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Opt Lett ; 44(9): 2216-2219, 2019 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31042187


A pure silica photonic crystal fiber with a group velocity dispersion (ß2) of 4 ps2/km at 1.55 µm and less than 7 ps2/km from 1.32 µm to the zero dispersion wavelength (ZDW) 1.80 µm was designed and fabricated. The dispersion of the fiber was measured experimentally and found to agree with the fiber design, which also provides low loss below 1.83 µm due to eight outer rings with increased hole diameters. The fiber was pumped with a 1.55 µm, 125 fs laser and, at the maximum in-coupled peak power (P0) of 9 kW, a 1.34-1.82 µm low-noise spectrum with a relative intensity noise below 2.2% was measured. The numerical modeling agreed very well with the experiments and showed that P0 could be increased to 26 kW before noise from solitons above the ZDW started to influence the spectrum by pushing high-noise dispersive waves through the spectrum.

Opt Express ; 26(19): 24357-24371, 2018 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30469556


In this work, we numerically investigate an experimentally feasible design of a tapered Ne-filled hollow-core anti-resonant fiber and we report multi-stage generation of dispersive waves (DWs) in the range 90-120 nm, well into the extreme ultraviolet (UV) region. The simulations assume a 800 nm pump pulse with 30 fs 10 µJ pulse energy, launched into a 9 bar Ne-filled fiber with a 34 µm initial core diameter that is then tapered to a 10 µm core diameter. The simulations were performed using a new model that provides a realistic description of both loss and dispersion of the resonant and anti-resonant spectral bands of the fiber, and also importantly includes the material loss of silica in the UV. We show that by first generating solitons that emit DWs in the far-UV region in the pre-taper section, optimization of the following taper structure can allow re-collision with the solitons and further up-conversion of the far-UV DWs to the extreme-UV with energies up to 190 nJ in the 90-120 nm range. This process provides a new way to generate light in the extreme-UV spectral range using relatively low gas pressure.

Opt Lett ; 42(11): 2232-2235, 2017 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28569889


We investigate numerically soliton-plasma interaction in a noble-gas-filled silica hollow-core anti-resonant fiber pumped in the mid-IR at 3.0 µm. We observe multiple soliton self-compression stages due to distinct stages where either the self-focusing or the self-defocusing nonlinearity dominates. Specifically, the parameters may be tuned so the competing plasma self-defocusing nonlinearity only dominates over the Kerr self-focusing nonlinearity around the soliton self-compression stage, where the increasing peak intensity on the leading pulse edge initiates a competing self-defocusing plasma nonlinearity acting nonlocally on the trailing edge, effectively preventing soliton formation there. As the plasma switches off after the self-compression stage, self-focusing dominates again, initiating another soliton self-compression stage in the trailing edge. This process is accompanied by supercontinuum generation spanning 1-4 µm. We find that the spectral coherence drops as the secondary compression stage is initiated.

Opt Lett ; 42(15): 2943, 2017 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28957214


This publisher's note corrects Eq. (1) of Opt. Lett.42, 2232 (2017)OPLEDP0146-959210.1364/OL.42.002232.

Opt Lett ; 42(15): 2941-2942, 2017 08 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28957213


We update the simulations presented in Opt. Lett.41, 2719 (2016)OPLEDP0146-959210.1364/OL.41.002719 using a corrected value for the material nonlinearity.

Opt Express ; 24(8): 8429-36, 2016 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27137281


A hollow-core fiber using anisotropic anti-resonant tubes in the cladding is proposed for low loss and effectively single-mode guidance. We show that the loss performance and higher-order mode suppression is significantly improved by using symmetrically distributed anisotropic anti-resonant tubes in the cladding, elongated in the radial direction, when compared to using isotropic, i.e. circular, anti-resonant tubes. The effective single-mode guidance of the proposed fiber is achieved by enhancing the coupling between the cladding modes and higher-order-core modes by suitably engineering the anisotropic anti-resonant elements. With a silica-based fiber design aimed at 1.06 µm, we show that the loss extinction ratio between the higher-order core modes and the fundamental core mode can be more than 1000 in the range 1.0-1.65 µm, while the leakage loss of the fundamental core mode is below 15 dB/km in the same range.

