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Inorg Chem ; 57(9): 4921-4925, 2018 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29688716


Orange crystals of a Sn14 cluster have been isolated in up to 22% yield from a reaction between Me3SiCH2SnCl3, SnCl4, and LiAlH4. The structure determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction shows three unique Sn atoms in a 6:6:2 ratio, with all Sn atoms 4-coordinate, similar to the tetrahedral bonding in elemental gray Sn. The solid state 117Sn MAS NMR spectrum shows the three types of distinct Sn atoms in the expected 3:3:1 intensity ratio with respective chemical shifts of 87.9, -66.6, and -607.1 ppm relative to Me4Sn. The chemical shift of the two Sn atoms without ligands (bonded only to Sn), at -607.1 ppm, is the most upfield, and is the closest to the chemical shift, reported here, of bulk gray tin (-910 ppm). First-principles density functional theory calculations of the chemical shielding tensors corroborate this assignment. While the core coordination is distorted from the ideal tetrahedral arrangement in the diamond structure of gray tin, this Sn14 cluster, as the largest reported cluster with all 4-coordinate Sn, represents a major incremental step toward being able to prepare atomically precise nanoparticles of gray tin.

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson ; 96: 1-9, 2018 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30253250


We present an approach to increase the detection sensitivity of NMR by shortening the spin-lattice relaxation time using transient paramagnetic species created by light irradiation of "optorelaxer" molecules. In the ultimate implementation of this concept, not yet realized here, these transient species are absent during the detection period, thereby avoiding the loss of spectral resolution caused by inhomogeneous broadening from paramagnetic species. Real-time control of NMR relaxation by visible light is demonstrated with Fe(II)(ptz)6(BF4)2, (ptz = 1-propyltetrazole), abbreviated FePTZ. Illumination of FePTZ at 30 K results in a decrease of the 1H NMR spin-lattice relaxation time T1 due to formation of a high spin photoexcited state. The 1H NMR of polystyrene containing a low concentration of FePTZ molecules shows a similar reduction in T1, establishing that FePTZ can act as an optorelaxer for the protons of a matrix. Numerical modeling of the spin-diffusion processes from the protons in a FePTZ core to those in a shell of polystyrene accounts for the observed T1 effects under both dark and light conditions. Additionally, 1H MAS (magic-angle spinning) NMR results for pure FePTZ provide information on the isotropic and anisotropic portions of the electron-nuclear hyperfine interactions.

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson ; 55-56: 91-4, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24183811


Careful NMR measurements on a very lightly-doped reference silicon sample provide a convenient highly precise and accurate secondary chemical shift reference standard for (29)Si MAS-NMR applicable over a wide temperature range. The linear temperature-dependence of the (29)Si chemical shift measured in this sample is used to refine an earlier presentation of the paramagnetic (high-frequency) (29)Si resonance shifts in heavily-doped n-type silicon samples near the metal-nonmetal transition. The data show systematic decreases of the local magnetic fields with increasing temperature in the range 100-470 K for all samples in the carrier concentration range from 2×10(18) cm(-3) to 8×10(19) cm(-3). This trend is qualitatively similar to that previously observed for the two-orders of magnitude larger (31)P impurity NMR resonance shifts in the same temperature and concentration ranges. The (29)Si and (31)P resonance shifts are not related by a simple scaling factor, however, indicating that impurity and host nuclei are affected by different subsets of partially-localized extrinsic electrons at all temperatures.

Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Fósforo/química , Silício/química , Temperatura
Top Curr Chem ; 306: 229-312, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21898208


Studies of inorganic semiconductors by solid-state NMR vary widely in terms of the nature of the samples investigated, the techniques employed to observe the NMR signal, and the types of information obtained. Compared with the NMR of diamagnetic non-semiconducting substances, important differences often result from the presence of electron or hole carriers that are the hallmark of semiconductors, and whose theoretical interpretation can be involved. This review aims to provide a broad perspective on the topic for the non-expert by providing: (1) a basic introduction to semiconductor physical concepts relevant to NMR, including common crystal structures and the various methods of making samples; (2) discussions of the NMR spin Hamiltonian, details of some of the NMR techniques and strategies used to make measurements and theoretically predict NMR parameters, and examples of how each of the terms in the Hamiltonian has provided useful information in bulk semiconductors; (3) a discussion of the additional considerations needed to interpret the NMR of nanoscale semiconductors, with selected examples. The area of semiconductor NMR is being revitalized by this interest in nanoscale semiconductors, the great improvements in NMR detection sensitivity and resolution that have occurred, and the current interest in optical pumping and spintronics-related studies. Promising directions for future research will be noted throughout.

Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Semicondutores , Indicadores e Reagentes , Nanopartículas
J Chem Phys ; 133(23): 234509, 2010 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21186877


