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Nature ; 618(7965): 531-536, 2023 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37316722


Plate tectonics is a fundamental factor in the sustained habitability of Earth, but its time of onset is unknown, with ages ranging from the Hadaean to Proterozoic eons1-3. Plate motion is a key diagnostic to distinguish between plate and stagnant-lid tectonics, but palaeomagnetic tests have been thwarted because the planet's oldest extant rocks have been metamorphosed and/or deformed4. Herein, we report palaeointensity data from Hadaean-age to Mesoarchaean-age single detrital zircons bearing primary magnetite inclusions from the Barberton Greenstone Belt of South Africa5. These reveal a pattern of palaeointensities from the Eoarchaean (about 3.9 billion years ago (Ga)) to Mesoarchaean (about 3.3 Ga) eras that is nearly identical to that defined by primary magnetizations from the Jack Hills (JH; Western Australia)6,7, further demonstrating the recording fidelity of select detrital zircons. Moreover, palaeofield values are nearly constant between about 3.9 Ga and about 3.4 Ga. This indicates unvarying latitudes, an observation distinct from plate tectonics of the past 600 million years (Myr) but predicted by stagnant-lid convection. If life originated by the Eoarchaean8, and persisted to the occurrence of stromatolites half a billion years later9, it did so when Earth was in a stagnant-lid regime, without plate-tectonics-driven geochemical cycling.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(3): e2216311120, 2023 01 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36623181


It has recently been suggested that deformed crustal plateaus on Venus may be composed of felsic (silica-rich) rocks, possibly supporting the idea of an ancient ocean there. However, these plateaus have a tendency to collapse owing to flow of the viscous lower crust. Felsic minerals, especially water-bearing ones, are much weaker and thus lead to more rapid collapse, than more mafic minerals. We model plateau topographic evolution using a non-Newtonian viscous relaxation code. Despite uncertainties in the likely crustal thickness and surface heat flux, we find that quartz-dominated rheologies relax too rapidly to be plausible plateau-forming material. For plateaus dominated by a dry anorthite rheology, survival is possible only if the background crustal thickness is less than 29 km, unless the heat flux on Venus is less than the radiogenic lower bound of 34 [Formula: see text]. Future spacecraft determinations of plateau crustal thickness and mineralogy will place firmer constraints on Venus's heat flux.

Bivalves , Vênus , Animais , Temperatura Alta , Quartzo , Reologia
Nature ; 549(7673): 511-515, 2017 09 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28959965


It has long been recognized that Earth and other differentiated planetary bodies are chemically fractionated compared to primitive, chondritic meteorites and, by inference, the primordial disk from which they formed. However, it is not known whether the notable volatile depletions of planetary bodies are a consequence of accretion or inherited from prior nebular fractionation. The isotopic compositions of the main constituents of planetary bodies can contribute to this debate. Here we develop an analytical approach that corrects a major cause of measurement inaccuracy inherent in conventional methods, and show that all differentiated bodies have isotopically heavier magnesium compositions than chondritic meteorites. We argue that possible magnesium isotope fractionation during condensation of the solar nebula, core formation and silicate differentiation cannot explain these observations. However, isotopic fractionation between liquid and vapour, followed by vapour escape during accretionary growth of planetesimals, generates appropriate residual compositions. Our modelling implies that the isotopic compositions of magnesium, silicon and iron, and the relative abundances of the major elements of Earth and other planetary bodies, are a natural consequence of substantial (about 40 per cent by mass) vapour loss from growing planetesimals by this mechanism.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(5): 2309-2318, 2020 02 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31964848


Determining the age of the geomagnetic field is of paramount importance for understanding the evolution of the planet because the field shields the atmosphere from erosion by the solar wind. The absence or presence of the geomagnetic field also provides a unique gauge of early core conditions. Evidence for a geomagnetic field 4.2 billion-year (Gy) old, just a few hundred million years after the lunar-forming giant impact, has come from paleomagnetic analyses of zircons of the Jack Hills (Western Australia). Herein, we provide new paleomagnetic and electron microscope analyses that attest to the presence of a primary magnetic remanence carried by magnetite in these zircons and new geochemical data indicating that select Hadean zircons have escaped magnetic resetting since their formation. New paleointensity and Pb-Pb radiometric age data from additional zircons meeting robust selection criteria provide further evidence for the fidelity of the magnetic record and suggest a period of high geomagnetic field strength at 4.1 to 4.0 billion years ago (Ga) that may represent efficient convection related to chemical precipitation in Earth's Hadean liquid iron core.

