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J Phys Chem A ; 128(37): 7761-7771, 2024 Sep 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225655


Formamide (NH2CHO) is the simplest molecule containing a peptide linkage [-NH-C(═O)-], and it plays an essential role in the study of prebiotic chemistry. Exposure to UV irradiation allows formamide to decompose and act as a prebiotic feedstock in the formation of nucleobases and other necessary starting materials. The photodissociation mechanism of gaseous formamide at 193 nm is studied using (a) chirped-pulse Fourier transform millimeter-wave spectroscopy in the 260-290 GHz spectral region in a room-temperature flow-tube reactor at 1 µbar pressure, (b) a combination of electronic structure theory, transition state theory, and quasiclassical trajectories, and (c) the Active Thermochemical Tables. The HCN and HNC photoproducts of hydrogenated (NH2CHO) and deuterated (NH2CDO and ND2CHO) formamide precursors are examined to gain insight into the photodissociation mechanism. The theoretical investigation has characterized the main pathway leading to each of the HCN/HNC isomers from the precursor isotopologues. The theoretical branching ratio [HNC]/[HCN] = 2.1 for nascent photofragments agrees with the experiment. The effect of the postphotolysis HNC ↔ HCN isomerization on the [HNC]/[HCN] ratio is predicted. We report the experimental branching ratio [HNCO]: ([HNC] + [HCN]) = 12 ± 3 and propose that most of HNCO originates from dissociation on the S1 electronic state of formamide.

J Chem Phys ; 161(4)2024 Jul 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39051838


Rotational spectroscopy is the most accurate method for determining structures of molecules in the gas phase. It is often assumed that a rotational spectrum is a unique "fingerprint" of a molecule. The availability of large molecular databases and the development of artificial intelligence methods for spectroscopy make the testing of this assumption timely. In this paper, we pose the determination of molecular structures from rotational spectra as an inverse problem. Within this framework, we adopt a funnel-based approach to search for molecular twins, which are two or more molecules, which have similar rotational spectra but distinctly different molecular structures. We demonstrate that there are twins within standard levels of computational accuracy by generating rotational constants for many molecules from several large molecular databases, indicating that the inverse problem is ill-posed. However, some twins can be distinguished by increasing the accuracy of the theoretical methods or by performing additional experiments.

J Chem Phys ; 159(16)2023 Oct 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37877485


Computational optimal transport is used to analyze the difference between pairs of continuous molecular spectra. It is demonstrated that transport distances which are derived from this approach may be a more appropriate measure of the difference between two continuous spectra than more familiar measures of distance under many common circumstances. Associated with the transport distances is the transport map which provides a detailed analysis of the difference between two molecular spectra and is a key component of our study of quantitative differences between two continuous spectra. The use of optimal transport for comparing molecular spectra is developed in detail here with a set of model spectra, so that the discussion is self-contained. The difference between the transport distance and more common definitions of distance is elucidated for some well-chosen examples and it is shown where transport distances may be very useful alternatives to standard definitions of distance. The transport distance between a theoretical and experimental electronic absorption spectrum for SO2 is studied and it is shown how the theoretical spectrum can be modified to fit the experimental spectrum better adjusting the theoretical band origin and the resolution of the theoretical spectrum. This analysis includes the calculation of transport maps between the theoretical and experimental spectra suggesting future applications of the methodology.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(1): 146-151, 2020 01 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31852828


The 193-nm photolysis of CH2CHCN illustrates the capability of chirped-pulse Fourier transform millimeter-wave spectroscopy to characterize transition states. We investigate the HCN, HNC photofragments in highly excited vibrational states using both frequency and intensity information. Measured relative intensities of J = 1-0 rotational transition lines yield vibrational-level population distributions (VPD). These VPDs encode the properties of the parent molecule transition state at which the fragment molecule was born. A Poisson distribution formalism, based on the generalized Franck-Condon principle, is proposed as a framework for extracting information about the transition-state structure from the observed VPD. We employ the isotopologue CH2CDCN to disentangle the unimolecular 3-center DCN elimination mechanism from other pathways to HCN. Our experimental results reveal a previously unknown transition state that we tentatively associate with the HCN eliminated via a secondary, bimolecular reaction.

