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An Acad Bras Cienc ; 95(suppl 3): e20230722, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38126384


Understanding the influence of soil-forming factors and processes in ornithogenic soils is important to predict impacts of climate change on Antarctic ecosystems. Herein, we analyzed the soil-landscape interplays and development of ornithogenic soils at Harmony Point (HP), Nelson Island. We collected, described, and classified 24 soil profiles, combined with vegetation and landforms descriptions. Geoprocessing techniques were employed for mapping. Soil physical, chemical, geochemical, and mineralogical analyses were applied. Patterned ground, "Ornithogenic"/Typic Gelorthent, and moss carpets were the dominant landform, soil and vegetation classes, respectively. Soils from rocky outcrops were more structured, acidic, with higher organic carbon, organometallic complexes, and secondary phosphate minerals, due to former bird influence. Soils from cryoplanated platforms presented higher water pH, base saturation, clay content, and secondary silicate minerals. Soils from marine terraces presented high exchangeable bases, phosphorous, and amorphous phosphate minerals. Soil chemical weathering is enhanced by ornithogenesis and widespread in HP. Besides ornithogenesis, organic matter accumulation, cryoturbation, and cryoclastic processes are also important to pedogenesis of ornithogenic soils. The soils of the cryoplanated platforms exhibited a gradient of pedogenetic development corresponding to increasing biota influence and distance from glacier. In contrast, soils of rocky outcrops were more developed even close to the glacier, due to ornithogenesis.

Ecosystem , Soil , Antarctic Regions , Soil/chemistry , Minerals , Phosphates
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 95(suppl 3): e20230747, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38088641


Areas of high concentration of seal carcasses have been observed in localized areas of James Ross Island, Antarctica. Such carcasses show an unusual vegetation development, in a semi-arid area with bare soils under intense winds, high salinity and sandy texture. We investigated carcasses of seals around a lake in James Ross Island, with four different stages of decomposition, with three replicates: Seal (S01), with recently mummified carcasses; S02, with partially degraded carcasses; S03, with broken carcasses with partially degraded exposed bones, and S04, with completely broken, scattered skeletons. The vegetation showed a maximum degree of development in carcasses at stages S02 and S03, with the environment between the skin and the skeleton as the preferred place for vegetation establishment. The chemical alteration was greater with increasing carcass decomposition but reduced with the spreading and final decomposition of the bones, with anomalous values observed only in the vicinity of the carcasses. It is concluded that the presence of carcasses of seals, concentrated in wet places, even in a semi-desert climate, represent important oases of nutrients, with a combination of physical and chemical effects throughout the decomposition process that favor plant establishment and succession.

Plants , Soil , Antarctic Regions , Nutrients
Arch Microbiol ; 204(12): 698, 2022 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36355213


Antarctica has a great diversity of microorganisms with biotechnological potential but is not very well Known about yeasts with phosphate solubilization activity. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of yeasts from Antarctica lichens to solubilize phosphate in vitro. In the screening, 147 yeasts were tested and 43 (29%) showed P solubilization in solid NBRIP medium at 15.0 °C, with a higher prevalence of positive genera Vishniacozyma, followed by Cystobasidium. Most of the positive yeasts were isolated from Usnea auratiacoatra, followed by Polycauliona regalis and Lecania brialmontii. Two strains with better activity after screening were selected for the solubilization in the liquid medium, Vishniacozyma victoriae 2.L15 and A.L6 (unidentified). Vishniacozyma victoriae 2.L15 exhibiting activities at 25.0 °C (29.91 mg/L of phosphate and pH 6.85) and at 30.0 °C (619.04 mg/L of phosphate and pH 3.73) and A.L6 strain at 25.0 °C (25.05 mg/L of phosphate and pH 6.69) and at 30.0 °C (31.25 mg/L of phosphate and pH 6.47). Of eight organic acids tested by HPLC, tartaric and acetic acids were detected during phosphate solubilization, with greater release in the period of 144 (2.13 mg/L) and 72 (13.72 mg/L) hours, respectively. Future studies to elucidate the presence of functional genes for P metabolism in lichens, as well as studies in the field of proteomics for the discovery of yeast proteins related to P solubilization are needed. Thus, the high prevalence of lichen-associated yeast communities probably contributed to the high frequency of phosphate-solubilizing isolates in this study.

