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Nature ; 585(7826): 551-556, 2020 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32908312


Increased efforts are required to prevent further losses to terrestrial biodiversity and the ecosystem services that it  provides1,2. Ambitious targets have been proposed, such as reversing the declining trends in biodiversity3; however, just feeding the growing human population will make this a challenge4. Here we use an ensemble of land-use and biodiversity models to assess whether-and how-humanity can reverse the declines in terrestrial biodiversity caused by habitat conversion, which is a major threat to biodiversity5. We show that immediate efforts, consistent with the broader sustainability agenda but of unprecedented ambition and coordination, could enable the provision of food for the growing human population while reversing the global terrestrial biodiversity trends caused by habitat conversion. If we decide to increase the extent of land under conservation management, restore degraded land and generalize landscape-level conservation planning, biodiversity trends from habitat conversion could become positive by the mid-twenty-first century on average across models (confidence interval, 2042-2061), but this was not the case for all models. Food prices could increase and, on average across models, almost half (confidence interval, 34-50%) of the future biodiversity losses could not be avoided. However, additionally tackling the drivers of land-use change could avoid conflict with affordable food provision and reduces the environmental effects of the food-provision system. Through further sustainable intensification and trade, reduced food waste and more plant-based human diets, more than two thirds of future biodiversity losses are avoided and the biodiversity trends from habitat conversion are reversed by 2050 for almost all of the models. Although limiting further loss will remain challenging in several biodiversity-rich regions, and other threats-such as climate change-must be addressed to truly reverse the declines in biodiversity, our results show that ambitious conservation efforts and food system transformation are central to an effective post-2020 biodiversity strategy.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/tendências , Política Ambiental/tendências , Atividades Humanas/tendências , Dieta , Dieta Vegetariana/tendências , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Humanos , Desenvolvimento Sustentável/tendências
Glob Chang Biol ; 30(1): e17094, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38273479


External nutrient loading can cause large changes in freshwater ecosystems. Many local field and laboratory experiments have investigated ecological responses to nutrient addition. However, these findings are difficult to generalize, as the responses observed may depend on the local context and the resulting nutrient concentrations in the receiving water bodies. In this research, we combined and analysed data from 131 experimental studies containing 3054 treatment-control abundance ratios to assess the responses of freshwater taxa along a gradient of elevated nutrient concentrations. We carried out a systematic literature search in order to identify studies that report the abundance of invertebrate, macrophyte, and fish taxa in relation to the addition of nitrogen, phosphorus, or both. Next, we established mixed-effect meta-regression models to relate the biotic responses to the concentration gradients of both nutrients. We quantified the responses based on various abundance-based metrics. We found no responses to the mere addition of nutrients, apart from an overall increase of total invertebrate abundance. However, when we considered the gradients of N and P enrichment, we found responses to both nutrients for all abundance metrics. Abundance tended to increase at low levels of N enrichment, yet decreased at the high end of the concentration gradient (1-10 mg/L, depending on the P concentration). Responses to increasing P concentrations were mostly positive. For fish, we found too few data to perform a meaningful analysis. The results of our research highlight the need to consider the level of nutrient enrichment rather than the mere addition of nutrients in order to better understand broad-scale responses of freshwater biota to eutrophication, as a key step to identify effective conservation strategies for freshwater ecosystems.

Ecossistema , Invertebrados , Animais , Água Doce , Biota , Peixes , Nutrientes/análise , Fósforo/análise , Nitrogênio/análise , Eutrofização
J Anim Ecol ; 93(4): 488-500, 2024 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38459628


As animal home range size (HRS) provides valuable information for species conservation, it is important to understand the driving factors of HRS variation. It is widely known that differences in species traits (e.g. body mass) are major contributors to variation in mammal HRS. However, most studies examining how environmental variation explains mammal HRS variation have been limited to a few species, or only included a single (mean) HRS estimate for the majority of species, neglecting intraspecific HRS variation. Additionally, most studies examining environmental drivers of HRS variation included only terrestrial species, neglecting marine species. Using a novel dataset of 2800 HRS estimates from 586 terrestrial and 27 marine mammal species, we quantified the relationships between HRS and environmental variables, accounting for species traits. Our results indicate that terrestrial mammal HRS was on average 5.3 times larger in areas with low human disturbance (human footprint index [HFI] = 0), compared to areas with maximum human disturbance (HFI = 50). Similarly, HRS was on average 5.4 times larger in areas with low annual mean productivity (NDVI = 0), compared to areas with high productivity (NDVI = 1). In addition, HRS increased by a factor of 1.9 on average from low to high seasonality in productivity (standard deviation (SD) of monthly NDVI from 0 to 0.36). Of these environmental variables, human disturbance and annual mean productivity explained a larger proportion of HRS variance than seasonality in productivity. Marine mammal HRS decreased, on average, by a factor of 3.7 per 10°C decline in annual mean sea surface temperature (SST), and increased by a factor of 1.5 per 1°C increase in SST seasonality (SD of monthly values). Annual mean SST explained more variance in HRS than SST seasonality. Due to the small sample size, caution should be taken when interpreting the marine mammal results. Our results indicate that environmental variation is relevant for HRS and that future environmental changes might alter the HRS of individuals, with potential consequences for ecosystem functioning and the effectiveness of conservation actions.

