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J Am Chem Soc ; 146(30): 20996-21007, 2024 Jul 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39037260


Conical intersections (CIs) hold significant stake in manipulating and controlling photochemical reaction pathways of molecules at interfaces and surfaces by affecting molecular dynamics therein. Currently, there is no tool for characterizing CIs at interfaces and surfaces. To this end, we have developed phase-cycling interface-specific two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (i2D-ES) and combined it with advanced computational modeling to explore nonadiabatic CI dynamics of molecules at the air/water interface. Specifically, we integrated the phase locked pump pulse pair with an interface-specific electronic probe to obtain the two-dimensional interface-specific responses. We demonstrate that the nonadiabatic transitions of an interface-active azo dye molecule that occur through the CIs at the interface have different kinetic pathways from those in the bulk water. Upon photoexcitation, two CIs are present: one from an intersection of an optically active S2 state with a dark S1 state and the other from the intersection of the progressed S1 with the ground state S0. We find that the molecular conformations in the ground state are different for interfacial molecules. The interfacial molecules are intimately correlated with the locally populated excited state S2 being farther away from the CI region. This leads to slower nonadiabatic dynamics at the interface than in bulk water. Moreover, we show that the nonadiabatic transition from the S1 dark state to the ground state is significantly longer at the interface than that in the bulk, which is likely due to the orientationally restricted configuration of the excited state at the interface. Our findings suggest that orientational configurations of molecules manipulate reaction pathways at interfaces and surfaces.

Anal Chem ; 96(33): 13607-13615, 2024 Aug 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39126390


Droplet interfaces are instrumental in processes of biology, engineering, production, and environmental systems. The chemical and physical properties of heterogeneous interfaces are known to be different from those of their underlying bulk phases, and different again when considering the curved surface of submicron aerosol droplets. The recently developed technique of vibrational sum-frequency scattering (VSFS) spectroscopy from airborne particles has emerged as an interface-specific method for the in situ analysis of this unique system. While the technique has shown promise in debut works, a quantitative analysis of the VSFS system has not yet been performed. Here we provide a comprehensive analysis of a VSFS spectrometer with reference to the well-documented planar analog. We decompose the VSFS signal into coherent and incoherent as well as resonant and nonresonant components as a function of incident pulse delay time. We then quantify and compare resonant and nonresonant VSFS and VSFG experimental data using the same laser and detection systems. Using the air/water interface as a guide, we show that the resonant and nonresonant contributions to the SF responses are comparable for the two systems by extracting second-order susceptibilities and hyperpolarizabilities, and using them to estimate single-particle susceptibilities. A quantitative analysis of the signal detection systems for the scattering and planar geometries is made, and conversion efficiencies for VSFG, VSFS, and other nonlinear scattering experiments are compared. Lastly, the possibility of a low-repetition (1 kHz) VSFS spectrometer is considered, determining that it may be possible with modern laser technology but is inevitably less efficient than a high-repetition (100 kHz) system. Though this multistep analysis we obtain a better understanding of the components of the VSFS signal from aerosol particles, further validate the feasibility of the experiments, and provide insight to those wishing to conduct similar experiments and how they may be improved.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(34)2021 08 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34417312


Interactions of electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom are essential for understanding excited-states relaxation pathways of molecular systems at interfaces and surfaces. Here, we present the development of interface-specific two-dimensional electronic-vibrational sum frequency generation (2D-EVSFG) spectroscopy for electronic-vibrational couplings for excited states at interfaces and surfaces. We demonstrate this 2D-EVSFG technique by investigating photoexcited interface-active (E)-4-((4-(dihexylamino) phenyl)diazinyl)-1-methylpyridin-1- lum (AP3) molecules at the air-water interface as an example. Our 2D-EVSFG experiments show strong vibronic couplings of interfacial AP3 molecules upon photoexcitation and subsequent relaxation of a locally excited (LE) state. Time-dependent 2D-EVSFG experiments indicate that the relaxation of the LE state, S2, is strongly coupled with two high-frequency modes of 1,529.1 and 1,568.1 cm-1 Quantum chemistry calculations further verify that the strong vibronic couplings of the two vibrations promote the transition from the S2 state to the lower excited state S1 We believe that this development of 2D-EVSFG opens up an avenue of understanding excited-state dynamics related to interfaces and surfaces.

