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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(12): 121902, 2024 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38579200


We report the measurement of the helicity asymmetry E for the pπ^{0} and nπ^{+} final states using, for the first time, an elliptically polarized photon beam in combination with a longitudinally polarized target at the Crystal Ball experiment at MAMI. The results agree very well with data that were taken with a circularly polarized photon beam, showing that it is possible to simultaneously measure polarization observables that require linearly (e.g., G) and circularly polarized photons (e.g., E) and a longitudinally polarized target. The new data cover a photon energy range 270-1400 MeV for the pπ^{0} final state (230-842 MeV for the nπ^{+} final state) and the full range of pion polar angles, θ, providing the most precise measurement of the observable E. A moment analysis gives a clear observation of the pη cusp in the pπ^{0} final state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(13): 132502, 2022 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35426711


Differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the proton have been measured at scattering angles of 55°, 90°, and 125° in the laboratory frame using quasimonoenergetic linearly (circularly) polarized photon beams with a weighted mean energy value of 83.4 MeV (81.3 MeV). These measurements were performed at the High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source facility at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. The results are compared to previous measurements and are interpreted in the chiral effective field theory framework to extract the electromagnetic dipole polarizabilities of the proton, which gives α_{E1}^{p}=13.8±1.2_{stat}±0.1_{BSR}±0.3_{theo},ß_{M1}^{p}=0.2∓1.2_{stat}±0.1_{BSR}∓0.3_{theo} in units of 10^{-4} fm^{3}.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(13): 132503, 2022 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35426697


A precise measurement of the differential cross sections dσ/dΩ and the linearly polarized photon beam asymmetry Σ_{3} for Compton scattering on the proton below pion threshold has been performed with a tagged photon beam and almost 4π detector at the Mainz Microtron. The incident photons were produced by the recently upgraded Glasgow-Mainz photon tagging facility and impinged on a cryogenic liquid hydrogen target, with the scattered photons detected in the Crystal Ball/TAPS setup. Using the highest statistics Compton scattering data ever measured on the proton along with two effective field theories (both covariant baryon and heavy-baryon) and one fixed-t dispersion relation model, constraining the fits with the Baldin sum rule, we have obtained the proton electric and magnetic polarizabilities with unprecedented precision: α_{E1}=10.99±0.16±0.47±0.17±0.34, ß_{M1}=3.14±0.21±0.24±0.20±0.35; in units of 10^{-4} fm^{3} where the errors are statistical, systematic, spin polarizability dependent, and model dependent.

Eur Phys J A Hadron Nucl ; 57(6): 205, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720708


The quasifree γ → d → π 0 n ( p ) photon beam asymmetry, Σ , has been measured at photon energies, E γ , from 390 to 610 MeV, corresponding to center of mass energy from 1.271 to 1.424 GeV, for the first time. The data were collected in the A2 hall of the MAMI electron beam facility with the Crystal Ball and TAPS calorimeters covering pion center-of-mass angles from 49 ∘ to 148 ∘ . In this kinematic region, polarization observables are sensitive to contributions from the Δ ( 1232 ) and N(1440) resonances. The extracted values of Σ have been compared to predictions based on partial-wave analyses (PWAs) of the existing pion photoproduction database. Our comparison includes the SAID, MAID and Bonn-Gatchina analyses; while a revised SAID fit, including the new Σ measurements, has also been performed. In addition, isospin symmetry is examined as a way to predict π 0 n photoproduction observables, based on fits to published data in the channels π 0 p , π + n and π - p .

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(6): 062001, 2020 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32845675


The double-polarization observable E and helicity-dependent cross sections σ_{1/2}, σ_{3/2} have been measured for the photoproduction of π^{0} pairs off quasifree protons and neutrons at the Mainz MAMI accelerator with the Crystal Ball/TAPS setup. A circularly polarized photon beam was produced by bremsstrahlung from longitudinally polarized electrons and impinged on a longitudinally polarized deuterated butanol target. The reaction products were detected with an almost 4π covering calorimeter. The results reveal for the first time the helicity- and isospin-dependent structure of the γN→Nπ^{0}π^{0} reaction. They are compared to predictions from reaction models in view of nucleon resonance contributions and also to a refit of one model that predicted results for the proton and for the neutron target. The comparison of the prediction and the refit demonstrates the large impact of the new data.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(13): 132001, 2020 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32302204