Ecossistema , Comportamento de Retorno ao Território Vital , Animais , Mamíferos , Temperatura
Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14152, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37551763


New Guinea is one of the last regions in the world with vast pristine areas and is home to many endemic species. However, extensive road development plans threaten the island's biodiversity. We quantified habitat fragmentation due to existing and planned roads for 139 terrestrial mammal species in New Guinea. For each species, we calculated the equivalent connected area (ECA) of habitat, a metric that takes into account the area and connectivity of habitat patches in 3 situations: no roads (baseline situation), existing roads (current), and existing and planned roads combined (future). We assessed the effect of roads as the proportion of the ECA remaining in the current and future situations relative to the baseline. To examine whether there were patterns in these relative ECA values, we fitted beta-regression models relating these values to 4 species characteristics: taxonomic order, body mass, diet, and International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List status. On average across species, current ECA was 89% (SD 12) of baseline ECA. Shawmayer's coccymys (Coccymys shawmayeri) had the lowest amount of current ECA relative to the baseline (53%). In the future situation, the average remaining ECA was 71% (SD 20) of baseline ECA. Future remaining ECA was below 50% of the baseline for 28 species. The montane soft-furred paramelomys (Paramelomys mollis) had the lowest future ECA relative to the baseline (36%). In general, currently nonthreatened carnivorous species with a large body mass had the greatest reductions of ECA in the future situation. In conclusion, future road development plans imply extensive additional habitat fragmentation for a large number of terrestrial mammal species in New Guinea. It is therefore important to limit the impact of planned roads, for example, by reconsidering the location of planned roads that intersect habitat of the most threatened species, or by the implementation of mitigation measures such as underpasses.

Impacto de las carreteras planeadas y existentes sobre el hábitat de mamíferos terrestres en Nueva Guinea Resumen Nueva Guinea es una de las últimas regiones del mundo con zonas vírgenes extensas que alberga muchas especies endémicas. Sin embargo, los planes extensivos de desarrollo de carreteras amenazan la biodiversidad de la isla. Cuantificamos la fragmentación del hábitat causada por las carreteras existentes y previstas para 139 especies de mamíferos terrestres de Nueva Guinea. Para cada especie, calculamos el área conectada equivalente (ACE) del hábitat, una medida que considera el área y la conectividad de los fragmentos de hábitat en tres situaciones: sin carreteras (situación de referencia), carreteras existentes (actual) y la combinación de carreteras existentes y previstas (futuro). Evaluamos el efecto de las carreteras como la proporción de ACE que quedaba en las situaciones actual y futura en relación con la situación de referencia. Para examinar si existían patrones en estos valores relativos de ECA, ajustamos modelos de regresión beta relacionando estos valores con cuatro características de las especies: orden taxonómico, masa corporal, dieta y estado en la Lista Roja de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza. En promedio para todas las especies, la ACE actual fue 89% (DE 12) de la ACE basal. La especie Coccymys shawmayeri presentó la menor cantidad de ACE actual en relación con la base de referencia (53%). En la situación futura, la media de ACE restante fue del 71% (DE 20) de la ACE de referencia. La ACE restante futura fue inferior al 50% de la línea de base para 28 especies. La especie Paramelomys mollis tuvo la ACE futura más baja en relación con la línea base (36%). En general, las especies carnívoras que no están amenazadas actualmente y tienen una masa corporal grande tuvieron la mayor reducción de ACE en la situación futura. Para concluir, la futura construcción de carreteras implica una extensa fragmentación de hábitat adicional para un gran número de especies de mamíferos terrestres en Nueva Guinea. Por esto es importante limitar el impacto de las carreteras planeadas, por ejemplo, reconsiderando la ubicación de las carreteras que cruzan el hábitat de las especies más amenazadas o implementando medidas de mitigación como los pasos subterráneos.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Animais , Nova Guiné , Mamíferos , Biodiversidade
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14183, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37700634


Ensuring that companies can assess and manage their impacts on biodiversity will be crucial to solving the current biodiversity crisis, and regulatory and public pressure to disclose these impacts is increasing. Top-down intactness metrics (e.g., Mean Species Abundance) can be valuable for generating high-level or first-tier assessments of impact risk but do not provide sufficient precision or guidance for companies, regulators, or third-party assessors. New metrics based on bottom-up assessments of biodiversity (e.g., the Species Threat Abatement and Restoration metric) can accommodate spatial variation of biodiversity and provide more specific guidance for actions to avoid, reduce, remediate, and compensate for impacts and to identify positive opportunities.

Cuantificación vertical de la biodiversidad mundial necesarias para que las empresas evalúen y gestionen su impacto Resumen Para resolver la actual crisis de biodiversidad, es importante asegurar que las empresas puedan evaluar y gestionar su impacto sobre la biodiversidad. Además, cada vez es mayor la presión pública y legislativa para divulgar este impacto. La cuantificación vertical de la integridad (p. ej.: Abundancia Media de Especies) puede ser valiosa para producir evaluaciones de alto nivel o primera categoría del riesgo de impacto, pero no proporcionan suficiente precisión o guía para las empresas, los reguladores o los asesores de terceros. Las nuevas medidas basadas en evaluaciones verticales (p. ej.: la medida de Abatimiento y Restauración de Amenazas de Especies) pueden acomodar la variación espacial de la biodiversidad y proporcionar una guía más específica para las acciones necesarias para evitar, reducir, remediar y compensar los impactos e identificar las oportunidades positivas.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Biodiversidade , Comércio
Glob Chang Biol ; 29(14): 4161-4173, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37114471


Anthropogenic increases in nitrogen (N) concentrations in the environment are affecting plant diversity and ecosystems worldwide, but relatively little is known about N impacts on terrestrial invertebrate communities. Here, we performed an exploratory meta-analysis of 4365 observations from 126 publications reporting on the richness (number of taxa) or abundance (number of individuals per taxon) of terrestrial arthropods or nematodes in relation to N addition. We found that the response of invertebrates to N enrichment is highly dependent on both species' traits and local climate. The abundance of arthropods with incomplete metamorphosis, including agricultural pest species, increased in response to N enrichment. In contrast, arthropods exhibiting complete or no metamorphosis, including pollinators and detritivores, showed a declining abundance trend with increasing N enrichment, particularly in warmer climates. These contrasting and context-dependent responses may explain why we detected no overall response of arthropod richness. For nematodes, the abundance response to N enrichment was dependent on mean annual precipitation and varied between feeding guilds. We found a declining trend in abundance with N enrichment in dry areas and an increasing trend in wet areas, with slopes differing between feeding guilds. For example, at mean levels of precipitation, bacterivore abundance showed a positive trend in response to N addition while fungivore abundance declined. We further observed an overall decline in nematode richness with N addition. These N-induced changes in invertebrate communities could have negative consequences for various ecosystem functions and services, including those contributing to human food production.

