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Glob Chang Biol ; 29(9): 2478-2492, 2023 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36734695


Declining body size is believed to be a universal response to climate warming and has been documented in numerous studies of marine and anadromous fishes. The Salmonidae are a family of coldwater fishes considered to be among the most sensitive species to climate warming; however, whether the shrinking body size response holds true for freshwater salmonids has yet to be examined at a broad spatial scale. We compiled observations of individual fish lengths from long-term surveys across the Northern Hemisphere for 12 species of freshwater salmonids and used linear mixed models to test for spatial and temporal trends in body size (fish length) spanning recent decades. Contrary to expectations, we found a significant increase in length overall but with high variability in trends among populations and species. More than two-thirds of the populations we examined increased in length over time. Secondary regressions revealed larger-bodied populations are experiencing greater increases in length than smaller-bodied populations. Mean water temperature was weakly predictive of changes in body length but overall minimal influences of environmental variables suggest that it is difficult to predict an organism's response to changing temperatures by solely looking at climatic factors. Our results suggest that declining body size is not universal, and the response of fishes to climate change may be largely influenced by local factors. It is important to know that we cannot assume the effects of climate change are predictable and negative at a large spatial scale.

Salmonidae , Animales , Peces , Cambio Climático , Temperatura , Agua Dulce , Tamaño Corporal
Conserv Biol ; 37(1): e13993, 2023 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36047692


Invasive species can dramatically alter ecosystems, but eradication is difficult, and suppression is expensive once they are established. Uncertainties in the potential for expansion and impacts by an invader can lead to delayed and inadequate suppression, allowing for establishment. Metapopulation viability models can aid in planning strategies to improve responses to invaders and lessen invasive species' impacts, which may be particularly important under climate change. We used a spatially explicit metapopulation viability model to explore suppression strategies for ecologically damaging invasive brown trout (Salmo trutta), established in the Colorado River and a tributary in Grand Canyon National Park. Our goals were to estimate the effectiveness of strategies targeting different life stages and subpopulations within a metapopulation; quantify the effectiveness of a rapid response to a new invasion relative to delaying action until establishment; and estimate whether future hydrology and temperature regimes related to climate change and reservoir management affect metapopulation viability and alter the optimal management response. Our models included scenarios targeting different life stages with spatially varying intensities of electrofishing, redd destruction, incentivized angler harvest, piscicides, and a weir. Quasi-extinction (QE) was obtainable only with metapopulation-wide suppression targeting multiple life stages. Brown trout population growth rates were most sensitive to changes in age 0 and large adult mortality. The duration of suppression needed to reach QE for a large established subpopulation was 12 years compared with 4 with a rapid response to a new invasion. Isolated subpopulations were vulnerable to suppression; however, connected tributary subpopulations enhanced metapopulation persistence by serving as climate refuges. Water shortages driving changes in reservoir storage and subsequent warming would cause brown trout declines, but metapopulation QE was achieved only through refocusing and increasing suppression. Our modeling approach improves understanding of invasive brown trout metapopulation dynamics, which could lead to more focused and effective invasive species suppression strategies and, ultimately, maintenance of populations of endemic fishes.

Las especies invasoras pueden alterar dramáticamente un ecosistema, pero erradicarlas es complicado y suprimirlas es costoso una vez que están establecidas. Las incertidumbres en el potencial de expansión y el impacto de un invasor pueden derivar en una supresión retardada e inadecuada que permite el establecimiento. Los modelos de viabilidad meta poblacional pueden auxiliar en la planeación de estrategias para mejorar las respuestas ante especies invasoras y disminuir su impacto, lo cual puede ser particularmente importante ante el cambio climático. Usamos un modelo meta poblacional espacialmente explícito para explorar las estrategias de supresión usadas con la trucha café (Salmo trutta), una especie invasora y dañina establecida en el Río Colorado en el Parque Nacional del Gran Cañón. Nuestros objetivos fueron estimar la efectividad de las estrategias enfocadas en diferentes etapas de vida y subpoblaciones dentro de una meta población; cuantificar la efectividad de una respuesta rápida ante una nueva invasión en relación a retardar la acción hasta que ocurra el establecimiento; y estimar si los sistemas térmicos e hidrológicos relacionados con el cambio climático y la gestión de cuencas afectarán la viabilidad meta poblacional y alterarán la respuesta óptima de gestión en el futuro. Nuestros modelos incluyeron escenarios enfocados en diferentes etapas de vida con intensidades espacialmente variables de pesca eléctrica, destrucción de redes, cultivo incentivado de pescadores, piscicidas y un dique. La cuasi extinción (CE) sólo se obtuvo con una supresión a nivel meta poblacional enfocada en múltiples etapas de vida. Las tasas de crecimiento poblacional de la trucha fueron más sensibles a los cambios en edad cero y una gran mortalidad adulta. La duración de la supresión requerida para llegar a la CE para una subpoblación grande establecida fue de doce años en comparación con los cuatro de una respuesta rápida a una nueva invasión. Las subpoblaciones aisladas fueron vulnerables a la supresión; sin embargo, las subpoblaciones conectadas por medio de tributarios incrementaron la persistencia meta poblacional al fungir como refugios climáticos. La escasez de agua, cambios impulsores en el almacenamiento de la cuenca y el calentamiento subsecuente causarían declinaciones de la trucha, pero la CE meta poblacional sólo se logró con el reenfoque e incremento de la supresión. Nuestra estrategia de modelado mejora el entendimiento de las dinámicas meta poblacionales de la trucha café invasora, lo cual podría llevar a estrategias de supresión más enfocadas y efectivas y, finalmente, al mantenimiento de las poblaciones de peces endémicos. Exploración de alternativas a la supresión a escala meta poblacional de un invasor mundial en una red de ríos que experimenta el cambio climático.

