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PLoS One ; 18(3): e0282794, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36947524


The toxic diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia is distributed from equatorial to polar regions and is comprised of >57 species, some capable of producing the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). In the Pacific Arctic Region spanning the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas, DA is recognized as an emerging human and ecosystem health threat, yet little is known about the composition and distribution of Pseudo-nitzschia species in these waters. This investigation characterized Pseudo-nitzschia assemblages in samples collected in 2018 during summer (August) and fall (October-November) surveys as part of the Distributed Biological Observatory and Arctic Observing Network, encompassing a broad geographic range (57.8° to 73.0°N, -138.9° to -169.9°W) and spanning temperature (-1.79 to 11.7°C) and salinity (22.9 to 32.9) gradients associated with distinct water masses. Species were identified using a genus-specific Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA). Seventeen amplicons were observed; seven corresponded to temperate, sub-polar, or polar Pseudo-nitzschia species based on parallel sequencing efforts (P. arctica, P. delicatissima, P. granii, P. obtusa, P. pungens, and two genotypes of P. seriata), and one represented Fragilariopsis oceanica. During summer, particulate DA (pDA; 4.0 to 130.0 ng L-1) was observed in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea where P. obtusa was prevalent. In fall, pDA (3.3 to 111.8 ng L-1) occurred along the Beaufort Sea shelf coincident with one P. seriata genotype, and south of the Bering Strait in association with the other P. seriata genotype. Taxa were correlated with latitude, longitude, temperature, salinity, pDA, and/or chlorophyll a, and each had a distinct distribution pattern. The observation of DA in association with different species, seasons, geographic regions, and water masses underscores the significant risk of Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) and DA-poisoning in Alaska waters.

Diatomáceas , Platelmintos , Animais , Humanos , Ecossistema , Alaska , Clorofila A , Ácido Caínico/análise , Água/análise
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37065006


The Indian River Lagoon (IRL), located on the east coast of Florida, is a complex estuarine ecosystem that is negatively affected by recurring harmful algal blooms (HABs) from distinct taxonomic/functional groups. Enhanced monitoring was established to facilitate rapid quantification of three recurrent bloom taxa, Aureoumbra lagunensis, Pyrodinium bahamense, and Pseudo-nitzschia spp., and included corroborating techniques to improve the identification of small-celled nanoplankton (<10 µm in diameter). Identification and enumeration of these target taxa were conducted during 2015-2020 using a combination of light microscopy and species-specific approaches, specifically immunofluorescence flow cytometry as well as a newly developed qPCR assay for A. lagunensis presented here for the first time. An annual bloom index (ABI) was established for each taxon based on occurrence and abundance data. Blooms of A. lagunensis (>2×108 cells L-1) were observed in all six years sampled and across multiple seasons. In contrast, abundance of P. bahamense, largely driven by the annual temperature cycle that moderates life cycle transitions and growth, displayed a strong seasonal pattern with blooms (105-107 cells L-1) generally developing in early summer and subsiding in autumn. However, P. bahamense bloom development was delayed and abundance was significantly lower in years and locations with sustained A. lagunensis blooms. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. were broadly distributed with sporadic bloom concentrations (reaching 107 cells L-1), but with minimal concentrations of the toxin domoic acid detected (<0.02 µg L-1). In summer 2020, multiple monitoring tools characterized a novel nano-cyanobacterium bloom (reaching 109 cells L-1) that coincided with a decline in A. lagunensis and persisted into autumn. Statistical and time-series analyses of this spatiotemporally intensive dataset highlight prominent patterns in variability for some taxa, but also identifies challenges of characterizing mechanisms underlying more episodic yet persistent events. Nevertheless, the intersect of temperature and salinity as environmental proxies proved to be informative in delineating niche partitioning, not only in the case of taxa with long-standing data sets but also for seemingly unprecedented blooms of novel nanoplanktonic taxa.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(2)abr.-jun. 2010. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-556953