Langmuir ; 39(31): 10724-10743, 2023 Aug 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37497860


Surface properties of nanodroplets and microdroplets are intertwined with their immense applicability in biology, medicine, production, catalysis, the environment, and the atmosphere. However, many means for analyzing droplets and their surfaces are destructive, non-interface-specific, not conducted under ambient conditions, require sample substrates, conducted ex situ, or a combination thereof. For these reasons, a technique for surface-selective in situ analyses under any condition is necessary. This feature article presents recent developments in second-order nonlinear optical scattering techniques for the in situ interfacial analysis of aerosol droplets in the air. First, we describe the abundant utilization of such droplets across industries and how their unique surface properties lead to their ubiquitous usage. Then, we describe the fundamental properties of droplets and their surfaces followed by common methods for their study. We next describe the fundamental principles of sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy, the Langmuir adsorption model, and how they are used together to describe adsorption processes at planar liquid and droplet surfaces. We also discuss the history of developments of second-order scattering from droplets suspended in dispersive media and introduce second-harmonic scattering (SHS) and sum-frequency scattering (SFS) spectroscopies. We then go on to outline the developments of SHS, electronic sum-frequency scattering (ESFS), and vibrational sum-frequency scattering (VSFS) from droplets in the air and discuss the fundamental insights about droplet surfaces that the techniques have provided. Finally, we describe some of the areas of nonlinear scattering from airborne droplets which need improvement as well as potential future directions and utilizations of SHS, ESFS, and VSFS throughout environmental systems, interfacial chemistry, and fundamental physics. The goal of this feature article is to spread knowledge about droplets and their unique surface properties as well as introduce second-order nonlinear scattering to a broad audience who may be unaware of recent progress and advancements in their applicability.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(23): 3758-3764, 2022 Jun 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35667005


Small-volume nanodroplets play an increasingly common role in chemistry and biology. Such nanodroplets are believed to have unique chemical and physical properties at the interface between a droplet and its surrounding medium, however, they are underexamined. In this study, we present the novel technique of vibrational sum frequency scattering (VSFS) spectroscopy as an interface-specific, high-performance method for the in situ investigation of nanodroplets with sub-micron radii; as well as the droplet bulk through simultaneous hyper-Raman scattering (HRS) spectroscopy. We use laboratory-generated nanodroplets from aqueous alcohol solutions to demonstrate this technique's ability to separate the vibrational phenomena which take place at droplet surfaces from the underlying bulk phase. In addition, we systemically examine interfacial spectra of nanodroplets containing methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, and 1-butanol through VSFS. Furthermore, we demonstrate interfacial differences between such nanodroplets and their analogous planar surfaces. The sensitivity of this technique to probe droplet surfaces with few-particle density at standard conditions validates VSFS as an analytical technique for the in situ investigation of small nanodroplets, providing breakthrough information about these species of ever-increasing relevance.

Spectrum Analysis, Raman , Water , Methanol , Vibration , Water/chemistry
J Phys Chem A ; 125(17): 3589-3599, 2021 May 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33900754


Molecular symmetry is vital to the selection rule of vibrationally resolved electronic transition, particularly when the nuclear dependence of electronic wave function is explicitly treated by including Franck-Condon (FC) factor, Franck-Condon/Herzberg-Teller (FC/HT) interference, and Herzberg-Teller (HT) coupling. Our present study investigated the light absorption spectra of highly symmetric tetracene, pentacene, and hexacene molecules of point-group D2h, as well as their monobrominated derivatives with a lower Cs symmetry. It was found that the symmetry-breaking monobromination allows more vibrational normal modes and their pairs to contribute to FC/HT interference and HT coupling, respectively. Through a projection of a molecule's vibrational normal modes to its irreducible representations, a linear relationship between the FC/HT intensity to the polyacene's size was deduced alongside a quadratic dependence of the HT intensity. Both theoretically derived correlations were well justified by our numerical simulations, which also demonstrated an approximately 20% improvement on the agreement with experimental line shape if the HT theory is adopted to replace the FC approximation. Moreover, for these low-symmetry monobrominated polyacenes, the FC intensity was even weaker than its FC/HT and HT counterparts at some excitation energies, making the HT theory imperative to decipher vibronic coupling, a fundamental driving force behind numerous chemical, biological, and photophysical processes.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(44): 9156-9165, 2020 Nov 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33103890