J Chem Phys ; 156(13): 134117, 2022 Apr 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35395885


Comparing a discrete molecular spectrum to a continuous molecular spectrum in a quantitative manner is a challenging problem, for example, when attempting to fit a theoretical stick spectrum to a continuous spectrum. In this paper, the use of computational optimal transport is investigated for such a problem. In the optimal transport literature, the comparison of a discrete and a continuous spectrum is referred to as semi-discrete optimal transport and is a situation where a metric such as least-squares may be difficult to define except under special conditions. The merits of an optimal transport approach for this problem are investigated using the transport distance defined for the semi-discrete case. A tutorial on semi-discrete optimal transport for molecular spectra is included in this paper, and several well-chosen synthetic spectra are investigated to demonstrate the utility of computational optimal transport for the semi-discrete case. Among several types of investigations, we include calculations showing how the frequency resolution of the continuous spectrum affects the transport distance between a discrete and a continuous spectrum. We also use the transport distance to measure the distance between a continuous experimental electronic absorption spectrum of SO2 and a theoretical stick spectrum for the same system. The comparison of the theoretical and experimental SO2 spectra also allows us to suggest a theoretical value for the band origin that is closer to the observed band origin than previous theoretical values.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(8): 3124-3142, 2021 03 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33615780


The development of high-fidelity mechanisms for chemically reactive systems is a challenging process that requires the compilation of rate descriptions for a large and somewhat ill-defined set of reactions. The present unified combination of modeling, experiment, and theory provides a paradigm for improving such mechanism development efforts. Here we combine broadband rotational spectroscopy with detailed chemical modeling based on rate constants obtained from automated ab initio transition state theory-based master equation calculations and high-level thermochemical parametrizations. Broadband rotational spectroscopy offers quantitative and isomer-specific detection by which branching ratios of polar reaction products may be obtained. Using this technique, we observe and characterize products arising from H atom substitution reactions in the flash pyrolysis of acetone (CH3C(O)CH3) at a nominal temperature of 1800 K. The major product observed is ketene (CH2CO). Minor products identified include acetaldehyde (CH3CHO), propyne (CH3CCH), propene (CH2CHCH3), and water (HDO). Literature mechanisms for the pyrolysis of acetone do not adequately describe the minor products. The inclusion of a variety of substitution reactions, with rate constants and thermochemistry obtained from automated ab initio kinetics predictions and Active Thermochemical Tables analyses, demonstrates an important role for such processes. The pathway to acetaldehyde is shown to be a direct result of substitution of acetone's methyl group by a free H atom, while propene formation arises from OH substitution in the enol form of acetone by a free H atom.

J Chem Phys ; 155(18): 184101, 2021 Nov 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34773953


The use of computational optimal transport is investigated as a tool for comparing two molecular spectra. Unlike other techniques for comparing molecular spectra in a pattern-recognition framework, transport distances simultaneously encode information about line positions and intensities. In addition, it is shown that transport distances are a useful alternative to Euclidean distances as Euclidean distances are based on line-by-line comparisons, while transport distances reflect broader features of molecular spectra and adequately compare spectra with different resolutions. This paper includes a tutorial on the use of optimal transport and investigates several well-chosen examples to illustrate the utility of computational optimal transport for comparing molecular spectra.

J Chem Phys ; 149(10): 104106, 2018 Sep 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30219013


A typical broadband rotational spectrum may contain several thousand observable transitions, spanning many species. While these spectra often encode troves of chemical information, identifying and assigning the individual spectra can be challenging. Traditional approaches typically involve visually identifying a pattern. A more modern approach is to apply an automated fitting routine. In this approach, combinations of 3 transitions are searched by trial and error, to fit the A, B, and C rotational constants in a Watson-type Hamiltonian. In this work, we develop an alternative approach-to utilize machine learning to train a computer to recognize the patterns inherent in rotational spectra. Broadband high-resolution rotational spectra are perhaps uniquely suited for pattern recognition, assignment, and species identification using machine learning. Repeating patterns of transition frequencies and intensities are now routinely recorded in broadband chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave experiments in which both the number of resolution elements and the dynamic range surpass 104. At the same time, these high-resolution spectra are extremely sensitive to molecular geometry with each polar species having a unique rotational spectrum. Here we train the feed forward neural network on thousands of rotational spectra that we calculate, using the rules of quantum mechanics, from randomly generated sets of rotational constants and other Hamiltonian parameters. Reasonable physical constraints are applied to these parameter sets, yet they need not belong to existing species. A trained neural network presented with a spectrum identifies its type (e.g., linear molecule, symmetric top, or asymmetric top) and infers the corresponding Hamiltonian parameters (rotational constants, distortion, and hyperfine constants). The classification and prediction times, about 160 µs and 50 µs, respectively, seem independent of the spectral complexity or the number of molecular parameters. We describe how the network works, provide benchmarking results, and discuss future directions.

