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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(9): e2219208120, 2023 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36827265


The quantization of the electromagnetic field leads directly to the existence of quantum mechanical states, called Fock states, with an exact integer number of photons. Despite these fundamental states being long-understood, and despite their many potential applications, generating them is largely an open problem. For example, at optical frequencies, it is challenging to deterministically generate Fock states of order two and beyond. Here, we predict the existence of an effect in nonlinear optics, which enables the deterministic generation of large Fock states at arbitrary frequencies. The effect, which we call an n-photon bound state in the continuum, is one in which a photonic resonance (such as a cavity mode) becomes lossless when a precise number of photons n is inside the resonance. Based on analytical theory and numerical simulations, we show that these bound states enable a remarkable phenomenon in which a coherent state of light, when injected into a system supporting this bound state, can spontaneously evolve into a Fock state of a controllable photon number. This effect is also directly applicable for creating (highly) squeezed states of light, whose photon number fluctuations are (far) below the value expected from classical physics (i.e., shot noise). We suggest several examples of systems to experimentally realize the effects predicted here in nonlinear nanophotonic systems, showing examples of generating both optical Fock states with large n (n >  10), as well as more macroscopic photonic states with very large squeezing, with over 90% less noise (10 dB) than the classical value associated with shot noise.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(17): 173801, 2023 Oct 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37955495


Nonclassical states of light, such as number-squeezed light, with fluctuations below the classical shot noise level, have important uses in metrology, communication, quantum information processing, and quantum simulation. However, generating these nonclassical states of light, especially with high intensity and a high degree of squeezing, is challenging. To address this problem, we introduce a new concept which uses gain to generate intense sub-Poissonian light at optical frequencies. It exploits a strongly nonlinear gain for photons which arises from a combination of frequency-dependent gain and Kerr nonlinearity. In this laser architecture, the interaction between the gain medium and Kerr nonlinearity suppresses the spontaneous emission at high photon number states, leading to a strong "negative feedback" that suppresses photon-number fluctuations. We discuss realistic implementations of this concept based on the use of solid-state gain media in laser cavities with Kerr nonlinear materials, showing how 90% squeezing of photon number fluctuations below the shot noise level can be realized.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(14): 145002, 2023 Oct 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37862634


The ability to form monoenergetic electron beams is vital for high-resolution electron spectroscopy and imaging. Such capabilities are commonly achieved using an electron monochromator, which energy filters a dispersed electron beam, thus reducing the electron flux to yield down to meV energy resolution. This reduction in flux hinders the use of monochromators in many applications, such as ultrafast transmission electron microscopes (UTEMs). Here, we develop and demonstrate a mechanism for electron energy monochromation that does not reduce the flux-a lossless monochromator. The mechanism is based on the interaction of free-electron pulses with single-cycle THz near fields, created by nonlinear conversion of an optical laser pulse near the electron beam path inside a UTEM. Our experiment reduces the electron energy spread by a factor of up to 2.9 without compromising the beam flux. Moreover, as the electron-THz interaction takes place over an extended region of many tens of microns in free space, the realized technique is highly robust-granting uniform monochromation over a wide area, larger than the electron beam diameter. We further demonstrate the wide tunability of our method by monochromating the electron beam at multiple primary electron energies from 60 to 200 keV, studying the effect of various electron and THz parameters on its performance. Our findings have direct applications in the fast-growing field of ultrafast electron microscopy, allowing time- and energy-resolved studies of exciton physics, phononic vibrational resonances, charge transport effects, and optical excitations in the mid IR to the far IR.