We report a measurement of the spin polarization of the recoiling neutron in deuterium photodisintegration, utilizing a new large acceptance polarimeter within the Crystal Ball at MAMI. The measured photon energy range of 300-700 MeV provides the first measurement of recoil neutron polarization at photon energies where the quark substructure of the deuteron plays a role, thereby providing important new constraints on photodisintegration mechanisms. A very high neutron polarization in a narrow structure centered around E_{γ}∼570 MeV is observed, which is inconsistent with current theoretical predictions employing nucleon resonance degrees of freedom. A Legendre polynomial decomposition suggests this behavior could be related to the excitation of the d^{*}(2380) hexaquark.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(19): 192302, 2019 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31765208


Virtual Compton scattering on the proton has been investigated at three yet unexplored values of the four-momentum transfer Q^{2}: 0.10, 0.20, and 0.45 GeV^{2}, at the Mainz Microtron. Fits performed using either the low-energy theorem or dispersion relations allowed the extraction of the structure functions P_{LL}-P_{TT}/ε and P_{LT}, as well as the electric and magnetic generalized polarizabilities α_{E1}(Q^{2}) and ß_{M1}(Q^{2}). These new results show a smooth and rapid falloff of α_{E1}(Q^{2}), in contrast to previous measurements at Q^{2}=0.33 GeV^{2}, and provide for the first time a precise mapping of ß_{M1}(Q^{2}) in the low-Q^{2} region.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(21): 212001, 2017 May 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28598665


The reactions γp→ηp and γp→η^{'}p are measured from their thresholds up to the center-of-mass energy W=1.96 GeV with the tagged-photon facilities at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. Differential cross sections are obtained with unprecedented statistical accuracy, providing fine energy binning and full production-angle coverage. A strong cusp is observed in the total cross section for η photoproduction at the energies in the vicinity of the η^{'} threshold, W=1896 MeV (E_{γ}=1447 MeV). Within the framework of a revised ηMAID isobar model, the cusp, in connection with a steep rise of the η^{'} total cross section from its threshold, can only be explained by a strong coupling of the poorly known N(1895)1/2^{-} state to both ηp and η^{'}p. Including the new high-accuracy results in the ηMAID fit to available η and η^{'} photoproduction data allows the determination of the N(1895)1/2^{-} properties.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(13): 132502, 2016 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27715117


The double polarization observable E and the helicity dependent cross sections σ_{1/2} and σ_{3/2} were measured for η photoproduction from quasifree protons and neutrons. The circularly polarized tagged photon beam of the A2 experiment at the Mainz MAMI accelerator was used in combination with a longitudinally polarized deuterated butanol target. The almost 4π detector setup of the Crystal Ball and TAPS is ideally suited to detect the recoil nucleons and the decay photons from η→2γ and η→3π^{0}. The results show that the narrow structure previously observed in η photoproduction from the neutron is only apparent in σ_{1/2} and hence, most likely related to a spin-1/2 amplitude. Nucleon resonances that contribute to this partial wave in η production are only N 1/2^{-} (S_{11}) and N 1/2^{+} (P_{11}). Furthermore, the extracted Legendre coefficients of the angular distributions for σ_{1/2} are in good agreement with recent reaction model predictions assuming a narrow resonance in the P_{11} wave as the origin of this structure.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(11): 112501, 2015 Mar 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25839263


The spin polarizabilities of the nucleon describe how the spin of the nucleon responds to an incident polarized photon. The most model-independent way to extract the nucleon spin polarizabilities is through polarized Compton scattering. Double-polarized Compton scattering asymmetries on the proton were measured in the Δ(1232) region using circularly polarized incident photons and a transversely polarized proton target at the Mainz Microtron. Fits to asymmetry data were performed using a dispersion model calculation and a baryon chiral perturbation theory calculation, and a separation of all four proton spin polarizabilities in the multipole basis was achieved. The analysis based on a dispersion model calculation yields γ(E1E1)=-3.5±1.2, γ(M1M1)=3.16±0.85, γ(E1M2)=-0.7±1.2, and γ(M1E2)=1.99±0.29, in units of 10(-4) fm(4).

