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J Anim Breed Genet ; 141(2): 207-219, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38010317


For decades, inbreeding in cattle has been evaluated using pedigree information. Nowadays, inbreeding coefficients can be obtained using genomic information such as runs of homozygosity (ROH). The aims of this study were to quantify ROH and heterozygosity-rich regions (HRR) in a subpopulation of Guzerá dual-purpose cattle, to examine ROH and HRR islands, and to compare inbreeding coefficients obtained by ROH with alternative genomic inbreeding coefficients. A subpopulation of 1733 Guzerá animals genotyped for 50k SNPs was used to obtain the ROH and HRR segments. Inbreeding coefficients by ROH (FROH ), by genomic relationship matrix based on VanRaden's method 1 using reference allele frequency in the population (FGRM ), by genomic relationship matrix based on VanRaden's method 1 using allele frequency fixed in 0.5 (FGRM_0.5 ), and by the proportion of homozygous loci (FHOM ) were calculated. A total of 15,660 ROH were identified, and the chromosome with the highest number of ROH was BTA6. A total of 4843 HRRs were identified, and the chromosome with the highest number of HRRs was BTA23. No ROH and HRR islands were identified according to established criteria, but the regions closest to the definition of an island were examined from 64 to 67 Mb of BTA6, from 36 to 37 Mb of BTA2 and from 0.50 to 1.25 Mb of BTA23. The genes identified in ROH islands have previously been associated with dairy and beef traits, while genes identified on HRR islands have previously been associated with reproductive traits and disease resistance. FROH was equal to 0.095 ± 0.084, and its Spearman correlation with FGRM was low (0.44) and moderate-high with FHOM (0.79) and with FGRM_0.5 (0.80). The inbreeding coefficients determined by ROH were higher than other cattle breeds' and higher than pedigree-based inbreeding in the Guzerá breed obtained in previous studies. It is recommended that future studies investigate the effects of inbreeding determined by ROH on the traits under selection in the subpopulation studied.

Genoma , Endogamia , Bovinos/genética , Animais , Homozigoto , Genoma/genética , Genótipo , Genômica/métodos , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único
Int J Cosmet Sci ; 43(1): 1-10, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32866296


OBJECTIVE: The permeation of hydrophilic molecules through the skin is still a challenge due to the barrier posed by stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin. Liposomes have frequently been used as carriers for different types of drugs and may also function as permeation enhancers. Propylene glycol has also been used as an edge activator in liposomes to increase the permeation. The aim of this work was to prepare liposomes containing an edge activator and loaded with caffeine to evaluate the potential of caffeine reaching the deeper layers in the skin. METHODS: The formulations were prepared by a top-down process using high-pressure homogenization at 200 00 psi for 10 min. They were characterized by size, polydispersity index (PI), zeta potential (ZP), pH, caffeine content and encapsulation efficiency (EE%) on preparation (time zero) and after 30 days. Cytotoxicity of blank and loaded liposomes was assessed by MTT proliferation assay with a normal keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT). In vitro permeation tests were performed with human skin in Franz cells over 24 h, and caffeine concentration was determined in the skin surface, stratum corneum, dermo-epidermal fraction and receptor medium by HPLC. RESULTS: The caffeine liposomes with (DL-Caf) or without propylene glycol (CL-Caf) showed, respectively, mean size 94.5 and 95.4 nm, PI 0.48 and 0.42, ZP + 1.3 and + 18.1 mV and caffeine content of 78.57 and 80.13%. IC50 values of caffeine in DL-Caf (3.59 v/v %) and CL-Caf (3.65 v/v %) were not significantly different from conventional blank liposome (3.27 v/v %). The DL-Caf formulation presented the best capability to enhance the caffeine permeation through the skin, resulting 1.94-folds higher than caffeine solution. Furthermore, the caffeine flux from DL-Caf was 1.56- and 3.05-folds higher than caffeine solution and CL-Caf, respectively. On the other hand, CL-Caf showed the lowest caffeine penetration revealing the importance of edge activator to aid hydrophilic drug penetration to all skin layers. CONCLUSION: The DL-Caf formulation tested was able to improve the permeation of caffeine through the stratum corneum and dermo-epidermal layers, suggesting that this delivery system may be effective for deep skin delivery of hydrophilic drugs.