Nature ; 611(7934): 38-39, 2022 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36323807
Phys Rev Lett ; 127(6): 060403, 2021 Aug 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34420316


When multiple quantum emitters radiate, their emission rate may be enhanced or suppressed due to collective interference in a process known as super- or subradiance. Such processes are well known to occur also in light emission from free electrons, known as coherent cathodoluminescence. Unlike atomic systems, free electrons have an unbounded energy spectrum, and, thus, all their emission mechanisms rely on electron recoil, in addition to the classical properties of the dielectric medium. To date, all experimental and theoretical studies of super- and subradiance from free electrons assumed only classical correlations between particles. However, dependence on quantum correlations, such as entanglement between free electrons, has not been studied. Recent advances in coherent shaping of free-electron wave functions motivate the investigation of such quantum regimes of super- and subradiance. In this Letter, we show how a pair of coincident path-entangled electrons can demonstrate either super- or subradiant light emission, depending on the two-particle wave function. By choosing different free-electron Bell states, the spectrum and emission pattern of the light can be reshaped, in a manner that cannot be accounted for by a classical mixed state. We show these results for light emission in any optical medium and discuss their generalization to many-body quantum states. Our findings suggest that light emission can be sensitive to the explicit quantum state of the emitting matter wave and possibly serve as a nondestructive measurement scheme for measuring the quantum state of many-body systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(23): 233403, 2021 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34170167


Free electrons provide a powerful tool for probing material properties at atomic resolution. Recent advances in ultrafast electron microscopy enable the manipulation of free-electron wave functions using laser pulses. It would be of great importance if one could combine the spatial resolution of electron microscopes with the ability of laser pulses to probe coherent phenomena in quantum systems. To this end, we propose a novel concept that leverages free electrons that are coherently shaped by laser pulses to measure quantum coherence in materials. We develop the quantum theory of interactions between shaped electrons and arbitrary qubit states in materials, and show how the postinteraction electron energy spectrum enables measuring the qubit state (on the Bloch sphere) and the decoherence or relaxation times (T_{2}/T_{1}). Finally, we describe how such electrons can detect and quantify superradiance from multiple qubits. Our scheme can be implemented in ultrafast transmission electron microscopes (UTEM), opening the way toward the full characterization of the state of quantum systems at atomic resolution.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(5): 053603, 2021 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34397241


Time-varying optical media, whose dielectric properties are actively modulated in time, introduce a host of novel effects in the classical propagation of light, and are of intense current interest. In the quantum domain, time-dependent media can be used to convert vacuum fluctuations (virtual photons) into pairs of real photons. We refer to these processes broadly as "dynamical vacuum effects" (DVEs). Despite interest for their potential applications as sources of quantum light, DVEs are generally very weak, presenting many opportunities for enhancement through modern techniques in nanophotonics, such as using media which support excitations such as plasmon and phonon polaritons. Here, we present a theory of weakly modulated DVEs in arbitrary nanostructured, dispersive, and dissipative systems. A key element of our framework is the simultaneous incorporation of time-modulation and "dispersion" through time-translation-breaking linear response theory. As an example, we use our approach to propose a highly efficient scheme for generating entangled surface polaritons based on time-modulation of the optical phonon frequency of a polar insulator.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(52): 13607-13612, 2017 12 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29233942


Phonon polaritons are guided hybrid modes of photons and optical phonons that can propagate on the surface of a polar dielectric. In this work, we show that the precise combination of confinement and bandwidth offered by phonon polaritons allows for the ability to create highly efficient sources of polariton pairs in the mid-IR/terahertz frequency ranges. Specifically, these polar dielectrics can cause emitters to preferentially decay by the emission of pairs of phonon polaritons, instead of the previously dominant single-photon emission. We show that such two-photon emission processes can occur on nanosecond time scales and can be nearly 2 orders of magnitude faster than competing single-photon transitions, as opposed to being as much as 8-10 orders of magnitude slower in free space. These results are robust to the choice of polar dielectric, allowing potentially versatile implementation in a host of materials such as hexagonal boron nitride, silicon carbide, and others. Our results suggest a design strategy for quantum light sources in the mid-IR/terahertz: ones that prefer to emit a relatively broad spectrum of photon pairs, potentially allowing for new sources of both single and multiple photons.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(26): 6717-6721, 2017 06 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28611222


A fundamental building block for nanophotonics is the ability to achieve negative refraction of polaritons, because this could enable the demonstration of many unique nanoscale applications such as deep-subwavelength imaging, superlens, and novel guiding. However, to achieve negative refraction of highly squeezed polaritons, such as plasmon polaritons in graphene and phonon polaritons in boron nitride (BN) with their wavelengths squeezed by a factor over 100, requires the ability to flip the sign of their group velocity at will, which is challenging. Here we reveal that the strong coupling between plasmon and phonon polaritons in graphene-BN heterostructures can be used to flip the sign of the group velocity of the resulting hybrid (plasmon-phonon-polariton) modes. We predict all-angle negative refraction between plasmon and phonon polaritons and, even more surprisingly, between hybrid graphene plasmons and between hybrid phonon polaritons. Graphene-BN heterostructures thus provide a versatile platform for the design of nanometasurfaces and nanoimaging elements.

