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Nature ; 625(7993): 51-54, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37967578


WASP-107b is a warm (approximately 740 K) transiting planet with a Neptune-like mass of roughly 30.5 M⊕ and Jupiter-like radius of about 0.94 RJ (refs. 1,2), whose extended atmosphere is eroding3. Previous observations showed evidence for water vapour and a thick, high-altitude condensate layer in the atmosphere of WASP-107b (refs. 4,5). Recently, photochemically produced sulfur dioxide (SO2) was detected in the atmosphere of a hot (about 1,200 K) Saturn-mass planet from transmission spectroscopy near 4.05 µm (refs. 6,7), but for temperatures below about 1,000 K, sulfur is predicted to preferably form sulfur allotropes instead of SO2 (refs. 8-10). Here we report the 9σ detection of two fundamental vibration bands of SO2, at 7.35 µm and 8.69 µm, in the transmission spectrum of WASP-107b using the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) of JWST. This discovery establishes WASP-107b as the second irradiated exoplanet with confirmed photochemistry, extending the temperature range of exoplanets exhibiting detected photochemistry from about 1,200 K down to about 740 K. Furthermore, our spectral analysis reveals the presence of silicate clouds, which are strongly favoured (around 7σ) over simpler cloud set-ups. Furthermore, water is detected (around 12σ) but methane is not. These findings provide evidence of disequilibrium chemistry and indicate a dynamically active atmosphere with a super-solar metallicity.

Nature ; 624(7991): 263-266, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37931645


Brown dwarfs serve as ideal laboratories for studying the atmospheres of giant exoplanets on wide orbits, as the governing physical and chemical processes within them are nearly identical1,2. Understanding the formation of gas-giant planets is challenging, often involving the endeavour to link atmospheric abundance ratios, such as the carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) ratio, to formation scenarios3. However, the complexity of planet formation requires further tracers, as the unambiguous interpretation of the measured C/O ratio is fraught with complexity4. Isotope ratios, such as deuterium to hydrogen and 14N/15N, offer a promising avenue to gain further insight into this formation process, mirroring their use within the Solar System5-7. For exoplanets, only a handful of constraints on 12C/13C exist, pointing to the accretion of 13C-rich ice from beyond the CO iceline of the disks8,9. Here we report on the mid-infrared detection of the 14NH3 and 15NH3 isotopologues in the atmosphere of a cool brown dwarf with an effective temperature of 380 K in a spectrum taken with the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) of JWST. As expected, our results reveal a 14N/15N value consistent with star-like formation by gravitational collapse, demonstrating that this ratio can be accurately constrained. Because young stars and their planets should be more strongly enriched in the 15N isotope10, we expect that 15NH3 will be detectable in several cold, wide-separation exoplanets.

Faraday Discuss ; 245(0): 112-137, 2023 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37462069


The understanding of planet formation has changed recently, embracing the new idea of pebble accretion. This means that the influx of pebbles from the outer regions of planet-forming disks to their inner zones could determine the composition of planets and their atmospheres. The solid and molecular components delivered to the planet-forming region can be best characterized by mid-infrared spectroscopy. With Spitzer low-resolution (R = 100, 600) spectroscopy, this approach was limited to the detection of abundant molecules, such as H2O, C2H2, HCN and CO2. This contribution will present the first results of the MINDS (MIRI mid-INfrared Disk Survey, PI:Th Henning) project. Due do the sensitivity and spectral resolution provided by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), we now have a unique tool to obtain the full inventory of chemistry in the inner disks of solar-type stars and brown dwarfs, including also less-abundant hydrocarbons and isotopologues. The Integral Field Unit (IFU) capabilities will enable at the same time spatial studies of the continuum and line emission in extended sources such as debris disks, the flying saucer and also the search for mid-IR signatures of forming planets in systems such as PDS 70. These JWST observations are complementary to ALMA and NOEMA observations of outer-disk chemistry; together these datasets will provide an integral view of the processes occurring during the planet-formation phase.

Opt Express ; 30(15): 27048-27063, 2022 Jul 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36236884


Vortex phase masks have been shown to be an efficient means to reduce the blinding stellar light in high-contrast imaging instruments. Once placed at the focal plane of the telescope, the helical phase ramp of a vortex phase mask diffracts the light of a bright on-axis source outside the re-imaged telescope pupil, while transmitting the light of a faint off-axis companion nearly unaffected. The Annular Groove Phase Mask (AGPM) is a broadband metasurface implementation of a vector vortex phase mask using the artificial birefringence of a circular subwavelength grating etched onto a diamond substrate. To date, the AGPM design has been optimized using rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA), which is a valid tool to simulate periodic straight gratings. However, we have now reached a performance level where the curvature of the grating lines at the center becomes a limiting factor. Here, we use a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to correctly describe the AGPM performance, including the effect of the curved grating close to its center. We confirm the validity of this simulation framework by comparing its predictions with experimental results obtained on our infrared coronagraphic test bench, and we show that RCWA fails at reproducing correctly the central AGPM performance, confirming the need for a full 3d simulation tool such as FDTD. Finally, we use FDTD to optimize the grating parameters at the AGPM center, and conclude with a new optimal design.