OBJECTIF: La perm´eation de mol´ecules hydrophiles `a travers lapeau reste un d´efi en raison de la barri`ere oppos´ee par la couchecorn´ee, la couche la plus externe de la peau. Les liposomes ontfr´equemment ´et´e utilis´es comme supports pour diff´erents types dem´edicaments et peuvent ´egalement fonctionner comme des amplificateursde perm´eation. Le propyl`ene glycol a ´egalement ´et´e utilis´ecomme activateur dans les liposomes pour augmenter la perm´eation.Le but de ce travail ´etait de pr´eparer des liposomes contenantun activateur et charg´es de caf´eine pour ´evaluer le potentiel de lacaf´eine atteignant les couches les plus profondes de la peau. MÉTHODES: Les formulations sont pr´epar´ees par homog´en´eisationhaute pression `a 200 00 psi pendant 10 min. Elles sontcaract´eris´es par la taille des liposomes, l'indice de polydispersit´e(PI), le potentiel zˆeta (ZP), le pH, la teneur en caf´eine et l'efficacit´ed'encapsulation (EE%) `a la pr´eparation (temps z´ero) et apr`es 30jours. La cytotoxicit´e des liposomes `a blanc et charg´es est ´evalu´eepar un test de prolif´eration MTT avec une lign´ee cellulaire de k´eratinocytesnormale (HaCaT). Des tests de perm´eation in vitro sontr´ealis´es avec de la peau humaine dans des cellules de Franz pendant24 h, et la concentration de caf´eine est d´etermin´ee `a la surfacede la peau, dans la couche corn´ee, la fraction dermo-´epidermique et le milieu r´ecepteur par HPLC. RÉSULTATS: Les liposomes contenant de la caf´eine avec (DL-Caf)ou sans propyl`ene glycol (CL-Caf) pr´esentent respectivement unetaille moyenne de 94,5 et 95,4 nm, PI 0,48 et 0,42, ZP + 1,3 et +18,1 mV et une teneur en caf´eine de 78,57 et 80,13%. Les valeursIC50 de la caf´eine dans DL - Caf (3,59 %v/v) et CL - Caf (3,65 %v/v) ne sont pas significativement diff´erentes de celles du liposome `ablanc conventionnel (3,27 %v/v). La formulation DL-Caf est cellequi permet la meilleure perm´eation de la caf´eine, avec une quantit´ede caf´eine dans la peau 1,94 fois plus ´elev´ee que la solution decaf´eine. De plus, le flux de caf´eine de DL-Caf est 1,56 et 3,05 foisplus ´elev´e que la solution de caf´eine et CL-Caf, respectivement.D'autre part, CL-Caf montre la plus faible p´en´etration de caf´eine,r´ev´elant l'importance de l'activateur pour aider `a la p´en´etration dela mol´ecule hydrophile dans toutes les couches de la peau. CONCLUSION: La formulation DL-Caf test´ee am´eliore la perm´eationde la caf´eine `a travers la couche corn´ee et les couches dermo-´epidermiques, ce qui sugg`ere que ce syst`eme d'administration peutˆetre efficace pour l'administration cutan´ee profonde de mol´eculeshydrophiles.

Cafeína/farmacocinética , Lipossomos , Absorção Cutânea , Células Cultivadas , Difusão , Humanos
Br Poult Sci ; 62(4): 474-484, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33624573


1. Uniformity in animal products is an important aspect of the production system. Several studies have reported estimates of genetics on residual variance in different species, indicating that it could be exploited to improve uniformity by selection. Nevertheless, there are no reports about the possibilities of such a selection strategy in meat quail.2. Records of hatching weight (HW) and body weight at 42 days (W42) of female and male birds from two meat quail lines (UFV1 and UFV2) were analysed. A three-step genetic evaluation was used to investigate the effect of genetic variation on residual variance of HW and W42 in both lines. In Step 1, a single-trait model was fitted to the data. In Step 2, log-transformed squared estimated residuals (ln(ê2)) were evaluated for these traits. In Step 3, a multi-trait analysis was performed to estimate the genetic correlation between the additive genetic effects for HW, W42, and their respective ln(ê2).3. The heritability estimates ranged from 0.12 to 0.23 for HW and from 0.22 to 0.35 for W42. The estimated heritabilities for the residual part were low and ranged from 0.0003 to 0.02 for both traits, and the genetic coefficient of variation residual variance estimates ranged from 0.31 to 0.42 for HW and from 0.09 to 0.25 for W42. Genetic correlations between the means (HW and W42) and ln(ê2) values were both positive and did not differ from zero, indicating no association between mean and ln(ê2).4. In conclusion, the uniformity of HW and W42 could be improved by selecting for lower residual variance in both meat quail lines, but the accuracy of selection may be low due to low heritability for uniformity, mainly for W42.