El aumento de las concentraciones de nitrógeno en el medio ambiente de forma antropogénica está afectando a la diversidad vegetal y a los ecosistemas de todo el mundo, pero aún se sabe relativamente poco sobre su impacto en comunidades de invertebrados terrestres. En este trabajo realizamos modelos meta-analíticos para explorar el efecto del enriquecimiento de nitrógeno en comunidades de invertebrados terrestres a escala global. Para ello, utilizamos una base de datos proveniente de 4.365 observaciones pareadas correspondientes a 126 publicaciones que estudiaron el efecto del enriquecimiento de nitrógeno en la riqueza (número de taxones) y/o abundancia (número de individuos por taxón) de artrópodos y/o nematodos. Encontramos que la respuesta de los invertebrados al enriquecimiento de nitrógeno depende en gran medida tanto de los rasgos de las especies como del clima local. La abundancia de artrópodos con metamorfosis incompleta, incluyendo especies que pueden crear plagas agrícolas, aumentó en respuesta al enriquecimiento de nitrógeno. Por el contrario, los artrópodos con metamorfosis completa o nula, incluidos polinizadores y detritívoros, mostraron una tendencia negativa de su abundancia con respecto al aumento de nitrógeno, especialmente en climas más cálidos. Además, no detectamos una respuesta general de la riqueza de artrópodos posiblemente por la variabilidad en respuestas observadas, tanto negativas como positivas. En el caso de los nematodos, la respuesta de sus abundancias al enriquecimiento de nitrógeno fue dependiente de la precipitación media anual y de su grupo trófico. En general, observamos una respuesta negativa de la abundancia de nematodos al enriquecimiento de nitrógeno en zonas secas y una tendencia positiva en zonas más húmedas, pero además los diferentes grupos tróficos estudiados presentaron diferentes respuestas. Por ejemplo, la abundancia de bacterívoros mostró una tendencia positiva en respuesta al enriquecimiento de nitrógeno bajo niveles medios de precipitación, mientras que la abundancia de fungívoros disminuyó. Además, observamos un descenso general de la riqueza de nematodos con más enriquecimiento de nitrógeno. Estos cambios inducidos por el nitrógeno en las comunidades de invertebrados podrían tener consecuencias negativas para diversas funciones y servicios de los ecosistemas, incluyendo aquellos que contribuyen a la producción de alimentos.

Artrópodes , Ecossistema , Humanos , Animais , Nitrogênio/farmacologia , Invertebrados/fisiologia , Artrópodes/fisiologia , Plantas
Glob Chang Biol ; 29(22): 6234-6247, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37665234


Land use is a major cause of biodiversity decline worldwide. Agricultural and forestry diversification measures, such as the inclusion of natural elements or diversified crop types, may reduce impacts on biodiversity. However, the extent to which such measures may compensate for the negative impacts of land use remains unknown. To fill that gap, we synthesised data from 99 studies that recorded mammal populations or assemblages in natural reference sites and in cropland and forest plantations, with or without diversification measures. We quantified the responses to diversification measures based on individual species abundance, species richness and assemblage intactness as quantified by the mean species abundance indicator. In cropland with natural elements, mammal species abundance and richness were, on average, similar to natural conditions, while in cropland without natural elements they were reduced by 28% and 34%, respectively. We found that mammal species richness was comparable between diversified forest plantations and natural reference sites, and 32% lower in plantations without natural elements. In both cropland and plantations, assemblage intactness was reduced compared with natural reference conditions, but the reduction was smaller if diversification measures were in place. In addition, we found that responses to land use were modified by species traits and environmental context. While habitat specialist populations were reduced in cropland without diversification and in forest plantations, habitat generalists benefited. Furthermore, assemblages were impacted more by land use in tropical regions and landscapes containing a larger share of (semi)natural habitat compared with temperate regions and more converted landscapes. Given that mammal assemblage intactness is reduced also when diversification measures are in place, special attention should be directed to species that suffer from land use impacts. That said, our results suggest potential for reconciling land use and mammal conservation, provided that the diversification measures do not compromise yield.

Conserv Biol ; 37(6): e14139, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37394972


Despite being central to the implementation of conservation policies, the usefulness of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species is hampered by the 14% of species classified as data-deficient (DD) because information to evaluate these species' extinction risk was lacking when they were last assessed or because assessors did not appropriately account for uncertainty. Robust methods are needed to identify which DD species are more likely to be reclassified in one of the data-sufficient IUCN Red List categories. We devised a reproducible method to help red-list assessors prioritize reassessment of DD species and tested it with 6887 DD species of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, and Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies). For each DD species in these groups, we calculated its probability of being classified in a data-sufficient category if reassessed today from covariates measuring available knowledge (e.g., number of occurrence records or published articles available), knowledge proxies (e.g., remoteness of the range), and species characteristics (e.g., nocturnality); calculated change in such probability since last assessment from the increase in available knowledge (e.g., new occurrence records); and determined whether the species might qualify as threatened based on recent rate of habitat loss determined from global land-cover maps. We identified 1907 species with a probability of being reassessed in a data-sufficient category of >0.5; 624 species for which this probability increased by >0.25 since last assessment; and 77 species that could be reassessed as near threatened or threatened based on habitat loss. Combining these 3 elements, our results provided a list of species likely to be data-sufficient such that the comprehensiveness and representativeness of the IUCN Red List can be improved.

