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Genome Announc ; 5(32)2017 Aug 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28798164


The green alga Scenedesmus obliquus is an emerging platform species for the industrial production of biofuels. Here, we report the draft assembly and annotation for the nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial genomes of S. obliquus strain DOE0152z.

Genome Announc ; 4(1)2016 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26744368


Burkholderia mallei, the etiologic agent of glanders, is a Gram-negative, nonmotile, facultative intracellular pathogen. Although glanders has been eradicated from many parts of the world, the threat of B. mallei being used as a weapon is very real. Here we present draft genome assemblies of 8 Burkholderia mallei strains that were isolated in Turkey.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25278526


We present the scaffolded genome assembly of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Boston 41501, now publicly available in GenBank (JOVK00000000) in 10 contigs placed into a single scaffold. The 6.82-Mbp genome contains 66.1% G+C content and 6,295 coding sequences, including type 4 pilus and type 3 secretion system production genes.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25291774


Serratia marcescens ATCC 13880 is the type strain of the species and a commonly used quality control strain. Here, we present the annotated genome assembly of 5.13 Mbp (59.8% G+C content) as submitted to NCBI under accession no. JOVM00000000.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25258272


We present the genome assembly of Ralstonia pickettii K-288 (ATCC 27511), consisting of 27 contigs placed into a single scaffold. This 4.76-Mbp genome has 64.0% G+C content and 4,425 coding sequences. Because this is the type strain, inclusion of its data set among other Ralstonia genomes should provide a historical genomic perspective.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25258273


An emerging nosocomial pathogen, Stenotrophomonas maltophila has a high mortality rate in those it infects. Here, we present the complete genome sequence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 810-2 (ATCC 13637), the type strain of the species. The 5-Mb (66.1% G+C content) genome has been deposited in NCBI under accession number CP008838.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25278527


Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of bacterial infections in the United States, with high percentages of serious infections resistant to a variety of ß-lactam antibiotics. Here, we present the scaffolded genome assembly into 16 contigs of S. aureus CDC73-57501 (ATCC 29247), a methicillin-resistant quality control strain.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25342679


Yersinia spp. are animal pathogens, some of which cause human disease. We sequenced 10 Yersinia isolates (from six species: Yersinia enterocolitica, Y. fredericksenii, Y. kristensenii, Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis, and Y. ruckeri) to high-quality draft or complete status. The genomes range in size from 3.77 to 4.94 Mbp.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25342681


The pleomorphic swarming bacilli of the genus Proteus are common human gut commensal organisms but also the causative agents of recurrent urinary tract infections and bacteremia. We sequenced and assembled the 3.99-Mbp genome of Proteus mirabilis ATCC 7002 (accession no. JOVJ00000000) and the 3.97-Mbp genome of Proteus vulgaris ATCC 49132 (accession no. JPIX00000000), both of which are commonly used reference strains.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25342682


Soft-tissue infection by Pasteurella multocida in humans is usually associated with a dog- or cat-related injury, and these infections can become aggressive. We sequenced the type strain P. multocida subsp. multocida ATCC 43137 into a single closed chromosome consisting of 2,271,840 bp (40.4% G+C content), which is currently available in the NCBI GenBank under the accession number CP008918.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25342683


The Enterobacteriaceae are environmental and enteric microbes. We sequenced the genomes of two Enterobacter reference strains, E. aerogenes CDC 6003-71 and E. cloacae CDC 442-68, as well as one near neighbor used as an exclusionary reference for diagnostics, Pantoea agglomerans CDC UA0804-01. The genome sizes range from 4.72 to 5.55 Mbp and have G+C contents from 54.6 to 55.1%.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25342684


The genus Corynebacterium is best known for the pathogen C. diphtheriae; however, it contains mostly commensal and nonpathogenic, as well as several opportunistic, pathogens. Here, we present the 2.47-Mb scaffolded assembly of the type strain, Corynebacterium sp. ATCC 6931 (NCTC 1914), as deposited into GenBank under accession number CP008913.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25342690


A member of the normal human gut microflora, Providencia stuartii is of clinical interest due to its role in nosocomial infections of the urinary tract and because it readily acquires antibiotic resistance. Here, we present the complete genome of P. stuartii strain ATCC 33672, consisting of a 4.28-Mbp chromosome and a 48.9-kbp plasmid.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25342692


Salmonella enterica constitutes a group of enteric pathogens with a broad host range, including humans, reptiles, and birds. S. enterica subsp. enterica is a common cause of inflammatory diarrhea in humans. We present the draft genome of S. enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis strain SEJ, including a 59-kbp plasmid.

Genome Announc ; 2(6)2014 Nov 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25377697


Staphylococcus epidermidis causes a large number of catheter-related sepsis infections annually in the United States. We present the 2.54-Mbp complete genome assembly of reference strain S. epidermidis AmMS 205, including a single 37.7-kbp plasmid. The annotated assembly is available in GenBank under accession numbers CP009046 and CP009047.

Genome Announc ; 2(6)2014 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25414490


Burkholderia is a genus of betaproteobacteria that includes three notable human pathogens: B. cepacia, B. pseudomallei, and B. mallei. While B. pseudomallei and B. mallei are considered potential biowarfare agents, B. cepacia infections are largely limited to cystic fibrosis patients. Here, we present 56 Burkholderia genomes from 8 distinct species.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Oct 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25359907


Shigella flexneri causes shigellosis, severe and potentially life-threatening diarrhea, and accounts for 18% of shigellosis cases in the United States. Here, we present the 4.51-Mbp genome assembly of S. flexneri ATCC 12022, a quality control and reference strain, in 10 scaffolds.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25291763


Klebsiella pneumoniae is a common cause of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections in immunocompromised individuals. Here, we present the 5.54-Mb scaffolded assembly of the type strain K. pneumoniae type strain ATCC 13883, as deposited in GenBank under accession no. JOOW00000000.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25291764


Primarily a zoonotic disease, Francisella tularensis is a fastidious intracellular pathogen and is listed as a CDC category A pathogen with notably high pathogenicity. Here we present the scaffolded genome assemblies of nine Francisella strains: eight F. tularensis and one F. philomiragia.

Genome Announc ; 2(5)2014 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25291775


Enterococcus faecalis is a nonmotile Gram-positive coccus, found both as a commensal organism in healthy humans and animals and as a causative agent of multiple diseases, in particular endocarditis. We sequenced the genome of E. faecalis ATCC 29212, a commonly used reference strain in laboratory studies, to complete "finished" annotated assembly (3 Mb).