Galinhas , Codorniz , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Peso Corporal/genética , Coturnix/genética , Feminino , Masculino , Carne , Codorniz/genética
Br Poult Sci ; 61(1): 3-9, 2020 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31640404


1. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between several carcass, performance and meat quality traits in broilers through factor analysis and use the latent variables (i.e. factors) as pseudo-phenotypes in genetic evaluations.2. Factors were extracted using the principal components method and varimax rotation algorithm. Genetic parameters were estimated via Bayesian inference under a multiple-trait animal model.3. All factors taken together explained 71% of the original variance of the data. The first factor, denominated as 'weight', was associated with carcass and body weight traits; and the second factor, defined as 'tenderness', represented traits related to water-holding capacity and shear force. The third factor, 'colour', was associated with traits related to meat colour, whereas the fourth, referenced as 'viscera', was related to heart, liver and abdominal fat.4. The four biological factors presented moderate to high heritability (ranging from 0.35 to 0.75), which may confer genetic gains in this population.5. In conclusion, it seems possible to reduce the number of traits in the genetic evaluation of broilers using latent variables derived from factor analysis.

Galinhas , Carne/análise , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Análise Fatorial , Fenótipo
J Dairy Sci ; 102(7): 6330-6339, 2019 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31056320


The multiple-lactation autoregressive test-day (AR) model is the adopted model for the national genetic evaluation of dairy cattle in Portugal. Under this model, animals' permanent environment effects are assumed to follow a first-order autoregressive process over the long (auto-correlations between parities) and short (auto-correlations between test-days within lactation) terms. Given the relevance of genomic prediction in dairy cattle, it is essential to include marker information in national genetic evaluations. In this context, we aimed to evaluate the feasibility of applying the single-step genomic (G)BLUP to analyze milk yield using the AR model in Portuguese Holstein cattle. In total, 11,434,294 test-day records from the first 3 lactations collected between 1994 and 2017 and 1,071 genotyped bulls were used in this study. Rank correlations and differences in reliability among bulls were used to compare the performance of the traditional (A-AR) and single-step (H-AR) models. These 2 modeling approaches were also applied to reduced data sets with records truncated after 2012 (deleting daughters of tested bulls) to evaluate the predictive ability of the H-AR. Validation scenarios were proposed, taking into account young and proven bulls. Average EBV reliabilities, empirical reliabilities, and genetic trends predicted from the complete and reduced data sets were used to validate the genomic evaluation. Average EBV reliabilities for H-AR (A-AR) using the complete data set were 0.52 (0.16) and 0.72 (0.62) for genotyped bulls with no daughters and bulls with 1 to 9 daughters, respectively. These results showed an increase in EBV reliabilities of 0.10 to 0.36 when genomic information was included, corresponding to a reduction of up to 43% in prediction error variance. Considering the 3 validation scenarios, the inclusion of genomic information improved the average EBV reliability in the reduced data set, which ranged, on average, from 0.16 to 0.26, indicating an increase in the predictive ability. Similarly, empirical reliability increased by up to 0.08 between validation tests. The H-AR outperformed A-AR in terms of genetic trends when unproven genotyped bulls were included. The results suggest that the single-step GBLUP AR model is feasible and may be applied to national Portuguese genetic evaluations for milk yield.

Bovinos/genética , Leite/metabolismo , Animais , Cruzamento , Bovinos/fisiologia , Coleta de Dados , Etnicidade , Teste de Esforço , Feminino , Genoma , Genômica/métodos , Genótipo , Humanos , Lactação , Masculino , Modelos Genéticos , Paridade , Fenótipo , Portugal , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Reprod Domest Anim ; 53(2): 393-400, 2018 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29194804


