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Nature ; 448(7149): 50-3, 2007 Jul 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17611535


Hyperion is Saturn's largest known irregularly shaped satellite and the only moon observed to undergo chaotic rotation. Previous work has identified Hyperion's surface as distinct from other small icy objects but left the causes unsettled. Here we report high-resolution images that reveal a unique sponge-like appearance at scales of a few kilometres. Mapping shows a high surface density of relatively well-preserved craters two to ten kilometres across. We have also determined Hyperion's size and mass, and calculated the mean density as 544 +/- 50 kg m(-3), which indicates a porosity of >40 per cent. The high porosity may enhance preservation of craters by minimizing the amount of ejecta produced or retained, and accordingly may be the crucial factor in crafting this unusual surface.

Physiol Res ; 69(5): 907-917, 2020 11 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32901503


Recent studies reported association of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) with testosterone and vitamin D deficiency. Low testosterone and vitamin D levels have been linked to fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). However, the impact of testosterone and vitamin D deficiency on EDS in subjects with SDB remains unknown. The aim of this study was to explore the predictors of EDS in habitual snorers. Role of testosterone, and vitamin D was studied in detail. We also looked for associations between testosterone, vitamin D, and sleep-related indices. We prospectively enrolled 291 consecutive male patients with habitual snoring. Baseline clinical characteristics were recorded on admission. Standard overnight polysomnography was performed to detect SDB, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) was used to assess EDS. Blood samples were obtained in a fasting condition in the morning after polysomnography to determine levels of testosterone and vitamin D. Respiratory disturbance index (RDI) (95 % CI: 1.004-1.024, p=0.005) and the use of antihistamines (95 % CI: 1.083-11.901, p=0.037) were the only independent variables significantly associated with EDS in binary logistic regression analysis. In linear multiple regression analysis, body mass index (BMI) (Beta=-0.282, p<0.001) and oxygen desaturation index (Beta=-0.150, p=0.043) were the only independent variables significantly associated with testosterone levels, and BMI (Beta=-0.142, p=0.016) was the only independent variable significantly associated with vitamin D. We failed to find any independent association of testosterone and vitamin D with subjectively rated EDS among habitual snorers. Our results suggest an independent association between the magnitude of nocturnal desaturation and testosterone levels.

Body Mass Index , Disorders of Excessive Somnolence/blood , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/blood , Testosterone/blood , Vitamin D Deficiency/blood , Vitamin D/blood , Disorders of Excessive Somnolence/pathology , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Polysomnography/methods , Prospective Studies , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/pathology , United Kingdom/epidemiology , Vitamin D Deficiency/pathology , Vitamins/blood
Science ; 201(4358): 812-4, 1978 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17738533


Recent close flybys of Deimos by Viking revealed a smooth-appearing surface void of grooves. Higher-resolution pictures showed that the surface was actually covered with craters but that a regolith filled the smaller craters, giving the smooth appearance. The surface was also covered with boulders and bright streak-like markings analogous to base-surge or ejecta cloud deposits.

Science ; 158(3797): 110-2, 1967 Oct 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17798644


The small magnetic field strength observed near Mars by Mariner IV suggests that protons from the solar wind may enter the Martian atmosphere and produce ionization in addition to that produced by ultraviolet light and x-rays. It is found that solar protons produce a thin ionized layer at a rate of the order of 3 x 10(3) per cubic centimeter per second at a depth corresponding to the F(1) region in the terrestrial atmosphere. Unless the effective recombinative coefficient is very large (greater than 10(-5) centimeter cubed per second) or unless unusual diffusion effects are present, this layer should have been detected by Mariner IV, and therefore must be present in one of the observed ionized regions. Because of its very compact shape, the subsidiary maximum near 95 kilometers discovered in the Mariner-IV occultation experiment may be the proton ionization peak. If so, the major 120-kilometer maximum is an F(2) layer. Distinction between photon and proton ionization regions can be made by microwave occultation experiments aboard planetary orbiters.

