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J Am Chem Soc ; 146(30): 20770-20777, 2024 Jul 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39039443


Exchange bias (EB) is a crucial property with widespread applications but particularly occurs by complex interfacial magnetic interactions after field cooling. To date, intrinsic zero-field-cooled EB (ZEB) has only emerged in a few bulk frustrated systems and their magnitudes remain small yet. Here, enabled by high temperature synthesis, we uncover a colossal ZEB field of 4.95 kOe via tuning compensated ferrimagnetism in a family of kagome metals, which is almost twice the magnitude of known materials. Atomic-scale structure, spin dynamics, and magnetic theory revealed that these compensated ferrimagnets originate from significant antiferromagnetic exchange interactions embedded in the holmium-iron ferrimagnetic matrix due to supersaturated preferential manganese doping. A random antiferromagnetic order of manganese sublattice sandwiched between ferromagnetic iron kagome bilayers accounts for such unconventional pinning. The outcome of the present study outlines disorder-induced giant bulk ZEB and coercivity in layered frustrated systems.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(14)2021 Apr 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33795518


The nature of order in low-temperature phases of some materials is not directly seen by experiment. Such "hidden orders" (HOs) may inspire decades of research to identify the mechanism underlying those exotic states of matter. In insulators, HO phases originate in degenerate many-electron states on localized f or d shells that may harbor high-rank multipole moments. Coupled by intersite exchange, those moments form a vast space of competing order parameters. Here, we show how the ground-state order and magnetic excitations of a prototypical HO system, neptunium dioxide NpO2, can be fully described by a low-energy Hamiltonian derived by a many-body ab initio force theorem method. Superexchange interactions between the lowest crystal-field quadruplet of Np4+ ions induce a primary noncollinear order of time-odd rank 5 (triakontadipolar) moments with a secondary quadrupole order preserving the cubic symmetry of NpO2 Our study also reveals an unconventional multipolar exchange striction mechanism behind the anomalous volume contraction of the NpO2 HO phase.

J Am Chem Soc ; 145(32): 17856-17862, 2023 Aug 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37530501


Metals typically crystallize in highly symmetric structures due to their nondirectional and nonsaturated metallic bonds. Here, we report that terbium metal in its ferromagnetic state adopts an unusual low-symmetry orthorhombic structure with a Cmcm space group. A similar structure has been previously observed only in a few actinide metals with bonding 5f electrons at ambient pressure, such as uranium, neptunium, and plutonium, but with different nearest coordination numbers and bond-length variations. The Tb atom occupies the 4c site (0, ∼0.1661, 1/4), building up -[Tb-Tb]- layers stacking along the b-axis. Our first-principles many-body calculations of the crystal field splitting in the correlated Tb 4f-shell demonstrate that the Cmcm structure for ferromagnetic terbium is stabilized by magneto-elastic forces due to a secondary order of quadrupolar moments in the ferromagnetic state. These findings are significant for further understanding of the nature of terbium, including its electron structure, energy bands, phonons, and magnetism.

J Am Chem Soc ; 145(31): 17096-17102, 2023 Aug 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37490643


A cubic metal exhibiting zero thermal expansion (ZTE) over a wide temperature window demonstrates significant applications in a broad range of advanced technologies but is extremely rare in nature. Here, enabled by high-temperature synthesis, we realize tunable thermal expansion via magnetic doping in the class of kagome cubic (Fd-3m) intermetallic (Zr,Nb)Fe2. A remarkably isotropic ZTE is achieved with a negligible coefficient of thermal expansion (+0.47 × 10-6 K-1) from 4 to 425 K, almost wider than most ZTE in metals available. A combined in situ magnetization, neutron powder diffraction, and hyperfine Mössbauer spectrum analysis reveals that interplanar ferromagnetic ordering contributes to a large magnetic compensation for normal lattice contraction upon cooling. Trace Fe-doping introduces extra magnetic exchange interactions that distinctly enhance the ferromagnetism and magnetic ordering temperature, thus engendering such an ultrawide ZTE. This work presents a promising ZTE in kagome metallic materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(2): 026702, 2023 Jan 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36706403


Combining first-principles density-functional calculations and Moriya's self-consistent renormalization theory, we explain the recently reported counterintuitive appearance of an ordered magnetic state in uniaxially strained Sr_{2}RuO_{4} beyond the Lifshitz transition. We show that strain weakens the quantum spin fluctuations, which destroy the static order, more strongly than the tendency to magnetism. A different rate of decrease of the spin fluctuations vs magnetic stabilization energy promotes the onset of a static magnetic order beyond a critical strain.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(5): 055501, 2021 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34397222


Super Invar (SIV), i.e., zero thermal expansion of metallic materials underpinned by magnetic ordering, is of great practical merit for a wide range of high precision engineering. However, the relatively narrow temperature window of SIV in most materials restricts its potential applications in many critical fields. Here, we demonstrate the controlled design of thermal expansion in a family of R_{2}(Fe,Co)_{17} materials (R=rare Earth). We find that adjusting the Fe-Co content tunes the thermal expansion behavior and its optimization leads to a record-wide SIV with good cyclic stability from 3-461 K, almost twice the range of currently known SIV. In situ neutron diffraction, Mössbauer spectra and first-principles calculations reveal the 3d bonding state transition of the Fe-sublattice favors extra lattice stress upon magnetic ordering. On the other hand, Co content induces a dramatic enhancement of the internal molecular field, which can be manipulated to achieve "ultrawide" SIV over broad temperature, composition and magnetic field windows. These findings pave the way for exploiting thermal-expansion-control engineering and related functional materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(16): 166402, 2020 Oct 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33124875