The objective was to study the use of ultrasound as a complementary test in the breeding soundness evaluation in male pigs and study the pattern of echogenicity of the testicular parenchyma in boars of different racial groups. Twenty-six adult boars from four different racial groups were used, 10 from the Piau breed (group 1), four from the commercial and finishing group (group 2), six Pietrain breed (group 3) and six from the Duroc breed (group 4). All animals were evaluated for breeding soundness evaluation and the ultrasound examination of the testicles. The groups of animals that were evaluated showed no difference in the main semen parameters that were evaluated, except for the sperm volume, concentration of the ejaculated sperm and the supravital staining; the lowest figures were for the animals from the Piau breed (group 1). In relation to the testicular biometrics, Duroc animals (group 4) had a greater scrotal width compared to the other groups. But when we assessed the intensity of pixels of the testicles, there was a difference between groups. The groups 2 (finishing animals), 3 (Pietrain) and 4 had no difference between themselves. Group 3 had greater pixel intensity in relation to group 1. Of the 26 animals studied, five showed an abnormality during ultrasound evaluation, like hydrocele, hyperechoic mass in the testicular parenchyma, cyst in the head of the epididymis and the presence of fluid in the head and tail of the epididymis. The various animal groups studied did not differ in the principal reproductive parameters evaluated, showing that despite the great variability of reproductive traits between breeds and within the same breed, the breeding soundness evaluation, the more complete it is, is essential for the selection of breeders and the ultrasonography of the reproductive system becomes an important addition in this examination.

Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Sus scrofa/fisiologia , Testículo/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Animais , Cruzamento , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Masculino , Sêmen/fisiologia , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Espermatozoides , Testículo/patologia , Ultrassonografia/métodos
J Anim Breed Genet ; 135(3): 178-185, 2018 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29878492


We aimed to estimate transgenerational epigenetic variance for body weight using genealogical and phenotypic information in meat quails. Animals were individually weighted from 1 week after hatching, with weight records at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days of age (BW7, BW14, BW21, BW28, BW35 and BW42, respectively). Single-trait genetic analyses were performed using mixed models with random epigenetic effects. Variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method. A grid search for values of autorecursive parameter (λ) ranging from 0 to 0.5 was used in the variance component estimation. This parameter is directly related to the reset coefficient (ν) and the epigenetic coefficient of transmissibility (1-ν). The epigenetic effect was only significant for BW7. Direct heritability estimates for body weight ranged in magnitude (from 0.15 to 0.26), with the highest estimate for BW7. Epigenetic heritability was 0.10 for BW7, and close to zero for the other body weights. The inclusion of the epigenetic effect in the model helped to explain the residual and non-Mendelian variability of initial body weight in meat quails.

Peso Corporal , Epigenômica/métodos , Variação Genética , Carne , Codorniz/anatomia & histologia , Codorniz/genética , Característica Quantitativa Herdável , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Fenótipo
Br Poult Sci ; 59(6): 624-628, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30141691


1. The aim of the following experiment was to estimate transgenerational epigenetic variance for egg quality traits using genealogical and phenotypic information in meat-type quail. Measured traits included egg length (EL) and width (EWD), albumen weight (AW), shell weight (SW), yolk weight (YW) and egg weight (EW). 2. A total of 391 birds were evaluated for egg quality by collecting a sample of one egg per bird, during three consecutive days, starting on the 14th d of production. Analyses were performed using mixed models including the random epigenetic effect. Variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method. A grid-search for values for the auto-recursive parameter (λ) was used in the variance components estimation. This parameter is directly related to the reset (v) and epigenetic transmissibility (1 - v) coefficients. 3. The epigenetic effect was not significant for any of the egg quality traits evaluated. Direct heritability estimates for egg quality traits ranged in magnitude from 0.06 to 0.33, whereby the higher estimates were found for AW and SW. Epigenetic heritability estimates were low and close to zero (ranging from 0.00 to 0.07) for all evaluated traits. 4. The current breeding strategies accounting for additive genetic effect seem to be suitable for egg quality traits in meat-type quail.

Coturnix/genética , Ovos , Epigênese Genética/genética , Carne , Animais , Cruzamento/métodos , Feminino , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Variação Genética/genética , Masculino , Característica Quantitativa Herdável
J Anim Breed Genet ; 134(1): 14-26, 2017 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27658502