The line shape of an electronic spectrum conveys the coupling between electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. In the present study, the light absorption spectra of single-crystalline pentacene were measured by polarized UV-vis microscopy at 77, 185, and 293 K. The vibronic coupling encoded in each spectrum was resolved by the Herzberg-Teller theory that considers the contributions from the Franck-Condon (FC) factor, Franck-Condo/Herzberg-Teller (FC/HT) interference, and Herzberg-Teller (HT) coupling. Specifically, excitation energies, electronic transition dipole moments, and their nuclear gradients were evaluated by the GW method to ensure numerical accuracy, while the computationally efficient density function theory was employed to determine the optimized structures and vibrational normal modes. For every pair of electronic transition and normal mode that gives rise to a strong vibronic transition intensity, we examined their spatial characteristics by projecting them onto the three crystal axes. It was found that all normal modes strongly coupled to the lowest-lying a-polarized electronic transitions oscillate along axis a, whereas none of their counterparts for the lowest-lying b-polarized electronic transitions is predominantly along axis b. This notable difference on the alignment between the electronic transition and molecular vibration could help the directional control of charge dissociation and/or spin separation. Moreover, a significant variance of the destructive FC/HT interference was discovered with increasing temperatures that can well explain the a-polarized fading tableland near 650 nm. Finally, the importance of HT coupling was corroborated by comparing its intensity with those of FC factor and FC/HT interference. Taken all together, the vibrational dependence of the electronic wave function is critical to resolve the light absorption spectra of single-crystalline pentacene and its temperature effects, facilitating the systematic design of functional optical materials based on pentacene and its derivatives.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(29): 6304-6312, 2019 Jul 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31253043


The growth of aerosol particles is intimately related to chemical reactions in the gas phase and particle phase and at gas-aerosol particle interfaces. While chemical reactions in gas and particle phases are well documented, there is very little information regarding interface-related reactions. The interface of gas-aerosol particles not only facilitates a physical channel for organic species to enter and exit but also provides a necessary lane for culturing chemical reactions. The physical and chemical properties of gas-particle interfaces have not been studied extensively, nor have the reactions occurring at the interfaces been well researched. This is mainly due to the fact that there is a lack of suitable in situ interface-sensitive analytical techniques for direct measurements of interfacial properties. The motivation behind this research is to understand how interfaces play a role in the growth of aerosol particles. We have developed in situ interface-specific second harmonic scattering to examine interfacial behaviors of molecules of aerosol particles under different relative humidity (RH) and salt concentrations. Both the relative humidity and salt concentration can change the particle size and the phase of the aerosol. RH not only varies the concentration of solutes inside aerosol particles but also changes interfacial hydration in local regions. Organic molecules were found to exhibit distinct behaviors at the interfaces and bulk on NaCl particles under different RH levels. Our quantitative analyses showed that the interfacial adsorption free energies remain unchanged while interfacial areas increase as the relative humidity increases. Furthermore, the surface tension of NaCl particles decreases as the RH increases. Our experimental findings from the novel nonlinear optical scattering technique stress the importance of interfacial water behaviors on aerosol particles in the atmosphere.

J Chem Phys ; 150(2): 024708, 2019 Jan 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30646722


Understandings of population and relaxation of charges at surfaces and interfaces are essential to improve charge collection efficiency for energy conversion, catalysis, and photosynthesis. Existing time-resolved surface and interface tools are limited to either under ultrahigh vacuum or in a narrow wavelength region with the loss of spectral information. There lacks an efficient time-resolved surface/interface-specific electronic spectroscopy under ambient conditions for the ultrafast surface/interface dynamics. Here we developed a novel technique for surface/interface-specific broadband electronic sum frequency generation (ESFG). The broadband ESFG was based on a stable two-stage BiB3O6 crystal-based optical parametric amplifier, which generates a strong broadband short-wave infrared (SWIR) from 1200 nm to 2400 nm. A resultant surface spectrum covers almost all visible light from 480 nm to 760 nm, combined a broadband electronic second harmonic generation (ESHG) with the ESFG from the SWIR laser source. We further developed the steady-state and transient broadband ESFG and ESHG techniques to investigate the structure and dynamics of charges at oxidized p-type GaAs (100) semiconductor surfaces, as an example. Both the steady-state and transient experiments have shown that two surface states exist inside the bandgap of the GaAs. The kinetic processes at the GaAs surface include both the population and recombination of the surface states after photoexcitation, in addition to the build-up of the space photo-voltage (SPV). The build-up SPV occurs with a rate of 0.56 ± 0.07 ps-1, while the population rate of the surface states exhibits a two-body behavior with a rate constant of (0.012 ± 0.002) × 1012 s-1 cm2. The photo-generated electron-hole pairs near the surface recombine with a rate of 0.002 ± 0.0002 ps-1 for the oxidized p-type GaAs (100). All the methodologies developed here are readily applied to any optically accessible interfaces and surfaces, in particular buried interfaces under ambient conditions.