Ecosistema , Ríos , Animales , Cambio Climático , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Trucha/fisiología
Ecol Appl ; 32(6): e2635, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35403769


Understanding the relative strengths of intrinsic and extrinsic factors regulating populations is a long-standing focus of ecology and critical to advancing conservation programs for imperiled species. Conservation could benefit from an increased understanding of factors influencing vital rates (somatic growth, recruitment, survival) in small, translocated populations, which is lacking owing to difficulties in long-term monitoring of rare species. Translocations, here defined as the transfer of wild-captured individuals from source populations to new habitats, are widely used for species conservation, but outcomes are often minimally monitored, and translocations that are monitored often fail. To improve our understanding of how translocated populations respond to environmental variation, we developed and tested hypotheses related to intrinsic (density dependent) and extrinsic (introduced rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, stream flow and temperature regime) causes of vital rate variation in endangered humpback chub (Gila cypha) populations translocated to Colorado River tributaries in the Grand Canyon (GC), USA. Using biannual recapture data from translocated populations over 10 years, we tested hypotheses related to seasonal somatic growth, and recruitment and population growth rates with linear mixed-effects models and temporal symmetry mark-recapture models. We combined data from recaptures and resights of dispersed fish (both physical captures and continuously recorded antenna detections) from throughout GC to test survival hypotheses, while accounting for site fidelity, using joint live-recapture/live-resight models. While recruitment only occurred in one site, which also drove population growth (relative to survival), evidence supported hypotheses related to density dependence in growth, survival, and recruitment, and somatic growth and recruitment were further limited by introduced trout. Mixed-effects models explained between 67% and 86% of the variation in somatic growth, which showed increased growth rates with greater flood-pulse frequency during monsoon season. Monthly survival was 0.56-0.99 and 0.80-0.99 in the two populations, with lower survival during periods of higher intraspecific abundance and low flood frequency. Our results suggest translocations can contribute toward the recovery of large-river fishes, but continued suppression of invasive fishes to enhance recruitment may be required to ensure population resilience. Furthermore, we demonstrate the importance of flooding to population demographics in food-depauperate, dynamic, invaded systems.

Inundaciones , Oncorhynchus mykiss , Animales , Ecosistema , Ríos , Estaciones del Año
Oecologia ; 194(3): 491-504, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33057839


Despite low species diversity and primary production, trophic structure (e.g., top predator species, predator size) is surprisingly variable among Arctic lakes. We investigated trophic structure in lakes of arctic Alaska containing arctic char Salvelinus alpinus using stomach contents and stable isotope ratios in two geographically-close but hydrologically-distinct lake clusters to investigate how these fish may interact and compete for limited food resources. Aside from different lake connectivity patterns ('leaky' versus 'closed'), differing fish communities (up to five versus only two species) between lake clusters allowed us to test trophic hypotheses including: (1) arctic char are more piscivorous, and thereby grow larger and obtain higher trophic positions, in the presence of other fish species; and, (2) between arctic char size classes, resource polymorphism is more prominent, and thereby trophic niches are narrower and overlap less, in the absence of other predators. Regardless of lake cluster, we observed little direct evidence of arctic char consuming other fishes, but char were larger (mean TL = 468 vs 264 mm) and trophic position was higher (mean TP = 4.0 vs 3.8 for large char) in lakes with other fishes. Further, char demonstrated less intraspecific overlap when other predators were present whereas niche overlap was up to 100% in closed, char only lakes. As hydrologic characteristics (e.g., lake connectivity, water temperatures) will change across the Arctic owing to climate change, our results provide insight regarding potential concomitant changes to fish interactions and increase our understanding of lake trophic structure to guide management and conservation goals.

