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Nano Lett ; 23(22): 10473-10479, 2023 Nov 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37930154


Molecular junctions are potentially highly efficient devices for thermal energy harvesting since their transmission properties can be tailored to break electron-hole transport symmetry and consequently yield high Seebeck and Peltier coefficients. Full harnessing of this potential requires, however, a capability to precisely position their Fermi level within the transmission landscape. Currently, with the lack of such a "knob" for two-lead junctions, their thermoelectric performance is too low for applications. Here we report that the requested capability can be realized by using junctions with a semimetal lead and molecules with a tailored effect of their monolayers on the work function of the semimetal. The approach is demonstrated by junctions with monolayers of alkanethiols on bismuth (Bi). Fermi-level tuning enables in this case increasing the Seebeck coefficient by more than 2 orders of magnitude. The underlying mechanism of this capability is discussed, as well as its general applicability.

Small ; 19(12): e2205994, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36638248


The interest in development of non-graphitic polymeric carbon nitrides (PCNs), with various C-to-N ratios, having tunable electronic, optical, and chemical properties is rapidly increasing. Here the first self-propagating combustion synthesis methodology for the facile preparation of novel porous PCN materials (PCN3-PCN7) using new nitrogen-rich triazene-based precursors is reported. This methodology is found to be highly precursor dependent, where variations in the terminal functional groups in the newly designed precursors (compounds 3-7) lead to different combustion behaviors, and morphologies of the resulted PCNs. The foam-type highly porous PCN5, generated from self-propagating combustion of 5 is comprehensively characterized and shows a C-to-N ratio of 0.67 (C3 N4.45 ). Thermal analyses of PCN5 formulations with ammonium perchlorate (AP) reveal that PCN5 has an excellent catalytic activity in the thermal decomposition of AP. This catalytic activity of PCN5 is further evaluated in a closer-to-application scenario, showing an increase of 18% in the burn rate of AP-Al-HTPB (with 2 wt% of PCN5) solid composite propellant. The newly developed template- and additive-free self-propagating combustion synthetic methodology using specially designed nitrogen-rich precursors should provide a novel platform for the preparation of non-graphitic PCNs with a variety of building block chemistries, morphologies, and properties suitable for a broad range of technologies.

ACS Nano ; 17(6): 5399-5411, 2023 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36883970


Conventional epitaxy plays a crucial role in current state-of-the art semiconductor technology, as it provides a path for accurate control at the atomic scale of thin films and nanostructures, to be used as the building blocks in nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, sensors, etc. Four decades ago, the terms "van der Waals" (vdW) and "quasi-vdW (Q-vdW) epitaxy" were coined to explain the oriented growth of vdW layers on 2D and 3D substrates, respectively. The major difference with conventional epitaxy is the weaker interaction between the epi-layer and the epi-substrates. Indeed, research on Q-vdW epitaxial growth of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) has been intense, with oriented growth of atomically thin semiconductors on sapphire being one of the most studied systems. Nonetheless, there are some striking and not yet understood differences in the literature regarding the orientation registry between the epi-layers and epi-substrate and the interface chemistry. Here we study the growth of WS2 via a sequential exposure of the metal and the chalcogen precursors in a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system, introducing a metal-seeding step prior to the growth. The ability to control the delivery of the precursor made it possible to study the formation of a continuous and apparently ordered WO3 mono- or few-layer at the surface of a c-plane sapphire. Such an interfacial layer is shown to strongly influence the subsequent quasi-vdW epitaxial growth of the atomically thin semiconductor layers on sapphire. Hence, here we elucidate an epitaxial growth mechanism and demonstrate the robustness of the metal-seeding approach for the oriented formation of other TMDC layers. This work may enable the rational design of vdW and quasi-vdW epitaxial growth on different material systems.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(25): 28911-28923, 2022 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35700692


Transition metal oxides (TMOs) have been widely studied as potential next-generation anode materials, owing to their high theoretical gravimetric capacity. However, to date, these anodes syntheses are plagued with time-consuming preparation processes, two-dimensional electrode fabrication, binder requirements, and short operational cycling lives. Here, we present a scalable single-step reagentless process for the synthesis of highly dense Mn3O4-based nanonetwork anodes based on a simple thermal treatment transformation of low-grade steel substrates. The monolithic solid-state chemical self-transformation of the steel substrate results in a highly dense forest of Mn3O4 nanowires, which transforms the electrochemically inactive steel substrate into an electrochemically highly active anode. The proposed method, beyond greatly improving the current TMO performance, surpasses state-of-the-art commercial silicon anodes in terms of capacity and stability. The three-dimensional self-standing anode exhibits remarkably high capacities (>1500 mA h/g), a stable cycle life (>650 cycles), high Coulombic efficiencies (>99.5%), fast rate performance (>1.5 C), and high areal capacities (>2.5 mA h/cm2). This novel experimental paradigm acts as a milestone for next-generation anode materials in lithium-ion batteries, and pioneers a universal method to transform different kinds of widely available, low-cost, steel substrates into electrochemically active, free-standing anodes and allows for the massive reduction of anode production complexity and costs.