Science ; 184(4139): 901-3, 1974 May 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17782383


The occultation of the star Beta Scorpii by Jupiter was observed at high time resolution in three wavelength channels. The results imply a temperature of 220 degrees K at an altitude in the Jovian atmosphere corresponding to 10(14) molecules per cubic centimeter, and temperature fluctuations of 2 degrees to 10 degrees K over vertical scales of 2 to 10 kilometers. They suggest that the vertical eddy diffusion coefficient near the turbopause has a lower limit of 7 x 10(5)K square centimeters per second, and that the turbopause lies above the altitude where the density is 5 x 10(13) molecules per cubic centimeter. Below the turbopause, the ratio of hydrogen to helium is consistent with cosmic abundances.

Science ; 255(5046): 824-6, 1992 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17756427


Specially processed Voyager 2 images of Neptune's largest moon, Triton, reveal three large quasi-circular features ranging in diameter from 280 to 935 kilometers within Triton's equatorial region. The largest of these features contains a central, irregularly shaped area of comparatively low albedo about 380 kilometers in diameter, surrounded by crudely concentric annuli of higher albedo materials. None of the features exhibit significant topographic expression, and all appear to be primarily albedo markings. The features are located within a broad equatorial band of anomalously transparent frost that renders them nearly invisible at the large phase angles (alpha > 90 degrees ) at which Voyager obtained its highest resolution coverage of Triton. The features can be discerned at smaller phase angles (alpha = 66 degrees ) at which the frost only partially masks underlying albedo contrasts. The origin of the features is uncertain but may have involved regional cryovolcanic activity.

Science ; 199(4324): 64-6, 1978 Jan 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17841955


A reflectance spectrum of Phobos (from 200 to 1100 nanometers) has been compiled from the Mariner 9 ultraviolet spectrometer, Viking lander imaging, and ground-based photometric data. The reflectance of the martian satellite is approximately constant at 5 percent from 1100 to 400 nanometers but drops sharply below 400 nanometers, reaching a value of 1 percent at 200 nanometers. The spectral albedo of Phobos bears a striking resemblance to that of asteroids (1) Ceres and (2) Pallas. Comparison of the reflectance spectra of asteroids with those of meteorites has shown that the spectral signature of Ceres is indicative of a carbonaceous chondritic composition. A physical explanation of how the compositional information is imposed on the reflectance spectrum is given. On the basis of a good match between the reflectance spectra of Phobos and Ceres and the extensive research that has been done to infer the composition of Ceres, it seems reasonable to believe that the surface composition of Phobos is similar to that of carbonaceous chondrites. This suggestion is consistent with the recently determined low density of Mars's inner satellite. Our result and recent Viking noble gas measurements suggest different modes of origin for Mars and Phobos.

Science ; 195(4277): 485-6, 1977 Feb 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17734747


Temperature profiles of the martian atmosphere have been derived from airborne observations of the 8 April 1976 occultation of epsilon Geminorum. Within the altitude range from 50 to 90 kilometers, these profiles show peak-to-peak variations of 35 degrees K with a vertical scale of 20 kilometers and represent evidence for strong tides in the martian atmosphere. However, more information is necessary to conclusively rule out a radiative explanation for the temperature variations.

Science ; 250(4979): 419-21, 1990 Oct 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17793017


Hapke's photometric model has been combined with a plane-parallel thin atmospheric haze model to describe Voyager whole-disk observations of Triton, in the violet (0.41 microm), blue (0.48 microm), and green (0.56 microm) wavelength bands, in order to obtain estimates of Triton's geometric albedo, phase integral, and Bond albedo. Phase angle coverage in these filters ranging from approximately 12 degrees to 159 degrees was obtained by combining narrow- and wide-angle camera images. An upturn in the data at the highest phase angles observed can be explained by including scattering in a thin atmospheric haze layer with optical depths systematically decreasing with wavelength from approximately 0.06 in the violet to 0.03 for the green filter data. The geometric albedo, phase integral, and spherical albedo of Triton in each filter corresponding to our best fit Hapke parameters yield an estimated Bond albedo of 0.82 +/- 0.05. If the 14-microbar N(2) atmosphere detected by Voyager is in vapor equilibrium with the surface (therefore implying a surface temperature of 37.5 K), our Bond albedo implies a surface emissivity of 0.59 +/- 0.16.