Lagos , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua , Alaska , Animales , Regiones Árticas , Trucha , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis
Glob Ecol Biogeogr ; 27(7): 760-786, 2018 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30147447


MOTIVATION: The BioTIME database contains raw data on species identities and abundances in ecological assemblages through time. These data enable users to calculate temporal trends in biodiversity within and amongst assemblages using a broad range of metrics. BioTIME is being developed as a community-led open-source database of biodiversity time series. Our goal is to accelerate and facilitate quantitative analysis of temporal patterns of biodiversity in the Anthropocene. MAIN TYPES OF VARIABLES INCLUDED: The database contains 8,777,413 species abundance records, from assemblages consistently sampled for a minimum of 2 years, which need not necessarily be consecutive. In addition, the database contains metadata relating to sampling methodology and contextual information about each record. SPATIAL LOCATION AND GRAIN: BioTIME is a global database of 547,161 unique sampling locations spanning the marine, freshwater and terrestrial realms. Grain size varies across datasets from 0.0000000158 km2 (158 cm2) to 100 km2 (1,000,000,000,000 cm2). TIME PERIOD AND GRAIN: BioTIME records span from 1874 to 2016. The minimal temporal grain across all datasets in BioTIME is a year. MAJOR TAXA AND LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT: BioTIME includes data from 44,440 species across the plant and animal kingdoms, ranging from plants, plankton and terrestrial invertebrates to small and large vertebrates. SOFTWARE FORMAT: .csv and .SQL.

Ecol Appl ; 25(8): 2168-79, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26910947


Rainbow and brown trout have been intentionally introduced into tailwaters downriver of dams globally and provide billions of dollars in economic benefits. At the same time, recruitment and maximum length of trout populations in tailwaters often fluctuate erratically, which negatively affects the value of fisheries. Large recruitment events may increase dispersal downriver where other fish species may be a priority (e.g., endangered species). There is an urgent need to understand the drivers of trout population dynamics in tailwaters, in particular the role of flow management. Here, we evaluate how flow, fish density, and other physical factors of the river influence recruitment and mean adult length in tailwaters across western North America, using data from 29 dams spanning 1-19 years. Rainbow trout recruitment was negatively correlated with high annual, summer, and spring flow and dam latitude, and positively correlated with high winter flow, subadult brown trout catch, and reservoir storage capacity. Brown trout recruitment was negatively correlated with high water velocity and daily fluctuations in flow (i.e., hydropeaking) and positively correlated with adult rainbow trout catch. Among these many drivers, rainbow trout recruitment was primarily correlated with high winter flow combined with low spring flow, whereas brown trout recruitment was most related to high water velocity. The mean lengths of adult rainbow and brown trout were influenced by similar flow and catch metrics. Length in both species was positively correlated with high annual flow but declined in tailwaters with high daily fluctuations in flow, high catch rates of conspecifics, and when large cohorts recruited to adult size. Whereas brown trout did not respond to the proportion of water allocated between seasons, rainbow trout length increased in rivers that released more water during winter than in spring. Rainbow trout length was primarily related to high catch rates of conspecifics, whereas brown trout length was mainly related to large cohorts recruiting to the adult size class. Species-specific responses to flow management are likely attributable to differences in seasonal timing of key life history events such as spawning, egg hatching, and fry emergence.

Distribución Animal , Tamaño Corporal/fisiología , Trucha/fisiología , Animales , Monitoreo del Ambiente , América del Norte , Densidad de Población , Ríos , Movimientos del Agua
Conserv Biol ; 29(4): 1153-1163, 2015 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25627117


A critical decision in species conservation is whether to target individual species or a complex of ecologically similar species. Management of multispecies complexes is likely to be most effective when species share similar distributions, threats, and response to threats. We used niche overlap analysis to assess ecological similarity of 3 sensitive desert fish species currently managed as an ecological complex. We measured the amount of shared distribution of multiple habitat and life history parameters between each pair of species. Habitat use and multiple life history parameters, including maximum body length, spawning temperature, and longevity, differed significantly among the 3 species. The differences in habitat use and life history parameters among the species suggest they are likely to respond differently to similar threats and that most management actions will not benefit all 3 species equally. Habitat restoration, frequency of stream dewatering, non-native species control, and management efforts in tributaries versus main stem rivers are all likely to impact each of the species differently. Our results demonstrate that niche overlap analysis provides a powerful tool for assessing the likely effectiveness of multispecies versus single-species conservation plans.

