The rapid growth of marine industries has emphasized the focus on environmental impacts for all industries, as well as the influence of key environmental parameters on, for instance, offshore wind or aquaculture performance, animal welfare and structural integrity of different constructions. Development of automatized sensors together with efficient communication and information systems will enhance surveillance and monitoring of environmental processes and impact. We have developed a modular Smart Ocean observatory, in this case connected to a large-scale marine aquaculture research facility. The first sensor rigs have been operational since May 2022, transmitting environmental data in near real-time. Key components are Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) for measuring directional wave and current parameters, and CTDs for redundant measurement of depth, temperature, conductivity and oxygen. Communication is through 4G network or cable. However, a key purpose of the observatory is also to facilitate experiments with acoustic wireless underwater communication, which are ongoing. The aim is to expand the system(s) with demersal independent sensor nodes communicating through an "Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT)", covering larger areas in the coastal zone, as well as open waters, of benefit to all ocean industries. The observatory also hosts experiments for sensor development, biofouling control and strategies for sensor self-validation and diagnostics. The close interactions between the experiments and the infrastructure development allow a holistic approach towards environmental monitoring across sectors and industries, plus to reduce the carbon footprint of ocean observation. This work is intended to lay a basis for sophisticated use of smart sensors with communication systems in long-term autonomous operation in remote as well as nearshore locations.
The majority of survival analyses focus on temporal scales. Consequently, there is a limited understanding of how species survival varies over space and, ultimately, how spatial variability in the environment affects the temporal dynamics of species abundance. Using data from the Barents Sea, we study the spatiotemporal variability of the juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) survival. We develop an index of spatial survival based on changes of juvenile cod distribution through their first winter of life (from age-0 to age-1) and study its variability in relation to biotic and abiotic factors. Over the 25 years analyzed (1980-2004), we found that, once the effect of passive drift due to dominant currents is accounted for, the area where age-0 cod survival was lowest coincided with the area of highest abundance of older cod. Within this critical region, the survival of age-0 cod was negatively affected by its own abundance, by that of older cod, and by bottom depth. Furthermore, during cold years, age-0 cod survival increased in the eastern and coldest portion of the examined area, which was typically avoided by older conspecifics. Based on these results we propose that within the examined area top-down mechanisms and predation-driven density dependence can strongly affect the spatial pattern of age-0 cod survival. Climate-related variables can also influence the spatial survival of age-0 cod by affecting their distribution and that of their predators. Results from these and similar studies, focusing on the spatial variability of survival rates, can be used to characterize species habitat quality of marine renewable resources.