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Phys Rev Lett ; 120(2): 022002, 2018 Jan 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29376676


Taking advantage of the high acceptance and axial symmetry of the WASA-at-COSY detector, and the high polarization degree of the proton beam of COSY, the reaction p[over →]p→ppη has been measured close to threshold to explore the analyzing power A_{y}. The angular distribution of A_{y} is determined with the precision improved by more than 1 order of magnitude with respect to previous results, allowing a first accurate comparison with theoretical predictions. The determined analyzing power is consistent with zero for an excess energy of Q=15 MeV, signaling s-wave production with no evidence for higher partial waves. At Q=72 MeV the data reveal strong interference of Ps and Pp partial waves and cancellation of (Pp)^{2} and Ss^{*}Sd contributions. These results rule out the presently available theoretical predictions for the production mechanism of the η meson.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(5): 052001, 2018 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30118290


Exclusive measurements of the quasifree pp→ppπ^{+}π^{-} reaction have been carried out at WASA@COSY by means of pd collisions at T_{p}=1.2 GeV. Total and differential cross sections have been extracted covering the energy region T_{p}=1.08-1.36 GeV, which is the region of N^{*}(1440) and Δ(1232)Δ(1232) resonance excitations. Calculations describing these excitations by t-channel meson exchange are at variance with the measured differential cross sections and underpredict substantially the experimental total cross section. An isotensor ΔN dibaryon resonance with I(J^{P})=2(1^{+}) produced associatedly with a pion is able to overcome these deficiencies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(1): 014801, 2017 Jul 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28731757


This Letter reports the successful use of feedback from a spin polarization measurement to the revolution frequency of a 0.97 GeV/c bunched and polarized deuteron beam in the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) storage ring in order to control both the precession rate (≈121 kHz) and the phase of the horizontal polarization component. Real time synchronization with a radio frequency (rf) solenoid made possible the rotation of the polarization out of the horizontal plane, yielding a demonstration of the feedback method to manipulate the polarization. In particular, the rotation rate shows a sinusoidal function of the horizontal polarization phase (relative to the rf solenoid), which was controlled to within a 1 standard deviation range of σ=0.21 rad. The minimum possible adjustment was 3.7 mHz out of a revolution frequency of 753 kHz, which changes the precession rate by 26 mrad/s. Such a capability meets a requirement for the use of storage rings to look for an intrinsic electric dipole moment of charged particles.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(5): 054801, 2016 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27517774


We observe a deuteron beam polarization lifetime near 1000 s in the horizontal plane of a magnetic storage ring (COSY). This long spin coherence time is maintained through a combination of beam bunching, electron cooling, sextupole field corrections, and the suppression of collective effects through beam current limits. This record lifetime is required for a storage ring search for an intrinsic electric dipole moment on the deuteron at a statistical sensitivity level approaching 10^{-29} e cm.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(9): 094801, 2015 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26371657


A new method to determine the spin tune is described and tested. In an ideal planar magnetic ring, the spin tune-defined as the number of spin precessions per turn-is given by ν(s)=γG (γ is the Lorentz factor, G the gyromagnetic anomaly). At 970 MeV/c, the deuteron spins coherently precess at a frequency of ≈120 kHz in the Cooler Synchrotron COSY. The spin tune is deduced from the up-down asymmetry of deuteron-carbon scattering. In a time interval of 2.6 s, the spin tune was determined with a precision of the order 10^{-8}, and to 1×10^{-10} for a continuous 100 s accelerator cycle. This renders the presented method a new precision tool for accelerator physics; controlling the spin motion of particles to high precision is mandatory, in particular, for the measurement of electric dipole moments of charged particles in a storage ring.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(24): 242302, 2011 Jun 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21770567


We report on an exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurement of the basic double-pionic fusion reaction pn→dπ(0)π(0) over the full energy region of the ABC effect, a pronounced low-mass enhancement in the ππ-invariant mass spectrum. The measurements, which cover also the transition region to the conventional t-channel ΔΔ process, were performed with the upgraded WASA detector setup at COSY. The data reveal the Abashian-Booth-Crowe effect to be uniquely correlated with a Lorentzian energy dependence in the integral cross section. The observables are consistent with a narrow resonance with m=2.37 GeV, Γ≈70 MeV and I(J(P))=0(3(+)) in both pn and ΔΔ systems. Necessary further tests of the resonance interpretation are discussed.