Una decisión crítica en la conservación de especies es si uno se debe enfocar en especies individuales o en un complejo de especies similares ecológicamente. El manejo de complejos multi-especie suele ser más efectivo cuando las especies comparten amenazas, respuestas a las amenazas y distribuciones similares. Usamos el análisis de traslape de nichos para evaluar la similitud ecológica de tres especies sensibles de peces de desierto que se manejan actualmente como un complejo ecológico. Medimos la cantidad de distribución compartida del hábitat múltiple y los parámetros de historia de vida entre cada par de especies. El uso de hábitat y muchos parámetros de historia de vida, incluyendo la longitud máxima del cuerpo, la temperatura de desove y la longevidad, difirieron significativamente entre las tres especies. Las diferencias en el uso de hábitat y los parámetros de historia de vida entre las especies sugiere que probablemente respondan de manera diferente a amenazas similares y que la mayoría de las acciones de manejo no beneficiarán equitativamente a las tres especies. Tanto la restauración del hábitat como la frecuencia con la que se le retira agua a los arroyos, el control de especies no-nativas y los esfuerzos de manejo en los cuerpos de agua tributarios contra los esfuerzos en los ríos principales, tienen la probabilidad de impactar de distintas formas a cada una de las especies. Nuestros resultados demuestran que el análisis de traslape de nichos proporciona una herramienta poderosa para evaluar la posible efectividad de los planes de conservación multi-especie en contraste con los de especie individual.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Cipriniformes/fisiología , Ecosistema , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Cyprinidae/fisiología , Clima Desértico , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Modelos Biológicos , Dinámica Poblacional , Sudoeste de Estados Unidos , Wyoming
Conserv Biol ; 29(4): 1142-1152, 2015 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25900520


Desert fishes are some of the most imperiled vertebrates worldwide due to their low economic worth and because they compete with humans for water. An ecological complex of fishes, 2 suckers (Catostomus latipinnis, Catostomus discobolus) and a chub (Gila robusta) (collectively managed as the so-called three species) are endemic to the U.S. Colorado River Basin, are affected by multiple stressors, and have allegedly declined dramatically. We built a series of occupancy models to determine relationships between trends in occupancy, local extinction, and local colonization rates, identify potential limiting factors, and evaluate the suitability of managing the 3 species collectively. For a historical period (1889-2011), top performing models (AICc) included a positive time trend in local extinction probability and a negative trend in local colonization probability. As flood frequency decreased post-development local extinction probability increased. By the end of the time series, 47% (95% CI 34-61) and 15% (95% CI 6-33) of sites remained occupied by the suckers and the chub, respectively, and models with the 2 species of sucker as one group and the chub as the other performed best. For a contemporary period (2001-2011), top performing (based on AICc ) models included peak annual discharge. As peak discharge increased, local extinction probability decreased and local colonization probability increased. For the contemporary period, results of models that split all 3 species into separate groups were similar to results of models that combined the 2 suckers but not the chub. Collectively, these results confirmed that declines in these fishes were strongly associated with water development and that relative to their historic distribution all 3 species have declined dramatically. Further, the chub was distinct in that it declined the most dramatically and therefore may need to be managed separately. Our modeling approach may be useful in other situations in which targeted data are sparse and conservation status and best management approach for multiple species are uncertain.