Priorización de la reevaluación de las especies con datos deficientes en la Lista Roja de la UICN Resumen No obstante que es fundamental para la implementación de políticas de conservación, la utilidad de la Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN) está limitada por el 14% de especies clasificadas con datos deficientes (DD) debido a que la información para evaluar el riesgo de extinción de estas especies no existía cuando fueron evaluadas la última vez o porque los evaluadores no consideraron la incertidumbre apropiadamente. Se requieren métodos robustos para identificar las especies DD con mayor probabilidad de ser reclasificadas en alguna de las categorías en la Lista Roja UICN con datos suficientes. Diseñamos un método reproducible para ayudar a que los evaluadores de la lista roja prioricen la reevaluación de especies DD y lo probamos con 6,887 especies DD de mamíferos, reptiles, anfibios, peces y Odonata (libélulas y caballitos del diablo). Para cada una de las especies DD en estos grupos, calculamos la probabilidad de ser clasificadas en una categoría con datos suficientes si fuera reevaluada hoy a partir de covariables que miden el conocimiento disponible (e.g., número de registros de ocurrencia o artículos publicados disponibles), sustitutos de conocimiento (e.g., extensión del rango de distribución) y características de la especie ((e.g., nocturnidad); calculamos el cambio en tal probabilidad desde la última reevaluación a partir del incremento en el conocimiento disponible (e.g., registros de ocurrencia nuevos); y determinamos si las especies podrían calificar como amenazadas con base en pérdidas de hábitat recientes a partir de mapas globales de cobertura de suelo recientes. Identificamos 1,907 especies con una probabilidad >0.5 de ser reclasificados en una categoría con datos suficientes; 624 especies cuya probabilidad aumentó en >0.25 desde la última evaluación, y 77 especies que podrían ser reclasificadas como casi en peligro con base en la pérdida de hábitat. Combinando estos 3 elementos, nuestros resultados proporcionaron una lista de especies probablemente con datos suficientes de tal modo que la exhaustividad y la representatividad de la Lista Roja de la UICN pueden ser mejoradas.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Odonatos , Animais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Extinção Biológica , Ecossistema , Mamíferos , Peixes , Biodiversidade
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(7): 3648-3655, 2020 02 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32015125


Dams contribute to water security, energy supply, and flood protection but also fragment habitats of freshwater species. Yet, a global species-level assessment of dam-induced fragmentation is lacking. Here, we assessed the degree of fragmentation of the occurrence ranges of ∼10,000 lotic fish species worldwide due to ∼40,000 existing large dams and ∼3,700 additional future large hydropower dams. Per river basin, we quantified a connectivity index (CI) for each fish species by combining its occurrence range with a high-resolution hydrography and the locations of the dams. Ranges of nondiadromous fish species were more fragmented (less connected) (CI = 73 ± 28%; mean ± SD) than ranges of diadromous species (CI = 86 ± 19%). Current levels of fragmentation were highest in the United States, Europe, South Africa, India, and China. Increases in fragmentation due to future dams were especially high in the tropics, with declines in CI of ∼20 to 40 percentage points on average across the species in the Amazon, Niger, Congo, Salween, and Mekong basins. Our assessment can guide river management at multiple scales and in various domains, including strategic hydropower planning, identification of species and basins at risk, and prioritization of restoration measures, such as dam removal and construction of fish bypasses.

Biodiversidade , Peixes/classificação , Migração Animal , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Peixes/fisiologia , Geografia , Rios/química
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(24): 7217-7233, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36166319


While linear infrastructures, such as roads and power lines, are vital to human development, they may also have negative impacts on wildlife populations up to several kilometres into the surrounding environment (infrastructure-effect zones, IEZs). However, species-specific IEZs are not available for the vast majority of species, hampering global assessments of infrastructure impacts on wildlife. Here, we synthesized 253 studies worldwide to quantify the magnitude and spatial extent of infrastructure impacts on the abundance of 792 vertebrate species. We also identified the extent to which species traits, infrastructure type and habitat modulate IEZs for vertebrate species. Our results reveal contrasting responses across taxa based on the local context and species traits. Carnivorous mammals were generally more abundant in the proximity of infrastructure. In turn, medium- to large-sized non-carnivorous mammals (>1 kg) were less abundant near infrastructure across habitats, while their smaller counterparts were more abundant close to infrastructure in open habitats. Bird abundance was reduced near infrastructure with larger IEZs for non-carnivorous than for carnivorous species. Furthermore, birds experienced larger IEZs in closed (carnivores: ≈130 m, non-carnivores: >1 km) compared to open habitats (carnivores: ≈70 m, non-carnivores: ≈470 m). Reptiles were more abundant near infrastructure in closed habitats but not in open habitats where abundances were reduced within an IEZ of ≈90 m. Finally, IEZs were relatively small in amphibians (<30 m). These results indicate that infrastructure impact assessments should differentiate IEZs across species and local contexts in order to capture the variety of responses to infrastructure. Our trait-based synthetic approach can be applied in large-scale assessments of the impacts of current and future infrastructure developments across multiple species, including those for which infrastructure responses are not known from empirical data.

