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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 43: e66, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31636658


OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of recent physical, sexual, and emotional violence against children 0 - 19 years of age in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) by age, sex, and perpetrator. METHODS: A systematic review and analysis of published literature and large international datasets was conducted. Eligible sources from first record to December 2015 contained age-, sex-, and perpetrator-specific data from LAC. Random effects meta-regressions were performed, adjusting for relevant quality covariates and differences in violence definitions. RESULTS: Seventy-two surveys (2 publications and 70 datasets) met inclusion criteria, representing 1 449 estimates from 34 countries. Prevalence of physical and emotional violence by caregivers ranged from 30% - 60%, and decreased with increasing age. Prevalence of physical violence by students (17% - 61%) declined with age, while emotional violence remained constant (60% - 92%). Prevalence of physical intimate partner violence (IPV) ranged from 13% - 18% for girls aged 15 - 19 years. Few or no eligible past-year estimates were available for any violence against children less than 9 years and boys 16 - 19 years of age; sexual violence against boys (any age) and girls (under 15 years); IPV except for girls aged 15 - 19 years; and violence by authority figures (e.g., teachers) or via gangs/organized crime. CONCLUSION: Past-year physical and emotional violence by caregivers and students is widespread in LAC across all ages in childhood, as is IPV against girls aged 15 - 19 years. Data collection must be expanded in LAC to monitor progress towards the sustainable development goals, develop effective prevention and response strategies, and shed light on violence relating to organized crime/gangs.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 43: e36, 2019.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31093260


OBJECTIVE: This review synthesizes the evidence (quantitative, general, and by typological categories) of disrespect and abuse during childbirth and abortion in health facilities in Latin America and the Caribbean. METHODS: Systematic searches identified 18 primary studies. Q and I2 were calculated, meta-analyses and meta-regressions were performed, and subgroups were analyzed using a DerSimonian and Laird random-effects model grouped by inverse variance and the Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation. RESULTS: Studies conducted in five Latin American countries were identified. No studies from the Caribbean were found. The aggregate prevalence of disrespect and abuse during childbirth and abortion was 39%. The aggregated prevalence of the phenomenon in childbirth was 43% and 29% during abortion. The high heterogeneity made it impossible to generate aggregate measures according to typological categories. Nevertheless, the frequencies of specific forms of the phenomenon were grouped typologically. CONCLUSIONS: The evidence suggests that disrespect and abuse during childbirth and abortion care are human-rights and public-health problems that are prevalent in some countries of the Region. It is necessary to reach international consensus on the definition and operationalization of this problem and to develop standardized methods for its measurement. Doing so is essential in order to achieve the targets of the 2030 Agenda related to reducing maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality and eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against women.

OBJETIVO: Esta revisão sintetiza as evidências quantitativas, gerais e desagregadas por categorias tipológicas do desrespeito e maus-tratos na atenção institucional ao parto e ao aborto na América Latina e Caribe. MÉTODOS: Dezoito estudos primários foram identificados por meio de buscas sistemáticas. Foi feito o cálculo de Q e I2 e realizadas meta-análises, metarregressões e análises de subgrupos com um modelo de DerSimonian e Laird de efeitos aleatórios agrupados com variância inversa e transformação de Freeman-Tukey (duplo arco-seno). RESULTADOS: Foram identificados estudos realizados em cinco países da América Latina. Não foi identificado nenhum estudo no Caribe. Observou-se uma prevalência agregada de 39% de desrespeito e maus-tratos durante o parto e o aborto. A medida agregada para este fenômeno durante o parto foi 43% e a medida agregada nos casos de aborto foi 29%. Devido à alta heterogeneidade, não foi possível gerar medidas agregadas segundo categorias tipológicas. No entanto, são descritas as frequências de formas específicas do fenômeno agrupadas tipologicamente. CONCLUSÕES: As evidências indicam que o desrespeito e os maus-tratos na atenção ao parto e ao aborto são uma questão de direitos humanos e de saúde pública prevalente em alguns países da Região. É preciso chegar a um consenso internacional sobre a definição e a operacionalização deste problema e elaborar métodos padronizados para mensurá-lo. Isso é imprescindível para o alcance das metas da Agenda 2030 relativas à redução da morbidade e mortalidade materna e perinatal e à eliminação de todas as formas de violência e discriminação contra a mulher.