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Zool Stud ; 62: e29, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37772164


Sea anemones (Cnidaria, Actiniaria) are a successful group of marine invertebrates found in a diverse range of environments globally. In spite of their ubiquity, identities for many sea anemones remain unverified, especially those from the Indo-West Pacific region. Here, we clarify the taxonomy of the poorly known Macrodactyla aspera, a shallow-water species first described from the Torres Straits in northern Australia. We re-describe M. aspera based on new morphological and molecular data gathered from the type specimen, other museum vouchers, and from fresh material collected from Singapore. We tested the monophyly of Macrodactyla using three mitochondrial (12S, 16S and cox3) and one nuclear (28S) marker based on three congeners, recovering this genus to be polyphyletic. As a consequence, we transferred M. doreensis to the genus Heteractis, and describe a new species, Macrodactyla fautinae sp. nov. While both M. aspera and M. fautinae sp. nov. share the same arrangement and number of complete mesenteries, a similar distribution of cnidae, and are not symbiotically associated with any other biota, M. fautinae sp. nov. has perforated, lobe-like verrucae on its column, and lacks nematocyst batteries on its tentacles, unlike M. aspera. These two species also occur in similar habitats in Singapore. Finally, because M. aspera strongly resembles Dofleinia armata, the latter species flagged as a danger to public health due to its ability to inflict painful stings, we tested the relationship between these species and found them not to be closely related. However, tentacles of M. aspera, like D. armata, are densely covered with nematocyst batteries and harbour large nematocysts; we infer that M. aspera may also be capable of delivering stings that endanger public health. This study builds upon a growing number of studies that aim to ascertain identities and systematics of sea anemones historically reported from the Indo-West Pacific. Our findings will facilitate accurate species identification, which is crucial for advancing research, formulating conservation measures, and protecting public health.

Zookeys ; 840: 1-20, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31065225


Despite the ubiquity of sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) in tropical ecosystems, our understanding of their biodiversity and taxonomy is limited. Here we re-establish the identity of an intertidal zooxanthellate species, Phymanthuspinnulatus Martens in Klunzinger, 1877. Originally described from a single preserved specimen in the Berlin Museum by CB Klunzinger, his brief footnote lacked crucial details to positively identify the species. Our redescription is based on more than 50 living individuals of P.pinnulatus collected from its type locality, Singapore. These were examined and compared with type materials of the species and its congeners. Specimens of P.pinnulatus differ from syntypes of species described as Phymanthuslevis Kwietniewski, 1898 from Indonesia, as well as Phymanthussansibaricus Carlgren, 1900 and Phymanthusstrandesi Carlgren, 1900, both described from East Africa. Phymanthuspinnulatus was encountered on the lower intertidal, among coral rubble and between rocky crevices. It is vibrantly coloured and has 96 marginal tentacles with branching outgrowths along each, resulting in a 'frilly' appearance. The anemone has a flat expanded oral disc, with discal tentacles that are inconspicuous and reduced, unlike syntypes of its congeners. Details of its live appearance, musculature, and cnidom are also provided for the first time. Overall, types of cnidae and capsule sizes differ from other known species of Phymanthus documented elsewhere. It is inferred that P.pinnulatus has a wide distribution that extends eastwards from Singapore, as far as Ambon and the Torres Straits. Some individuals reported as Phymanthusmuscosus Haddon and Shackleton, 1893 and Phymanthusbuitendijki Pax, 1924 are probably P.pinnulatus. This morphological analysis provides new insights into the characters used to delimit P.pinnulatus, clarifies its geographical distribution, and contributes to an ongoing revision of the genus Phymanthus.