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J Food Sci Technol ; 61(9): 1778-1789, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39049917


The color of grape juice is an important acceptance attribute by consumers, but it suffers losses during storage. The use of commercial antioxidants has limitations because the concept of a "100% natural drink" of Brazilian legislation. This work characterized Brazilian grape seeds, and the cultivar extract with the greatest potential was encapsulated in arabic-gum (encapsulated extract-EE) to evaluate the color stabilizing capacity. The EE used in the grape juice was compared with the commercial antioxidants sulphite and enological tannin during storage (150 days). The BRS Magna and BRS Violeta grape seeds had the highest phenolic content, and the EE showed high catechin (4108 mg/kg), epicatechin (1161 mg/kg) and procyanidin-B2 (905 mg/kg) values. Sulfite was found to be the best color stabilizer. The use of EE (0.5 g/L) in grape juice improved color stability and anthocyanin stability. It was demonstrated that encapsulated grape seed extract has color stabilizing potential and that Brazilian grape seeds are a raw material of high technological value. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-024-05956-8.

Rev. CEFAC ; 15(2): 287-296, mar.-abr. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-674606


OBJETIVO: avaliar o perfil audiométrico e de emissões otoacústicas evocadas por produto de distorção em gestores de trânsito, expostos a monóxido de carbono e ruído, bem como constatar a presença de ambos agentes nos postos de trabalho. MÉTODO:estudo transversal, descritivo, com 37 gestores do trânsito, submetidos a anamnese, meatoscopia, audiometria tonal e emissões otoacústicas, distribuídos em: G1, composto por 18 indivíduos sem histórico de exposição concomitante a monóxido de carbono e ruído; e, G2, formado por 19 trabalhadores expostos simultaneamente aos dois agentes. Para pesquisa da presença dos agentes no ambiente foram utilizadas audiodosímetrias e avaliações de curta duração com medidor instantâneo. As variáveis de anamnese foram analisadas segundo o teste t Student e Mann-Whitney. Para as medidas de otoemissões acústicas e de limiares tonais utilizou-se testes de qui-quadrado (χ2) ou exato de Fisher e dos postos sinalizados de Wilcoxon com significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: foi constatada presença de monóxido de carbono e ruído durante a atividade dos trabalhadores. Não foi observada diferença significante na idade e tempo de função. O G2 obteve média de limiares tonais maior que G1, para orelha direita, em 1KHz (p=0,050) e para orelha esquerda em 3KHz (p=0,016) e 4KHz (p=0,028); e, comparados os limiares tonais alterados G2 apresentou diferença maior em 3KHz na orelha esquerda (p=0,003). Nas emissões otoacústicas, G2 apresentou maior ausência de respostas que G1 em 2.730Hz e 3.218Hz (p=0.016) para orelha direita. CONCLUSÃO: trabalhadores expostos a monóxido de carbono e ruído apresentaram piores resultados audiométricos e nas emissões otoacústicas quando comparado ao grupo de não expostos.

PURPOSE: to evaluate the hearing profile and otoacoustic emission evoked by distortion product in Traffic Managers exposed to noise and carbon monoxide, as well as to establish the presence of both agents at their work environment. METHOD: 37 workers were divided into two groups: G1 formed by 18 individuals with no history of concomitant exposure to carbon monoxide and noise, and G2 formed by 19 workers simultaneously exposed to both agents. To determine the presence of those agents, audio dosimeter and short period evaluation with instantaneous measurement were used. The variances of anamnesis were studied applying the Student t test and Mann-Whitney test. Otoacoustics emissions and auditory thresholds were analyzed by chi-square or Fisher exact and Wilcoxon test with 5% significance. RESULTS: it was verified the presence of carbon monoxide and noise during the workers' activity. There was no significant difference in age and time of function. The average hearing threshold was greater on G2 for the right ear at 1KHz (p=0,050) and for the left at 3KHz (p=0,016) and 4KHz (p=0,028). The audiometric changes showed that G2 was significantly worse at 3KHz on the left ear (p=0,003) compared to G1. The Emissions showed worse results in G2 when compared to G1 for 2.730Hz and 3.218Hz (p=0.016) on the right ear. It was found significant impairment in both exams responses, in both ears, at the frequency ranges between 2.730Hz and 7.604Hz in G2 group. CONCLUSION: workers exposed to carbon monoxide and noise showed worst results in the auditory thresholds and Otoacoustic Emissions when compared to non-exposed group.