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Nanoscale Horiz ; 9(9): 1498-1505, 2024 Aug 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39028302


The transition to the third dimension enables the creation of spintronic nanodevices with significantly enhanced functionality compared to traditional 2D magnetic applications. In this study, we extend common two-dimensional magnetic vortex configurations, which are known for their efficient dynamical response to external stimuli without a bias magnetic field, into the third dimension. This extension results in a substantial increase in vortex frequency, reaching up to 5 GHz, compared to the typical sub-GHz range observed in planar vortex oscillators. A systematic study reveals a complex pattern of vortex excitation modes, explaining the decrease in the lowest gyrotropic mode frequency, the inversion of vortex mode intensities, and the nontrivial spatial distribution of vortex dynamical magnetization noted in previous research. These phenomena enable the optimization of both oscillation frequency and frequency reproducibility, minimizing the impact of uncontrolled size variations in those magnetic nanodevices.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 43, 2021 Jan 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33420134


CoFeB-based ultrathin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy are promising for different emerging technological applications such as nonvolatile memories with low power consumption and high-speed performance. In this work, the dynamical properties of [CoFeB (tCoFeB)/Pd (10 Å)]5 multilayered ultrathin films (1 Å ≤ tCoFeB ≤ 5 Å) are studied by using two complementary methods: time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect and broadband ferromagnetic resonance. The perpendicular magnetization is confirmed for multilayers with tCoFeB ≤ 4 Å. The effective perpendicular magnetic anisotropy reaches a clear maximum at tCoFeB = 3 Å. Further increase of CoFeB layer thickness reduces the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and the magnetization became in-plane oriented for tCoFeB ≥ 5 Å. This behaviour is explained by considering competing contributions from surface and magnetoelastic anisotropies. It was also found that the effective damping parameter αeff decreases with CoFeB layer thickness and for tCoFeB = 4 Å reaches a value of ~ 0.019 that is suitable for microwave applications.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 11(5)2021 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34066968


Thin polycrystalline Co2FeGe films with composition close to stoichiometry have been fabricated using magnetron co-sputtering technique. Effects of substrate temperature (TS) and post-deposition annealing (Ta) on structure, static and dynamic magnetic properties were systematically studied. It is shown that elevated TS (Ta) promote formation of ordered L21 crystal structure. Variation of TS (Ta) allow modification of magnetic properties in a broad range. Saturation magnetization ~920 emu/cm3 and low magnetization damping parameter α ~ 0.004 were achieved for TS = 573 K. This in combination with soft ferromagnetic properties (coercivity below 6 Oe) makes the films attractive candidates for spin-transfer torque and magnonic devices.

Nanoscale ; 12(41): 21207-21217, 2020 Oct 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33057527


The increasing demand for nanoscale magnetic devices requires development of 3D magnetic nanostructures. In this regard, focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID) is a technique of choice for direct-writing of complex nano-architectures with applications in nanomagnetism, magnon spintronics, and superconducting electronics. However, intrinsic properties of nanomagnets are often poorly known and can hardly be assessed by local optical probe techniques. Here, an original spatially resolved approach is demonstrated for spin-wave spectroscopy of individual circular magnetic elements with sample volumes down to about 10-3 µm3. The key component of the setup is a coplanar waveguide whose microsized central part is placed over a movable substrate with well-separated CoFe-FEBID nanodisks which exhibit standing spin-wave resonances. The circular symmetry of the disks allows for the deduction of the saturation magnetization and the exchange stiffness of the material using an analytical theory. A good correspondence between the results of analytical calculations and micromagnetic simulations is revealed, indicating a validity of the used analytical model going beyond the initial thin-disk approximation used in the theoretical derivation. The presented approach is especially valuable for the characterization of direct-write magnetic elements opening new horizons for 3D nanomagnetism and magnonics.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 11(19): 17654-17662, 2019 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31007012


Local modification of magnetic properties of nanoelements is a key to design future-generation magnonic devices in which information is carried and processed via spin waves. One of the biggest challenges here is to fabricate simple and miniature phase-controlling elements with broad tunability. Here, we successfully realize such spin-wave phase shifters upon a single nanogroove milled by a focused ion beam in a Co-Fe microsized magnonic waveguide. By varying the groove depth and the in-plane bias magnetic field, we continuously tune the spin-wave phase and experimentally evidence a complete phase inversion. The microscopic mechanism of the phase shift is based on the combined action of the nanogroove as a geometrical defect and the lower spin-wave group velocity in the waveguide under the groove where the magnetization is reduced due to the incorporation of Ga ions during the ion-beam milling. The proposed phase shifter can easily be on-chip integrated with spin-wave logic gates and other magnonic devices. Our findings are crucial for designing nanomagnonic circuits and for the development of spin-wave nano-optics.