Una Cuantificación Basada en la Ocupación del Estado Altamente en Peligro de los Peces del Desierto del Suroeste de los Estados Unidos Resumen Los peces del desierto son unos de los vertebrados en mayor peligro a nivel mundial debido a su bajo valor económico y a que compiten por el agua con los humanos. Un complejo ecológico de peces, dos miembros de la familia Catostomidae (Catostomus latipinnis, C. discobolus) y un bagre (Gila robusta) (todos manejados colectivamente como las llamadas tres especies), endémico a la cuenca estadunidense del Río Colorado, está afectado por múltiples factores estresantes y supuestamente ha declinado dramáticamente. Construimos una serie de modelos de ocupación para determinar las relaciones entre las tendencias de ocupación, la extinción local y las tasas de colonización, para identificar los factores limitantes potenciales y para evaluar la idoneidad del manejo colectivo de las tres especies. Durante un periodo histórico (1889 - 2011), los modelos con el mejor desempeño (AICc) incluyeron una tendencia positiva de tiempo en la probabilidad de extinción local y una tendencia negativa en la probabilidad de colonización local. La probabilidad de extinción local incrementó conforme disminuyó la frecuencia de inundaciones pos-desarrollo. Al final de la serie de tiempo, el 47% (95% IC 34 - 61) y el 15% (95% IC 6 - 33) de los sitios permanecieron ocupados por los catostómidos y el bagre, respectivamente, y los modelos con las dos especies de catostómidos como un grupo y el bagre como otro tuvieron el mejor desempeño. Para un periodo contemporáneo (2001 - 2011), los modelos con el mejor desempeño (basados en AICc) incluyeron a la mayor descarga anual. La probabilidad de extinción local disminuyó y la probabilidad de colonización local incrementó conforme incrementó la mayor descarga. Para el periodo contemporáneo, los resultados de los modelos que dividieron a las tres especies en grupos separados fueron similares a los resultados de los modelos que combinaron a los dos catostómidos pero no al bagre. Colectivamente, estos resultados confirmaron que las declinaciones de estos peces estuvieron fuertemente asociadas con el desarrollo del agua y que, en relación a su distribución histórica, las tres especies han declinado dramáticamente. Además, el bagre se distinguió por declinar más dramáticamente y por lo tanto tal vez requiera de manejo por separado. Nuestra estrategia de modelado puede ser útil en otras situaciones en las que los datos de importancia son escasos y el estado de conservación y la mejor estrategia de manejo para múltiples especies son inciertos.

Distribución Animal , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Cipriniformes/fisiología , Animales , Cyprinidae/fisiología , Clima Desértico , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Modelos Biológicos , Dinámica Poblacional , Utah
Environ Manage ; 55(6): 1246-61, 2015 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25850614


Persistence of many desert river species is threatened by a suite of impacts linked to water infrastructure projects that provide human water security where water is scarce. Many desert rivers have undergone regime shifts from spatially and temporally dynamic ecosystems to more stable systems dominated by homogenous physical habitat. Restoration of desert river systems could aid in biodiversity conservation, but poses formidable challenges due to multiple threats and the infeasibility of recovery to pre-development conditions. The challenges faced in restoring desert rivers can be addressed by incorporating scientific recommendations into restoration planning efforts at multiple stages, as demonstrated here through an example restoration project. In particular, use of a watershed-scale planning process can identify data gaps and irreversible constraints, which aid in developing achievable restoration goals and objectives. Site-prioritization focuses limited the resources for restoration on areas with the greatest potential to improve populations of target organisms. Investment in research to understand causes of degradation, coupled with adoption of a guiding vision is critical for identifying feasible restoration actions that can enhance river processes. Setting monitoring as a project goal, developing hypotheses for expected outcomes, and implementing restoration as an experimental design will facilitate adaptive management and learning from project implementation. Involvement of scientists and managers during all planning stages is critical for developing process-based restoration actions and an implementation plan to maximize learning. The planning process developed here provides a roadmap for use of scientific recommendations in future efforts to recover dynamic processes in imperiled riverine ecosystems.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Clima Desértico , Ecología/métodos , Ecosistema , Ríos , Animales , Biodiversidad , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Política Ambiental , Peces/crecimiento & desarrollo , Humanos , Objetivos Organizacionales , Utah
Oecologia ; 176(1): 81-94, 2014 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24969617


Size dimorphism in fish populations, both its causes and consequences, has been an area of considerable focus; however, uncertainty remains whether size dimorphism is dynamic or stabilizing and about the role of exogenous factors. Here, we explored patterns among empirical vital rates, population structure, abundance and trend, and predicted the effects of climate change on populations of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) in two lakes. Both populations cycle dramatically between dominance by small (≤300 mm) and large (>300 mm) char. Apparent survival (Φ) and specific growth rates (SGR) were relatively high (40-96%; SGR range 0.03-1.5%) and comparable to those of conspecifics at lower latitudes. Climate change scenarios mimicked observed patterns of warming and resulted in temperatures closer to optimal for char growth (15.15 °C) and a longer growing season. An increase in consumption rates (28-34%) under climate change scenarios led to much greater growth rates (23-34%). Higher growth rates predicted under climate change resulted in an even greater predicted amplitude of cycles in population structure as well as an increase in reproductive output (Ro) and decrease in generation time (Go). Collectively, these results indicate arctic char populations (not just individuals) are extremely sensitive to small changes in the number of ice-free days. We hypothesize years with a longer growing season, predicted to occur more often under climate change, produce elevated growth rates of small char and act in a manner similar to a "resource pulse," allowing a sub-set of small char to "break through," thus setting the cycle in population structure.

