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Ann Bot ; 134(2): 247-262, 2024 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38687133


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Polyploidy is considered one of the main mechanisms of plant evolution and speciation. In the Mediterranean Basin, polyploidy has contributed to making this region a biodiversity hotspot, along with its geological and climatic history and other ecological and biogeographical factors. The Mediterranean genus Centaurium (Gentianaceae) comprises ~25 species, of which 60 % are polyploids, including tetraploids and hexaploids. To date, the evolutionary history of centauries has been studied using Sanger sequencing phylogenies, which have been insufficient to fully understand the phylogenetic relationships in this lineage. The goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the evolutionary history of Centaurium by exploring the mechanisms that have driven its diversification, specifically hybridization and polyploidy. We aim to identify the parentage of hybrid species, at the species or clade level, as well as assessing whether morphological traits are associated with particular ploidy levels. METHODS: We sequenced RADseq markers from 42 samples of 28 Centaurium taxa, and performed phylogenomic analyses using maximum likelihood, summary coalescent SVDquartets and Neighbor-Net approaches. To identify hybrid taxa, we used PhyloNetworks and the fastSTRUCTURE algorithm. To infer the putative parental species of the allopolyploids, we employed genomic analyses (SNIPloid). The association between different traits and particular ploidy levels was explored with non-metric multidimensional scaling. KEY RESULTS: Our phylogenetic analyses confirmed the long-suspected occurrence of recurrent hybridization. The allopolyploid origin of the tetraploid C. serpentinicola and the hexaploids C. mairei, C. malzacianum and C. centaurioides was also confirmed, unlike that of C. discolor. We inferred additional signatures of hybridization events within the genus and identified morphological traits differentially distributed in different ploidy levels. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the important role that hybridization has played in the evolution of a Mediterranean genus such as Centaurium, leading to a polyploid complex, which facilitated its diversification and may exemplify that of other Mediterranean groups.

Centaurium , Hibridização Genética , Filogenia , Poliploidia , Centaurium/genética , Região do Mediterrâneo , Evolução Biológica , Genoma de Planta
Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1439985, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39184574


Speciation and diversification patterns in angiosperms are frequently shaped by niche evolution. Centaurium Hill is a Mediterranean genus with ca. 25 species, of which 60% are polyploids (tetra- and hexaploids), distributed mainly in the Mediterranean Basin and in areas with temperate and arid climates of Asia, Europe, North-Central Africa and North America. The evolutionary history of this genus has been studied using morphological, biogeographical and molecular approaches, but its climatic niche characterization and its relation with genome evolution (chromosome number and ploidy level) has not been addressed yet. Thus, this study aims to identify the role of the evolution of climatic niche, ploidy level, life cycle and floral traits in the diversification of Centaurium. Climatic niche characterization involved estimating present climate preferences using quantitative data and reconstructing ancestral niches to evaluate climatic niche shifts. The evolution of climatic niche towards selective optima determined by ploidy level (three ploidy levels) and different binary traits (polyploidy, floral size, floral display, herkogamy and life cycle) was addressed under the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model. Chromosome number evolution was inferred using the ChromoSSE model, testing if changes are clado- or anagenetic. Chromosome number evolution and its link with cladogenesis, life cycle and floral traits was modeled on the phylogeny. The reconstruction of the ancestral niches shows that Centaurium originated in a mild climate and diversified to both humid and cold as well as to dry and warmer climates. Niche conservatism was estimated in the climatic niche of the ancestors, while the climatic niche of the current taxa experienced transitions from their ancestors' niche. Besides, the evolution of climatic niche towards multiple selective optima determined by the studied traits was supported, life cycle optima receiving the highest support. The reconstruction of chromosome number transitions shows that the rate of speciation process resulting from chromosomal changes (chromosomal cladogenesis) is similar to that of non-chromosomal cladogenesis. Additionally, dependent evolution of floral size, floral display and herkogamy with chromosome number variation was supported. In conclusion, polyploidization is a crucial process in the Mediterranean region that assisted speciation and diversification into new areas with different climates, entailing niche shifts and evolution of reproductive strategies.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 650551, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33777084


The Mediterranean region is one of the most important worldwide hotspots in terms of number of species and endemism, and multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain how diversification occurred in this area. The contribution of different traits to the diversification process has been evaluated in different groups of plants. In the case of Centaurium (Gentianaceae), a genus with a center of diversity placed in the Mediterranean region, polyploidy seems to have been an important driver of diversification as more than half of species are polyploids. Moreover, ploidy levels are strongly geographically structured across the range of the genus, with tetraploids distributed towards more temperate areas in the north and hexaploids in more arid areas towards the south. We hypothesize that the diversification processes and biodiversity patterns in Centaurium are explained by the coupled formation of polyploid lineages and the colonization of different areas. A MCC tree from BEAST2 based on three nuclear DNA regions of a total of 26 taxa (full sampling, of 18 species and 8 subspecies) was used to perform ancestral area reconstruction analysis in "BioGeoBEARS." Chromosome evolution was analyzed in chromEvol and diversification in BAMM to estimate diversification rates. Our results suggest that two major clades diverged early from the common ancestor, one most likely in the western Mediterranean and the other in a widespread area including west and central Asia (but with high uncertainty in the exact composition of this widespread area). Most ancestral lineages in the western clade remained in or around the western Mediterranean, and dispersal to other areas (mainly northward and eastward), occurred at the tips. Contrarily, most ancestral lineages in the widespread clade had larger ancestral areas. Polyploidization events in the western clade occurred at the tips of the phylogeny (with one exception of a polyploidization event in a very shallow node) and were mainly tetraploid, while polyploidization events occurred in the widespread clade were at the tips and in an ancestral node of the phylogeny, and were mainly hexaploid. We show how ancestral diploid lineages remained in the area of origin, whereas recent and ancestral polyploidization could have facilitated colonization and establishment in other areas.