J Phys Chem A ; 120(4): 527-34, 2016 Feb 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26756475


Nitrogen oxide clusters (NO)n have been studied in He droplets via infrared depletion spectroscopy and by quantum chemical calculations. The ν1 and ν5 bands of cis-ON-NO dimer have been observed at 1868.2 and 1786.5 cm(-1), respectively. Furthermore, spectral bands of the trimer and tetramer have been located in the vicinity of the corresponding dimer bands in accord with computed frequencies that place NO-stretch bands of dimer, trimer, and tetramer within a few wavenumbers of each other. In addition, a new line at 1878.1 cm(-1) close to the band origin of single molecules was assigned to van der Waals bound dimers of (NO)2, which are stabilized due to the rapid cooling in He droplets. Spectra of larger clusters (n > 5), have broad unresolved features in the vicinity of the dimer bands. Experiments and calculations indicate that trimers consist of a dimer and a loosely bound third molecule, whereas the tetramer consists of two weakly bound dimers.

Nitrogen Oxides/chemistry , Quantum Theory , Helium/chemistry , Molecular Structure , Particle Size , Spectrophotometry, Infrared
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(30): 15739-15751, 2014 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24756159


A Chirped-Pulse millimeter-Wave (CPmmW) spectrometer is applied to the study of chemical reaction products that result from pyrolysis in a Chen nozzle heated to 1000-1800 K. Millimeter-wave rotational spectroscopy unambiguously determines, for each polar reaction product, the species, the conformers, relative concentrations, conversion percentage from precursor to each product, and, in some cases, vibrational state population distributions. A chirped-pulse spectrometer can, within the frequency range of a single chirp, sample spectral regions of up to ∼10 GHz and simultaneously detect many reaction products. Here we introduce a modification to the CPmmW technique in which multiple chirps of different spectral content are applied to a molecular beam pulse that contains the pyrolysis reaction products. This technique allows for controlled allocation of its sensitivity to specific molecular transitions and effectively doubles the bandwidth of the spectrometer. As an example, the pyrolysis reaction of ethyl nitrite, CH3CH2ONO, is studied, and CH3CHO, H2CO, and HNO products are simultaneously observed and quantified, exploiting the multi-chirp CPmmW technique. Rotational and vibrational temperatures of some product molecules are determined. Subsequent to supersonic expansion from the heated nozzle, acetaldehyde molecules display a rotational temperature of 4 ± 1 K. Vibrational temperatures are found to be controlled by the collisional cooling in the expansion, and to be both species- and vibrational mode-dependent. Rotational transitions of vibrationally excited formaldehyde in levels ν4, 2ν4, 3ν4, ν2, ν3, and ν6 are observed and effective vibrational temperatures for modes 2, 3, 4, and 6 are determined and discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 141(15): 154202, 2014 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25338889


We report the development of a new instrument that combines chirped-pulse microwave spectroscopy with a pulsed uniform supersonic flow. This combination promises a nearly universal detection method that can deliver isomer and conformer specific, quantitative detection and spectroscopic characterization of unstable reaction products and intermediates, product vibrational distributions, and molecular excited states. This first paper in a series of two presents a new pulsed-flow design, at the heart of which is a fast, high-throughput pulsed valve driven by a piezoelectric stack actuator. Uniform flows at temperatures as low as 20 K were readily achieved with only modest pumping requirements, as demonstrated by impact pressure measurements and pure rotational spectroscopy. The proposed technique will be suitable for application in diverse fields including fundamental studies in spectroscopy, kinetics, and reaction dynamics.