Adaptación Fisiológica/fisiología , Tamaño Corporal/fisiología , Cambio Climático , Metabolismo Energético/fisiología , Lagos , Trucha/crecimiento & desarrollo , Alaska , Animales , Modelos Biológicos , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Análisis de Supervivencia , Temperatura
Mov Ecol ; 12(1): 52, 2024 Jul 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39085938


BACKGROUND: Unfettered movement among habitats is crucial for fish to access patchily distributed resources and complete their life cycle, but many riverscapes in the American Southwest are fragmented by dams and dewatering. The endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus, RGSM) persists in a fragmented remnant of its former range (ca. 5%), and its movement ecology is understudied. METHODS: We tracked movements of hatchery-reared RGSM, tagged with passive integrated transponder tags, using stationary and mobile antennas from 2019 to 2022. We quantified probability of movement and total distance moved by RGSM released above and below a dam. We then assessed how well two prevailing riverine movement theories (i.e., restricted movement paradigm [RMP] and colonization cycle hypothesis [CCH]) explained RGSM movement patterns. RESULTS: We detected 36.8% of released RGSM (n = 37,215) making at least one movement. Movements were leptokurtic and substantially greater than expected based on the RMP for both stationary (1.7-5.9 m) and mobile (30.3-77.8 m) individuals. On average, RGSM were detected at large for 75 days and moved a total of 12.2 rkm within a year. The maximum total distance moved by RGSM was 103 rkm. Similarly, we observed a multimodal distribution of detected range sizes with a mean detected range of 2.4 rkm and a maximum detected range of 78.2 rkm. We found little support for an upstream movement bias, as expected under the CCH, and most movements (74%) were directed downstream. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest RGSM are highly mobile, with the ability to make long-distance movements. Neither movement theory adequately described movement patterns of RGSM; instead, our findings support a nomadic movement pattern and an apparent drift paradox matching recent studies of other pelagic-broadcast spawning minnows where populations persist upstream despite experiencing downstream drift as larvae. Resolution of the drift paradox may be achieved through further, targeted studies into different aspects of the species' life history. Quantification of RGSM movement provides crucial insights into the species' movement ecology and may help define the appropriate scale of recovery efforts.

Ecology ; 94(2): 356-67, 2013 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23691655


Purposeful species introductions offer opportunities to inform our understanding of both invasion success and conservation hurdles. We evaluated factors determining the energetic limitations of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in both their native and introduced ranges. Our focus was on brown trout because they are nearly globally distributed, considered one of the world's worst invaders, yet imperiled in much of their native habitat. We synthesized and compared data describing temperature regime, diet, growth, and maximum body size across multiple spatial and temporal scales, from country (both exotic and native habitats) and major geographic area (MGA) to rivers and years within MGA. Using these data as inputs, we next used bioenergetic efficiency (BioEff), a relative scalar representing a realized percentage of maximum possible consumption (0-100%) as our primary response variable and a multi-scale, nested, mixed statistical model (GLIMMIX) to evaluate variation among and within spatial scales and as a function of density and elevation. MGA and year (the residual) explained the greatest proportion of variance in BioEff. Temperature varied widely among MGA and was a strong driver of variation in BioEff. We observed surprisingly little variation in the diet of brown trout, except the overwhelming influence of the switch to piscivory observed only in exotic MGA. We observed only a weak signal of density-dependent effects on BioEff; however, BioEff remained < 50% at densities > 2.5 fish/m2. The trajectory of BioEff across the life span of the fish elucidated the substantial variation in performance among MGAs; the maximum body size attained by brown trout was consistently below 400 mm in native habitat but reached approximately 600 mm outside their native range, where brown trout grew rapidly, feeding in part on naive prey fishes. The integrative, physiological approach, in combination with the intercontinental and comparative nature of our study, allowed us to overcome challenges associated with context-dependent variation in determining invasion success. Overall our results indicate "growth plasticity across the life span" was important for facilitating invasion, and should be added to lists of factors characterizing successful invaders.