Lichens , Phosphates , Phosphates/metabolism , Lichens/metabolism , Antarctic Regions , Yeasts
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 94(suppl 1): e20210436, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35508015


The Antarctic Peninsula has experienced some of the most accelerated warming worldwide, resulting in the retreat of glaciers and creation of new areas for plant development. Information regarding the plant dispersal processes to these new niches is scarce in Antarctica, despite birds being important vectors elsewhere. Many bird pellets (with feed remains such as bones and feathers) are generated annually in Antarctica, which are light and easily transported by the wind and include vegetation that is accidentally or purposely swallowed. The aim of this study was to analyze the presence of plant fragments within skua (Stercorarius/Catharacta spp.) pellets collected from two sampling areas in the Maritime Antarctic: Stinker Point (Elephant Island, 17 samples) and Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, 60 samples), in the South Shetland Archipelago, during the austral summers of 2018 and 2020. In both study areas, five species of Bryophyta were found that were associated with the pellets and viable in germination tests in a humid chamber. The ingestion of Bryophyta for the skuas contribute to the dispersion of different moss species, including to areas recently exposed by the ice retreat. This is the first demonstration that skua pellets effectively act in the dispersion of Antarctic mosses.

Bryophyta , Charadriiformes , Animals , Antarctic Regions , Birds
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 94(suppl 1): e20210597, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35195188


Southern giant petrels (Macronectes giganteus) are found in the Antarctic. They build their nests with rock fragments, disturbing large areas during incubation and chick feeding periods; however, their impact on vegetation is unknown. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the effect of Petrel nests and associated breeding activities on the diversity and structure of cryptogam communities of Stinker Point, Elephant Island. We selected 13 nests in February and March 2012 and continue the monitoring in 2018. The area of direct influence of breeding activities was photographed to calculate plant community coverage. The results demonstrated that species richness, community coverage and composition, and beta diversity showed significant differences between active and inactive nests. The linear mixed-effect models revealed that the positive effect of nest area mainly caused variation in community coverage, but had a negative effect on beta diversity. Sphaerophorus globosus (lichen) grew around the inactive nests, sometimes forming a ring up to 1 m in diameter. This ring was then surrounded by the Chorisodontium acyphyllum moss colonized by S. globosus, and a final ring of Sanionia uncinata, colonized by the same lichen. Recently constructed nests are generally surrounded by Prasiola crispa and Sanionia uncinata carpets.

Birds , Plant Breeding , Animals , Antarctic Regions
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 94(suppl 1): e20210676, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35648994


The geomorphic dynamics on ice-free areas are crucial for understanding soil formation, vegetation and landscape stability in maritime Antarctic. We aimed to describe the soil formation on different landforms, following the Holocene glacial retreat at Stinker Point. Twenty profiles were sampled and classified, grouped into three landforms units: middle platforms and scarps, till/glacial deposits and present/Holocene raised beaches. Soil chemical and physical attributes were determined, and the vegetation type identified and quantified. Soils from till and glacial deposits can be separated by the age of exposure: older soils are stony, skeletic; and recently exposed till has soils with moderate depth, alkaline reaction and very high base saturation. Soils at the middle platforms are shallow, coarse-grained, skeletic, with abundant vegetation. Soils from the present-day beaches are alkaline, very coarse with no horizon differentiation, whereas soils on Holocene beaches are acid and nutrient-rich due to past or present-day influence of fauna. Soils from Stinker Point are generally shallow, skeletic and strongly related to the landforms and biogenic influences. Compared with other islands of the South Shetlands, in Elephant Island soil development is less pronounced, being this mainly attributed to the metamorphic nature of parent material, with greater resistance to weathering.

Soil , Antarctic Regions
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 94(suppl 1): e20191467, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35384969


Ice-free areas of Antarctica represent an important study region that helps us understand how human activity affects plant communities and soil properties. The goal of this study was to determine the changes in plant composition and soil properties around a whale bone skeleton (WB) near Ferraz Station, King George Island, Antarctica from 1972 to 2020 (48 years). The WB was assembled in 1972 by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and his team. It is located in a large moss field and visited by many tourists. We studied the plant composition and development based on historical and recent photographs and phytosociological studies from 1986 to 2020. The soil was sampled in February 2009 to determine general properties. The results showed that human activity surrounding the WB directly affected the plant community composition and soil properties. The Syntrichia cushions were positively affected by the calcium deposits from bone dissolution. The principal component analysis revealed that mineralization of the bones increased soil nutrient assembly. A strong phosphatization process was observed in the WB area, similar to that in ornithogenic soils. The WB on the marine terrace enhanced soil fertility and changed the plant community.