J Chem Phys ; 141(21): 214203, 2014 Dec 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25481137


This second paper in a series of two reports on the performance of a new instrument for studying chemical reaction dynamics and kinetics at low temperatures. Our approach employs chirped-pulse Fourier-transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectroscopy to probe photolysis and bimolecular reaction products that are thermalized in pulsed uniform flows. Here we detail the development and testing of a new K(a)-band CP-FTMW spectrometer in combination with the pulsed flow system described in Paper I [J. M. Oldham, C. Abeysekera, B. Joalland, L. N. Zack, K. Prozument, I. R. Sims, G. B. Park, R. W. Field, and A. G. Suits, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 154202 (2014)]. This combination delivers broadband spectra with MHz resolution and allows monitoring, on the µs timescale, of the appearance of transient reaction products. Two benchmark reactive systems are used to illustrate and characterize the performance of this new apparatus: the photodissociation of SO2 at 193 nm, for which the vibrational populations of the SO product are monitored, and the reaction between CN and C2H2, for which the HCCCN product is detected in its vibrational ground state. The results show that the combination of these two well-matched techniques, which we refer to as chirped-pulse in uniform flow, also provides insight into the vibrational and rotational relaxation kinetics of the nascent reaction products. Future directions are discussed, with an emphasis on exploring the low temperature chemistry of complex polyatomic systems.

J Chem Phys ; 138(1): 014301, 2013 Jan 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23298035


We apply the chirped-pulse millimeter-wave (CPmmW) technique to transitions between Rydberg states in calcium atoms. The unique feature of Rydberg-Rydberg transitions is that they have enormous electric dipole transition moments (~5 kiloDebye at n* ~ 40, where n* is the effective principal quantum number), so they interact strongly with the mm-wave radiation. After polarization by a mm-wave pulse in the 70-84 GHz frequency region, the excited transitions re-radiate free induction decay (FID) at their resonant frequencies, and the FID is heterodyne-detected by the CPmmW spectrometer. Data collection and averaging are performed in the time domain. The spectral resolution is ~100 kHz. Because of the large transition dipole moments, the available mm-wave power is sufficient to polarize the entire bandwidth of the spectrometer (12 GHz) in each pulse, and high-resolution survey spectra may be collected. Both absorptive and emissive transitions are observed, and they are distinguished by the phase of their FID relative to that of the excitation pulse. With the combination of the large transition dipole moments and direct monitoring of transitions, we observe dynamics, such as transient nutations from the interference of the excitation pulse with the polarization that it induces in the sample. Since the waveform produced by the mm-wave source may be precisely controlled, we can populate states with high angular momentum by a sequence of pulses while recording the results of these manipulations in the time domain. We also probe the superradiant decay of the Rydberg sample using photon echoes. The application of the CPmmW technique to transitions between Rydberg states of molecules is discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(14): 143001, 2011 Sep 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22107187


Transitions between Rydberg states of Ca atoms, in a pulsed, supersonic atomic beam, are directly detected by chirped-pulse millimeter-wave spectroscopy. Broadband, high-resolution spectra with accurate relative intensities are recorded instantly. Free induction decay (FID) of atoms, polarized by the chirped pulse, at their Rydberg-Rydberg transition frequencies, is heterodyne detected, averaged in the time domain, and Fourier transformed into the frequency domain. Millimeter-wave transient nutations are observed, and the possibility of FID evolving to superradiance is discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 135(2): 024202, 2011 Jul 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21766933


Chirped-pulse millimeter-wave (CPmmW) spectroscopy is the first broadband (multi-GHz in each shot) Fourier-transform technique for high-resolution survey spectroscopy in the millimeter-wave region. The design is based on chirped-pulse Fourier-transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectroscopy [G. G. Brown, B. C. Dian, K. O. Douglass, S. M. Geyer, S. T. Shipman, and B. H. Pate, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 053103 (2008)], which is described for frequencies up to 20 GHz. We have built an instrument that covers the 70-102 GHz frequency region and can acquire up to 12 GHz of spectrum in a single shot. Challenges to using chirped-pulse Fourier-transform spectroscopy in the millimeter-wave region include lower achievable sample polarization, shorter Doppler dephasing times, and problems with signal phase stability. However, these challenges have been partially overcome and preliminary tests indicate a significant advantage over existing millimeter-wave spectrometers in the time required to record survey spectra. Further improvement to the sensitivity is expected as more powerful broadband millimeter-wave amplifiers become affordable. The ability to acquire broadband Fourier-transform millimeter-wave spectra enables rapid measurement of survey spectra at sufficiently high resolution to measure diagnostically important electronic properties such as electric and magnetic dipole moments and hyperfine coupling constants. It should also yield accurate relative line strengths across a broadband region. Several example spectra are presented to demonstrate initial applications of the spectrometer.