Ecosistema , Especies Introducidas , Trucha/fisiología , Envejecimiento , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Demografía , Modelos Biológicos , Modelos Estadísticos , Ríos , Estaciones del Año
J Environ Manage ; 109: 154-63, 2012 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22728828


We used pre- and post-restoration channel surveys of the Donner und Blitzen River, Oregon, to evaluate the effects of grade-control structures on channel morphology and baseflow habitat conditions for native redband trout and other aquatic biota. Six years after installation, we found that the channel had a smaller proportion of riffles and pools and less gravel substrate, combined with an increase in the proportion of flat waters and consolidated clay on the bed surface. Both local scour downstream from weirs and backwater effects upstream from weirs appear to have caused the general flattening and fining of the channel. A direct-step backwater calculation indicates that backwaters extended to the upstream weir at both low and high flows, creating long sections of flat water separated by short, steep drops. Despite backwater effects, a comparison of longitudinal profiles before and six years after weir installation showed bed erosion downstream of nearly all weirs, likely a consequence of the cohesive clay material that dominates the channel bed and banks. A deep inner channel reflects the cohesive nature of the clay and the mechanisms of abrasion, and indicates that sediment load is low relative to the transport capacity of the flow. Unfortunately, weirs were problematic in this system because of the cohesive clay substrate, limited sediment supply, and low channel gradient. Although deeper flows due to backwaters might be more favorable for resident trout, less gravel and fewer riffles are likely to negatively impact trout spawning habitat, macroinvertebrate communities, and biofilm productivity. Our results demonstrate the potential limitations of a single-feature approach to restoration that may be ineffective for a given geomorphic context and may overlook other aspects of the ecosystem. We highlight the need to incorporate geomorphic characteristics of a system into project design and predictions of system response.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Ecosistema , Animales , Ríos , Trucha
J Wildl Dis ; 58(4): 902-908, 2022 10 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35917403


American beavers (Castor canadensis), trapped between 2017 and 2020 for the purpose of translocation, underwent hematologic, serologic, and fecal examinations. Eight of 73 beavers were seropositive for Leptospira spp. and 1/49 seropositive for Toxoplasma gondii. Two of 40 beavers tested positive for Giardia spp., and 22/44 beavers had strongyle-type ova in the feces; one was positive for coccidia. Hematologic variables were largely within published reference ranges for captive beavers. Within the specific ecosystems sampled, the disease prevalence in beavers appeared low; however, prophylactic deworming is recommended prior to translocation. Further, appropriate personal protective equipment should be used when handling beavers, to prevent zoonotic infection with Giardia spp.

Ecosistema , Animales , Utah
Environ Manage ; 48(4): 691-709, 2011 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21769519


Anthropogenic impairment of water bodies represents a global environmental concern, yet few attempts have successfully linked fish performance to thermal habitat suitability and fewer have distinguished co-varying water quality constraints. We interfaced fish bioenergetics, field measurements, and Thermal Remote Imaging to generate a spatially-explicit, high-resolution surface of fish growth potential, and next employed a structured hypothesis to detect relationships among measures of fish performance and co-varying water quality constraints. Our thermal surface of fish performance captured the amount and spatial-temporal arrangement of thermally-suitable habitat for three focal species in an extremely heterogeneous reservoir, but interpretation of this pattern was initially confounded by seasonal covariation of water residence time and water quality. Subsequent path analysis revealed that in terms of seasonal patterns in growth potential, catfish and walleye responded to temperature, positively and negatively, respectively; crappie and walleye responded to eutrophy (negatively). At the high eutrophy levels observed in this system, some desired fishes appear to suffer from excessive cultural eutrophication within the context of elevated temperatures whereas others appear to be largely unaffected or even enhanced. Our overall findings do not lead to the conclusion that this system is degraded by pollution; however, they do highlight the need to use a sensitive focal species in the process of determining allowable nutrient loading and as integrators of habitat suitability across multiple spatial and temporal scales. We provide an integrated approach useful for quantifying fish growth potential and identifying water quality constraints on fish performance at spatial scales appropriate for whole-system management.