The selection of genetically superior individuals is conditional upon accurate breeding value predictions which, in turn, are highly depend on how precisely relationship is represented by pedigree. For that purpose, the numerator relationship matrix is essential as a priori information in mixed model equations. The presence of pedigree errors and/or the lack of relationship information affect the genetic gain because it reduces the correlation between the true and estimated breeding values. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of correcting the pedigree relationships using single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers on genetic evaluation accuracies for resistance of beef cattle to ticks. Tick count data from Hereford and Braford cattle breeds were used as phenotype. Genotyping was carried out using a high-density panel (BovineHD - Illumina® bead chip with 777 962 SNPs) for sires and the Illumina BovineSNP50 panel (54 609 SNPs) for their progenies. The relationship between the parents and progenies of genotyped animals was evaluated, and mismatches were based on the Mendelian conflicts counts. Variance components and genetic parameters estimates were obtained using a Bayesian approach via Gibbs sampling, and the breeding values were predicted assuming a repeatability model. A total of 460 corrections in relationship definitions were made (Table 1) corresponding to 1018 (9.5%) tick count records. Among these changes, 97.17% (447) were related to the sire's information, and 2.8% (13) were related to the dam's information. We observed 27.2% (236/868) of Mendelian conflicts for sire-progeny genotyped pairs and 14.3% (13/91) for dam-progeny genotyped pairs. We performed 2174 new definitions of half-siblings according to the correlation coefficient between the coancestry and molecular coancestry matrices. It was observed that higher-quality genetic relationships did not result in significant differences of variance components estimates; however, they resulted in more accurate breeding values predictions. Using SNPs to assess conflicts between parents and progenies increases certainty in relationships and consequently the accuracy of breeding value predictions of candidate animals for selection. Thus, higher genetic gains are expected when compared to the traditional non-corrected relationship matrix.

Bovinos/genética , Bovinos/imunologia , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Animais , Bovinos/parasitologia , Ectoparasitoses/genética , Ectoparasitoses/imunologia , Feminino , Masculino , Modelos Genéticos , Linhagem , Rhipicephalus/fisiologia
Cryobiology ; 73(1): 1-6, 2016 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27393245


The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of cyclodextrin-loaded cholesterol conjugates addition to freezing extenders on plasma membrane viability of frozen-thawed spermatozoa of the Piau swine breed. Twenty semen samples were used from five males. The freezing extender was based on lactose-egg yolk extender, added to 2% glycerol, 3% dimethylacetamide. The addition of cyclodextrin-loaded cholesterol conjugates was performed after centrifugation, when semen was diluted with the cooling extender. Four groups were subjected to the following treatment: without addition (group 1); 1.5 mg of cyclodextrin-loaded cholesterol/120 × 10(6) sperm (group 2); 1.5 mg of cyclodextrin-loaded cholestanol/120 × 10(6) sperm (group 3); 1.5 mg of cyclodextrin-loaded desmosterol/120 × 10(6) sperm (group 4). To check post-thawing sperm quality sperm motility and sperm morphology evaluation were used. Additionally, to check sperm viability the hypoosmotic swelling test, supravital staining, and fluorescent assay were used. The mean values recorded for total sperm motility of semen immediately after thawing were 54.5 ± 5.8, 55.5 ± 5.3, 53.7 ± 6.7, and 52.5 ± 6.6% respectively for groups one to four, without difference between themselves (p > 0.05). Regarding fluorescent assay the results were 28.3 ± 13.2, 26.9 ± 12.2, 22.2 ± 11.4, and 32.0 ± 15.3% respectively for groups one to four, also without difference between groups (p > 0,05). Similarly, complementary tests for evaluating the integrity and functionality of the plasma membrane showed no difference between treatments (p > 0.05). In conclusion, use of cyclodextrin-loaded cholesterol conjugates added to the plasma membrane of sperm did not demonstrate any additive effect on increasing and/or maintaining sperm motility.

Membrana Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Criopreservação/métodos , Crioprotetores/farmacologia , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides/efeitos dos fármacos , Animais , Membrana Celular/metabolismo , Colesterol/farmacologia , Ciclodextrinas/farmacologia , Masculino , Espermatozoides/efeitos dos fármacos , Suínos
Genet Mol Res ; 15(2)2016 Apr 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27173198


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of inclusion or non-inclusion of short lactations and cow (CGG) and/or dam (DGG) genetic group on the genetic evaluation of 305-day milk yield (MY305), age at first calving (AFC), and first calving interval (FCI) of Girolando cows. Covariance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method in an animal model of single trait analyses. The heritability estimates for MY305, AFC, and FCI ranged from 0.23 to 0.29, 0.40 to 0.44, and 0.13 to 0.14, respectively, when short lactations were not included, and from 0.23 to 0.28, 0.39 to 0.43, and 0.13 to 0.14, respectively, when short lactations were included. The inclusion of short lactations caused little variation in the variance components and heritability estimates of traits, but their non-inclusion resulted in the re-ranking of animals. Models with CGG or DGG fixed effects had higher heritability estimates for all traits compared with models that consider these two effects simultaneously. We recommend using the model with fixed effects of CGG and inclusion of short lactations for the genetic evaluation of Girolando cattle.

