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Phys Rev Lett ; 129(12): 121601, 2022 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36179161


We present a new formula for the angular momentum J^{µν} carried away by gravitational radiation in classical scattering. This formula, combined with the known expression for the radiated linear momentum P^{µ}, completes the set of radiated Poincaré charges due to scattering. We parametrize P^{µ} and J^{µν} by nonperturbative form factors and derive exact relations using the Poincaré algebra. There is a contribution to J^{µν} due to static (zero-frequency) modes, which can be derived from Weinberg's soft theorem. Using tools from scattering amplitudes and effective field theory, we calculate the radiated J^{µν} due to the scattering of two spinless particles to third order in Newton's constant G, but to all orders in velocity. Our form-factor analysis elucidates a novel relation found by Bini, Damour, and Geralico between energy and angular momentum loss at O(G^{3}). Our new results have several nontrivial implications for binary scattering at O(G^{4}). We give a procedure to bootstrap an effective radiation reaction force from the loss of Poincaré charges due to scattering.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(16): 161103, 2022 Apr 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35522489


We complete the calculation of conservative two-body scattering dynamics at fourth post-Minkowskian order, i.e., O(G^{4}) and all orders in velocity, including radiative contributions corresponding to the tail effect in general relativity. As in previous calculations, we harness powerful tools from the modern scattering amplitudes program including generalized unitarity, the double copy, and advanced multiloop integration methods, in combination with effective field theory. The classical amplitude involves complete elliptic integrals, and polylogarithms with up to transcendental weight 2. Using the amplitude-action relation, we obtain the radial action directly from the amplitude, and match the known overlapping terms in the post-Newtonian expansion.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(17): 171601, 2021 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33988437


Using scattering amplitudes, we obtain the potential contributions to conservative binary dynamics in general relativity at fourth post-Minkowskian order O(G^{4}). As in previous lower-order calculations, we harness powerful tools from the modern scattering amplitudes program including generalized unitarity, the double copy, and advanced multiloop integration methods, in combination with effective field theory. The classical amplitude involves polylogarithms with up to transcendental weight two and elliptic integrals. We derive the radial action directly from the amplitude, and determine the corresponding Hamiltonian in isotropic gauge. Our results are in agreement with known overlapping terms up to sixth post-Newtonian order, and with the probe limit. We also determine the post-Minkowskian energy loss from radiation emission at O(G^{3}) via its relation to the tail effect.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(20): 201603, 2019 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31172785


We present the amplitude for classical scattering of gravitationally interacting massive scalars at third post-Minkowskian order. Our approach harnesses powerful tools from the modern amplitudes program such as generalized unitarity and the double-copy construction, which relates gravity integrands to simpler gauge-theory expressions. Adapting methods for integration and matching from effective field theory, we extract the conservative Hamiltonian for compact spinless binaries at third post-Minkowskian order. The resulting Hamiltonian is in complete agreement with corresponding terms in state-of-the-art expressions at fourth post-Newtonian order as well as the probe limit at all orders in velocity. We also derive the scattering angle at third post-Minkowskian order and find agreement with known results.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(12): 121603, 2018 Sep 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30296163


The planar scattering amplitudes of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory display symmetries and structures which underlie their relatively simple analytic properties such as having only logarithmic singularities and no poles at infinity. Recent work shows in various nontrivial examples that the simple analytic properties of the planar sector survive into the nonplanar sector, but this has yet to be understood from underlying symmetries. Here, we explicitly show that for an infinite class of nonplanar integrals that covers all subleading-color contributions to the two-loop four- and five-point amplitudes of N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, symmetries analogous to dual conformal invariance exist. A natural conjecture is that this continues to all amplitudes of the theory at any loop order.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(26): 261602, 2018 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30004732


We present a bottom-up construction of vector effective field theories using the infrared structure of scattering amplitudes. Our results employ two distinct probes of soft kinematics: multiple soft limits and single soft limits after dimensional reduction applicable in four and general dimensions, respectively. Both approaches uniquely specify the Born-Infeld (BI) model as the only theory of vectors completely fixed by certain infrared conditions which generalize the Adler zero for pions. These soft properties imply new recursion relations for on-shell scattering amplitudes in BI theory and suggest the existence of a wider class of vector effective field theories.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(12): 121601, 2017 Mar 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388185


We propose a new representation of the nonlinear sigma model that exhibits a manifest duality between flavor and kinematics. The fields couple exclusively through cubic Feynman vertices which define the structure constants of an underlying kinematic algebra. The action is invariant under a combination of internal and spacetime symmetries whose conservation equations imply flavor-kinematics duality, ensuring that all Feynman diagrams satisfy kinematic Jacobi identities. Substituting flavor for kinematics, we derive a new cubic action for the special Galileon theory. In this picture, the vanishing soft behavior of amplitudes is a by-product of the Weinberg soft theorem.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(4): 041601, 2016 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26871321


We derive the first ever on-shell recursion relations applicable to effective field theories. Based solely on factorization and the soft behavior of amplitudes, these recursion relations employ a new rescaling momentum shift to construct all tree-level scattering amplitudes in the nonlinear sigma model, Dirac-Born-Infeld theory, and the Galileon. Our results prove that all theories with enhanced soft behavior are on-shell constructible.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(7): 071601, 2015 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26317712


We derive a new class of one-loop nonrenormalization theorems that strongly constrain the running of higher dimension operators in a general four-dimensional quantum field theory. Our logic follows from unitarity: cuts of one-loop amplitudes are products of tree amplitudes, so if the latter vanish then so too will the associated divergences. Finiteness is then ensured by simple selection rules that zero out tree amplitudes for certain helicity configurations. For each operator we define holomorphic and antiholomorphic weights, (w,w[over ¯])=(n-h,n+h), where n and h are the number and sum over helicities of the particles created by that operator. We argue that an operator O_{i} can only be renormalized by an operator O_{j} if w_{i}≥w_{j} and w[over ¯]_{i}≥w[over ¯]_{j}, absent nonholomorphic Yukawa couplings. These results explain and generalize the surprising cancellations discovered in the renormalization of dimension six operators in the standard model. Since our claims rely on unitarity and helicity rather than an explicit symmetry, they apply quite generally.