J Chem Phys ; 150(9): 094709, 2019 Mar 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30849892


This paper presents the first study of the rotations of rigid molecules in 3 dimensions at the air/water interface, using the femtosecond time resolved sum frequency generation (SFG) technique. For the purpose of this research, the aromatic dye molecule C153 was chosen as an example of a molecule having two functional groups that are SFG active, one being the hydrophilic -C=O group and the other the hydrophobic -CF3 group. From polarized SFG measurements, the orientations of the two chromophores with respect to the surface normal were obtained. On combining these results with the known relative orientation of the two chromophores in the molecule yields the absolute orientation of C153 at the air/water interface. It was found that the -CF3 axis projected towards the bulk air at an angle of 59° with respect to the interface normal and the -C=O group projected towards the bulk water at an angle of 144°. In order to observe the rotational motions of C153 at the air/water interface, the approach was used to perturb the ground electronic state equilibrium orientational distribution using a polarized resonant pump pulse, which preferentially excites ground state molecules that have their electronic S0 → S1 transition moment aligned closely to the electric field of the incident pump pulse. As a consequence of the photoselection perturbation, the orientational distribution of the remaining ground state molecules was not the equilibrium distribution. Similarly, the orientational distribution of the excited state molecules that were created by the polarized pump pulse was not in their final equilibrium orientational distribution. The rotational motions of the interfacial molecules towards equilibrium were obtained from time dependent measurements of the intensities of the SFG signal generated by the simultaneous incidence at the air/water interface of a visible probe pulse plus an IR probe pulse. In this way, the recovery times to achieve the orientational equilibrium of the two chromophores including the orientation of the normal of the C153 plane with respect to the interface were obtained. The photo-selection process shifts the average orientation angle of the hydrophilic -C=O group by an increase of 4° ± 0.6° with a rotational recovery time constant of 130 ± 20 ps, which is the time to return to an orientational equilibrium distribution. The hydrophobic -CF3 group undergoes a shift that increases its angle by 8° ± 1.5° with a rotational recovery time constant of 210 ± 38 ps. We find that the orientational change of the molecular normal is 4° ± 0.5° and has a rotational recovery time constant of 125 ± 26 ps. The interface-specific time-dependent polarized measurements allowed us to monitor the orientational motions of molecules at interfaces, both in 3 dimensions and in real time.

Anal Chem ; 90(18): 10967-10973, 2018 09 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30111093


The gas-aerosol particle interface is believed to contribute to the growth of secondary organic aerosols in the atmosphere. Despite its importance, the chemical composition of the interface has not been probed directly because of a lack of suitable interface-specific analytical techniques. The preliminary result in our early work has demonstrated direct observations of molecules at the gas-aerosol particle interface with the development of second harmonic scattering (SHS). However, the SHS technique is far away from being an analytical tool of chemical compositions at the gas-aerosol particle interface. In this work, we continued to develop the interface-specific SHS for in situ chemical analysis of molecules at the gas-aerosol particle interface. As an example, we demonstrated coherent SHS signal of a new SHS probe, crystal violet (CV), from interfaces of aerosol particles. The development of the SHS technique includes: (1) Optimization for a more efficient femtosecond laser system in the generation of SHS from aerosol particles. A near 5 MHz repetition rate of a femtosecond laser was found to be optimal for the generation of SHS; (2) exploration of a more effective detector for SHS of aerosol particles. We found that both a CCD detector and a single-photon counter produce similar signal-to-noise ratios of the interfacial SHS signals from aerosol particles. The CCD detector is a more effective option for the detection of SHS and could greatly reduce sampling time of the interfacial responses; (3) combination of the optimal laser system with the CCD detector, which has greatly improved the detection sensitivity of interfacial molecules by more than 2 orders of magnitude and could potentially detect interfacial SHS from a single aerosol particle. These experimental results not only provided a thorough analysis of the SHS technique but also built a solid foundation for further development of a new vibrational sum frequency scattering (SFS) technique for chemical structures at the gas-aerosol particle interface.