We clarify the origin of the strikingly different spectroscopic properties of the chemically similar compounds NaOsO_{3} and LiOsO_{3}. Our first-principle, many-body analysis demonstrates that the highly sensitive physics of these two materials is controlled by their proximity to an adjacent Hund's-Mott insulating phase. Although 5d oxides are mildly correlated, we show that the cooperative action of intraorbital repulsion and Hund's exchange becomes the dominant physical mechanism in these materials if their t_{2g} shell is half filled. Small material specific details hence result in an extremely sharp change of the electronic mobility, explaining the surprisingly different properties of the paramagnetic high-temperature phases of the two compounds.

Sci Adv ; 9(37): eadj1611, 2023 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37713496


Thermoelectric materials seamlessly convert thermal into electrical energy, making them promising for power generation and cooling applications. Although historically the thermoelectric effect was first discovered in metals, state-of-the-art research focuses on semiconductors. Here, we discover unprecedented thermoelectric performance in metals and realize ultrahigh power factors up to 34 mW m-1 K-2 in binary NixAu1-x alloys, more than twice larger than in any bulk material above room temperature, reaching zTmax ∼ 0.5. In metallic NixAu1-x alloys, large Seebeck coefficients originate from electron-hole selective scattering of Au s electrons into more localized Ni d states. This intrinsic energy filtering effect owing to the unique band structure yields a strongly energy-dependent carrier mobility. While the metastable nature of the Ni-Au system as well as the high cost of Au pose some constraints for practical applications, our work challenges the common belief that good metals are bad thermoelectrics and presents an auspicious route toward high thermoelectric performance exploiting interband scattering.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 3599, 2022 Jun 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35739099


Discovered more than 200 years ago in 1821, thermoelectricity is nowadays of global interest as it enables direct interconversion of thermal and electrical energy via the Seebeck/Peltier effect. In their seminal work, Mahan and Sofo mathematically derived the conditions for 'the best thermoelectric'-a delta-distribution-shaped electronic transport function, where charge carriers contribute to transport only in an infinitely narrow energy interval. So far, however, only approximations to this concept were expected to exist in nature. Here, we propose the Anderson transition in a narrow impurity band as a physical realisation of this seemingly unrealisable scenario. An innovative approach of continuous disorder tuning allows us to drive the Anderson transition within a single sample: variable amounts of antisite defects are introduced in a controlled fashion by thermal quenching from high temperatures. Consequently, we obtain a significant enhancement and dramatic change of the thermoelectric properties from p-type to n-type in stoichiometric Fe2VAl, which we assign to a narrow region of delocalised electrons in the energy spectrum near the Fermi energy. Based on our electronic transport and magnetisation experiments, supported by Monte-Carlo and density functional theory calculations, we present a novel strategy to enhance the performance of thermoelectric materials.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(16)2021 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33724237


The magnets are typically classified into Stoner and Heisenberg type, depending on the itinerant or localized nature of the constituent magnetic moments. In this work, we investigate theoretically the behaviour of the magnetic moments of iron and cobalt in their B2-ordered alloy. The results based on local spin density approximation for the density functional theory (DFT) suggest that the Co magnetic moment strongly depends on the directions of the surrounding magnetic moments, which usually indicates the Stoner-type mechanism of magnetism. This is consistent with the disordered local moment picture of the paramagnetic state, where the magnetic moment of cobalt gets substantially suppressed. We argue that this is due to the lack of strong on-site electron correlations, which we take into account by employing a combination of DFT and dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). Within LDA + DMFT, we find a substantial quasiparticle mass renormalization and a non Fermi-liquid behaviour of Fe-3dorbitals. The resulting spectral functions are in very good agreement with measured spin-resolved photoemission spectra. Our results suggest that local correlations play an essential role in stabilizing a robust local moment on Co in the absence of magnetic order at high temperatures.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 31(24): 244002, 2019 Jun 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30844783


By means of first principles schemes based on magnetically constrained density functional theory and on the band unfolding technique we study the effect of doping on the conducting behaviour of the Lifshitz magnetic insulator NaOsO3. Electron doping is treated within a supercell approach by replacing sodium with magnesium at different concentrations ([Formula: see text], [Formula: see text]). Undoped NaOsO3 is subjected to a temperature-driven Lifshitz transition involving a continuous closing of the gap due to longitudinal and rotational spin fluctuations (Kim et al 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 241113). Here we find that Mg doping suppresses the insulating state, gradually drives the system to a metallic state (via an intermediate bad metal phase) and the transition is accompanied by a progressive lowering of the Os magnetic moment. We inspected the role of longitudinal spin fluctuations by constraining the amplitude of the local Os moments and found that a robust metal state can be achieved below a critical moment. In analogy with the undoped case we conjecture that the decrease of the local moment can be controlled by temperature effects, in accordance with the theory of itinerant electron magnetism.