Anfíbios , Répteis , Animais , Humanos , Vertebrados , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Aves/fisiologia , Ecossistema , Animais Selvagens
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(1): 46-53, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34669982


The species composition of plant and animal assemblages across the globe has changed substantially over the past century. How do the dynamics of individual species cause this change? We classified species into seven unique categories of temporal dynamics based on the ordered sequence of presences and absences that each species contributes to an assemblage time series. We applied this framework to 14,434 species trajectories comprising 280 assemblages of temperate marine fishes surveyed annually for 20 or more years. Although 90% of the assemblages diverged in species composition from the baseline year, this compositional change was largely driven by only 8% of the species' trajectories. Quantifying the reorganization of assemblages based on species shared temporal dynamics should facilitate the task of monitoring and restoring biodiversity. We suggest ways in which our framework could provide informative measures of compositional change, as well as leverage future research on pattern and process in ecological systems.

Biodiversidade , Peixes , Animais , Ecossistema , Plantas
PLoS Biol ; 17(5): e3000247, 2019 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31086365


Tropical forests are increasingly degraded by industrial logging, urbanization, agriculture, and infrastructure, with only 20% of the remaining area considered intact. However, this figure does not include other, more cryptic but pervasive forms of degradation, such as overhunting. Here, we quantified and mapped the spatial patterns of mammal defaunation in the tropics using a database of 3,281 mammal abundance declines from local hunting studies. We simultaneously accounted for population abundance declines and the probability of local extirpation of a population as a function of several predictors related to human accessibility to remote areas and species' vulnerability to hunting. We estimated an average abundance decline of 13% across all tropical mammal species, with medium-sized species being reduced by >27% and large mammals by >40%. Mammal populations are predicted to be partially defaunated (i.e., declines of 10%-100%) in ca. 50% of the pantropical forest area (14 million km2), with large declines (>70%) in West Africa. According to our projections, 52% of the intact forests (IFs) and 62% of the wilderness areas (WAs) are partially devoid of large mammals, and hunting may affect mammal populations in 20% of protected areas (PAs) in the tropics, particularly in West and Central Africa and Southeast Asia. The pervasive effects of overhunting on tropical mammal populations may have profound ramifications for ecosystem functioning and the livelihoods of wild-meat-dependent communities, and underscore that forest coverage alone is not necessarily indicative of ecosystem intactness. We call for a systematic consideration of hunting effects in (large-scale) biodiversity assessments for more representative estimates of human-induced biodiversity loss.

Florestas , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Clima Tropical , Animais , Geografia , Herbivoria/fisiologia , Especificidade da Espécie
Conserv Biol ; 36(5): e13942, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35603483


Biodiversity is severely threatened by habitat destruction. As a consequence of habitat destruction, the remaining habitat becomes more fragmented. This results in time-lagged population extirpations in remaining fragments when these are too small to support populations in the long term. If these time-lagged effects are ignored, the long-term impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation will be underestimated. We quantified the magnitude of time-lagged effects of habitat fragmentation for 157 nonvolant terrestrial mammal species in Madagascar, one of the biodiversity hotspots with the highest rates of habitat loss and fragmentation. We refined species' geographic ranges based on habitat preferences and elevation limits and then estimated which habitat fragments were too small to support a population for at least 100 years given stochastic population fluctuations. We also evaluated whether time-lagged effects would change the threat status of species according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List assessment framework. We used allometric relationships to obtain the population parameters required to simulate the population dynamics of each species, and we quantified the consequences of uncertainty in these parameter estimates by repeating the analyses with a range of plausible parameter values. Based on the median outcomes, we found that for 34 species (22% of the 157 species) at least 10% of their current habitat contained unviable populations. Eight species (5%) had a higher threat status when accounting for time-lagged effects. Based on 0.95-quantile values, following a precautionary principle, for 108 species (69%) at least 10% of their habitat contained unviable populations, and 51 species (32%) had a higher threat status. Our results highlight the need to preserve continuous habitat and improve connectivity between habitat fragments. Moreover, our findings may help to identify species for which time-lagged effects are most severe and which may thus benefit the most from conservation actions.

La biodiversidad se encuentra seriamente amenazada por la destrucción del hábitat. Como consecuencia de esta destrucción, el hábitat remanente se vuelve más fragmentado. Esto resulta en extirpaciones poblacionales retardadas dentro de los fragmentos restantes cuando éstos son muy pequeños para mantener a las poblaciones a largo plazo. Si se ignoran estos efectos retardados, se subestimarán los impactos a largo plazo de la pérdida del hábitat y la fragmentación. Cuantificamos la magnitud de los efectos retardados de la fragmentación del hábitat para 157 especies de mamíferos terrestres no voladores en Madagascar, uno de los puntos calientes de biodiversidad con las tasas más elevadas de pérdida del hábitat y fragmentación. Depuramos las extensiones geográficas de las especies con base en las preferencias de hábitat y los límites de elevación y después estimamos cuáles fragmentos de hábitat eran muy pequeños para mantener una población durante al menos cien años dadas las fluctuaciones estocásticas de las poblaciones. También analizamos si los efectos retardados cambiarían el estado de amenaza de la especie de acuerdo con el programa de evaluación de la Lista Roja de la UICN. Usamos relaciones alométricas para obtener los parámetros poblacionales requeridos para simular las dinámicas poblacionales de cada especie y cuantificamos las consecuencias de la incertidumbre en estos parámetros estimados mediante análisis repetidos con una gama de valores plausibles de los parámetros. Con base en los resultados promedio, descubrimos que para 34 especies (22% de las 157 especies) al menos el 10% de su hábitat actual tiene poblaciones inviables. Ocho especies (5%) cambiaron a un estado más elevado de amenaza cuando se consideraron los efectos retardados. Con base en los valores del centil 0.95, adherido a un principio precautorio, para 108 especies (32%) al menos el 10% de su hábitat tiene poblaciones inviables y 51 especies (32%) cambiaron negativamente su estado de amenaza. Nuestros resultados resaltan la necesidad de conservar la continuidad de los hábitats y mejorar la conectividad entre los fragmentos. Además, nuestros hallazgos pueden ayudar a identificar especies para las cuales los efectos retardados son más serios y que podrían beneficiarse más con las acciones de conservación.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Extinção Biológica , Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Madagáscar , Mamíferos
Glob Ecol Biogeogr ; 30(8): 1609-1620, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34413705