Eur Phys J C Part Fields ; 80(2): 107, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32104146


In this paper analytical expressions are derived to describe the spin motion of a particle in magnetic and electric fields in the presence of an axion field causing an oscillating electric dipole moment (EDM). These equations are used to estimate statistical sensitivities for axion searches at storage rings. The estimates obtained from the analytic expressions are compared to numerical estimates from simulations in Chang et al. (Phys Rev D 99(8):083002, 2019). A good agreement is found.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(24): 242301, 2007 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17677956


The differential and total cross sections for the dp--> 3Heeta reaction have been measured in a high precision high statistics COSY-ANKE experiment near threshold using a continuous beam energy ramp up to an excess energy Q of 11.3 MeV with essentially 100% acceptance. The kinematics allowed the mean value of Q to be determined to about 9 keV. Evidence is found for the effects of higher partial waves for Q >or= 4 MeV. The very rapid rise of the total cross section to its maximum value within 0.5 MeV of threshold implies a very large eta3He scattering length and hence the presence of a quasibound state extremely close to threshold.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(24): 242301, 2006 Jun 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16907232


The pp-->ppphi reaction has been studied at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich, using the internal beam and ANKE facility. Total cross sections have been determined at three excess energies epsilon near the production threshold. The differential cross section closest to threshold at epsilon=18.5 MeV exhibits a clear S wave dominance as well as a noticeable effect due to the proton-proton final-state interaction. Taken together with data for ppomega production, a significant enhancement of the phi/omega ratio of a factor 8 is found compared to predictions based on the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka rule.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(14): 142301, 2006 Oct 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17155243


The quasifree pn-->dvarphi reaction has been studied at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich, using the internal proton beam incident on a deuterium cluster-jet target and detecting a fast deuteron in coincidence with the K+K- decay of the varphi meson. The energy dependence of the total and differential cross sections are extracted for excess energies up to 80 MeV by determining the Fermi momentum of the target neutron on an event-by-event basis. Though these cross sections are consistent with s-wave production, the kaon angular distributions show the presence of p waves at quite a low energy. Production on the neutron is found to be stronger than on the proton but not by as much as for the eta meson.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(23): 232501, 2001 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11736448


The photon asymmetry in the reaction 1H(--> gamma,pi(0))(1)H close to threshold has been measured for the first time with the photon spectrometer TAPS using linearly polarized photons from the tagged-photon facility at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. The total and differential cross sections were also measured simultaneously with the photon asymmetry. This allowed determination of the S-wave and all three P-wave amplitudes. The values obtained at threshold are E(0+) = [-1.33+/-0.08(stat)+/-0.03(syst)] x 10(-3)/m(pi(+)), P(1) = [9.47 +/- 0.08(stat) +/- 0.29(syst)] x 10(-3)q/m(2)(pi(+)), P(2) = [-9.46 +/- 0.1(stat) +/- 0.29(syst)] x 10(-3)q/m(2)(pi(+)), and P(3) = [11.48 +/- 0.06(stat) +/- 0.35(syst)] x 10(-3)q/m(2)(pi(+)).

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(5): 052001, 2001 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11497760


The reaction gammap-->pi(+)pi(0)n has been measured at MAMI for photon energies up to 820 MeV. Invariant mass spectra of the particles in the final state (pi(+)n), (pi(0)n), (pi(+)pi(0)) have been determined for several bins of incident photon energy. Differences in pi(+)pi(0) and simultaneously measured pi(0)pi(0) invariant mass distributions are assigned to a rho branch of the D13(1520) nucleon resonance.

Phys Rev Lett ; 91(17): 172304, 2003 Oct 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14611338


The reaction pp-->dK+K(-)0 has been investigated at an excess energy of Q=46 MeV above the K+K(-)0 threshold with ANKE at the cooler synchrotron COSY-Jülich. From the detected coincident dK(+) pairs, about 1000 events with a missing K(-)0 were identified, corresponding to a total cross section of sigma(pp-->dK+K(-)0)=[38+/-2(stat)+/-14(syst)] nb. Invariant-mass and angular distributions have been jointly analyzed and reveal s-wave dominance between the two kaons, accompanied by a p wave between the deuteron and the kaon system. This is interpreted in terms of a(+)0 (980)-resonance production.