Nano Lett ; 19(4): 2653-2660, 2019 04 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30892900


Extreme confinement of electromagnetic energy by phonon polaritons holds the promise of strong and new forms of control over the dynamics of matter. To bring such control to the atomic-scale limit, it is important to consider phonon polaritons in two-dimensional (2D) systems. Recent studies have pointed out that in 2D, splitting between longitudinal and transverse optical (LO and TO) phonons is absent at the Γ point, even for polar materials. Does this lack of LO-TO splitting imply the absence of a phonon polariton in polar monolayers? To answer this, we connect the microscopic phonon properties with the macroscopic electromagnetic response. Specifically, we derive a first-principles expression for the conductivity of a polar monolayer specified by the wave-vector-dependent LO and TO phonon dispersions. In the long-wavelength (local) limit, we find a universal form for the conductivity in terms of the LO phonon frequency at the Γ point, its lifetime, and the group velocity of the LO phonon. Our analysis reveals that the phonon polariton of 2D is simply the LO phonon of the 2D system. For the specific example of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), we estimate the confinement and propagation losses of the LO phonons, finding that high confinement and reasonable propagation quality factors coincide in regions that may be difficult to detect with current near-field optical microscopy techniques. Finally, we study the interaction of external emitters with 2D hBN nanostructures, finding an extreme enhancement of spontaneous emission due to coupling with localized 2D phonon polaritons and the possibility of multimode strong and ultrastrong coupling between an external emitter and hBN phonons. This may lead to the design of new hybrid states of electrons and phonons based on strong coupling.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(19): 193603, 2019 May 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31144944


The ability to achieve ultrastrong coupling between light and matter promises to bring about new means to control material properties, new concepts for manipulating light at the atomic scale, and new insights into quantum electrodynamics (QED). Thus, there is a need to develop quantitative theories of QED phenomena in complex electronic and photonic systems. In this Letter, we develop a variational theory of general non-relativistic QED systems of coupled light and matter. Essential to our Ansatz is the notion of an effective photonic vacuum whose modes are different than the modes in the absence of light-matter coupling. This variational formulation leads to a set of general equations that can describe the ground state of multielectron systems coupled to many photonic modes in real space. As a first step toward a new ab initio approach to ground and excited state energies in QED, we apply our Ansatz to describe a multilevel emitter coupled to many optical modes, a system with no analytical solution. We find a compact semianalytical formula which describes ground and excited state energies very well in all regimes of coupling parameters allowed by sum rules. Our formulation provides a nonperturbative theory of Lamb shifts and Casimir-Polder forces, as well as suggest new physical concepts such as the Casimir energy of a single atom in a cavity. Our method thus give rise to highly accurate nonperturbative descriptions of many other phenomena in general QED systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(5): 053901, 2019 Feb 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30822024


Interactions between electrons and photons are a source of rich physics from atomic to astronomical scales. Here, we examine a new kind of electron-photon interaction in which an electron, modulated by light, radiates multiple harmonics of plasmons. The emitted plasmons can be femtosecond in duration and nanometer in spatial scale. The extreme subwavelength nature of the plasmons lowers the necessary input light intensity by at least 4 orders of magnitude relative to state-of-the-art strong-field processes involving bound or free electrons. The results presented here reveal a new means of ultrafast (10-1000 fs) interconversion between photonic and plasmonic energy, and a general scheme for generating spatiotemporally shaped ultrashort pulses in optical materials. More generally, our results suggest a route towards realizing analogues of fascinating physical phenomena like nonlinear Compton scattering in plasmonics and nanophotonics with relatively low intensities, slow electrons, and on nanometer length scales.

