The mesoscopic Stoner instability is an intriguing manifestation of symmetry breaking in isolated metallic quantum dots, underlined by the competition between single-particle energy and Heisenberg exchange interaction. Here we study this phenomenon in the presence of tunnel coupling to a reservoir. We analyze the spin susceptibility of electrons on the quantum dot for different values of couplings and temperature. Our results indicate the existence of a "quantum phase transition" at a critical value of the tunneling coupling, which is determined by the Stoner-enhanced exchange interaction. This quantum phase transition is a manifestation of the suppression of the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism of symmetry breaking, induced by coupling to the reservoir.
Quantum Hall edge channels offer an efficient and controllable platform to study quantum transport in one dimension. Such channels are a prospective tool for the efficient transfer of quantum information at the nanoscale, and play a vital role in exposing intriguing physics. Electric current along the edge carries energy and heat leading to inelastic scattering, which may impede coherent transport. Several experiments attempting to probe the concomitant energy redistribution along the edge reported energy loss via unknown mechanisms of inelastic scattering. Here we employ quantum dots to inject and extract electrons at specific energies, to spectrally analyse inelastic scattering inside quantum Hall edge channels. We show that the missing energy puzzle could be untangled by incorporating non-local Auger-like processes, in which energy is redistributed between spatially separate parts of the sample. Our theoretical analysis, accounting for the experimental results, challenges common-wisdom analyses which ignore such non-local decay channels.
The quantum eraser is a device that illustrates the quantum principle of complementarity and shows how a dephased system can regain its lost quantum behavior by erasing the "which-path" information already obtained about it. Thus far, quantum erasers were constructed predominantly in optical systems. Here, we present a realization of a quantum eraser in a mesoscopic electronic device. The use of interacting electrons, instead of noninteracting photons, allows control over the extracted information and a smooth variation of the degree of quantum erasure. The demonstrated system can serve as a first step toward a variety of more complex setups.