J Chem Phys ; 132(1): 014304, 2010 Jan 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20078158


Water dimers have been assembled in He droplets and studied by infrared laser depletion spectroscopy. All four OH stretching bands of the dimer have been identified in the spectral range 3590-3800 cm(-1). Infrared intensities of the bands are also reported. The results are compared with previous measurements and theoretical calculations.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 8(24): 6180-6188, 2017 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29193976


Chirped-pulse Fourier transform millimeter-wave spectroscopy is a potentially powerful tool for studying chemical reaction dynamics and kinetics. Branching ratios of multiple reaction products and intermediates can be measured with unprecedented chemical specificity; molecular isomers, conformers, and vibrational states have distinct rotational spectra. Here we demonstrate chirped-pulse spectroscopy of vinyl cyanide photoproducts in a flow tube reactor at ambient temperature of 295 K and pressures of 1-10 µbar. This in situ and time-resolved experiment illustrates the utility of this novel approach to investigating chemical reaction dynamics and kinetics. Following 193 nm photodissociation of CH2CHCN, we observe rotational relaxation of energized HCN, HNC, and HCCCN photoproducts with 10 µs time resolution and sample the vibrational population distribution of HCCCN. The experimental branching ratio HCN/HCCCN is compared with a model based on RRKM theory using high-level ab initio calculations, which were in turn validated by comparisons to Active Thermochemical Tables enthalpies.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 5(21): 3641-8, 2014 Nov 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26278732


Chirped-pulse (CP) Fourier transform rotational spectroscopy is uniquely suited for near-universal quantitative detection and structural characterization of mixtures that contain multiple molecular and radical species. In this work, we employ CP spectroscopy to measure product branching and extract information about the reaction mechanism, guided by kinetic modeling. Pyrolysis of ethyl nitrite, CH3CH2ONO, is studied in a Chen type flash pyrolysis reactor at temperatures of 1000-1800 K. The branching between HNO, CH2O, and CH3CHO products is measured and compared to the kinetic models generated by the Reaction Mechanism Generator software. We find that roaming CH3CH2ONO → CH3CHO + HNO plays an important role in the thermal decomposition of ethyl nitrite, with its rate, at 1000 K, comparable to that of the radical elimination channel CH3CH2ONO → CH3CH2O + NO. HNO is a signature of roaming in this system.

Faraday Discuss ; 163: 33-57; discussion 117-38, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24020195


Chirped-Pulse millimetre-Wave (CPmmW) rotational spectroscopy provides a new class of information about photolysis transition state(s). Measured intensities in rotational spectra determine species-isomer-vibrational populations, provided that the rotational populations can be thermalized. The formation and detection of S(0) vinylidene is discussed in the limits of low and high initial rotational excitation. CPmmW spectra of 193 nm photolysis of vinyl cyanide (acrylonitrile) contain J = 0-1 transitions in more than 20 vibrational levels of HCN and HNC, but no transitions in vinylidene or highly excited local-bender vibrational levels of acetylene. Reasons for the non-observation of the vinylidene co-product of HCN are discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(20): 205301, 2008 Nov 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19113350


Superfluidity of hydrogen, predicted three decades ago, continues to elude experimental observation, due to the high freezing temperature of H2 at T=13.8 K. Here, large para-H2 clusters are obtained in a cryogenic pulsed free jet expansion and are studied via nonlinear Raman spectroscopy. Clusters formed from neat pH_{2} are solid as evidenced by the characteristic splitting of the rotational S0(0) line. However, clusters formed of highly diluted pH_{2} (< or = 1%) in He have a single S0(0) line and remain liquid at the estimated superfluid transition temperature of T=1-2 K.