Mol Neurobiol ; 2023 Sep 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37728848


The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has resulted in devastating medical and economic consequences worldwide over the past 3 years. As the pandemic enters a new stage, it is essential to consider the potential impact on rare diseases such as Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), which has been intimately associated with COVID-19 since the first COVID-19-related GBS case was reported in January 2020. There are notable differences between COVID-19-related GBS and GBS without COVID-19 in terms of diagnostic types and clinical manifestations. Furthermore, with the widespread administration of COVID-19 vaccines, there have been reports of GBS occurring shortly after vaccination, which requires close attention despite its rarity. This review also explores the vaccines associated with heightened GBS risks, offering insights that may guide vaccination policies and clinical practice. To provide a visual summary of these findings, we have included a graphical abstract. This article will discuss the characteristic manifestations of GBS patients after being positive for the novel coronavirus and the safety of several COVID-19 vaccines. Firstly, this article comprehensively expounds and discusses the epidemiological aspects of novel coronavirus-related GBS. For example, from the perspective of the same population, the expected incidence of GBS in the COVID-19-positive population (persons/100,000 persons/ year) is about 43 times that of the COVID-19-negative population, and the incidence of GBS is significantly increased. Secondly, the clinical characteristics of COVID-19-negative GBS patients and SARS-CoV-2-GBS (SC2-GBS) patients were summarized and compared. Thirdly, this article reviews GBS cases in the current adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination and analyzes and discusses from multiple perspectives, such as the incidence of GBS events, the age proportion of patients, and the interval of onset.

ACS Phys Chem Au ; 3(4): 374-385, 2023 Jul 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37520317


Many photoinduced excited states' relaxation processes and chemical reactions occur at interfaces and surfaces, including charge transfer, energy transfer, proton transfer, proton-coupled electron transfer, configurational dynamics, conical intersections, etc. Of them, interactions of electronic and vibrational motions, namely, vibronic couplings, are the main determining factors for the relaxation processes or reaction pathways. However, time-resolved electronic-vibrational spectroscopy for interfaces and surfaces is lacking. Here we develop interface/surface-specific two-dimensional electronic-vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy (2D-EVSFG) for time-dependent vibronic coupling of excited states at interfaces and surfaces. We further demonstrate the fourth-order technique by investigating vibronic coupling, solvent correlation, and time evolution of the coupling for photoexcited interface-active molecules, crystal violet (CV), at the air/water interface as an example. The two vibronic absorption peaks for CV molecules at the interface from the 2D-EVSFG experiments were found to be more prominent than their counterparts in bulk from 2D-EV. Quantitative analysis of the vibronic peaks in 2D-EVSFG suggested that a non-Condon process participates in the photoexcitation of CV at the interface. We further reveal vibrational solvent coupling for the zeroth level on the electronic state with respect to that on the ground state, which is directly related to the magnitude of its change in solvent reorganization energy. The change in the solvent reorganization energy at the interface is much smaller than that in bulk methanol. Time-dependent center line slopes (CLSs) of 2D-EVSFG also showed that kinetic behaviors of CV at the air/water interface are significantly different from those in bulk methanol. Our ultrafast 2D-EVSFG experiments not only offer vibrational information on both excited states and the ground state as compared with the traditional doubly resonant sum frequency generation and electronic-vibrational coupling but also provide vibronic coupling, dynamical solvent effects, and time evolution of vibronic coupling at interfaces.

JACS Au ; 3(5): 1413-1423, 2023 May 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37234121


Photoinduced relaxation processes at interfaces are intimately related to many fields such as solar energy conversion, photocatalysis, and photosynthesis. Vibronic coupling plays a key role in the fundamental steps of the interface-related photoinduced relaxation processes. Vibronic coupling at interfaces is expected to be different from that in bulk due to the unique environment. However, vibronic coupling at interfaces has not been well understood due to the lack of experimental tools. We have recently developed a two-dimensional electronic-vibrational sum frequency generation (2D-EVSFG) for vibronic coupling at interfaces. In this work, we present orientational correlations in vibronic couplings of electronic and vibrational transition dipoles as well as the structural evolution of photoinduced excited states of molecules at interfaces with the 2D-EVSFG technique. We used malachite green molecules at the air/water interface as an example, to be compared with those in bulk revealed by 2D-EV. Together with polarized VSFG and ESHG experiments, polarized 2D-EVSFG spectra were used to extract relative orientations of an electronic transition dipole and vibrational transition dipoles at the interface. Combined with molecular dynamics calculations, time-dependent 2D-EVSFG data have demonstrated that structural evolutions of photoinduced excited states at the interface have different behaviors than those in bulk. Our results showed that photoexcitation leads to intramolecular charge transfer but no conical interactions in 25 ps. Restricted environment and orientational orderings of molecules at the interface are responsible for the unique features of vibronic coupling.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(24): 5692-5700, 2023 Jun 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37315210


The electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is important for many renewable energy technologies. Developing cost-effective electrocatalysts with high performance remains a great challenge. Here, we successfully demonstrate our novel interface catalyst comprised of Ni3Fe1-based layered double hydroxides (Ni3Fe1-LDH) vertically immobilized on a two-dimensional MXene (Ti3C2Tx) surface. The Ni3Fe1-LDH/Ti3C2Tx yielded an anodic OER current of 100 mA cm-2 at 0.28 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), nearly 74 times lower than that of the pristine Ni3Fe1-LDH. Furthermore, the Ni3Fe1-LDH/Ti3C2Tx catalyst requires an overpotential of only 0.31 V versus RHE to deliver an industrial-level current density as high as 1000 mA cm-2. Such excellent OER activity was attributed to the synergistic interface effect between Ni3Fe1-LDH and Ti3C2Tx. Density functional theory (DFT) results further reveal that the Ti3C2Tx support can efficiently accelerate the electron extraction from Ni3Fe1-LDH and tailor the electronic structure of catalytic sites, resulting in enhanced OER performance.

Commun Chem ; 5(1): 58, 2022 Apr 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36698010


Understanding the chemical and physical properties of particles is an important scientific, engineering, and medical issue that is crucial to air quality, human health, and environmental chemistry. Of special interest are aerosol particles floating in the air for both indoor virus transmission and outdoor atmospheric chemistry. The growth of bio- and organic-aerosol particles in the air is intimately correlated with chemical structures and their reactions in the gas phase at aerosol particle surfaces and in-particle phases. However, direct measurements of chemical structures at aerosol particle surfaces in the air are lacking. Here we demonstrate in situ surface-specific vibrational sum frequency scattering (VSFS) to directly identify chemical structures of molecules at aerosol particle surfaces. Furthermore, our setup allows us to simultaneously probe hyper-Raman scattering (HRS) spectra in the particle phase. We examined polarized VSFS spectra of propionic acid at aerosol particle surfaces and in particle bulk. More importantly, the surface adsorption free energy of propionic acid onto aerosol particles was found to be less negative than that at the air/water interface. These results challenge the long-standing hypothesis that molecular behaviors at the air/water interface are the same as those at aerosol particle surfaces. Our approach opens a new avenue in revealing surface compositions and chemical aging in the formation of secondary organic aerosols in the atmosphere as well as chemical analysis of indoor and outdoor viral aerosol particles.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(2): 023104, 2021 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33648131


Structures, kinetics, and chemical reactivities at interfaces and surfaces are key to understanding many of the fundamental scientific problems related to chemical, material, biological, and physical systems. These steady-state and dynamical properties at interfaces and surfaces require even-order techniques with time-resolution and spectral-resolution. Here, we develop fourth-order interface-/surface-specific two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, including both two-dimensional electronic sum frequency generation (2D-ESFG) spectroscopy and two-dimensional electronic second harmonic generation (2D-ESHG) spectroscopy, for structural and dynamics studies of interfaces and surfaces. The 2D-ESFG and 2D-ESHG techniques were based on a unique laser source of broadband short-wave IR from 1200 nm to 2200 nm from a home-built optical parametric amplifier. With the broadband short-wave IR source, surface spectra cover most of the visible light region from 480 nm to 760 nm. A translating wedge-based identical pulses encoding system (TWINs) was introduced to generate a phase-locked pulse pair for coherent excitation in the 2D-ESFG and 2D-ESHG. As an example, we demonstrated surface dark states and their interactions of the surface states at p-type GaAs (001) surfaces with the 2D-ESFG and 2D-ESHG techniques. These newly developed time-resolved and interface-/surface-specific 2D spectroscopies would bring new information for structure and dynamics at interfaces and surfaces in the fields of the environment, materials, catalysis, and biology.