Nano Lett ; 18(1): 308-313, 2018 01 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29240447


Control over the spontaneous emission of light through tailored optical environments remains a fundamental paradigm in nanophotonics. The use of highly confined plasmons in materials such as graphene provides a promising platform to enhance transition rates in the IR-THz by many orders of magnitude. However, such enhancements involve near-field plasmon modes or other kinds of near-field coupling like quenching, and it is challenging to use these highly confined modes to harness light in the far-field due to the difficulty of plasmonic outcoupling. Here, we propose that through the use of radiative cascade chains in multilevel emitters, IR plasmons can be used to enhance far field spectra in the visible and UV range, even at energies greater than 10 eV. Combining Purcell-enhancement engineering, graphene plasmonics, and radiative cascade can result in a new type of UV emitter whose properties can be tuned by electrically doping graphene. Varying the distance between the emitter and the graphene surface can change the strength of the far-field emission lines by 2 orders of magnitude. We also find that the dependence of the far-field emission on the Fermi energy is potentially extremely sharp at the onset of interband transitions, allowing the Fermi energy to effectively serve as a "switch" for turning on and off certain plasmonic and far-field emissions.

Small ; 14(22): e1800072, 2018 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29687603


The controlled nanoscale patterning of 2D materials is a promising approach for engineering the optoelectronic, thermal, and mechanical properties of these materials to achieve novel functionalities and devices. Herein, high-resolution patterning of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is demonstrated via both helium and neon ion beams and an optimal dosage range for both ions that serve as a baseline for insulating 2D materials is identified. Through this nanofabrication approach, a grating with a 35 nm pitch, individual structure sizes down to 20 nm, and additional nanostructures created by patterning crystal step edges are demonstrated. Raman spectroscopy is used to study the defects induced by the ion beam patterning and is correlated to scanning probe microscopy. Photothermal and scanning near-field optical microscopy measure the resulting near-field absorption and scattering of the nanostructures. These measurements reveal a large photothermal expansion of nanostructured h-BN that is dependent on the height to width aspect ratio of the nanostructures. This effect is attributed to the large anisotropy of the thermal expansion coefficients of h-BN and the nanostructuring implemented. The photothermal expansion should be present in other van der Waals materials with large anisotropy and can lead to applications such as nanomechanical switches driven by light.

Sci Adv ; 10(19): eadm9563, 2024 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38718122


Strongly correlated electron systems are a cornerstone of modern physics, being responsible for groundbreaking phenomena from superconducting magnets to quantum computing. In most cases, correlations in electrons arise exclusively because of Coulomb interactions. In this work, we reveal that free electrons interacting simultaneously with a light field can become highly correlated via mechanisms beyond Coulomb interactions. In the case of two electrons, the resulting Pearson correlation coefficient for the joint probability distribution of the output electron energies is enhanced by more than 13 orders of magnitude compared to that of electrons interacting with the light field in succession (one after another). These highly correlated electrons are the result of momentum and energy exchange between the participating electrons via the external quantum light field. Our findings pave the way to the creation and control of highly correlated free electrons for applications including quantum information and ultrafast imaging.

Sci Adv ; 9(1): eadd2349, 2023 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36598994


Strong coupling in light-matter systems is a central concept in cavity quantum electrodynamics and is essential for many quantum technologies. Especially in the optical range, full control of highly connected multi-qubit systems necessitates quantum coherent probes with nanometric spatial resolution, which are currently inaccessible. Here, we propose the use of free electrons as high-resolution quantum sensors for strongly coupled light-matter systems. Shaping the free-electron wave packet enables the measurement of the quantum state of the entire hybrid systems. We specifically show how quantum interference of the free-electron wave packet gives rise to a quantum-enhanced sensing protocol for the position and dipole orientation of a subnanometer emitter inside a cavity. Our results showcase the great versatility and applicability of quantum interactions between free electrons and strongly coupled cavities, relying on the unique properties of free electrons as strongly interacting flying qubits with miniscule dimensions.