AIM: The stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) postulates that species interactions shift from negative to positive with increasing abiotic stress. Interactions between species are increasingly being recognized as important drivers of species distributions, but it is still unclear whether stress-induced changes in interactions affect continental-to-global scale species distributions. Here, we tested whether associations of vascular plant species in dry grasslands in Europe follow the SGH along a climatic water deficit (CWD) gradient across the continent. LOCATION: Dry grasslands in Europe. TIME PERIOD: Present. MAJOR TAXA STUDIED: Vascular plants. METHODS: We built a context-dependent joint species distribution model (JSDM) to estimate the residual associations (i.e., associations that are not explained by the abiotic environment) of 161 plant species as a function of the CWD based on community data from 8,660 vegetation plots. We evaluated changes in residual associations between species for pairs and on the community level, and we compared responses for groups of species with different drought tolerances. RESULTS: We found contrasting shifts in associations for drought-sensitive and drought-tolerant species. For drought-sensitive species, 21% of the pairwise associations became more positive with increasing CWD, whereas 17% became more negative. In contrast, only 17% of the pairwise associations involving drought-tolerant species became more positive, whereas 27% became more negative in areas with a high CWD. Additionally, the incidence of positive associations increased with drought for drought-sensitive species and decreased for drought-tolerant species. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: We found that associations of drought-sensitive plant species became more positive with drought, in line with the SGH. In contrast, associations of drought-tolerant species became more negative. Additionally, changes in associations of single species pairs were highly variable. Our results indicate that stress-modulated species associations might influence the distribution of species over large geographical extents, thus leading to unexpected responses under climate change through shifts in species associations.

Glob Chang Biol ; 26(2): 760-771, 2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31680366


Scenario-based biodiversity modelling is a powerful approach to evaluate how possible future socio-economic developments may affect biodiversity. Here, we evaluated the changes in terrestrial biodiversity intactness, expressed by the mean species abundance (MSA) metric, resulting from three of the shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) combined with different levels of climate change (according to representative concentration pathways [RCPs]): a future oriented towards sustainability (SSP1xRCP2.6), a future determined by a politically divided world (SSP3xRCP6.0) and a future with continued global dependency on fossil fuels (SSP5xRCP8.5). To this end, we first updated the GLOBIO model, which now runs at a spatial resolution of 10 arc-seconds (~300 m), contains new modules for downscaling land use and for quantifying impacts of hunting in the tropics, and updated modules to quantify impacts of climate change, land use, habitat fragmentation and nitrogen pollution. We then used the updated model to project terrestrial biodiversity intactness from 2015 to 2050 as a function of land use and climate changes corresponding with the selected scenarios. We estimated a global area-weighted mean MSA of 0.56 for 2015. Biodiversity intactness declined in all three scenarios, yet the decline was smaller in the sustainability scenario (-0.02) than the regional rivalry and fossil-fuelled development scenarios (-0.06 and -0.05 respectively). We further found considerable variation in projected biodiversity change among different world regions, with large future losses particularly for sub-Saharan Africa. In some scenario-region combinations, we projected future biodiversity recovery due to reduced demands for agricultural land, yet this recovery was counteracted by increased impacts of other pressures (notably climate change and road disturbance). Effective measures to halt or reverse the decline of terrestrial biodiversity should not only reduce land demand (e.g. by increasing agricultural productivity and dietary changes) but also focus on reducing or mitigating the impacts of other pressures.

Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Agricultura , Mudança Climática
Glob Ecol Biogeogr ; 29(6): 1034-1051, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612452


AIM: Predictions of plant traits over space and time are increasingly used to improve our understanding of plant community responses to global environmental change. A necessary step forward is to assess the reliability of global trait predictions. In this study, we predict community mean plant traits at the global scale and present a systematic evaluation of their reliability in terms of the accuracy of the models, ecological realism and various sources of uncertainty. LOCATION: Global. TIME PERIOD: Present. MAJOR TAXA STUDIED: Vascular plants. METHODS: We predicted global distributions of community mean specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen concentration, plant height and wood density with an ensemble modelling approach based on georeferenced, locally measured trait data representative of the plant community. We assessed the predictive performance of the models, the plausibility of predicted trait combinations, the influence of data quality, and the uncertainty across geographical space attributed to spatial extrapolation and diverging model predictions. RESULTS: Ensemble predictions of community mean plant height, specific leaf area and wood density resulted in ecologically plausible trait-environment relationships and trait-trait combinations. Leaf nitrogen concentration, however, could not be predicted reliably. The ensemble approach was better at predicting community trait means than any of the individual modelling techniques, which varied greatly in predictive performance and led to divergent predictions, mostly in African deserts and the Arctic, where predictions were also extrapolated. High data quality (i.e., including intraspecific variability and a representative species sample) increased model performance by 28%. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Plant community traits can be predicted reliably at the global scale when using an ensemble approach and high-quality data for traits that mostly respond to large-scale environmental factors. We recommend applying ensemble forecasting to account for model uncertainty, using representative trait data, and more routinely assessing the reliability of trait predictions.