Soil Pollutants , Soil , Animals , Antarctic Regions , Skeleton , Soil Microbiology , Soil Pollutants/analysis , Whales
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 94(suppl 1): e20210540, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35293947


In the Antarctic environment, yeasts are versatile eukaryotes that have shown wide dispersion in different substrates, producing active enzymes in extreme conditions, but their relevance in biotechnological applications is largely unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the production of extracellular hydrolases by yeasts isolated from Antarctic lichens and molecularly identify these isolates. From a total of 144 isolates on the screening, 109 (76%) produced at least one of the hydrolases tested, with most activities for proteases 59 (41%), cellulases 58 (40%), esterases 57 (39%), lipases 29 (20%), amylases 23 (16%) and pectinases 20 (14%). Among these isolates, 76 were identified, most belonged to the phylum Basidiomycota (n=73) with the dominance of Vishniacozyma victoriae (n=27), Cystobasidium alpinum (n=3), Mrakia niccombsii (n=3), Cystobasidium laryngis (n=2), Bannozyma yamatoana (n=2), Holtermanniella nyarrowii (n=2), and Glaciozyma martinii (n=2). This study is the first one reporting extracellular enzyme production by yeasts isolated from thallus of the species of Antarctic lichens Lecania brialmontii, Polycauliona candelaria, Usnea capillacea, Cladonia metacorallifera, and Polycauliona regalis. With these data, it's possible to confirm lichens as a source of hydrolase-producing yeasts, reinforcing the potential of these microorganisms in bioprospecting studies of catalytic molecules from polar regions that may be useful in promising biotechnological applications.

Lichens , Hydrolysis , Lipase , Peptide Hydrolases , Yeasts
Extremophiles ; 25(2): 181-191, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33635427


In association with lichens, bacteria can play key roles in solubilizing sources of inorganic phosphates that are available in the environment. In this study, the potential of bacteria isolated from 15 Antarctic lichen samples for phosphate solubilization was investigated. From 124 bacteria tested, 66 (53%) were positive for phosphate solubilization in solid NBRIP medium, with a higher prevalence of Pseudomonas, followed by Caballeronia and Chryseobacterium. Most of the phosphate-solubilizing bacteria were isolated from Usnea auratiacoatra, followed by Caloplaca regalis and Xanthoria candelaria. Two isolates showed outstanding performance, Pseudomonas sp. 11.LB15 and Pseudomonas sp. 1.LB34, since they presented solubilization in the temperature range from 15.0 to 30.0 °C, and maximum quantification of soluble phosphate at 25.0 °C was 511.21 and 532.07 mg/L for Pseudomonas sp. 11.LB15 and Pseudomonas sp. 1.LB34, respectively. At 30.0 °C soluble phosphate yield was 639.43 and 518.95 mg/L with pH of 3.74 and 3.87 for Pseudomonas sp. 11.LB15 and Pseudomonas sp. 1.LB34, respectively. Fumaric and tartaric acids were released during the solubilization process. Finally, bacteria isolated from Antarctic lichens were shown to have the potential for phosphate solubilization, opening perspectives for future application in the agricultural sector and contributing to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.

Lichens , Phosphates , Antarctic Regions , Ascomycota , Bacteria , Soil Microbiology
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 94(suppl 1): e20200094, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34730668


Maritime Antarctica is one of the major terrestrial ecosystems dominated by lichens and mosses, which represent important ecological indicators. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the changes in associated communities of mosses-lichens diversity and coverage along a pedoenvironmental gradient on Half Moon Island, Maritime Antarctica. We focused on how patterns in associated communities of mosses-lichens species diversity (richness, species composition and beta diversity) and coverage are associated with soil properties using plant inventory data from 174 plots across 14 contrasting pedoenvironments. The results clearly show marked differences in soil properties along the pedoenvironmental gradient, which determine variations in species composition, richness and coverage. We presumed that these variations are common in Maritime Antarctica owing to varying periglacial processes, weathering degree, parent material and biological influence (especially by penguins and other birds). The community species richness and coverage along the pedoenvironmental gradient differ, nevertheless share common species present in most pedoenvironments, despite differences in coverage. We assume that most of the pedoenvironments are habitats to rare species that occur only under specific soil conditions, additionally promotes high ß-diversity between pedoenvironments and low species similarity.

Bryophyta , Lichens , Antarctic Regions , Ecosystem , Soil