This is a historical account of the biodiversity of phytoplankton in Guanabara Bay, Brazil. It is based on 57 publications that refer to sampling carried out between 1913 and 2004. The publications included are those with direct microscopic identification. Although 80 percent of the studies focus on ecological issues that tend to mention only the most abundant species, 24 publications provide comprehensive check-lists at the species level, especially of taxa > 20 μm. The inventory of species includes, to date, 308 taxa among 199 diatoms, 90 dinoflagellates, 9 cyanobacteria, 5 euglenophyceans, 1 chlorophycean, 1 prasinophycean, 1 silicoflagellate, and 2 ebriids. The most conspicuous species were the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea and diatoms from the Skeletonema costatum complex. The first was the theme of the very first publication in the area (Faria 1914) that reported on its bloom associated with the mass mortality of fish due to oxygen depletion; it is still often found in high abundances (10(6) cell.L-1) in more protected areas. The second was long considered in the literature as a cosmopolitan and opportunistic species, until the recent discovery of cryptic species within the genus; taxonomic re-evaluation of local populations is, therefore, needed. Besides these two species, only other 25 species stood out in terms of frequency of occurrence and widespread distribution in the Bay, some known to be implicated in harmful blooms elsewhere. The biodiversity of dinoflagellates, especially within the Gymnodiniales, and that of other unidentified flagellates (Haptophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Raphidophyceae) is largely underestimated because of the use of fixatives that distort/destroy diagnostic characters. From the initial inventory of 124 taxa published in 1917 and the subsequent additions in species numbers, one can have a false perception that the phytoplankton biodiversity has increased throughout the years, despite the overall increase in eutrophication observed in Guanabara Bay. The reason for this may be twofold: 1) it is an artifact caused by our progressively improving technical capability to detect and identify species and 2) the possible effects of eutrophication could be better perceived when the community structure is evaluated, that is, when space-time variations in the abundances of the populations (rather than just number of species) are also taken into account.

Este é o histórico dos estudos sobre a biodiversidade do fitoplâncton da Baía da Guanabara, Brasil, com base em 57 publicações relativas a amostras coletadas no período entre 1913 e 2004. Estão aqui incluídas apenas as investigações que identificaram espécies por microscopia. Apesar de 80 por cento dos estudos serem de cunho ecológico, os quais tendem a citar apenas as espécies mais abundantes, 24 publicações incluem listas completas dos táxons identificados em nível específico, especialmente daqueles > 20 μm. Atualmente, o inventário de espécies inclui 308 táxons dentre 199 diatomáceas, 90 dinoflagelados, 9 cianobactérias, 5 euglenofíceas, 1 clorofícea, 1 prasinofícea, 1 silicoflagelado e 2 ebriideos. As duas espécies que mais se destacaram foram o dinoflagelado Scrippsiella trochoidea e diatomáceas do complexo Skeletonema costatum. A primeira foi o tema de publicação pioneira sobre o fitoplâncton da Baía (Faria 1914), que relatou sua floração associada à mortandade de peixes, e continua sendo detectada em altas concentrações (10(6) cell.L-1) em áreas mais protegidas. A segunda foi considerada por muitos anos na literatura como uma espécie cosmopolita e oportunista, até a descoberta recente de espécies crípticas dentro do gênero, indicando que as populações da Baía da Guanabara requerem revisão taxonômica. Além destas duas espécies, apenas 25 apresentaram alta freqüência de ocorrência e ampla distribuição, algumas relatadas como causadoras de florações nocivas em outros locais. A biodiversidade de dinoflagelados, especialmente dentre os Gymnodiniales, assim como a de outros grupos de flagelados ainda não identificados (Haptophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Raphidophyceae), está subestimada devido ao uso de fixadores que destorcem ou destroem caracteres diagnósticos. Se considerarmos o inventário de espécies mais antigo, uma lista de 124 táxons publicada em 1917, e o incremento no número de espécies desde então, é possível ter a falsa impressão de que a biodiversidade do fitoplâncton da Baía de Guanabara aumentou apesar da crescente eutrofização local. Há dois motivos possíveis: 1) trata-se apenas do reflexo do aprimoramento da capacidade técnica de detectar e identificar as espécies e 2) os efeitos potenciais da eutrofização podem ser melhor percebidos através da análise da estrutura da comunidade, ou seja, quando as tendências espaciais e temporais na abundância das populações (e não apenas no número de espécies) são levadas em consideração.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 8(3): 152-173, jul.-set. 2008. graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-500495