Opt Express ; 24(26): 29406-29416, 2016 Dec 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28059327


Two all-solid glass photonic crystal fibers with all-normal dispersion profiles are evaluated for coherent supercontinuum generation under pumping in the 2.0 µm range. In-house boron-silicate and commercial lead-silicate glasses were used to fabricate fibers optimized for either flat dispersion, albeit with lower nonlinearity, or with larger dispersion profile curvature but with much higher nonlinearity. Recorded spectra at the redshifted edge reached 2500-2800 nm depending on fiber type. Possible factors behind these differences are discussed with numerical simulations. The fiber enabling the broadest spectrum is suggested as an efficient first stage of an all-normal dispersion cascade for coherent supercontinuum generation exceeding 3000 nm.

Opt Lett ; 41(2): 317-20, 2016 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26766703


This Letter presents an experimental study of nonlinear plasmonic effects in gold-stripe waveguides. The optical characterization is performed by a picosecond laser and reveals two nonlinear effects related to propagation of long-range surface plasmon polaritons: nonlinear power transmission of plasmonic modes and spectral broadening of plasmonic modes. The experimental values of the third-order susceptibility of the gold layers are extracted. They exhibit a clear dependence on layer thickness.

Opt Lett ; 41(12): 2719-22, 2016 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27304272


We experimentally show octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in a nonstoichiometric silicon-rich nitride waveguide when pumped by femtosecond pulses from an erbium fiber laser. The pulse energy and bandwidth are comparable to results achieved in stoichiometric silicon nitride waveguides, but our material platform is simpler to manufacture. We also observe wave-breaking supercontinuum generation by using orthogonal pumping in the same waveguide. Additional analysis reveals that the waveguide height is a powerful tuning parameter for generating mid-infrared dispersive waves while keeping the pump in the telecom band.

Opt Express ; 23(5): 6924-36, 2015 Mar 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25836912


Generating energetic femtosecond mid-IR pulses is crucial for ultrafast spectroscopy, and currently relies on parametric processes that, while efficient, are also complex. Here we experimentally show a simple alternative that uses a single pump wavelength without any pump synchronization and without critical phase-matching requirements. Pumping a bulk quadratic nonlinear crystal (unpoled LiNbO(3) cut for noncritical phase-mismatched interaction) with sub-mJ near-IR 50-fs pulses, tunable and broadband (∼ 1,000 cm(-1)) mid-IR pulses around 3.0 µm are generated with excellent spatio-temporal pulse quality, having up to 10.5 µJ energy (6.3% conversion). The mid-IR pulses are dispersive waves phase-matched to near-IR self-defocusing solitons created by the induced self-defocusing cascaded nonlinearity. This process is filament-free and the input pulse energy can therefore be scaled arbitrarily by using large-aperture crystals. The technique can readily be implemented with other crystals and laser wavelengths, and can therefore potentially replace current ultrafast frequency-conversion processes to the mid-IR.

Opt Express ; 23(13): 17394-406, 2015 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26191748


We report on numerical design optimization of hollow-core anti-resonant fibers with the aim of reducing transmission losses. We show that re-arranging the nested anti-resonant tubes in the cladding to be adjacent has the effect of significantly reducing leakage as well as bending losses, and for reaching high loss extinction ratios between the fundamental mode and higher order modes. We investigate two versions of the proposed design, one optimized for the mid-IR and another scaled down version for the near-IR and compare them in detail with previously proposed anti-resonant fiber designs including nested elements. Our proposed design is superior with respect to obtaining the lowest leakage losses and the bend losses are also much lower than for the previous designs. Leakage losses as low as 0.0015 dB/km and bending losses of 0.006 dB/km at 5 cm bending radius are predicted at the ytterbium lasing wavelength 1.06 µm. When optimizing the higher-order-mode extinction ratio, the low leakage loss is sacrificed to get an effective single-mode behavior of the fiber. We show that the higher-order-mode extinction ratio is more than 1500 in the range 1.0-1.1 µm around the ytterbium lasing wavelength, while in the mid-IR it can be over 100 around λ = 2.94 µm. This is higher than the previously considered structures in the literature using nested tubes.