Nature ; 536(7616): 326-8, 2016 08 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27437583


Recent palaeomagnetic observations report the existence of a magnetic field on Earth that is at least 3.45 billion years old. Compositional buoyancy caused by inner-core growth is the primary driver of Earth's present-day geodynamo, but the inner core is too young to explain the existence of a magnetic field before about one billion years ago. Theoretical models propose that the exsolution of magnesium oxide--the major constituent of Earth's mantle--from the core provided a major source of the energy required to drive an early dynamo, but experimental evidence for the incorporation of mantle components into the core has been lacking. Indeed, terrestrial core formation occurred in the early molten Earth by gravitational segregation of immiscible metal and silicate melts, transporting iron-loving (siderophile) elements from the silicate mantle to the metallic core and leaving rock-loving (lithophile) mantle components behind. Here we present experiments showing that magnesium oxide dissolves in core-forming iron melt at very high temperatures. Using core-formation models, we show that extreme events during Earth's accretion (such as the Moon-forming giant impact) could have contributed large amounts of magnesium to the early core. As the core subsequently cooled, exsolution of buoyant magnesium oxide would have taken place at the core­mantle boundary, generating a substantial amount of gravitational energy as a result of compositional buoyancy. This amount of energy is comparable to, if not more than, that produced by inner-core growth, resolving the conundrum posed by the existence of an ancient magnetic field prior to the formation of the inner core.

Nature ; 534(7605): 82-5, 2016 06 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27251279


The vast, deep, volatile-ice-filled basin informally named Sputnik Planum is central to Pluto's vigorous geological activity. Composed of molecular nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide ices, but dominated by nitrogen ice, this layer is organized into cells or polygons, typically about 10 to 40 kilometres across, that resemble the surface manifestation of solid-state convection. Here we report, on the basis of available rheological measurements, that solid layers of nitrogen ice with a thickness in excess of about one kilometre should undergo convection for estimated present-day heat-flow conditions on Pluto. More importantly, we show numerically that convective overturn in a several-kilometre-thick layer of solid nitrogen can explain the great lateral width of the cells. The temperature dependence of nitrogen-ice viscosity implies that the ice layer convects in the so-called sluggish lid regime, a unique convective mode not previously definitively observed in the Solar System. Average surface horizontal velocities of a few centimetres a year imply surface transport or renewal times of about 500,000 years, well under the ten-million-year upper-limit crater retention age for Sputnik Planum. Similar convective surface renewal may also occur on other dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt, which may help to explain the high albedos shown by some of these bodies.

Nature ; 517(7535): 472-5, 2015 Jan 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25612050


Palaeomagnetic measurements of meteorites suggest that, shortly after the birth of the Solar System, the molten metallic cores of many small planetary bodies convected vigorously and were capable of generating magnetic fields. Convection on these bodies is currently thought to have been thermally driven, implying that magnetic activity would have been short-lived. Here we report a time-series palaeomagnetic record derived from nanomagnetic imaging of the Imilac and Esquel pallasite meteorites, a group of meteorites consisting of centimetre-sized metallic and silicate phases. We find a history of long-lived magnetic activity on the pallasite parent body, capturing the decay and eventual shutdown of the magnetic field as core solidification completed. We demonstrate that magnetic activity driven by progressive solidification of an inner core is consistent with our measured magnetic field characteristics and cooling rates. Solidification-driven convection was probably common among small body cores, and, in contrast to thermally driven convection, will have led to a relatively late (hundreds of millions of years after accretion), long-lasting, intense and widespread epoch of magnetic activity among these bodies in the early Solar System.

Nature ; 512(7513): 181-4, 2014 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25079322


The origin of the Moon's large-scale topography is important for understanding lunar geology, lunar orbital evolution and the Moon's orientation in the sky. Previous hypotheses for its origin have included late accretion events, large impacts, tidal effects and convection processes. However, testing these hypotheses and quantifying the Moon's topography is complicated by the large basins that have formed since the crust crystallized. Here we estimate the large-scale lunar topography and gravity spherical harmonics outside these basins and show that the bulk of the spherical harmonic degree-2 topography is consistent with a crust-building process controlled by early tidal heating throughout the Moon. The remainder of the degree-2 topography is consistent with a frozen tidal-rotational bulge that formed later, at a semi-major axis of about 32 Earth radii. The probability of the degree-2 shape having both tidal-heating and frozen shape characteristics by chance is less than 1%. We also infer that internal density contrasts eventually reoriented the Moon's polar axis by 36 ± 4°, to the configuration we observe today. Together, these results link the geology of the near and far sides, and resolve long-standing questions about the Moon's large-scale shape, gravity and history of polar wander.

