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Phys Rev Lett ; 118(11): 117204, 2017 Mar 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28368638


In a Kondo lattice, the spin exchange coupling between a local spin and the conduction electrons acquires nonlocal contributions due to conduction electron scattering from surrounding local spins and the subsequent RKKY interaction. It leads to a hitherto unrecognized interference of Kondo screening and the RKKY interaction beyond the Doniach scenario. We develop a renormalization group theory for the RKKY-modified Kondo vertex. The Kondo temperature T_{K}(y) is suppressed in a universal way, controlled by the dimensionless RKKY coupling parameter y. Complete spin screening ceases to exist beyond a critical RKKY strength y_{c} even in the absence of magnetic ordering. At this breakdown point, T_{K}(y) remains nonzero and is not defined for larger RKKY couplings y>y_{c}. The results are in quantitative agreement with STM spectroscopy experiments on tunable two-impurity Kondo systems. The possible implications for quantum critical scenarios in heavy-fermion systems are discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(22): 225304, 2016 Jun 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27314725


A Bose gas in a double-well potential, exhibiting a true Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) amplitude and initially performing Josephson oscillations, is a prototype of an isolated, nonequilibrium many-body system. We investigate the quasiparticle (QP) creation and thermalization dynamics of this system by solving the time-dependent Keldysh-Bogoliubov equations. We find avalanchelike QP creation due to a parametric resonance between BEC and QP oscillations, followed by slow, exponential relaxation to a thermal state at an elevated temperature, controlled by the initial excitation energy of the oscillating BEC above its ground state. The crossover between the two regimes occurs because of an effective decoupling of the QP and BEC oscillations. This dynamics is analogous to elementary particle creation in models of the early universe. The thermalization in our setup occurs because the BEC acts as a grand canonical reservoir for the quasiparticle system.

Nat Phys ; 19(11): 1605-1610, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37970535


When a system close to a continuous phase transition is subjected to perturbations, it takes an exceptionally long time to return to equilibrium. This critical slowing down is observed universally in the dynamics of bosonic excitations, such as order-parameter collective modes, but it is not generally expected to occur for fermionic excitations. Here using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, we find evidence for fermionic critical slowing down in YbRh2Si2 close to a quantum phase transition between an antiferromagnetic phase and a heavy Fermi liquid. In the latter phase, the relevant quasiparticles are a quantum superposition of itinerant and localized electronic states with a strongly enhanced effective mass. As the temperature is lowered on the heavy-Fermi-liquid side of the transition, the heavy-fermion spectral weight builds up until the Kondo temperature TK ≈ 25 K, then decays towards the quantum phase transition and is, thereafter, followed by a logarithmic rise of the quasiparticle excitation rate below 10 K. A two-band heavy-Fermi-liquid theory shows that this is indicative of the fermionic critical slowing down associated with heavy-fermion breakdown near the quantum phase transition. The critical exponent of this breakdown could be used to classify this system among a wider family of fermionic quantum phase transitions that is yet to be fully explored.

Science ; 372(6537): 88-91, 2021 04 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33795457


Quantum gases of light, such as photon or polariton condensates in optical microcavities, are collective quantum systems enabling a tailoring of dissipation from, for example, cavity loss. This characteristic makes them a tool to study dissipative phases, an emerging subject in quantum many-body physics. We experimentally demonstrate a non-Hermitian phase transition of a photon Bose-Einstein condensate to a dissipative phase characterized by a biexponential decay of the condensate's second-order coherence. The phase transition occurs because of the emergence of an exceptional point in the quantum gas. Although Bose-Einstein condensation is usually connected to lasing by a smooth crossover, the observed phase transition separates the biexponential phase from both lasing and an intermediate, oscillatory condensate regime. Our approach can be used to study a wide class of dissipative quantum phases in topological or lattice systems.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 3758, 2020 Jul 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32719430


Quantized dynamics is essential for natural processes and technological applications alike. The work of Thouless on quantized particle transport in slowly varying potentials (Thouless pumping) has played a key role in understanding that such quantization may be caused not only by discrete eigenvalues of a quantum system, but also by invariants associated with the nontrivial topology of the Hamiltonian parameter space. Since its discovery, quantized Thouless pumping has been believed to be restricted to the limit of slow driving, a fundamental obstacle for experimental applications. Here, we introduce non-Hermitian Floquet engineering as a new concept to overcome this problem. We predict that a topological band structure and associated quantized transport can be restored at driving frequencies as large as the system's band gap. The underlying mechanism is suppression of non-adiabatic transitions by tailored, time-periodic dissipation. We confirm the theoretical predictions by experiments on topological transport quantization in plasmonic waveguide arrays.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 4749, 2020 Sep 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32958776


