ; 36(6): e13982, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35946319


River conservation efforts traditionally focus on perennial watercourses (i.e., those that do not dry) and their associated aquatic biodiversity. However, most of the global river network is not perennial and thus supports both aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity. We assessed the conservation value of nonperennial rivers and streams (NPRS) in one of Europe's driest regions based on aquatic (macroinvertebrates, diatoms) and terrestrial (riparian plants, birds, and carabid beetles) community data. We mapped the distribution of taxa at 90 locations and across wide environmental gradients. Using the systematic planning tool Marxan, we identified priority conservation sites under 2 scenarios: aquatic taxa alone or aquatic and terrestrial taxa together. We explored how environmental factors (runoff, flow intermittence, elevation, salinity, anthropogenic impact) influenced Marxan's site selection frequency. The NPRS were selected more frequently (over 13% on average) than perennial rivers when both aquatic and terrestrial taxa were considered, suggesting that NPRS have a high conservation value at the catchment scale. We detected an underrepresentation of terrestrial taxa (8.4-10.6% terrestrial vs. 0.5-1.1% aquatic taxa were unrepresented in most Marxan solutions) when priority sites were identified based exclusively on aquatic biodiversity, which points to a low surrogacy value of aquatic taxa for terrestrial taxa. Runoff explained site selection when focusing on aquatic taxa (all best-fitting models included runoff, r2  = 0.26-0.27), whereas elevation, salinity, and flow intermittence were more important when considering both groups. In both cases, site selection frequency declined as anthropogenic impact increased. Our results highlight the need to integrate terrestrial and aquatic communities when identifying priority areas for conservation in catchments with NPRS. This is key to overcoming drawbacks of traditional assessments based only on aquatic taxa and to ensure the conservation of NPRS, especially as NPRS become more prevalent worldwide due to climate change and increasing water demands.

Los esfuerzos de conservación fluvial se enfocan tradicionalmente en los cauces permanentes (aquellos que no se secan) y la biodiversidad acuática asociada. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la red hidrográfica mundial no es permanente, por lo que sustenta biodiversidad tanto acuática como terrestre. Evaluamos el valor de conservación de los ríos y arroyos no permanentes (RANP) en una de las regiones más secas de Europa con datos de comunidades acuáticas (macroinvertebrados, diatomeas) y terrestres (escarabajos carábidos). Mapeamos la distribución de los taxones en 90 localidades que cubren gradientes ambientales amplios. Con la herramienta de planificación sistemática Marxan identificamos los sitios prioritarios de conservación bajo dos escenarios: considerando sólo los taxones acuáticos o los taxones acuáticos y terrestres juntos. Exploramos cómo los factores ambientales (escorrentía, intermitencia del caudal, altitud, salinidad, impacto antropogénico) influyeron sobre la frecuencia de selección de sitio de Marxan. Los RANP fueron seleccionados con mayor frecuencia (más del 13% en promedio) que los ríos permanentes cuando consideramos los taxones acuáticos y terrestres, lo que sugiere que los RANP tienen un valor elevado de conservación a escala de cuenca. Detectamos que los taxones terrestres estaban infrarrepresentados (8.4-10.6% taxones terrestres vs. 0.5-1.1% acuáticos no tuvieron representación en la mayoría de las soluciones de Marxan) cuando los sitios prioritarios para la conservación se identificaban exclusivamente con la biodiversidad acuática, lo que indica que los taxones acuáticos tienen un reducido valor indicador para los taxones terrestres. La escorrentía determinó la selección de sitios cuando se basó en los taxones acuáticos (los mejores modelos incluyeron la escorrentía, r2 = 0.26-0.27), mientras que la altitud, la salinidad y la intermitencia del caudal fueron más importantes cuando se consideraron ambos grupos. En ambos casos, la frecuencia de selección disminuyó conforme se incrementó el impacto antropogénico. Nuestros resultados resaltan la necesidad de integrar las comunidades terrestres y acuáticas a la identificación de las áreas prioritarias para la conservación de la biodiversidad en cuencas con RANP. Lo anterior es importante para superar las evaluaciones tradicionales basadas solamente en los taxones acuáticos y para garantizar la conservación de los RANP, especialmente ahora que estos son cada vez más frecuentes a nivel mundial debido al cambio climático y a la creciente demanda de agua.

