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Health Psychol Res ; 10(5): 38439, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36381178


Purpose of Review: Migraines are prevalent and cause significant morbidity, decline in quality of life and healthcare costs universally. Treatment options are varied, but efficacy is limited. This review centers on Eptinezumab-jjmr, a humanized monoclonal specific to CGRP for the prevention of migraines in adults. Herein presented are the science and mechanism of action, indication and clinical evidence for use. Recent Findings: Migraines are severe, recurrent headaches, which are either episodic or chronic in nature. The pain is severe, often accompanied by co-morbid symptoms, such as photophobia, phonophobia, nausea and emesis, and is limiting in nature. It is a prevalent disorder that causes significant, worldwide disability, morbidity, suffering, and costs.The pathophysiology of migraines is actively studied, though recent research points to an initiating event causing migraine generation, that is then propagated by other brain regions, a significant one being the trigeminocervical complex. This is driven by biochemical transmitters, chiefly CGRP. This discovery led to the development of CGRP-targeting drugs, including gepants (small molecular antagonists) and anti-CGRP antibodies, such as Eptinezumab-jjmr.Traditional therapy includes preventative and abortive treatment; however, adherence with preventative treatment has been historically poor, and certain types of abortive therapy carry risks and side effects that preclude them from a large patient population. Moreover, traditional therapy often falls short in migraine therapy. CGRP antagonist, including Eptinezumab, aims to cover the gaps in migraine therapy. We present here evidence to support the safe and effective use of Eptinezumab for the prevention of migraines. Summary: Migraines are a prevalent primary headache disorder causing significant morbidity worldwide. Traditional abortive and preventative treatments fall short for many patients. Eptinezumab is part of new generation of CGRP-targeting medications and has shown significant evidence to support its use for the prevention of migraines. Further research is required to properly compare eptinezumab with existing pharmacotherapy and update guidelines on the appropriate combinations of therapies that are not available and the correct patient selection for each.

Health Psychol Res ; 10(5): 38536, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36262479


An intranasal formulation of midazolam, Nayzilam, has been FDA-approved to treat intermittent, stereotypic episodes of frequent seizure activity. Nayzilam is easy to administer and can quickly treat seizures that occur outside of the hospital. The intra-nasal route of administration allows non-medical personal to administer the drug which makes it more accessible and user-friendly in the event of a seizure. Many studies have indicated quick cessation of seizures with Nayzilam compared to rectal diazepam, which has been the standard of care treatment. Nayzilam has been proven to be safe and effective for acute seizures in children, deeming it a revolutionary alternative in times where intravenous administration is not possible.

Health Psychol Res ; 10(5): 38534, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36262478


Migraine is a common form of primary headache, affecting up to 1 in every 6 Americans. The pathophysiology is an intricate interplay of genetic factors and environmental influence and is still being elucidated in ongoing studies. The trigeminovascular system is now known to have a significant role in the initiation of migraines, including the release of pain mediators such as CGRP and substance P. Traditional treatment of migraine is usually divided into acute and preventive treatment. Acute therapy includes non-specific therapy, such as NSAIDs and other analgesics, which may provide relief in mild to moderate migraines. 5-HT1 agonists may provide relief in severe migraine, but are not universally effective and carry a significant side-effect profile with frequent redosing requirement. Prophylactic therapy may reduce the occurrence of acute migraine attacks in selected patients, but does not completely eliminate it. More recently, CGRP antagonism has been studied and shown to be effective in both abortion and prevention of migraine. Novel medications, targeting CGRP, divide into CGRP antibodies and receptor antagonists (gepants). Rimegepant, a second-generation gepant, has shown efficacy in several clinical trials in treating acute migraine. Ongoing trials are also evaluating its role in migraine prophylaxis, and results are promising. It is also generally safer for use than existing options, does not appear to increase the chance of developing chronic migraines, and carries a very tolerable side effects profile. It is a part of a growing arsenal in migraine treatment, and may present the silver bullet for treatment of this disease.

Health Psychol Res ; 10(5): 67853, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36726476


This is a review of the latest and seminal evidence in pediatric migraine. It covers the etiology and pathophysiology known today, and then will review treatment options, efficacy and safety, quality of data and indications. Though migraine is usually regarded as an infliction in adults, it is not uncommon in the pediatric population and affects up to 8% of children. Children may experience migraine differently than adults, and present not only with headache but also frequent gastrointestinal symptoms. They are frequently shorter in duration than in adults. Traditional migraine treatment in adults is less effective in children. In this population, adjunct therapies - such as interventional techniques - should be considered when traditional treatment fails, including Botulinum Toxin A (BTA) injections, peripheral nerve and ganglion blocks. BTA injections are FDA approved for migraine prophylaxis in adults, but currently not in children; however, recent evidence shows efficacy and safety in pediatric migraine management. Nerve blocks stop nociceptive afferent fibers through injection of local anesthetics, and it may be associated with the local injection of corticosteroids. Although more common in adults, recent data suggests they are safe and effective in children and adolescents. Blocking the sphenopalatine ganglion can be achieved through nasal approach, and achieves a similar action by blocking the entire ganglion. Interventional techniques may provide a key component in the alleviation of this otherwise debilitating chronic migraine pain. Though most studies have been performed in adults, new studies provide encouraging results for treatment in children.