Spectrum Analysis/instrumentation , Amplifiers, Electronic , Surface Properties , Vibration
J Diabetes Investig ; 12(10): 1835-1844, 2021 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33650778


AIMS/INTRODUCTION: Diabetes has been considered as a 'pro-thrombotic state' with enhanced platelet reactivity. Abnormality in platelet aggregation has been found in patients with its most common chronic complication - diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential association of platelet indices with nerve conduction function and the presence of DPN in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study involved a total of 211 inpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and 55 healthy individuals for whom nerve conduction studies were carried out. DPN was diagnosed according to the American Diabetes Association recommendation. Clinical data were retrospectively collected. RESULTS: Patients with diabetes in whom neuropathy developed had lower levels of platelet count (PLT) and plateletcrit (PCT) than healthy controls (P < 0.05). Statistically significant associations of low PLT and PCT levels with the reduction of summed amplitude/velocity Z-score, and the prolongation of F-wave minimum latency in nerve conduction studies were found. Furthermore, after multivariate adjustment, logistic regression analysis showed that low levels of PLT (odds ratio 2.268, 95% confidence interval 1.072-4.797; P < 0.05; PLT <226 vs PLT ≥226) and PCT (odds ratio 2.050, 95% confidence interval 1.001-4.201; P < 0.05; PCT <0.222 vs PCT ≥0.222) in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients were risk factors for the presence of DPN. CONCLUSIONS: Lower PLT and PCT levels are closely associated with poorer peripheral nerve conduction functions and the presence of neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, which suggests that PLT and PCT might be potential biomarkers for showing DPN.

Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/blood , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Diabetic Nephropathies/blood , Diabetic Nephropathies/physiopathology , Neural Conduction , Adult , Aged , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/physiopathology , Diabetic Nephropathies/etiology , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Platelet Count , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors
J Phys Chem Lett ; 12(46): 11361-11370, 2021 Nov 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34784226


Development of efficient bifunctional nonprecious metallic electrocatalysts for hydrogen electrochemistry in alkaline solution is of importance to enable commercialization of a low-cost alkaline hydrogen fuel cell and water electrolyzer, but it is very challenging. Two-dimensional (2D) MXene-based electrocatalysts hold tremendous potential for the applications of hydrogen fuel cell and water electrolyzer. Here, we successfully immobilized transition-metal-based NiMo nanoparticles (NPs) on 2D Ti3C2Tx (Tx: surface terminations, such as O, OH, or F) surfaces by a wet chemical method. Our results demonstrate that the NiMo NPs are monodispersed on Ti3C2Tx with surface functionalization. These monodisperse NPs resulted in superior hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) activities in an alkaline media. The NiMo NPs/Ti3C2Tx in 1.0 M KOH yielded an HER current of -10 mA cm-2 at -0.044 V vs reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), nearly 232 mV smaller than that of the parent NiMo NPs. The NiMo NPs/Ti3C2Tx produced an HOR current density of 1.5 mA cm-2 at 0.1 V vs RHE. Density functional theory (DFT) results further reveal that Ti3C2Tx support can facilitate the charge transfer to metallic NPs and tailor the electronic structure of catalytic sites, resulting in optimized adsorption free energies of H* species for hydrogen electrochemistry. This work provides a facile and universal strategy in the development of 2D Ti3C2Tx with nonprecious metals for low-cost bifunctional hydrogen electrocatalysts.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 12(12): 3142-3150, 2021 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33755478


Vibronic coupling is believed to play an important role in siglet fission, wherein a photoexcited singlet exciton is converted into two triplet excitons. In the present study, we examine the role of vibronic coupling in singlet fission using polarized transient absorption microscopy and ab initio simulations on single-crystalline pentacene. It was found that singlet fission in pentacene is greatly facilitated by the vibrational coherence of a 35.0 cm-1 phonon, where anisotropic coherence persists extensively for a few picoseconds. This coherence-preserving phonon that drives the anisotropic singlet fission is made possible by a unique cross-axial charge-transfer intermediate state. In the same fashion, this phonon was also found to predominantly drive the quantum decohence of a correlated triplet pair to form a decoupled triplet dimer. Moreover, our transient kinetic experimental data illustrates notable directional anisotropicity of the singlet fission rate in single-crystalline pentacene.