Science ; 381(6654): 205-209, 2023 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37440648


Quantum field theory suggests that electromagnetic fields naturally fluctuate, and these fluctuations can be harnessed as a source of perfect randomness. Many potential applications of randomness rely on controllable probability distributions. We show that vacuum-level bias fields injected into multistable optical systems enable a controllable source of quantum randomness, and we demonstrated this concept in an optical parametric oscillator (OPO). By injecting bias pulses with less than one photon on average, we controlled the probabilities of the two possible OPO output states. The potential of our approach for sensing sub-photon-level fields was demonstrated by reconstructing the temporal shape of fields below the single-photon level. Our results provide a platform to study quantum dynamics in nonlinear driven-dissipative systems and point toward applications in probabilistic computing and weak field sensing.

ACS Nano ; 17(4): 3645-3656, 2023 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36736033


The ultrafast dynamics of charge carriers in solids plays a pivotal role in emerging optoelectronics, photonics, energy harvesting, and quantum technology applications. However, the investigation and direct visualization of such nonequilibrium phenomena remains as a long-standing challenge, owing to the nanometer-femtosecond spatiotemporal scales at which the charge carriers evolve. Here, we propose and demonstrate an interaction mechanism enabling nanoscale imaging of the femtosecond dynamics of charge carriers in solids. This imaging modality, which we name charge dynamics electron microscopy (CDEM), exploits the strong interaction of free-electron pulses with terahertz (THz) near fields produced by the moving charges in an ultrafast scanning transmission electron microscope. The measured free-electron energy at different spatiotemporal coordinates allows us to directly retrieve the THz near-field amplitude and phase, from which we reconstruct movies of the generated charges by comparison to microscopic theory. The CDEM technique thus allows us to investigate previously inaccessible spatiotemporal regimes of charge dynamics in solids, providing insight into the photo-Dember effect and showing oscillations of photogenerated electron-hole distributions inside a semiconductor. Our work facilitates the exploration of a wide range of previously inaccessible charge-transport phenomena in condensed matter using ultrafast electron microscopy.

Science ; 375(6583): eabm9293, 2022 02 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35201858


Bombardment of materials by high-energy particles often leads to light emission in a process known as scintillation. Scintillation has widespread applications in medical imaging, x-ray nondestructive inspection, electron microscopy, and high-energy particle detectors. Most research focuses on finding materials with brighter, faster, and more controlled scintillation. We developed a unified theory of nanophotonic scintillators that accounts for the key aspects of scintillation: energy loss by high-energy particles, and light emission by non-equilibrium electrons in nanostructured optical systems. We then devised an approach based on integrating nanophotonic structures into scintillators to enhance their emission, obtaining nearly an order-of-magnitude enhancement in both electron-induced and x-ray-induced scintillation. Our framework should enable the development of a new class of brighter, faster, and higher-resolution scintillators with tailored and optimized performance.

Light Sci Appl ; 10(1): 100, 2021 May 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33976109


Entangled photon pairs are a fundamental component for testing the foundations of quantum mechanics, and for modern quantum technologies such as teleportation and secured communication. Current state-of-the-art sources are based on nonlinear processes that are limited in their efficiency and wavelength tunability. This motivates the exploration of physical mechanisms for entangled photon generation, with a special interest in mechanisms that can be heralded, preferably at telecommunications wavelengths. Here we present a mechanism for the generation of heralded entangled photons from Rydberg atom cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED). We propose a scheme to demonstrate the mechanism and quantify its expected performance. The heralding of the process enables non-destructive detection of the photon pairs. The entangled photons are produced by exciting a rubidium atom to a Rydberg state, from where the atom decays via two-photon emission (TPE). A Rydberg blockade helps to excite a single Rydberg excitation while the input light field is more efficiently collectively absorbed by all the atoms. The TPE rate is significantly enhanced by a designed photonic cavity, whose many resonances also translate into high-dimensional entanglement. The resulting high-dimensionally entangled photons are entangled in more than one degree of freedom: in all of their spectral components, in addition to the polarization-forming a hyper-entangled state, which is particularly interesting in high information capacity quantum communication. We characterize the photon comb states by analyzing the Hong-Ou-Mandel interference and propose proof-of-concept experiments.