Science ; 199(4324): 66-9, 1978 Jan 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17841956


The reflectivity of Phobos has been determined in the spectral region from 0.4 to 1.1 micrometers from images taken with a Viking lander camera. The reflectivity curve is flat in this spectral interval and the geometric albedo equals 0.05 +/- 0.01. These results, together with Phobos's reflectivity spectrum in the ultraviolet, are compared with laboratory spectra of carbonaceous chondrites and basalts. The spectra of carbonaceous chondrites are consistent with the observations, whereas the basalt spectra are not. These findings raise the possibility that Phobos may be a captured object rather than a natural satellite of Mars.

Science ; 292(5516): 488-91, 2001 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11313491


During the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR)-Shoemaker's low-altitude flyover of asteroid 433 Eros, observations by the NEAR Laser Rangefinder (NLR) have helped to characterize small-scale surface features. On scales from meters to hundreds of meters, the surface has a fractal structure with roughness dominated by blocks, structural features, and walls of small craters. This fractal structure suggests that a single process, possibly impacts, dominates surface morphology on these scales.

Science ; 193(4255): 766-76, 1976 Aug 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17747777


During its first 30 orbits around Mars, the Viking orbiter took approximately 1000 photographic frames of the surface of Mars with resolutions that ranged from 100 meters to a little more than 1 kilometer. Most were of potential landing sites in Chryse Planitia and Cydonia and near Capri Chasma. Contiguous high-resolution coverage in these areas has led to an increased understanding of surface processes, particularly cratering, fluvial, and mass-wasting phenomena. Most of the surfaces examined appear relatively old, channel features abound, and a variety of features suggestive of permafrost have been identified. The ejecta patterns around large craters imply that fluid flow of ejecta occurred after ballistic deposition. Variable features in the photographed area appear to have changed little since observed 5 years ago from Mariner 9. A variety of atmospheric phenomena were observed, including diffuse morning hazes, both stationary and moving discrete white clouds, and wave clouds covering extensive areas.

Science ; 255(5044): 570-6, 1992 Jan 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17792379


Multispectral images of the lunar western limb and far side obtained from Galileo reveal the compositional nature of several prominent lunar features and provide new information on lunar evolution. The data reveal that the ejecta from the Orientale impact basin (900 kilometers in diameter) lying outside the Cordillera Mountains was excavated from the crust, not the mantle, and covers pre-Orientale terrain that consisted of both highland materials and relatively large expanses of ancient mare basalts. The inside of the far side South Pole-Aitken basin (>2000 kilometers in diameter) has low albedo, red color, and a relatively high abundance of iron- and magnesium-rich materials. These features suggest that the impact may have penetrated into the deep crust or lunar mantle or that the basin contains ancient mare basalts that were later covered by highlands ejecta.

Science ; 257(5077): 1647-52, 1992 Sep 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17841160


Galileo images of Gaspra reveal it to be an irregularly shaped object (19 by 12 by 11 kilometers) that appears to have been created by a catastrophic collisional disruption of a precursor parent body. The cratering age of the surface is about 200 million years. Subtle albedo and color variations appear to correlate with morphological features: Brighter materials are associated with craters especially along the crests of ridges, have a stronger 1-micrometer absorption, and may represent freshly excavated mafic materials; darker materials exhibiting a significantly weaker 1-micrometer absorption appear concentrated in interridge areas. One explanation of these patterns is that Gaspra is covered with a thin regolith and that some of this material has migrated downslope in some areas.

Science ; 206(4421): 927-50, 1979 Nov 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17733910


Voyager 2, during its encounter with the Jupiter system, provided images that both complement and supplement in important ways the Voyager 1 images. While many changes have been observed in Jupiter's visual appearance, few, yet significant, changes have been detected in the principal atmospheric currents. Jupiter's ring system is strongly forward scattering at visual wavelengths and consists of a narrow annulus of highest particle density, within which is a broader region in which the density is lower. On Io, changes are observed in eruptive activity, plume structure, and surface albedo patterns. Europa's surface retains little or no record of intense meteorite bombardment, but does reveal a complex and, as yet, little-understood system of overlapping bright and dark linear features. Ganymede is found to have at least one unit of heavily cratered terrain on a surface that otherwise suggests widespread tectonism. Except for two large ringed basins, Callisto's entire surface is heavily cratered.

