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Heliyon ; 8(9): e10706, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36185133


New developments in terms of additive manufacturing, computational tools and mathematical simulation techniques have favored the development of successful methodologies for the restoration or restitution of bone structures in the human body. Likewise, achievements in Materials Science have allowed the development of biocompatible composites capable of achieving mechanical characteristics and biological similarities comparable to those of natural bone. Without considering the advantages and disadvantages of some biomaterials with respect to others, this research aims to evaluate the surgical planning, the design process, the impact resistance and the critical deflection of a customized cranial implant manufactured from polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). With the support of finite element methods (FEM), the level of neurocranial protection offered by the implant is assessed.

Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 30(1): 53-65, Abril. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140880


Introducción: Lasupervivencia de pacientes con Cáncer de Cérvix se influencia por los estadíos clínicos de laenfermedad y por su histología. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la supervivencia en un grupo depacientes deun centro oncológico en Cuenca-Ecuador. Métodos:Es un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, analítico, en el cual se recopiló información de las historias clínicas y registros físicos del sistema médico de SOLCA ­Cuencapara establecer la Supervivencia durante el periodo 2009-2013.Se describen variables variables demográficas y clínicas (Tipode histología y estadío), Se compara la supervivencia entre laspacientes con estas variables. Resultados:Se incluyeron 150casos,edad media de 57.1 ±14.0años. El estado civil más prevalente fue el "casada"n=75/150 (50%), de procedencia Urbanan=83/150 (55.3%)de la provincia del Azuay (48.0%). El tipo histológico más prevalente fue el Cáncer epidermoide (92%), 60% en estadío clínico IIB. Mortalidad de 7casos. SupervivenciaGlobal (SG) 57.6 meses; con un EE de 0.88 y un IC 95% con rango de 55.9 a 59.4meses.SG en el estadio IIB fue de58.4 meses(EE: 0.91; IC 95%:56.63 ­60.20). En el estadio IIIB fue de 56.3 meses(EE: 1.85; IC 95%: 52.71 ­59.96), no se encontró diferencia estadística (P= 0.45). La SGfue mayor en el carcinoma epidermoide (Media: 58.2 meses; EE: 0.79, IC 95%: 57.70 a 59.81) en relación a la variante adenocarcinoma (Media: 50.08 meses; EE: 6.26; IC 95%: 37.81 a 62.36), con significancia estadística (P=0.045). Conclusión:La supervivencia global fue de 57.6 meses, con diferencia de supervivencia para el tipo histológico, siendo el mayor para carcinoma epidermoide 8 meses menos para el adenocarcinoma. No hubo diferencias entre la supervivencia entre estadíos clínicos IIB y IIIB

Introduction: The survival of patients with Cervical Cancer is influenced by the clinical stages of the disease and its histology. The objective of this study was to establish survival in a group of patients from an oncology center in Cuenca-Ecuador. Methods: It is a descriptive, retrospective, analytical study, in which information was collectedfrom the medical records and physical records of the SOLCA -Cuenca medical system to establish Survival during the period 2009-2013. Demographic and clinical variables are described ( Type of histology and stage), Survival is compared between patients with these variables. Results: 150 cases were included, mean age of 57.1 ± 14.0 years. The most prevalent marital status was "married" n = 75/150 (50%), of urban origin n = 83/150 (55.3%) from the province of Azuay (48.0%). The most prevalent histological type was epidermoid cancer (92%), 60% in clinical stage IIB. Mortality of 7 cases. Overall Survival (OS) 57.6 months; with a SE of 0.88 and a 95% CI with a range of 55.9 to 59.4 months. OS in stage IIB was 58.4 months (SE: 0.91; 95% CI: 56.63 -60.20). In stage IIIB it was 56.3 months (SE: 1.85; 95% CI: 52.71 -59.96), no statistical difference was found (P = 0.45). OS was higher in squamous cell carcinoma (Mean: 58.2 months; SE: 0.79, 95% CI: 57.70 to 59.81) in relation to the adenocarcinoma variant (Mean: 50.08 months; SE: 6.26; 95% CI: 37.81 to 62.36), with statistical significance (P= 0.045). Conclusion: Overall survival was 57.6 months, with a survival difference for histological type, the longest being for squamous cell carcinoma 8 months less for adenocarcinoma. There were no differences between survival between clinical stages IIB and IIIB

Humanos , Análise de Sobrevida , Displasia do Colo do Útero , Colo do Útero