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(14): 142001, 2014 Apr 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24765945


Precise angular distributions have been measured for the first time for the photoproduction of π0 mesons off neutrons bound in the deuteron. The effects from nuclear Fermi motion have been eliminated by a complete kinematic reconstruction of the final state. The influence of final-state-interaction effects has been estimated by a comparison of the reaction cross section for quasifree protons bound in the deuteron to the results for free protons and then applied as a correction to the quasifree neutron data. The experiment was performed at the tagged photon facility of the Mainz Microtron MAMI with the Crystal Ball and TAPS detector setup for incident photon energies between 0.45 and 1.4 GeV. The results are compared to the predictions from reaction models and partial-wave analyses based on data from other isospin channels. The model predictions show large discrepancies among each other and the present data will provide much tighter constraints. This is demonstrated by the results of a new analysis in the framework of the Bonn-Gatchina coupled-channel analysis which included the present data.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(24): 242502, 2014 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24996085


Information on the size and shape of the neutron skin on (208)Pb is extracted from coherent pion photoproduction cross sections measured using the Crystal Ball detector together with the Glasgow tagger at the MAMI electron beam facility. On exploitation of an interpolated fit of a theoretical model to the measured cross sections, the half-height radius and diffuseness of the neutron distribution are found to be c(n)=6.70±0.03(stat.) fm and a(n)=0.55±0.01(stat.)(-0.03)(+0.02)(sys.) fm, respectively, corresponding to a neutron skin thickness Δr(np)=0.15±0.03(stat.)(-0.03)(+0.01)(sys.) fm. The results give the first successful extraction of a neutron skin thickness with an electromagnetic probe and indicate that the skin of (208)Pb has a halo character. The measurement provides valuable new constraints on both the structure of nuclei and the equation of state for neutron-rich matter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(10): 102001, 2014 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25238349


We present new data for the transverse target asymmetry T and the very first data for the beam-target asymmetry F in the γ[over →]p[over →]→ηp reaction up to a center-of-mass energy of W=1.9 GeV. The data were obtained with the Crystal-Ball/TAPS detector setup at the Glasgow tagged photon facility of the Mainz Microtron MAMI. All existing model predictions fail to reproduce the new data indicating a significant impact on our understanding of the underlying dynamics of η meson photoproduction. The peculiar nodal structure observed in existing T data close to threshold is not confirmed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(2): 022501, 2014 Jan 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24484003


We report the first large-acceptance measurement of polarization transfer from a polarized photon beam to a recoiling nucleon. The measurement pioneers a novel polarimetry technique, which can be applied to many other nuclear and hadron physics experiments. The commissioning reaction of 1H(γ, p)π0 in the range 0.4

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(23): 232001, 2013 Dec 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24476257


The photoproduction of η mesons off nucleons bound in 2H and 3He has been measured in coincidence with recoil protons and recoil neutrons for incident photon energies from threshold up to 1.4 GeV. The experiments were performed at the Mainz MAMI accelerator, using the Glasgow tagged photon facility. Decay photons from the η→2γ and η→3π0 decays and the recoil nucleons were detected with an almost 4π electromagnetic calorimeter combining the Crystal Ball and TAPS detectors. The data from both targets are of excellent statistical quality and show a narrow structure in the excitation function of γn→nη. The results from the two measurements are consistent, taking into account the expected effects from nuclear Fermi motion. The best estimates for position and intrinsic width of the structure are W=(1670±5) MeV and Γ=(30±15) MeV. For the first time precise results for the angular dependence of this structure have been extracted.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(6): 062004, 2013 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23971564


A precision measurement of the differential cross sections dσ/dΩ and the linearly polarized photon asymmetry Σ≡(dσ⊥-dσ∥)/(dσ⊥+dσ∥) for the γp→π0p reaction in the near-threshold region has been performed with a tagged photon beam and almost 4π detector at the Mainz Microtron. The Glasgow-Mainz photon tagging facility along with the Crystal Ball/TAPS multiphoton detector system and a cryogenic liquid hydrogen target were used. These data allowed for a precise determination of the energy dependence of the real parts of the S- and all three P-wave amplitudes for the first time and provide the most stringent test to date of the predictions of chiral perturbation theory and its energy region of agreement with experiment.

