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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(26): e2315425121, 2024 Jun 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38889148


Central North America is the global hotspot for tornadoes, fueled by elevated terrain of the Rockies to the west and a source of warm, moist air from equatorward oceans. This conventional wisdom argues that central South America, with the Andes to the west and Amazon basin to the north, should have a "tornado alley" at least as active as central North America. Central South America has frequent severe thunderstorms yet relatively few tornadoes. Here, we show that conventional wisdom is missing an important ingredient specific to tornadoes: a smooth, flat ocean-like upstream surface. Using global climate model experiments, we show that central South American tornado potential substantially increases if its equatorward land surface is smoothed and flattened to be ocean-like. Similarly, we show that central North American tornado potential substantially decreases if its equatorward ocean surface is roughened to values comparable to forested land. A rough upstream surface suppresses the formation of tornadic environments principally by weakening the poleward low-level winds, characterized by a weakened low-level jet east of the mountain range. Results are shown to be robust for any midlatitude landmass using idealized experiments with a simplified continent and mountain range. Our findings indicate that large-scale upstream surface roughness is likely a first-order driver of the strong contrast in tornado potential between North and South America.

Rev Geophys ; 53(3): 994-1021, 2015 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27668295


For over 16 years, the Precipitation Radar of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite detected the three-dimensional structure of significantly precipitating clouds in the tropics and subtropics. This paper reviews and synthesizes studies using the TRMM radar data to present a global picture of the variation of convection throughout low latitudes. The multiyear data set shows convection varying not only in amount but also in its very nature across the oceans, continents, islands, and mountain ranges of the tropics and subtropics. Shallow isolated raining clouds are overwhelmingly an oceanic phenomenon. Extremely deep and intense convective elements occur almost exclusively over land. Upscale growth of convection into mesoscale systems takes a variety of forms. Oceanic cloud systems generally have less intense embedded convection but can form very wide stratiform regions. Continental mesoscale systems often have more intense embedded convection. Some of the most intense convective cells and mesoscale systems occur near the great mountain ranges of low latitudes. The Maritime Continent and Amazonia exhibit convective clouds with maritime characteristics although they are partially or wholly land. Convective systems containing broad stratiform areas manifest most strongly over oceans. The stratiform precipitation occurs in various forms. Often it occurs as quasi-uniform precipitation with strong melting layers connected with intense convection. In monsoons and the Intertropical Convergence Zone, it takes the form of closely packed weak convective elements. Where fronts extend into the subtropics, broad stratiform regions are larger and have lower and sloping melting layers related to the baroclinic origin of the precipitation.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 127(24): e2022JD036863, 2022 Dec 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37033369


Heavy rainfall is a challenge to forecast due to the variety of rainfall intensities and durations across a wide spectrum of high-impact storm types. In this study, we analyze extreme storms in Tropical and Subtropical East Asia, a moisture-rich environment with complex terrain and oceanic regions. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's Precipitation Radar is utilized to characterize the frequency and rainfall intensity of four extreme storm types. Extreme storms producing heavy precipitation are categorized into four types: deep convective cores (DCCs), deepwide convective cores (DWCCs), wide convective cores (WCCs), and broad stratiforms regions (BSRs). DCCs and DWCCs occur more frequently and produce stronger rain intensities over land compared to those over ocean. However, WCCs and BSRs occur more frequently over oceans, especially in association with the Meiyu front season and climatological progression in the northern subregions. Although the Convective Cores show higher rain intensities than the BSRs, they show lower volumetric rain rate due to their comparatively smaller horizontal area. An ingredients-based framework is applied to find key similarities across the different heavy rainfall-producing storms near Taiwan using ERA5 reanalysis. The analysis shows that the broader systems (i.e., WCCs and BSRs) are associated with larger in area and longer timescales of vertical moisture flux and low-level wind shear that support the development of the horizontally large, organized storms. Smaller DCCs do not show strong vertical moisture flux on the spatial scales resolved by the reanalysis, suggesting their more local nature and less meso- or synoptic scale support.

Mon Weather Rev ; 147(12)2019 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32440028


Hailstorms in subtropical South America are known to be some of the most frequent anywhere in the world, causing significant damage to the local agricultural economy every year. Convection in this region tends to be orographically forced, with moisture supplied from the Amazon rainforest by the South American low-level jet. Previous climatologies of hailstorms in this region have been limited to localized and sparse observational networks. Due to the lack of sufficient ground-based radar coverage, objective radar-derived hail climatologies have also not been produced for this region. As a result, this study uses a 16-year dataset of TRMM Precipitation Radar and Microwave Imager observations to identify possible hailstorms remotely, using 37-GHz brightness temperature as a hail proxy. By combining satellite instruments and ERA-Interim reanalysis data, this study produces the first objective study of hailstorms in this region. Hailstorms in subtropical South America have an extended diurnal cycle, often occurring in the overnight hours. Additionally, they tend to be multi-cellular in nature, rather than discrete. High-probability hailstorms (≥ 50% probability of containing hail) tend to be deeper by 1-2 km and horizontally larger by greater than 15,000 km2 than storms having a low-probability of containing hail (< 25% probability of containing hail). Finally, hailstorms are supported synoptically by strong upper- and lower-level jets, anomalously warm and moist low levels, and enhanced instability. The findings of this study will support the forecasting of these severe storms and mitigation of their damages within this region.