Geophys Res Lett ; 46(10): 5055-5064, 2019 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32020958


Metallic asteroids, the exposed cores of disrupted planetesimals, are expected to have been exposed while still molten. Some would have cooled from the outside in, crystallizing a surface crust which would then grow inward. Because the growing crust is expected to be more dense than the underlying melt, this melt will tend to migrate toward the surface whenever it is able. Compressional stresses produced in the crust while it cools will be relieved locally by thrust faulting, which will also provide potential conduits for melt to reach the surface. We predict iron volcanism to have occurred on metallic asteroids as they cooled and discuss the implications of this process for both the evolution and the modern appearance of these bodies.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(28): 16107-16108, 2020 07 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32601226
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 111(48): E5123-32, 2014 Dec 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25404343


We report far-ultraviolet observations of Jupiter's moon Europa taken by Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in January and February 2014 to test the hypothesis that the discovery of a water vapor aurora in December 2012 by local hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) emissions with the STIS originated from plume activity possibly correlated with Europa's distance from Jupiter through tidal stress variations. The 2014 observations were scheduled with Europa near the apocenter similar to the orbital position of its previous detection. Tensile stresses on south polar fractures are expected to be highest in this orbital phase, potentially maximizing the probability for plume activity. No local H and O emissions were detected in the new STIS images. In the south polar region where the emission surpluses were observed in 2012, the brightnesses are sufficiently low in the 2014 images to be consistent with any H2O abundance from (0-5)×10(15) cm(-2). Large high-latitude plumes should have been detectable by the STIS, independent of the observing conditions and geometry. Because electron excitation of water vapor remains the only viable explanation for the 2012 detection, the new observations indicate that although the same orbital position of Europa for plume activity may be a necessary condition, it is not a sufficient condition. However, the December 2012 detection of coincident HI Lyman-α and OI 1304-Å emission surpluses in an ∼200-km high region well separated above Europa's limb is a firm result and not invalidated by our 2014 STIS observations.

Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Júpiter , Vapor , Água/análise , Exobiologia/métodos , Hidrogênio/análise , Hidrogênio/química , Gelo , Oxigênio/análise , Oxigênio/química , Telescópios , Água/química
Nature ; 453(7193): 368-71, 2008 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18480819


The tectonic patterns and stress history of Europa are exceedingly complex and many large-scale features remain unexplained. True polar wander, involving reorientation of Europa's floating outer ice shell about the tidal axis with Jupiter, has been proposed as a possible explanation for some of the features. This mechanism is possible if the icy shell is latitudinally variable in thickness and decoupled from the rocky interior. It would impose high stress levels on the shell, leading to predictable fracture patterns. No satisfactory match to global-scale features has hitherto been found for polar wander stress patterns. Here we describe broad arcuate troughs and depressions on Europa that do not fit other proposed stress mechanisms in their current position. Using imaging from three spacecraft, we have mapped two global-scale organized concentric antipodal sets of arcuate troughs up to hundreds of kilometres long and 300 m to approximately 1.5 km deep. An excellent match to these features is found with stresses caused by an episode of approximately 80 degrees true polar wander. These depressions also appear to be geographically related to other large-scale bright and dark lineaments, suggesting that many of Europa's tectonic patterns may also be related to true polar wander.

Space Sci Rev ; 220(2): 20, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100574


Here we present the current state of knowledge on the long-term evolution of Saturn's moon system due to tides within Saturn. First we provide some background on tidal evolution, orbital resonances and satellite tides. Then we address in detail some of the present and past orbital resonances between Saturn's moons (including the Enceladus-Dione and Titan-Hyperion resonances) and what they can tell us about the evolution of the system. We also present the current state of knowledge on the spin-axis dynamics of Saturn: we discuss arguments for a (past or current) secular resonance of Saturn's spin precession with planetary orbits, and explain the links of this resonance to the tidal evolution of Titan and a possible recent cataclysm in the Saturnian system. We also address how the moons' orbital evolution, including resonances, affects the evolution of their interiors. Finally, we summarize the state of knowledge about the Saturnian system's long-term evolution and discuss prospects for future progress.

Commun Earth Environ ; 5(1): 456, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39246729


Single crystal paleointensity (SCP) reveals that the Moon lacked a long-lived core dynamo, though mysteries remain. An episodic dynamo, seemingly recorded by some Apollo basalts, is temporally and energetically problematic. We evaluate this enigma through study of ~3.7 billion-year-old (Ga) Apollo basalts 70035 and 75035. Whole rock analyses show unrealistically high nominal magnetizations, whereas SCP indicate null fields, illustrating that the former do not record an episodic dynamo. However, deep crustal magnetic anomalies might record an early lunar dynamo. SCP studies of 3.97 Ga Apollo breccia 61016 and 4.36 Ga ferroan anorthosite 60025 also yield null values, constraining any core dynamo to the Moon's first 140 million years. These findings suggest that traces of Earth's Hadean atmosphere, transferred to the Moon lacking a magnetosphere, could be trapped in the buried lunar regolith, presenting an exceptional target for future exploration.