Opt Lett ; 40(18): 4257-60, 2015 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26371910


We experimentally observe dispersive waves in the anomalous dispersion regime of a beta-barium-borate (BBO) crystal, induced by a self-defocusing few-cycle temporal soliton. Together the soliton and dispersive waves form an energetic octave-spanning supercontinuum. The soliton was excited in the normal dispersion regime of BBO through a negative cascaded quadratic nonlinearity. Using pump wavelengths from 1.24 to 1.4 µm, dispersive waves are found from 1.9 to 2.2 µm, agreeing well with calculated resonant phase-matching wavelengths due to degenerate four-wave mixing to the soliton. We also observe resonant radiation from nondegenerate four-wave mixing between the soliton and a probe wave, which was formed by leaking part of the pump spectrum into the anomalous dispersion regime. We confirm the experimental results through simulations.

Opt Lett ; 40(16): 3798-801, 2015 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26274663


We show numerically that ultrashort self-defocusing temporal solitons colliding with a weak pulsed probe in the near-IR can convert the probe to the mid-IR. A near-perfect conversion efficiency is possible for a high effective soliton order. The near-IR self-defocusing soliton can form in a quadratic nonlinear crystal (beta-barium borate) in the normal dispersion regime due to cascaded (phase-mismatched) second-harmonic generation, and the mid-IR converted wave is formed in the anomalous dispersion regime between λ=2.2-2.4 µm as a resonant dispersive wave. This process relies on nondegenerate four-wave mixing mediated by an effective negative cross-phase modulation term caused by cascaded soliton-probe sum-frequency generation.

Opt Lett ; 40(4): 629-32, 2015 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25680167


Supercontinuum generation (SCG) is most efficient when the solitons can be excited directly at the pump laser wavelength. Quadratic nonlinear waveguides may induce an effective negative Kerr nonlinearity, so temporal solitons can be directly generated in the normal (positive) dispersion regime overlapping with common ultrafast laser wavelengths. There is no need for waveguide dispersion engineering. Here, we experimentally demonstrate SCG in standard lithium niobate (LN) waveguides without quasi-phase matching (QPM), pumped with femtosecond pulses in the normal dispersion regime. The observed large bandwidths (even octave spanning), together with other experimental data, indicate that negative nonlinearity solitons are indeed excited, which is backed up by numerical simulations. The QPM-free design reduces production complexity, extends the maximum waveguide length, and limits undesired spectral resonances. Finally, nonlinear crystals can be used where QPM is inefficient or impossible, which is important for mid-IR SCG. QPM-free waveguides in mid-IR nonlinear crystals can support negative nonlinearity solitons, as these waveguides have a normal dispersion at the emission wavelengths of mid-IR ultrafast lasers.

Opt Express ; 22(10): 12211-25, 2014 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24921341


We numerically investigate self-defocusing solitons in a lithium niobate (LN) waveguide designed to have a large refractive index (RI) change. The waveguide evokes strong waveguide dispersion and all-normal dispersion is found in the entire guiding band spanning the near-IR and the beginning of the mid-IR. Meanwhile, a self-defocusing nonlinearity is invoked by the cascaded (phase-mismatched) second-harmonic generation under a quasi-phase-matching pitch. Combining this with the all-normal dispersion, mid-IR solitons can form and the waveguide presents the first all-nonlinear and solitonic device where no linear dispersion (i.e. non-solitonic) regimes exist within the guiding band. Soliton compressions at 2 µm and 3 µm are investigated, with nano-joule single cycle pulse formations and highly coherent octave-spanning supercontinuum generations. With an alternative design on the waveguide dispersion, the soliton spectral tunneling effect is also investigated, with which few-cycle pico-joule pulses at 2 µm are formed by a near-IR pump.