Bovinos/genética , Lactação/genética , Modelos Genéticos , Característica Quantitativa Herdável , Animais , Feminino , Variação Genética , Locos de Características Quantitativas , Seleção Genética
Genet Mol Res ; 15(2)2016 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27323203


Polynomial functions of different orders were used to model random effects associated with weight of Santa Ines sheep from birth to 196 days. Fixed effects included in the models were contemporary groups, age of ewe at lambing, and fourth-order Legendre polynomials for age to represent the average growth curve. In the random part, functions of different orders were included to model variances associated with direct additive and maternal genetic effects and with permanent environmental effects of the animal and mother. Residual variance was fitted by a sixth-order ordinary polynomial for age. The higher the order of the functions, the better the model fit the data. According to the Akaike information criterion and likelihood ratio test, a continuous function of order, five, five, seven, and three for direct additive genetic, maternal genetic, animal permanent environmental, and maternal permanent environmental effects (k = 5573), respectively, was sufficient to model changes in (co)variances with age. However, a more parsimonious model of order three, three, five, and three (k = 3353) was suggested based on Schwarz's Bayesian information criterion for the same effects. Since it was a more flexible model, model k = 5573 provided inconsistent genetic parameter estimates when compared to the biologically expected result. Predicted breeding values obtained with models k = 3353 and k = 5573 differed, especially at young ages. Model k = 3353 adequately fit changes in variances and covariances with time, and may be used to describe changes in variances with age in the Santa Ines sheep studied.

Tamanho Corporal/genética , Variação Genética , Modelos Genéticos , Característica Quantitativa Herdável , Ovinos/genética , Animais , Interação Gene-Ambiente , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Genet Mol Res ; 15(4)2016 Oct 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27813574


Age at the time of slaughter is a commonly used trait in animal breeding programs. Since studying this trait involves incomplete observations (censoring), analysis can be performed using survival models or modified linear models, for example, by sampling censored data from truncated normal distributions. For genomic selection, the greatest genetic gains can be achieved by including non-additive genetic effects like dominance. Thus, censored traits with effects on both survival models have not yet been studied under a genomic selection approach. We aimed to predict genomic values using the Cox model with dominance effects and compare these results with the linear model with and without censoring. Linear models were fitted via the maximum likelihood method. For censored data, sampling through the truncated normal distribution was used, and the model was called the truncated normal linear via Gibbs sampling (TNL). We used an F2 pig population; the response variable was time (days) from birth to slaughter. Data were previously adjusted for fixed effects of sex and contemporary group. The model predictive ability was calculated based on correlation of predicted genomic values with adjusted phenotypic values. The results showed that both with and without censoring, there was high agreement between Cox and linear models in selection of individuals and markers. Despite including the dominance effect, there was no increase in predictive ability. This study showed, for the first time, the possibility of performing genomic prediction of traits with censored records while using the Cox survival model with additive and dominance effects.

Genômica/métodos , Modelos Genéticos , Característica Quantitativa Herdável , Sus scrofa/genética , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Cruzamento , Funções Verossimilhança , Modelos de Riscos Proporcionais , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
Genet Mol Res ; 15(2)2016 May 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27323029


The aim of the present study was to propose and evaluate the use of factor analysis (FA) in obtaining latent variables (factors) that represent a set of pig traits simultaneously, for use in genome-wide selection (GWS) studies. We used crosses between outbred F2 populations of Brazilian Piau X commercial pigs. Data were obtained on 345 F2 pigs, genotyped for 237 SNPs, with 41 traits. FA allowed us to obtain four biologically interpretable factors: "weight", "fat", "loin", and "performance". These factors were used as dependent variables in multiple regression models of genomic selection (Bayes A, Bayes B, RR-BLUP, and Bayesian LASSO). The use of FA is presented as an interesting alternative to select individuals for multiple variables simultaneously in GWS studies; accuracy measurements of the factors were similar to those obtained when the original traits were considered individually. The similarities between the top 10% of individuals selected by the factor, and those selected by the individual traits, were also satisfactory. Moreover, the estimated markers effects for the traits were similar to those found for the relevant factor.