Strong electron correlations have long been recognized as driving the emergence of novel phases of matter. A well recognized example is high-temperature superconductivity which cannot be understood in terms of the standard weak-coupling theory. The exotic properties that accompany the formation of the two-channel Kondo (2CK) effect, including the emergence of an unconventional metallic state in the low-energy limit, also originate from strong electron interactions. Despite its paradigmatic role for the formation of non-standard metal behavior, the stringent conditions required for its emergence have made the observation of the nonmagnetic, orbital 2CK effect in real quantum materials difficult, if not impossible. We report the observation of orbital one- and two-channel Kondo physics in the symmetry-enforced Dirac nodal line (DNL) metals IrO2 and RuO2 nanowires and show that the symmetries that enforce the existence of DNLs also promote the formation of nonmagnetic Kondo correlations. Rutile oxide nanostructures thus form a versatile quantum matter platform to engineer and explore intrinsic, interacting topological states of matter.

Nat Commun ; 6: 6724, 2015 Apr 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25832200


Interest in manipulating the magnetic order by ultrashort laser pulses has thrived since it was observed that such pulses can be used to alter the magnetization on a sub-picosecond timescale. Usually this involves demagnetization by laser heating or, in rare cases, a transient increase of magnetization. Here we demonstrate a mechanism that allows the magnetic order of a material to be enhanced or attenuated at will. This is possible in systems simultaneously possessing a low, tunable density of conduction band carriers and a high density of magnetic moments. In such systems, the thermalization time can be set such that adiabatic processes dominate the photoinduced change of the magnetic order--the three-temperature model for interacting thermalized electron, spin and lattice reservoirs is bypassed. In ferromagnetic Eu(1-x)Gd(x)O, we thereby demonstrate the strengthening as well as the weakening of the magnetic order by ~10% and within ≤3 ps by optically controlling the magnetic exchange interaction.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(10): 105302, 2009 Sep 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19792326


We perform a detailed quantum dynamical study of nonequilibrium Josephson oscillations between interacting Bose-Einstein condensates confined in a finite-size double-well trap. We find that the Josephson junction can sustain multiple undamped Josephson oscillations up to a characteristic time scale tau(c) without quasipartcles being excited in the system. This may explain recent related experiments. Beyond a characteristic time scale tau(c) the dynamics of the junction is governed by fast, quasiparticle-assisted Josephson tunneling as well as Rabi oscillations between the discrete quasiparticle levels. We predict that an initially self-trapped state of the Bose-Einstein condensates will be destroyed by these fast dynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(4): 046404, 2008 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18352312


We present a general framework to describe the simultaneous para-to-ferromagnetic and semiconductor-to-metal transition in electron-doped EuO. The theory correctly describes detailed experimental features of the conductivity and of the magnetization, in particular, the doping dependence of the Curie temperature. The existence of correlation-induced local moments on the impurity sites is essential for this description.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(18): 186601, 2007 Nov 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17995425


We propose a physical realization of the two-channel Kondo (2CK) effect, where a dynamical defect in a metal has a unique ground state and twofold degenerate excited states. In a wide range of parameters the interactions with the electrons renormalize the excited doublet downward below the bare defect ground state, thus stabilizing the 2CK fixed point. In addition to the Kondo temperature T(K) the three-state defect exhibits another low-energy scale, associated with ground-to-excited-state transitions, which can be exponentially smaller than T(K). Using the perturbative nonequilibrium renormalization group we demonstrate that this can provide the long-sought explanation of the sharp conductance spikes observed by Ralph and Buhrman in ultrasmall metallic point contacts.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(7): 073902, 2007 Aug 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17930897


We propose the new concept of a switchable multimode microlaser. As a generic, realistic model of a multimode microresonator a system of two coupled defects in a two-dimensional photonic crystal is considered. We demonstrate theoretically that lasing of the cavity into one selected resonator mode can be caused by injecting an appropriate optical pulse at the onset of laser action (injection seeding). Temporal mode-to-mode switching by reseeding the cavity after a short cooldown period is demonstrated by direct numerical solution. A qualitative analytical explanation of the mode switching in terms of the laser bistability is presented.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(13): 136604, 2006 Sep 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17026060


We analyze the Kondo effect of a magnetic impurity attached to an ultrasmall metallic wire using the density matrix renormalization group. The spatial spin correlation function and the impurity spectral density are computed for system sizes of up to L=511 sites, covering the crossover from Ll{K}, with l{K} the spin screening length. We establish a proportionality between the weight of the Kondo resonance and l{K} as a function of L. This suggests a spectroscopic way of detecting the Kondo cloud.