Ecosistema , Metabolismo Energético/fisiología , Peces/crecimiento & desarrollo , Modelos Biológicos , Temperatura , Calidad del Agua/normas , Animales , Eutrofización , Agua Dulce , Sistemas de Información Geográfica , Tecnología de Sensores Remotos , Especificidad de la Especie , Utah
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 12140, 2021 06 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34108584


Instream barriers can constrain dispersal of nonnative fishes, creating opportunities to test their impact on native communities above and below these barriers. Deposition of sediments in a river inflow to Lake Powell, USA resulted in creation of a large waterfall prohibiting upstream movement of fishes from the reservoir allowing us to evaluate the trophic niche of fishes above and below this barrier. We expected niche overlap among native and nonnative species would increase in local assemblages downstream of the barrier where nonnative fish diversity and abundance were higher. Fishes upstream of the barrier had more distinct isotopic niches and species exhibited a wider range in δ15N relative to downstream. In the reservoir, species were more constrained in δ15N and differed more in δ13C, representing a shorter, wider food web. Differences in energetic pathways and resource availability among habitats likely contributed to differences in isotopic niches. Endangered Razorback Sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) aggregate at some reservoir inflows in the Colorado River basin, and this is where we found the highest niche overlap among species. Whether isotopic niche overlap among adult native and nonnative species has negative consequences is unclear, because data on resource availability and use are lacking; however, these observations do indicate the potential for competition. Still, the impacts of diet overlap among trophic generalists, such as Razorback Sucker, are likely low, particularly in habitats with diverse and abundant food bases such as river-reservoir inflows.

Ecol Evol ; 11(7): 3040-3057, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33841765


Polymorphism facilitates coexistence of divergent morphs (e.g., phenotypes) of the same species by minimizing intraspecific competition, especially when resources are limiting. Arctic char (Salvelinus sp.) are a Holarctic fish often forming morphologically, and sometimes genetically, divergent morphs. In this study, we assessed the morphological and genetic diversity and divergence of 263 individuals from seven populations of arctic char with varying length-frequency distributions across two distinct groups of lakes in northern Alaska. Despite close geographic proximity, each lake group occurs on landscapes with different glacial ages and surface water connectivity, and thus was likely colonized by fishes at different times. Across lakes, a continuum of physical (e.g., lake area, maximum depth) and biological characteristics (e.g., primary productivity, fish density) exists, likely contributing to characteristics of present-day char populations. Although some lakes exhibit bimodal size distributions, using model-based clustering of morphometric traits corrected for allometry, we did not detect morphological differences within and across char populations. Genomic analyses using 15,934 SNPs obtained from genotyping by sequencing demonstrated differences among lake groups related to historical biogeography, but within lake groups and within individual lakes, genetic differentiation was not related to total body length. We used PERMANOVA to identify environmental and biological factors related to observed char size structure. Significant predictors included water transparency (i.e., a primary productivity proxy), char density (fish·ha-1), and lake group. Larger char occurred in lakes with greater primary production and lower char densities, suggesting less intraspecific competition and resource limitation. Thus, char populations in more productive and connected lakes may prove more stable to environmental changes, relative to food-limited and closed lakes, if lake productivity increases concomitantly. Our findings provide some of the first descriptions of genomic characteristics of char populations in arctic Alaska, and offer important consideration for the persistence of these populations for subsistence and conservation.

Ecol Appl ; 17(4): 1068-86, 2007 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17555219


Although habitat restoration can play a key role in the conservation of imperiled species, for animals that demonstrate long migrations and complex life histories, reliance on physical restoration of isolated habitat patches comes with considerable uncertainty. Nevertheless, within freshwater ecosystems, stream restoration has become a major conservation focus, with millions of dollars spent annually on efforts aimed at recovering degraded habitat and imperiled riverine species. Within this context, we addressed fundamental uncertainties of the focus on tributary restoration for recovery of salmon: (1) Is there potential for improving habitat in tributaries? (2) What magnitude of early survival improvement can be expected based on stream restoration? and (3) Will incremental increases in early survival be sufficient to ensure viability overall? We combined simple mechanistic habitat models, population viability measures, and categorical filters to quantify "restoration potential," expressed as increased total life-cycle survival in response to restored tributary condition, across 32 populations composing five major population groups (MPG). A wide gap remains between how much survival improvement is needed vs. what is likely to occur; restoration potential meets the necessary minimum increase needed for only four populations within one MPG. The remaining populations (84%, 4 MPG) still fall far below the survival increase needed for future viability. In addition, across all populations and groups, a 171% increase (on average) in total life-cycle survival is needed; only approximately 106% appears possible. A recovery strategy for these salmon that relies largely on tributary restoration to mitigate for known mortality imposed at other life stages (e.g., migration through hydropower dams) is risky with a low probability of success. We demonstrate an approach for completing an a priori evaluation of restoration potential linked to population viability, such that habitat restoration efforts can be biologically prioritized and scarce resources can be allocated to efforts with the greatest potential and the least amount of risk, in terms of meeting conservation and recovery goals.

Salmón , Animales , Ecosistema , Estadios del Ciclo de Vida , Dinámica Poblacional