Science ; 253(5027): 1531-6, 1991 Sep 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17784096


Images of Venus taken at 418 (violet) and 986 [near-infrared (NIR)] nanometers show that the morphology and motions of large-scale features change with depth in the cloud deck. Poleward meridional velocities, seen in both spectral regions, are much reduced in the NIR In the south polar region the markings in the two wavelength bands are strongly anticorrelated. The images follow the changing state of the upper cloud layer downwind of the subsolar point, and the zonal flow field shows a longitudinal periodicity that may be coupled to the formation of large-scale planetary waves. No optical lightning was detected.

Science ; 199(4324): 61-4, 1978 Jan 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17841954


During the last 2 weeks of February 1977, an intensive scientific investigation of the martian satellite Phobos was conducted by the Viking Orbiter-1 (VO-1) spacecraft. More than 125 television pictures were obtained during this period and infrared observations were made. About 80 percent of the illuminated hemisphere was imaged at a resolution of about 30 meters. Higher resolution images of limited areas were also obtained. Flyby distances within 80 kilometers of the surface were achieved. An estimate of the mass of Phobos (GM) was obtained by observing the effect of Phobos's gravity on the orbit of VO-1 as sensed by Earth-based radiometric tracking. Preliminary results indicate a value of GM of 0.00066 +/- 0.00012 cubic kilometer per second squared (standard deviation of 3) and a mean density of about 1.9 +/- 0.6 gram per cubic centimeter (standard deviation of 3). This low density, together with the low albedo and the recently determined spectral reflectance, suggest that Phobos is compositionally similar to type I carbonaceous chondrites. Thus, either this object formed in the outer part of the asteroid belt or Lewis's theory that such material cannot condense at 1.5 astronomical units is incorrect. The data on Phobos obtained during this first encounter period are comparable in quantity to all of the data on Mars returned by Mariner flights 4, 6, and 7.

Science ; 279(5357): 1681-5, 1998 Mar 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9497280


High-resolution images of the martian surface at scales of a few meters show ubiquitous erosional and depositional eolian landforms. Dunes, sandsheets, and drifts are prevalent and exhibit a range of morphology, composition (inferred from albedo), and age (as seen in occurrences of different dune orientations at the same location). Steep walls of topographic depressions such as canyons, valleys, and impact craters show the martian crust to be stratified at scales of a few tens of meters. The south polar layered terrain and superposed permanent ice cap display diverse surface textures that may reflect the complex interplay of volatile and non-volatile components. Low resolution regional views of the planet provide synoptic observations of polar cap retreat, condensate clouds, and the lifecycle of local and regional dust storms.

Extraterrestrial Environment , Mars , Carbon Dioxide , Ice , Spacecraft
Science ; 265(5178): 1543-7, 1994 Sep 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17801529


The first images of the asteroid 243 Ida from Galileo show an irregular object measuring 56-kilometers by 24 kilometers by 21 kilometers. Its surface is rich in geologic features, including systems of grooves, blocks, chutes, albedo features, crater chains, and a full range of crater morphologies. The largest blocks may be distributed nonuniformly across the surface; lineaments and dark-floored craters also have preferential locations. Ida is interpreted to have a substantial regolith. The high crater density and size-frequency distribution (-3 differential power-law index) indicate a surface in equilibrium with saturated cratering. A minimum model crater age for Ida-and therefore for the Koronis family to which Ida belongs-is estimated at 1 billion years, older than expected.

Science ; 212(4491): 163-91, 1981 Apr 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17783827


As Voyager 1 flew through the Saturn system it returned photographs revealing many new and surprising characteristics of this complicated community of bodies. Saturn's atmosphere has numerous, low-contrast, discrete cloud features and a pattern of circulation significantly different from that of Jupiter. Titan is shrouded in a haze layer that varies in thickness and appearance. Among the icy satellites there is considerable variety in density, albedo, and surface morphology and substantial evidence for endogenic surface modification. Trends in density and crater characteristics are quite unlike those of the Galilean satellites. Small inner satellites, three of which were discovered in Voyager images, interact gravitationally with one another and with the ring particles in ways not observed elsewhere in the solar system. Saturn's broad A, B, and C rings contain hundreds of "ringlets," and in the densest portion of the B ring there are numerous nonaxisymmetric features. The narrow F ring has three components which, in at least one instance, are kinked and crisscrossed. Two rings are observed beyond the F ring, and material is seen between the C ring and the planet.