Science ; 384(6696): 682-687, 2024 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38634676


Jupiter's moon Io hosts extensive volcanism, driven by tidal heating. The isotopic composition of Io's inventory of volatile chemical elements, including sulfur and chlorine, reflects its outgassing and mass-loss history and thus records information about its evolution. We used submillimeter observations of Io's atmosphere to measure sulfur isotopes in gaseous sulfur dioxide and sulfur monoxide, and chlorine isotopes in gaseous sodium chloride and potassium chloride. We find 34S/32S = 0.0595 ± 0.0038 (equivalent to δ34S = +347 ± 86‰), which is highly enriched compared to average Solar System values and indicates that Io has lost 94 to 99% of its available sulfur. Our measurement of 37Cl/35Cl = 0.403 ± 0.028 (δ37Cl = +263 ± 88‰) shows that chlorine is similarly enriched. These results indicate that Io has been volcanically active for most (or all) of its history, with potentially higher outgassing and mass-loss rates at earlier times.

Space Sci Rev ; 220(5): 51, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38948073


The Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON) is a dual-frequency ice-penetrating radar (9 and 60 MHz) onboard the Europa Clipper mission. REASON is designed to probe Europa from exosphere to subsurface ocean, contributing the third dimension to observations of this enigmatic world. The hypotheses REASON will test are that (1) the ice shell of Europa hosts liquid water, (2) the ice shell overlies an ocean and is subject to tidal flexing, and (3) the exosphere, near-surface, ice shell, and ocean participate in material exchange essential to the habitability of this moon. REASON will investigate processes governing this material exchange by characterizing the distribution of putative non-ice material (e.g., brines, salts) in the subsurface, searching for an ice-ocean interface, characterizing the ice shell's global structure, and constraining the amplitude of Europa's radial tidal deformations. REASON will accomplish these science objectives using a combination of radar measurement techniques including altimetry, reflectometry, sounding, interferometry, plasma characterization, and ranging. Building on a rich heritage from Earth, the moon, and Mars, REASON will be the first ice-penetrating radar to explore the outer solar system. Because these radars are untested for the icy worlds in the outer solar system, a novel approach to measurement quality assessment was developed to represent uncertainties in key properties of Europa that affect REASON performance and ensure robustness across a range of plausible parameters suggested for the icy moon. REASON will shed light on a never-before-seen dimension of Europa and - in concert with other instruments on Europa Clipper - help to investigate whether Europa is a habitable world.

Space Sci Rev ; 219(7): 57, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37810170


Enceladus possesses a subsurface ocean beneath a conductive ice shell. Based on shell thickness models, the estimated total conductive heat loss from Enceladus is 25-40 GW; the measured heat output from the South Polar Terrain (SPT) is 4-19 GW. The present-day SPT heat flux is of order 100 mWm-2, comparable to estimated paleo-heat fluxes for other regions of Enceladus. These regions have nominal ages of about 2 Ga, but the estimates are uncertain because the impactor flux in the Saturnian system may not resemble that elsewhere. Enceladus's measured rate of orbital expansion implies a low dissipation factor Qp for Saturn, with Qp≈3×103 (neglecting the role of Dione). This value implies that Enceladus's present-day equilibrium tidal heat production (roughly 50 GW, but with large uncertainties) is in approximate balance with its heat loss. If Qp is constant, Enceladus cannot be older than 1.5 Gyr (because otherwise it would have migrated more than is permissible). However, Saturn's dissipation may be better described by the "resonance-locking" theory, in which case Enceladus's orbit may have only evolved outwards by about 35% over the age of the Solar System. In the constant-Qp scenario, any ancient tidal heating events would have been too energetic to be consistent with the observations. Because resonance-locking makes capture into earlier mean-motion orbital resonances less likely, the inferred ancient heating episodes probably took place when the current orbital resonance was already established. In the resonance-locking scenario, tidal heating did not change significantly over time, allowing for a long-lived ocean and a relatively stable ice shell. If so, Enceladus is an attractive target for future exploration from a habitability standpoint.

Sci Adv ; 9(46): eadi9201, 2023 Nov 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37967188


The large Kuiper Belt object Eris is tidally locked to its small companion Dysnomia. Recently obtained bounds on the mass of Dysnomia demonstrate that Eris must be unexpectedly dissipative for it to have despun over the age of the solar system. Here, we show that Eris must have differentiated into an ice shell and rocky core to explain the dissipation. We further demonstrate that Eris's ice shell must be convecting to be sufficiently dissipative, which distinguishes it from Pluto's conductive shell. The difference is likely due to Eris's apparent depletion in volatiles compared with Pluto, perhaps as the result of a more energetic impact.