ACS Omega ; 7(28): 24656-24661, 2022 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35874206


The conversion of CO2 and epoxides to cyclic carbonates over a silica-supported di-iron(III) complex having a reduced Robson macrocycle ligand system is shown to proceed at 1 atm and 80 °C, exclusively producing the cis-cyclohexene carbonate from cyclohexene oxide. We examine the effect of immobilization configuration to show that the complex grafted in a semirigid configuration catalytically outperforms the rigid, flexible configurations and even the homogeneous counterparts. Using the semirigid catalyst, we are able to obtain a TON of up to 800 and a TOF of up to 37 h-1 under 1 atm CO2. The catalyst is shown to be recyclable with only minor leaching and no change to product selectivity. We further examine a range of epoxides with varying electron-withdrawing/donating properties. This work highlights the benefit arising from the constraining effect of a solid surface, akin to the role of hydrogen bonds in enzyme catalysts, and the importance of correctly balancing it.

Ultramicroscopy ; 240: 113570, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35700667


Quantitative transmission electron microscopy (TEM) often requires accurate knowledge of sample thickness for determining defect density, structure factors, sample dimensions, electron beam and X-ray photons signal broadening. The most common thickness measurement is by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy which can be applied effectively to crystalline and amorphous materials. The drawback is that sample thickness is measured in units of Inelastic Mean Free Path (MFP) which depends on the material, the electron energy and the collection angle of the spectrometer. Furthermore, the Elastic MFP is an essential parameter for selecting optimal sample thickness to reduce dynamical scatterings, such as for short-range-order characterization of amorphous materials. Finally, the Inelastic to Elastic MFP ratio can predict the dominant mechanism for radiation damage due to the electron beam. We implement a fast and precise method for the extraction of inelastic and elastic MFP values in technologically important oxide thin films. The method relies on the crystalline Si substrate for calibration. The Inelastic MFP of Si was measured as a function of collection semi-angle (ß) by combining Energy-Filtered TEM thickness maps followed by perpendicular cross-sectioning of the sample by Focused-Ion-Beam. For example, we measured a total Inelastic MFP (ß∼157 mrad) in Si of 145 ± 10 nm for 200 keV electrons. The MFP of the thin oxide films is determined by their ratio at their interface with Si or SiO2. The validity of this method was verified by direct TEM observation of cross-to-cross sectioning of TEM samples. The high precision of this method was enabled mainly by implementing a wedge preparation technique, which provides large sampling areas with uniform thickness. We measured the Elastic and Inelastic Mean Free Paths for 200 keV and 80 keV electrons as a function of collection angle for: SiO2 (Thermal, CVD), low-κ SiOCH, Al2O3, TiO2, ZnO, Ta2O5 and HfO2. The measured MFP values were compared to calculations based on models of Wenzel, Malis and Iakoubovskii. These models deviate from measurements by up to 30%, especially for 80 keV electrons. Hence, we propose functional relations for the Elastic MFP and Inelastic MFP in oxides with respect to the mass density and effective atomic number, which reduce deviations by a factor of 2-3. In addition, the effects of sample cooling on the measurements and sample stability are examined.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 8(26): 16979-84, 2016 Jul 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27282201


One of the main challenges in the path to incorporating InGaAs based metal-oxide-semiconductor structures in nanoelectronics is the passivation of high-k/InGaAs interfaces. Here, the oxygen scavenging effect of thin Ti layers on high-k/InGaAs gate stacks was studied. Electrical measurements and synchrotron X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements, with in situ metal deposition, were used. Oxygen removal from the InGaAs native oxide surface layer remotely through interposed Al2O3 and HfO2 layers observed. Synchrotron X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has revealed a decrease in the intensity of InOx features relative to In in InGaAs after Ti deposition. The signal ratio decreases further after annealing. In addition, Ti 2p spectra clearly show oxidation of the thin Ti layer in the ultrahigh vacuum XPS environment. Using capacitance-voltage and conductance-voltage measurements, Pt/Ti/Al2O3/InGaAs and Pt/Al2O3/InGaAs capacitors were characterized both before and after annealing. It was found that the remote oxygen scavenging from the oxide/semiconductor interface using a thin Ti layer can influence the density of interface traps in the high-k/InGaAs interface.