Conserv Biol ; 34(5): 1271-1280, 2020 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31919881


Land use and hunting are 2 major pressures on biodiversity in the tropics. Yet, their combined impacts have not been systematically quantified at a large scale. We estimated the effects of both pressures on the distributions of 1884 tropical mammal species by integrating species' range maps, detailed land-use maps (1992 and 2015), species-specific habitat preference data, and a hunting pressure model. We further identified areas where the combined impacts were greatest (hotspots) and least (coolspots) to determine priority areas for mitigation or prevention of the pressures. Land use was the main driver of reduced distribution of all mammal species considered. Yet, hunting pressure caused additional reductions in large-bodied species' distributions. Together, land use and hunting reduced distributions of species by 41% (SD 30) on average (year 2015). Overlap between impacts was only 2% on average. Land use contributed more to the loss of distribution (39% on average) than hunting (4% on average). However, hunting reduced the distribution of large mammals by 29% on average; hence, large mammals lost a disproportional amount of area due to the combination of both pressures. Gran Chaco, the Atlantic Forest, and Thailand had high levels of impact across the species (hotspots of area loss). In contrast, the Amazon and Congo Basins, the Guianas, and Borneo had relatively low levels of impact (coolspots of area loss). Overall, hunting pressure and human land use increased from 1992 to 2015 and corresponding losses in distribution increased from 38% to 41% on average across the species. To effectively protect tropical mammals, conservation policies should address both pressures simultaneously because their effects are highly complementary. Our spatially detailed and species-specific results may support future national and global conservation agendas, including the design of post-2020 protected area targets and strategies.

Efectos Combinados del Uso de Suelo y la Caza en la Distribución de los Mamíferos Tropicales Resumen El uso de suelo y la caza son dos de las principales presiones ejercidas sobre la biodiversidad de los trópicos. Aun así, los impactos combinados que generan no han sido cuantificados sistemáticamente a gran escala. Estimamos los efectos de ambas presiones sobre la distribución de 1,884 especies de mamíferos tropicales al integrar mapas de distribución de las especies, mapas detallados del uso de suelo (de 1992 y 2015), datos de preferencia de hábitat específicos por especie y un modelo de presión de caza. Identificamos además las áreas en donde los impactos combinados eran mayores (puntos calientes) y menores (puntos fríos) para determinar las áreas prioritarias para la mitigación o prevención de dichas presiones. El uso de suelo fue el principal conductor de la reducción de la distribución para todas las especies de mamíferos que consideramos. Sin embargo, la presión por caza causó reducciones adicionales en la distribución de especies de gran tamaño. Juntas, el uso de suelo y la caza redujeron la distribución de las especies en un 41% (DS 30) en promedio (año 2015). El solapamiento entre los impactos fue, en promedio, sólo del 2%. El uso de suelo contribuyó más a la pérdida de la distribución (39%, en promedio) que la caza (4%, en promedio). A pesar de esto, en promedio la caza redujo la distribución de los mamíferos de gran tamaño en un 29%; por lo tanto, los grandes mamíferos perdieron una cantidad desproporcionada de área debido a la combinación de ambas presiones. El Gran Chaco, el Bosque Atlántico y Tailandia tuvieron niveles altos de impacto en todas las especies (puntos calientes de pérdida de área). Como contraste, las cuencas del Amazonas y el Congo, las Guayanas y Borneo tuvieron niveles relativamente bajos de impacto (puntos fríos de pérdida de área). En general, las presiones por caza y uso de suelo incrementaron desde 1992 a 2015 y las correspondientes pérdidas de distribución incrementaron de un 38% a un 41% en promedio para todas las especies. Para proteger de forma efectiva a los mamíferos tropicales, las políticas de conservación deberían considerar a ambas presiones de manera simultánea, pues sus efectos son altamente complementarios. Nuestros resultados espacialmente detallados y específicos para cada especie pueden respaldar las futuras agendas de conservación nacionales e internacionales, incluyendo el diseño de las estrategias y los objetivos de las áreas protegidas para después de 2020.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Mamíferos , Animais , Biodiversidade , Bornéu , Congo , Ecossistema , Humanos , Tailândia
Conserv Biol ; 33(5): 1084-1093, 2019 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30653250


The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List categories and criteria are the most widely used framework for assessing the relative extinction risk of species. The criteria are based on quantitative thresholds relating to the size, trends, and structure of species' distributions and populations. However, data on these parameters are sparse and uncertain for many species and unavailable for others, potentially leading to their misclassification or classification as data deficient. We devised an approach that combines data on land-cover change, species-specific habitat preferences, population abundance, and dispersal distance to estimate key parameters (extent of occurrence, maximum area of occupancy, population size and trend, and degree of fragmentation) and hence predict IUCN Red List categories for species. We applied our approach to nonpelagic birds and terrestrial mammals globally (∼15,000 species). The predicted categories were fairly consistent with published IUCN Red List assessments, but more optimistic overall. We predicted 4.2% of species (467 birds and 143 mammals) to be more threatened than currently assessed and 20.2% of data deficient species (10 birds and 114 mammals) to be at risk of extinction. Incorporating the habitat fragmentation subcriterion reduced these predictions 1.5-2.3% and 6.4-14.9% (depending on the quantitative definition of fragmentation) for threatened and data deficient species, respectively, highlighting the need for improved guidance for IUCN Red List assessors on the application of this aspect of the IUCN Red List criteria. Our approach complements traditional methods of estimating parameters for IUCN Red List assessments. Furthermore, it readily provides an early-warning system to identify species potentially warranting changes in their extinction-risk category based on periodic updates of land-cover information. Given our method relies on optimistic assumptions about species distribution and abundance, all species predicted to be more at risk than currently evaluated should be prioritized for reassessment.