Exp Astron (Dordr) ; 54(2-3): 1197-1221, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36915622


Exoplanet science is one of the most thriving fields of modern astrophysics. A major goal is the atmospheric characterization of dozens of small, terrestrial exoplanets in order to search for signatures in their atmospheres that indicate biological activity, assess their ability to provide conditions for life as we know it, and investigate their expected atmospheric diversity. None of the currently adopted projects or missions, from ground or in space, can address these goals. In this White Paper, submitted to ESA in response to the Voyage 2050 Call, we argue that a large space-based mission designed to detect and investigate thermal emission spectra of terrestrial exoplanets in the mid-infrared wavelength range provides unique scientific potential to address these goals and surpasses the capabilities of other approaches. While NASA might be focusing on large missions that aim to detect terrestrial planets in reflected light, ESA has the opportunity to take leadership and spearhead the development of a large mid-infrared exoplanet mission within the scope of the "Voyage 2050" long-term plan establishing Europe at the forefront of exoplanet science for decades to come. Given the ambitious science goals of such a mission, additional international partners might be interested in participating and contributing to a roadmap that, in the long run, leads to a successful implementation. A new, dedicated development program funded by ESA to help reduce development and implementation cost and further push some of the required key technologies would be a first important step in this direction. Ultimately, a large mid-infrared exoplanet imaging mission will be needed to help answer one of humankind's most fundamental questions: "How unique is our Earth?"

Appl Opt ; 57(17): 4909-4917, 2018 Jun 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30118109


Subwavelength gratings are gratings with periods smaller than the incident wavelength. They possess form birefringence, which depends on the grating parameters. This paper presents the results of an experimental method designed to measure the birefringent properties of diamond subwavelength gratings in the mid-infrared. The method consists of monitoring the intensity transmitted through one polarizer, a subwavelength grating, and a second polarizer for various orientations of the first polarizer. By fitting the intensity variation as a function of the orientation of the first polarizer, one can compute the phase shift induced by the grating, its local fast axis orientation, and the ratio of the transverse electric and transverse magnetic transmission efficiencies. The paper describes the method principle and its mathematical model. Then, several numerical simulations of different subwavelength gratings are presented and their results are discussed. Finally, the optical setup is described and the measurements of one subwavelength grating are displayed and compared with the values expected from the manufacturing process.

Appl Opt ; 51(24): 5897-902, 2012 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22907019


In this paper, we present a solution for creating robust monolithic achromatic half-wave plates (HWPs) for the infrared, based on the form birefringence of subwavelength gratings (SWGs) made out of diamond. We use the rigorous coupled wave analysis to design the gratings. Our analysis shows that diamond, besides its outstanding physical and mechanical properties, is a suitable substrate to manufacture mid-infrared HWPs, thanks to its high refractive index, which allows etching SWGs with lower aspect ratio. Based on our optimized design, we manufactured a diamond HWP for the 11-13.2 µm region, with an estimated mean retardance ~3.143±0.061 rad (180.08±3.51°). In addition, an antireflective grating was etched on the backside of the wave plate, allowing a total transmittance between 89% and 95% over the band.

Astrobiology ; 10(1): 5-17, 2010.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20307179


The direct detection of Earth-like exoplanets orbiting nearby stars and the characterization of such planets-particularly, their evolution, their atmospheres, and their ability to host life-constitute a significant problem. The quest for other worlds as abodes of life has been one of mankind's great questions for several millennia. For instance, as stated by Epicurus approximately 300 BC: "Other worlds, with plants and other living things, some of them similar and some of them different from ours, must exist." Demokritos from Abdera (460-370 BC), the man who invented the concept of indivisible small parts-atoms-also held the belief that other worlds exist around the stars and that some of these worlds may be inhabited by life-forms. The idea of the plurality of worlds and of life on them has since been held by scientists like Johannes Kepler and William Herschel, among many others. Here, one must also mention Giordano Bruno. Born in 1548, Bruno studied in France and came into contact with the teachings of Nicolas Copernicus. He wrote the book De l'Infinito, Universo e Mondi in 1584, in which he claimed that the Universe was infinite, that it contained an infinite amount of worlds like Earth, and that these worlds were inhabited by intelligent beings. At the time, this was extremely controversial, and eventually Bruno was arrested by the church and burned at the stake in Rome in 1600, as a heretic, for promoting this and other equally confrontational issues (though it is unclear exactly which idea was the one that ultimately brought him to his end). In all the aforementioned cases, the opinions and results were arrived at through reasoning-not by experiment. We have only recently acquired the technological capability to observe planets orbiting stars other than 6 our Sun; acquisition of this capability has been a remarkable feat of our time. We show in this introduction to the Habitability Primer that mankind is at the dawning of an age when, by way of the scientific method and 21(st)-century technology, we will be able to answer this fascinating controversial issue that has persisted for at least 2500 years.

Atmósfera , Vida , Planetas , Proyectos de Investigación , Sistema Solar , Humanos , Factores de Tiempo
Appl Opt ; 45(5): 984-92, 2006 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16512542


We revisit the nulling interferometer performances that are needed for direct detection and the spectroscopic analysis of exoplanets, e.g., with the DARWIN [European Space Agency-SCI 12 (2000)] or TPF-I [JPL Publ. 05-5, (2005)] missions. Two types of requirement are found, one concerning the mean value of the instrumental nulling function (nl(lambda)) and another regarding its stability. The stress is usually put on the former. It is stringent at short wavelengths but somewhat relaxed at longer wavelengths. The latter, which we call the variability noise condition, does not usually receive enough attention. It is required regardless of telescope size and stellar distance. The results from three nulling experiments performed in laboratories around the world are reported and compared with the requirements. All three exhibit 1/f noise that is incompatible with the performances required by the mission. As pointed out by Lay [Appl. Opt. 43, 6100-6123 (2004)], this stability problem is not fully solved by modulation techniques. Adequate solutions must be found that are likely to include servo systems using the stellar signal itself as a reference and internal metrology with high stability.