J Clin Invest ; 85(3): 798-803, 1990 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-2155928


Fibroblasts cultured from normal human dermis are heterogeneous with respect to growth kinetics, synthetic function, and morphologic features. There are many examples of clonal heterogeneity in apparently homogeneous connective tissue cell populations, and it has been suggested that selection of cell populations with particular phenotypic features is the basis for the development of pathologic connective tissue changes in inflammatory disorders. In these studies we report characterization of the pattern of matrix biosynthesis and responses to hormones in cells cloned from normal human dermis. The results indicate that cloned dermal fibroblasts are heterogeneous with respect to synthesis of collagens as well as their responses to prostaglandin E2 and parathyroid hormone. Selective expansion of clonal populations with unique patterns of matrix synthesis and cell surface receptors could provide the basis for abnormal connective tissue remodeling in certain pathologic states.

Colágeno/biossíntese , Dinoprostona/farmacologia , Hormônio Paratireóideo/farmacologia , Pele/metabolismo , Células Clonais , AMP Cíclico/análise , Fibroblastos/metabolismo , Humanos , Pró-Colágeno/genética , RNA Mensageiro/análise
J Anim Sci ; 88(2): 581-93, 2010 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19897628


This paper reports an investigation into metabolic and endocrine maturity in the neonate lamb and the relationships between litter size, birth weight, and maternal metabolic and endocrine variables on behavior at birth and survival over the first 72 h of life. Data were from multiparous, fine-wool Merino ewes (n = 150; equal numbers of single-lamb and twin-lamb bearing status) lambed on pasture after late gestational glucocorticoid treatments. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to investigate relationships between lamb survival, behavior, endocrinology, and physiology. Improved lamb viability at 72 h after birth was related to decreased chill indices at birth, singleton litter status, greater presuckling rectal temperature, increased ewe prelambing plasma ghrelin concentration, female sex, heavier birth weight, and decreased lamb presuckling plasma glucose concentration. Greater rectal temperatures were associated with heavier birth weight and gestation lengths shorter than 146 d, but no relationship with neonatal behavioral progression was evident. Presuckling glucose concentrations were greater in singletons and lambs born to ewes of greater BCS at d 95 of gestation, and lambs of heavier birth weight, but were also associated with decreased rectal temperatures. This might reflect a delay in glucose utilization during the adjustment from a fetal metabolic rate to a rate appropriate for cold external environments. Singleton lambs exhibited decreased presuckling plasma NEFA concentrations and were almost 8 times more likely to survive to 72 h than a twin-born lamb. Birth weight was lesser in lambs born to ewes with elevated plasma glucose and leptin concentrations before lambing and was positively related to ewe BW at d 95 of gestation and to length of gestation. Greater presuckling plasma ghrelin and leptin concentrations were measured for shorter gestation lengths. Neonate presuckling ghrelin concentrations above 650 pg/mL tended (P = 0.077) to be associated with improved lamb survival to 72 h. This was consistent with a curvilinear decline in neonate survival rates to 72 h after birth as time of latency to suckle increased. No relationship was observed between lamb plasma glucose concentrations and behavioral expression after lambing. Lambs exhibiting greater metabolic and endocrine maturity at birth had improved survival in a cold environment to 72 h after birth. The role of ghrelin in ovine fetal development warrants further investigation.

Animais Recém-Nascidos/fisiologia , Peso ao Nascer/fisiologia , Tamanho da Ninhada de Vivíparos/fisiologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Criação de Animais Domésticos , Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos/metabolismo , Animais Lactentes/fisiologia , Metabolismo Basal/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Glicemia/análise , Glicemia/fisiologia , Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Feminino , Grelina/sangue , Leptina/sangue , Masculino , Estado Nutricional/fisiologia , Fatores Sexuais , Ovinos/metabolismo , Ureia/sangue
Phys Rev Lett ; 103(5): 052002, 2009 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19792489


Beam-helicity asymmetries have been measured at the MAMI accelerator in Mainz in the three isospin channels gamma[over -->]p-->pi(+)pi(0)n, gamma[over -->]p-->pi(0)pi(0)p, and gamma[over -->]p-->pi(+)pi(-)p. The circularly polarized photons, produced from bremsstrahlung of longitudinally polarized electrons, were tagged with the Glasgow magnetic spectrometer. Charged pions and the decay photons of pi(0) mesons were detected in a 4pi electromagnetic calorimeter which combined the Crystal Ball detector with the TAPS detector. The precisely measured asymmetries are very sensitive to details of the production processes and are thus key observables in the modeling of the reaction dynamics.