Aplicación de Modelos de Hábitat y de Densidad Poblacional a Series de Tiempo de la Cobertura del Suelo para Informar las Valoraciones de la Lista Roja de la UICN Resumen Las categorías y los criterios de la Lista Roja de la UICN (Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza) son el marco de referencia utilizado con mayor frecuencia para valorar el riesgo de extinción relativo de las especies. Los criterios se basan en umbrales cuantitativos relacionados con el tamaño, las tendencias y la estructura de la distribución y las poblaciones de las especies. Sin embargo, los datos sobre estos parámetros son escasos e inciertos para muchas especies y para otras no se encuentran disponibles, lo puede resultar en una clasificación errónea o en que se las clasifique como una especie con deficiencia de datos. Hemos diseñado una estrategia que combina datos sobre el cambio en la cobertura del suelo, las preferencias de hábitat específicas por especie, la abundancia poblacional, y la distancia de dispersión para estimar los parámetros más importantes (extensión de la presencia, área máxima de ocupación, tamaño poblacional, y grado y tendencia de la fragmentación) y así predecir las categorías de la Lista Roja de la UICN para cada especie. Hemos aplicado nuestra estrategia a las aves no pelágicas y a los mamíferos terrestres de todo el mundo (∼15,000 especies). Las categorías pronosticadas fueron bastante consecuentes con las valoraciones publicadas por la Lista Roja de la UICN, aunque en general fueron más optimistas. Pronosticamos que el 4.2% de las especies (467 aves y 143 mamíferos) se encuentran más amenazadas que su valoración actual y el 20.2% de las especies con deficiencia de datos (10 aves y 114 mamíferos) se encuentran en riesgo de extinción. La incorporación del sub-criterio de fragmentación del hábitat redujo estas predicciones en un 1.5 - 2.3% y 6.4 - 14.9% (dependiendo de la definición cuantitativa de la fragmentación) para las especies amenazadas y las que tienen deficiencia de datos, respectivamente, lo que resalta la necesidad de mejorar la aplicación de este sub-criterio por parte de los asesores de la Lista Roja de la UICN. Nuestra estrategia complementa los métodos tradicionales de estimación de parámetros para las valoraciones de la Lista Roja. Además, proporciona un sistema inmediato de alerta temprana basado en actualizaciones periódicas de la información sobre la cobertura del suelo que permite identificar a las especies que, potencialmente, merezcan un cambio en su categoría de riesgo de extinción. Nuestro método está basado en suposiciones optimistas sobre la distribución y la abundancia de las especies, por lo tanto todas las especies que predecimos que tienen una mayor categoría de riesgo que la que reconoce la evaluación actual deberían ser priorizadas para su revaloración.

Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Extinção Biológica , Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Densidade Demográfica
Ecol Appl ; 28(3): 771-785, 2018 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29336512


Environmental pollution is an important driver of biodiversity loss. Yet, to date, the effects of chemical exposure on wildlife populations have been quantified for only a few species, mainly due to a lack of appropriate laboratory data to quantify chemical impacts on vital rates. In this study, we developed a method to quantify the effects of toxicant exposure on wildlife population persistence based on field monitoring data. We established field-based vital-rate-response functions for toxicants, using quantile regression to correct for the influences of confounding factors on the vital rates observed, and combined the response curves with population viability modelling. We then applied the method to quantify the impact of DDE on three bird species: the White-tailed Eagle, Bald Eagle, and Osprey. Population viability was expressed via five population extinction vulnerability metrics: population growth rate (r1 ), critical patch size (CPS), minimum viable population size (MVP), probability of population extirpation (PE), and median time to population extirpation (MTE). We found that past DDE exposure concentrations increased population extirpation vulnerabilities of all three bird species. For example, at DDE concentrations of 25 mg/kg wet mass of egg (the maximum historic exposure concentration reported in literature for the Osprey), r1 became small (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey) or close to zero (Bald Eagle), the CPS increased up to almost the size of Connecticut (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey) or West Virginia (Bald Eagle), the MVP increased up to approximately 90 (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey) or 180 breeding pairs (Bald Eagle), the PE increased up to almost certain extirpation (Bald Eagle) or only slightly elevated levels (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey) and the MTE became within decades (Bald Eagle) or remained longer than a millennium (White-tailed Eagle and Osprey). Our study provides a method to derive species-specific field-based response curves of toxicant exposure, which can be used to assess population extinction vulnerabilities and obtain critical levels of toxicant exposure based on maximum permissible effect levels. This may help conservation managers to better design appropriate habitat restoration and population recovery measures, such as reducing toxicant levels, increasing the area of suitable habitat or reintroducing individuals.

Diclorodifenil Dicloroetileno/toxicidade , Poluentes Ambientais/toxicidade , Extinção Biológica , Modelos Biológicos , Animais , Dinâmica Populacional
Conserv Biol ; 31(2): 385-393, 2017 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27677629


Conservation planning and biodiversity assessments need quantitative targets to optimize planning options and assess the adequacy of current species protection. However, targets aiming at persistence require population-specific data, which limit their use in favor of fixed and nonspecific targets, likely leading to unequal distribution of conservation efforts among species. We devised a method to derive equitable population targets; that is, quantitative targets of population size that ensure equal probabilities of persistence across a set of species and that can be easily inferred from species-specific traits. In our method, we used models of population dynamics across a range of life-history traits related to species' body mass to estimate minimum viable population targets. We applied our method to a range of body masses of mammals, from 2 g to 3825 kg. The minimum viable population targets decreased asymptotically with increasing body mass and were on the same order of magnitude as minimum viable population estimates from species- and context-specific studies. Our approach provides a compromise between pragmatic, nonspecific population targets and detailed context-specific estimates of population viability for which only limited data are available. It enables a first estimation of species-specific population targets based on a readily available trait and thus allows setting equitable targets for population persistence in large-scale and multispecies conservation assessments and planning.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Mamíferos , Animais , Dinâmica Populacional