Estudo de Associação Genômica Ampla/veterinária , Genômica/métodos , Suínos/genética , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Brasil , Análise Fatorial , Previsões , Estudo de Associação Genômica Ampla/métodos , Genótipo , Análise Multivariada , Fenótipo , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Característica Quantitativa Herdável
J Anim Breed Genet ; 133(3): 187-96, 2016 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27174095


We studied the effect of including GWAS results on the accuracy of single- and multipopulation genomic predictions. Phenotypes (backfat thickness) and genotypes of animals from two sire lines (SL1, n = 1146 and SL3, n = 1264) were used in the analyses. First, GWAS were conducted for each line and for a combined data set (both lines together) to estimate the genetic variance explained by each SNP. These estimates were used to build matrices of weights (D), which was incorporated into a GBLUP method. Single population evaluated with traditional GBLUP had accuracies of 0.30 for SL1 and 0.31 for SL3. When weights were employed in GBLUP, the accuracies for both lines increased (0.32 for SL1 and 0.34 for SL3). When a multipopulation reference set was used in GBLUP, the accuracies were higher (0.36 for SL1 and 0.32 for SL3) than in single-population prediction. In addition, putting together the multipopulation reference set and the weights from the combined GWAS provided even higher accuracies (0.37 for SL1, and 0.34 for SL3). The use of multipopulation predictions and weights estimated from a combined GWAS increased the accuracy of genomic predictions.

Peso Corporal , Estudo de Associação Genômica Ampla , Sus scrofa/genética , Tecido Adiposo , Animais , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Sus scrofa/classificação , Sus scrofa/fisiologia
Genet Mol Res ; 14(4): 12217-27, 2015 Oct 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26505370


A significant contribution of molecular genetics is the direct use of DNA information to identify genetically superior individuals. With this approach, genome-wide selection (GWS) can be used for this purpose. GWS consists of analyzing a large number of single nucleotide polymorphism markers widely distributed in the genome; however, because the number of markers is much larger than the number of genotyped individuals, and such markers are highly correlated, special statistical methods are widely required. Among these methods, independent component regression, principal component regression, partial least squares, and partial principal components stand out. Thus, the aim of this study was to propose an application of the methods of dimensionality reduction to GWS of carcass traits in an F2 (Piau x commercial line) pig population. The results show similarities between the principal and the independent component methods and provided the most accurate genomic breeding estimates for most carcass traits in pigs.

Cruzamento , Genoma/genética , Suínos/genética , Animais , Análise de Componente Principal , Característica Quantitativa Herdável , Sus scrofa/genética
Genet Mol Res ; 14(4): 12616-27, 2015 Oct 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26505412


The aim of this study was to compare genomic selection methodologies using a linear mixed model and the Cox survival model. We used data from an F2 population of pigs, in which the response variable was the time in days from birth to the culling of the animal and the covariates were 238 markers [237 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) plus the halothane gene]. The data were corrected for fixed effects, and the accuracy of the method was determined based on the correlation of the ranks of predicted genomic breeding values (GBVs) in both models with the corrected phenotypic values. The analysis was repeated with a subset of SNP markers with largest absolute effects. The results were in agreement with the GBV prediction and the estimation of marker effects for both models for uncensored data and for normality. However, when considering censored data, the Cox model with a normal random effect (S1) was more appropriate. Since there was no agreement between the linear mixed model and the imputed data (L2) for the prediction of genomic values and the estimation of marker effects, the model S1 was considered superior as it took into account the latent variable and the censored data. Marker selection increased correlations between the ranks of predicted GBVs by the linear and Cox frailty models and the corrected phenotypic values, and 120 markers were required to increase the predictive ability for the characteristic analyzed.

Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Modelos Genéticos , Suínos/genética , Matadouros , Fatores Etários , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Cruzamento , Simulação por Computador , Feminino , Estudos de Associação Genética , Genômica/métodos , Modelos Lineares , Masculino , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Modelos de Riscos Proporcionais , Característica Quantitativa Herdável , Análise de Regressão
Reprod Domest Anim ; 50(4): 545-53, 2015 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25865710


This study aimed to assess the effects of different cooling curves and centrifugation regimes used in cryopreservation protocols on the post-thaw viability of Piau-breed wild boar (Sus scrofa) sperm using in vitro assessment tests. Two centrifugations (800 g for 10 min and 2400 g for 3 min) and two cooling curves (conventional cooling using nitrogen vapour - freezing 1 and automated cooling using a programmed freezing machine - freezing 2) were tested. Therefore, the treatments were divided into M3 - centrifugation at 2400 g for 3 min and freezing 2; M10 - centrifugation at 800 g for 10 min and freezing 2; R3 - centrifugation at 2400 g for 3 min and freezing 1; and R10 - centrifugation at 800 g for 10 min and freezing 1. No significant differences (p > 0.05) between treatments occurred post-thawing regarding the total sperm motility means recorded. The mean values of the different treatments were not different from each other regarding the supravital staining (SV), hypo-osmotic test (HO), sperm-egg binding assay or sperm morphology. This study showed that both the cooling curve and the centrifugation regime affected the quality of post-thaw sperm, and centrifugation for shorter times and cooling curves using automated cooling are the most suitable for minimizing sperm injury.

Centrifugação/métodos , Criopreservação/veterinária , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Sus scrofa , Acrossomo/ultraestrutura , Animais , Membrana Celular/ultraestrutura , Sobrevivência Celular , Criopreservação/métodos , Congelamento , Temperatura Alta , Masculino , Nitrogênio , Preservação do Sêmen/métodos , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Interações Espermatozoide-Óvulo , Espermatozoides/anormalidades , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Espermatozoides/ultraestrutura , Fatores de Tempo
Genet Mol Res ; 14(2): 6303-11, 2015 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26125833


Knowledge of dominance effects should improve ge-netic evaluations, provide the accurate selection of purebred animals, and enable better breeding strategies, including the exploitation of het-erosis in crossbreeds. In this study, we combined genomic and pedi-gree data to study the relative importance of additive and dominance genetic variation in growth and carcass traits in an F2 pig population. Two GBLUP models were used, a model without a polygenic effect (ADM) and a model with a polygenic effect (ADMP). Additive effects played a greater role in the control of growth and carcass traits than did dominance effects. However, dominance effects were important for all traits, particularly in backfat thickness. The narrow-sense and broad-sense heritability estimates for growth (0.06 to 0.42, and 0.10 to 0.51, respectively) and carcass traits (0.07 to 0.37, and 0.10 to 0.76, respec-tively) exhibited a wide variation. The inclusion of a polygenic effect in the ADMP model changed the broad-sense heritability estimates only for birth weight and weight at 21 days of age.

Peso ao Nascer/genética , Genômica , Herança Multifatorial/genética , Suínos/genética , Animais , Cruzamento , Variação Genética , Carne , Linhagem , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Anal Biochem ; 445: 73-9, 2014 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24071473


Bioluminescence is widely used in biosensors. For water toxicity analysis, the naturally bioluminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri have been used extensively. We investigated the suitability of two new beetle luciferases for Escherichia coli light off biosensors: Macrolampis firefly and Pyrearinus termitilluminans click beetle luciferases. The bioluminescence detection assay using this system is very sensitive, being comparable or superior to V. fischeri. The luciferase of P. termitilluminans produces a strong and sustained bioluminescence that is useful for less sensitive and inexpensive assays that require integration of the emission, whereas Macrolampis luciferase displays a flash-like luminescence that is useful for fast and more sensitive assays. The effect of heavy metals and sanitizing agents was analyzed. Zinc, copper, 1-propanol, and iodide had inhibitory effects on bioluminescence and growth assays; however, in these cases the bioluminescence was not a very reliable indicator of cell growth and metabolic activity because these agents also inhibited the luciferase. On the other hand, mercury and silver strongly affected cell bioluminescence and growth but not the luciferase activity, indicating that bioluminescence was a reliable indicator of cell growth and metabolic activity in this case. Finally, bioluminescent E. coli immobilized in agarose matrix gave a more stable format for environmental assays.

Técnicas Biossensoriais , Besouros/enzimologia , Vaga-Lumes/enzimologia , Luciferases/metabolismo , Animais , Desinfetantes/química , Escherichia coli/efeitos dos fármacos , Escherichia coli/metabolismo , Luciferases/genética , Medições Luminescentes , Metais Pesados/química , Metais Pesados/toxicidade , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Testes de Toxicidade