Ecossistema , Rios , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Biodiversidade
Sci Total Environ ; 806(Pt 4): 151308, 2022 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34756905


Rivers are generally considered critical habitats for biodiversity; however, this often ignores the fact that many rivers may run dry and support terrestrial as well as aquatic fauna. Here, we investigated the ecological value of intermittent rivers for terrestrial vertebrates by installing camera traps along rivers subject to varying dry periods in two contrasting European climatic zones. We then analysed i) species presence and behaviours (as a proxy of ecological functions) on perennial and intermittent streams; ii) environmental (hydrological and geomorphological) and anthropogenic factors affecting the frequency of occurrence and number of species recorded; and iii) the importance of hydrological factors as regards ecological functioning. In both study areas, we recorded a higher number of species and individuals along intermittent streams than perennial streams, with highest values in intermittent reaches exhibiting shorter dry periods. Both abundance and species richness were strongly affected by hydrological factors in both study areas, including not only the occurrence but also the duration of the dry period. Dry channels played a key role as migration corridors and as a source of food, being used more frequently than riparian habitats when the river ran dry. Our findings indicate that terrestrial vertebrate fauna benefit from dry phases in rivers. Intermittent rivers, supporting a high abundance and diversity of fauna, should be considered as target ecosystems for wildlife conservation. Not doing so will jeopardise urgently needed conservation strategies in the face of accelerating global climate change.

Ecossistema , Rios , Animais , Biodiversidade , Monitoramento Ambiental , Humanos , Vertebrados
PLoS One ; 16(12): e0260163, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34890389


Conferences are ideal platforms for studying gender gaps in science because they are important cultural events that reflect barriers to women in academia. Here, we explored women's participation in ecology conferences by analyzing female representation, behavior, and personal experience at the 1st Meeting of the Iberian Society of Ecology (SIBECOL). The conference had 722 attendees, 576 contributions, and 27 scientific sessions. The gender of attendees and presenters was balanced (48/52% women/men), yet only 29% of the contributions had a woman as last author. Moreover, men presented most of the keynote talks (67%) and convened most of the sessions. Our results also showed that only 32% of the questions were asked by women, yet the number of questions raised by women increased when the speaker or the convener was a woman. Finally, the post-conference survey revealed that attendees had a good experience and did not perceive the event as a threatening context for women. Yet, differences in the responses between genders suggest that women tended to have a worse experience than their male counterparts. Although our results showed clear gender biases, most of the participants of the conference failed to detect it. Overall, we highlight the challenge of increasing women's scientific leadership, visibility and interaction in scientific conferences and we suggest several recommendations for creating inclusive meetings, thereby promoting equal opportunities for all participants.

Ecologia/métodos , Comportamento , Feminino , Humanos , Liderança , Masculino , Percepção , Sexismo
PLoS One ; 13(3): e0193933, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29590140


In the present study, we examined the effects of different drying conditions on the composition, structure and function of benthic invertebrate assemblages. We approached this objective by comparing invertebrate assemblages in perennial and intermittent sites along two intermittent Mediterranean streams with contrasting predictability, duration, and spatial patterns of drying: Fuirosos (high predictability, short duration, downstream drying pattern) and Rogativa (low predictability, long duration, patchy drying pattern). Specifically, we quantified the contribution of individual taxa to those differences, the degree of nestedness, and shifts in the composition, structure and function of benthic invertebrate assemblages along flow intermittence gradients. We observed greater effects of drying on the benthic invertebrate composition in Fuirosos than in Rogativa, resulting in a higher dissimilarity of assemblages between perennial and intermittent sites, as well as a lower degree of nestedness. Furthermore, a higher number of biotic metrics related to richness, abundance and biological traits were significantly different between perennial and intermittent sites in Fuirosos, despite a shorter dry period compared to Rogativa. At the same time, slightly different responses were detected during post-drying (autumn) than pre-drying (spring) conditions in this stream. In Rogativa, shifts in benthic invertebrate assemblages along increasing gradients of flow intermittence were found for three metrics (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) and Odonata, Coleoptera and Heteroptera (OCH) abundances and aerial active dispersal. Furthermore, we demonstrated that combined gradients of dry period duration and distance to nearest perennial reach can generate complex, and different, responses of benthic invertebrate assemblages, depending on the flow intermittence metric. Our study advances the notion that special attention should be paid to the predictability, duration and spatial patterns of drying in intermittent streams in order to disentangle the effects of drying on benthic invertebrate assemblages, in particular in areas subject to high spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability in drying conditions.

Invertebrados/fisiologia , Animais , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Rios , Estações do Ano , Fatores de Tempo