Conventional optical designs with gradient index (GRIN) use rotationally-invariant GRIN profiles described by polynomials with no orthogonality. These GRIN profiles have limited effectiveness at correcting aberrations from tilted/decentered or freeform systems. In this paper, a three-dimensional orthogonal polynomial basis set (the FGRIN basis) is proposed, which enables the design of GRIN profiles with both rotational and axial variations. The FGRIN basis is then demonstrated via the design of a 3D GRIN corrector plate targeted to correct the rotationally-variant aberrations induced from a tilted spherical mirror. A sample corrector is manufactured and tested, showing significant correction of astigmatism. The FGRIN basis opens a new design space of 3D rotational variant GRIN profiles, which has the potential of replacing multiple freeform surfaces and simplifying complex systems.
When conducting interferometric tests of freeform optical surfaces, additional optical components, such as computer-generated holograms or deformable mirrors, are often necessary to achieve a null or quasi-null. These additional optical components increase both the cost and the difficulty of interferometric tests of freeform optical surfaces. In this paper, designs using off-axis segments of conics as base surfaces for freeforms are explored. These off-axis conics are more complex base surfaces than typically-used base spheres but remain null-testable. By leveraging off-axis conics in conjunction with additional orthogonal polynomial departures, designs were found with up to an order-of-magnitude of improvement in testability estimates relative to designs that use base spheres. Two design studies, a three-mirror telescope and a wide field-of-view four-mirror telescope, demonstrate the impact of using off-axis conics as the base surface.
When leveraging orthogonal polynomials for describing freeform optics, designers typically focus on the computational efficiency of convergence and the optical performance of the resulting designs. However, to physically realize these designs, the freeform surfaces need to be fabricated and tested. An optimization constraint is described that allows on-the-fly calculation and constraint of manufacturability estimates for freeform surfaces, namely peak-to-valley sag departure and maximum gradient normal departure. This constraint's construction is demonstrated in general for orthogonal polynomials, and in particular for both Zernike polynomials and Forbes 2D-Q polynomials. Lastly, this optimization constraint's impact during design is shown via two design studies: a redesign of a published unobscured three-mirror telescope in the ball geometry for use in LWIR imaging and a freeform prism combiner for use in AR/VR applications. It is shown that using the optimization penalty with a fixed number of coefficients enables an improvement in manufacturability in exchange for a tradeoff in optical performance. It is further shown that, when the number of coefficients is increased in conjunction with the optimization penalty, manufacturability estimates can be improved without sacrificing optical performance.
Orthogonal polynomials offer useful mathematical properties for describing freeform optical surfaces. Their advantages are best leveraged by understanding the interactions between variables such as tip and tilt, base sphere and conic variables, and packaging variables that define the problem of design for manufacture. These interactions can cause degeneracy, which can complicate the interpretation of design specifications in manufacturing and, consequently, negatively impact the cost of fabrication and assembly. Optimization constraints to break degeneracy during design are also discussed.