The objective of this study is to compile the inventory of nearly 100 years of research about the phytoplankton species cited for the coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A state-of-the-art study on the local biodiversity has long been needed to provide a baseline for future comparisons. This type of data is scattered in old scientific journals and in the so-called "grey literature", and are in need of nomenclature updating. Twenty-six publications are considered. The earliest sampling record is from 1913 (?) and the most recent from 2002. This checklist compiled from the literature was complemented with primary data collected between August 2004 and July 2006, recent surveys of the surf-zone of 20 beaches located along the coast and of a mariculture farm at the Cocanha Beach, Caraguatatuba. The complete species list includes 572 taxa: most are diatoms (82 percent), seconded by dinoflagellates (16 percent), with a minor contribution of silicoflagellates, coccolithophorids, ebriideans and cyanobacteria. The most investigated areas were: Ubatuba, São Sebastião, Santos and Cananéia. The recent surveys have a broader spatial coverage. The objectives of the studies have changed over the years from purely taxonomic to process-oriented investigations. Therefore, the longest species lists and most first records for the area were published before the 1980's and later publications, even those in which cell counts were performed, mention only the most abundant/frequent species. Electron microscopy was used for the first time in the present surveys, and new records include 38 diatoms, 42 dinoflagellates, 1 silicoflagellate, 1 ebriidean and 2 cyanobacteria. The use and interpretation of this species list require the perception of some constraints. It is not our role to question the identification made by other researchers. On the other hand, the ability to sample, analyze and identify species has evolved over the years and some considerations...

O objetivo deste estudo é compilar o inventário de quase 100 anos de pesquisa sobre a composição de espécies do fitoplâncton do litoral do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O retrato atualizado da biodiversidade local é necessário para establecer um dignóstico para comparações futuras. Este tipo de informação encontra-se dispersa em antigas publicações e em material considerado como "literatura cinza" e requer atualização nomenclatural. Vinte e seis publicações foram consideradas neste estudo. O registro mais antigo é de 1913 (?) e o mais recente de 2002. Esta lista de espécies, compilada a partir de dados pretéritos, foi complementada com dados primários coletados entre agosto de 2004 e julho de 2006 nas zonas de arrebentação de 20 praias paulistas e em área de maricultura da praia da Cocanha em Caraguatatuba. A lista de espécies completa inclui 572 táxons: a maioria de diatomáceas (82 por cento), seguidas por dinoflagelados (16 por cento), com uma pequena contribuição de silicoflagelados, cocolitoforídeos, ebriideas e cianobactérias. As áreas mais estudadas foram: Ubatuba, São Sebastião, Santos e Cananéia. O levantamento atual tem uma cobertura espacial mais abrangente. Ao longo dos anos, os objetivos dos estudos pretéritos variaram desde puramente taxonômicos até investigações de aspectos funcionais do ecossistema. Desta forma, os inventários mais longos e a maioria dos primeiros registros foram publicados antes de 1980 e as publicações mais recentes fazem menção apenas a espécies mais abundantes/freqüentes. Microscopia eletrônica foi empregada pela primeira vez no levantamento atual e novos registros incluem 38 diatomáceas, 42 dinoflagelados, 1 silicoflagelado, 1 ebriidea e 2 cianobactérias. O uso e interpretação deste inventário exige cautela. Se por um lado, não é viável questionar a identificação feita por outros pesquisadores, por outro lado, a capacidade de amostrar, analisar e identificar espécies evoluiu ao longo do tempo. Algumas...

Biodiversidade , Cianobactérias , Coleta de Dados , Diatomáceas , Fauna Marinha/análise , Fauna Marinha/classificação , Fitoplâncton