Opt Lett ; 39(5): 1105-8, 2014 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24690682


Formation and interaction of few-cycle solitons in a lithium niobate ridge waveguide are numerically investigated. The solitons are created through a cascaded phase-mismatched second-harmonic generation process, which induces a dominant self-defocusing Kerr-like nonlinearity on the pump pulse. The inherent material self-focusing Kerr nonlinearity is overcome over a wide wavelength range, and self-defocusing solitons are supported from 1100 to 1900 nm, covering the whole communication band. Single cycle self-compressed solitons and supercontinuum generation spanning 1.3 octaves are observed when pumped with femtosecond nanojoule pulses at 1550 nm. The waveguide is not periodically poled, as quasi-phase-matching would lead to detrimental nonlinear effects impeding few-cycle soliton formation.

Opt Express ; 20(24): 27071-82, 2012 Nov 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23187563


We propose an efficient approach to improve few-cycle soliton compression with cascaded quadratic nonlinearities by using an engineered multi-section structure of the nonlinear crystal. By exploiting engineering of the cascaded quadratic nonlinearities, in each section soliton compression with a low effective order is realized, and high-quality few-cycle pulses with large compression factors are feasible. Each subsequent section is designed so that the compressed pulse exiting the previous section experiences an overall effective self-defocusing cubic nonlinearity corresponding to a modest soliton order, which is kept larger than unity to ensure further compression. This is done by increasing the cascaded quadratic nonlinearity in the new section with an engineered reduced residual phase mismatch. The low soliton orders in each section ensure excellent pulse quality and high efficiency. Numerical results show that compressed pulses with less than three-cycle duration can be achieved even when the compression factor is very large, and in contrast to standard soliton compression, these compressed pulses have minimal pedestal and high quality factor.

Simulação por Computador , Compressão de Dados/métodos , Tecnologia de Fibra Óptica/instrumentação , Óptica e Fotônica , Processamento de Sinais Assistido por Computador , Desenho Assistido por Computador , Desenho de Equipamento
Opt Lett ; 37(22): 4612-4, 2012 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23164855


The higher-order Kerr effect (HOKE) has recently been advocated to explain measurements of the saturation of the nonlinear refractive index in gases. Here we show that cascaded third-harmonic generation results in an effective fifth-order nonlinearity that is negative and significant. Higher-order harmonic cascading will also occur from the HOKE, and the cascading contributions may significantly modify the observed nonlinear index change. At lower wavelengths, cascading increases the HOKE saturation intensity, while for longer wavelengths cascading will decrease the HOKE saturation intensity.

Opt Lett ; 37(24): 5109-11, 2012 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23258021


We investigate the impact of cascaded third harmonic generation and the intrinsic n4 material nonlinearity on the propagation of ultrashort pulses in noble-gas filled Kagome fibers. We show that the pressure tunability of the cascade allows for the implementation of temporal switching. We also investigate the relative strengths of both effects and show their ratio to be pressure tunable.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 4446, 2019 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30872762


Supercontinuum (SC) generation based on ultrashort pulse compression constitutes one of the most promising technologies towards ultra-wide bandwidth, high-brightness, and spatially coherent light sources for applications such as spectroscopy and microscopy. Here, multi-octave SC generation in a gas-filled hollow-core antiresonant fiber (HC-ARF) is reported spanning from 200 nm in the deep ultraviolet (DUV) to 4000 nm in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) having an output energy of 5 µJ. This was obtained by pumping at the center wavelength of the first anti-resonant transmission window (2460 nm) with ~100 fs pulses and an injected pulse energy of ~8 µJ. The mechanism behind the extreme spectral broadening relies upon intense soliton-plasma nonlinear dynamics which leads to efficient soliton self-compression and phase-matched dispersive wave (DW) emission in the DUV region. The strongest DW is observed at 275 nm which corresponds to the calculated phase-matching wavelength of the pump. Furthermore, the effect of changing the pump pulse energy and gas pressure on the nonlinear dynamics and their direct impact on SC generation was investigated. This work represents another step towards gas-filled fiber-based coherent sources, which is set to have a major impact on applications spanning from DUV to mid-IR.