We investigate experimentally and theoretically the effects of two different types of conductivity, electrical and ionic, upon magic-angle spinning NMR spectra. The experimental demonstration of these effects involves (63)Cu, (65)Cu, and (127)I variable temperature MAS-NMR experiments on samples of γ-CuI, a Cu(+)-ion conductor at elevated temperatures as well as a wide bandgap semiconductor. We extend previous observations that the chemical shifts depend very strongly upon the square of the spinning-speed as well as the particular sample studied and the magnetic field strength. By using the (207)Pb resonance of lead nitrate mixed with the γ-CuI as an internal chemical shift thermometer we show that frictional heating effects of the rotor do not account for the observations. Instead, we find that spinning bulk CuI, a p-type semiconductor due to Cu(+) vacancies in nonstoichiometric samples, in a magnetic field generates induced AC electric currents from the Lorentz force that can resistively heat the sample by over 200 °C. These induced currents oscillate along the rotor spinning axis at the spinning speed. Their associated heating effects are disrupted in samples containing inert filler material, indicating the existence of macroscopic current pathways between micron-sized crystallites. Accurate measurements of the temperature-dependence of the (63)Cu and (127)I chemical shifts in such diluted samples reveal that they are of similar magnitude (ca. 0.27 ppm/K) but opposite sign (being negative for (63)Cu), and appear to depend slightly upon the particular sample. This relationship is identical to the corresponding slopes of the chemical shifts versus square of the spinning speed, again consistent with sample heating as the source of the observed large shift changes. Higher drive-gas pressures are required to spin samples that have higher effective electrical conductivities, indicating the presence of a braking effect arising from the induced currents produced by rotating a conductor in a homogeneous magnetic field. We present a theoretical analysis and finite-element simulations that account for the magnitude and rapid time-scale of the resistive heating effects and the quadratic spinning speed dependence of the chemical shift observed experimentally. Known thermophysical properties are used as inputs to the model, the sole adjustable parameter being a scaling of the bulk thermal conductivity of CuI in order to account for the effective thermal conductivity of the rotating powdered sample. In addition to the dramatic consequences of electrical conductivity in the sample, ionic conductivity also influences the spectra. All three nuclei exhibit quadrupolar satellite transitions extending over several hundred kilohertz that reflect defects perturbing the cubic symmetry of the zincblende lattice. Broadening of these satellite transitions with increasing temperature arises from the onset of Cu(+) ion jumps to sites with different electric field gradients, a process that interferes with the formation of rotational echoes. This broadening has been quantitatively analyzed for the (63)Cu and (65)Cu nuclei using a simple model in the literature to yield an activation barrier of 0.64 eV (61.7 kJ/mole) for the Cu(+) ion jumping motion responsible for the ionic conductivity that agrees with earlier results based on (63)Cu NMR relaxation times of static samples.

Solid State Nucl Magn Reson ; 66-67: 1-5, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25973460
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 12(37): 41277-41287, 2020 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32814427


We describe the opportunity to deploy aerogels-an ultraporous nanoarchitecture with co-continuous networks of meso/macropores and covalently bonded nanoparticulates-as a platform to address the nature of the electronic, ionic, and mass transport that underlies catalytic activity. As a test case, we fabricated Au||TiO2 junctions in composite guest-host aerogels in which ∼5 nm Au nanoparticles are incorporated either directly into the anatase TiO2 network (Au "in" TiO2, AuIN-TiO2 aerogel) or deposited onto preformed TiO2 aerogel (Au "on" TiO2, AuON/TiO2 aerogel). The metal-meets-oxide nanoscale interphase as visualized by electron tomography feature extended three-dimensional (3D) interfaces, but AuIN-TiO2 aerogels impose a greater degree of Au contact with TiO2 particles than does the AuON/TiO2 form. Both aerogel variants enable transport of electrons over micrometer-scale distances across the TiO2 network to Au||TiO2 junctions, as evidenced by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and ultrafast visible pump-IR probe time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. The siting of gold nanoparticles in the TiO2 network more effectively disperses trapped electrons. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations find that increased physical contact between Au and TiO2, induced by oxygen vacancies, produces increased hybridization of midgap states and quenches unpaired trapped electrons. We assign the apparent differences in electron-transport capabilities to a combination of the relatively better-wired Au||TiO2 junctions in AuIN-TiO2 aerogels, which have a greater capacity to dilute accumulated charge over a larger interfacial surface area, with an enhanced ability to discharge the accumulated electrons via catalytic reduction of adsorbed O2 to O2- at the interface. Solid-state 1H nuclear magnetic resonance experiments show that proton spin-lattice relaxation times and possibly proton diffusion are strongly coupled to Au||TiO2 interfacial design, likely through spin coupling of protons to unpaired electrons trapped at the TiO2 network. Taken together, our results show that Au||TiO2 interfacial design strongly impacts charge carrier (electron and proton) transport over mesoscale distances in catalytic aerogel architectures.

J Magn Reson ; 180(1): 147-61, 2006 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16490373


Multifrequency pulsed NMR experiments on quadrupole-perturbed I=3/2 spins in single crystals are shown to be useful for measuring spin-lattice relaxation parameters even for a mixture of quadrupolar plus magnetic relaxation mechanisms. Such measurements can then be related to other MAS-NMR experiments on powders. This strategy is demonstrated by studies of (71)Ga and (69)Ga (both I=3/2) spin-lattice relaxation behavior in a single-crystal (film) sample of gallium nitride, GaN, at various orientations of the axially symmetric nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor. Observation of apparent single-exponential relaxation behavior in I=3/2 saturation-recovery experiments can be misleading when individual contributing rate processes are neglected in the interpretation. The quadrupolar mechanism (dominant in this study) has both a single-quantum process (T(1Q1)) and a double-quantum process (T(1Q2)), whose time constants are not necessarily equal. Magnetic relaxation (in this study most likely arising from hyperfine couplings to unpaired delocalized electron spins in the conduction band) also contributes to a single-quantum process (T(1M)). A strategy of multifrequency irradiation with observation of satellite and/or central transitions, incorporating different initial conditions for the level populations, provides a means of obtaining these three relaxation time constants from single-crystal (71)Ga data alone. The (69)Ga results provide a further check of internal consistency, since magnetic and quadrupolar contributions to its relaxation scale in opposite directions compared to (71)Ga. For both perpendicular and parallel quadrupole coupling tensor symmetry axis orientations small but significant differences between T(1Q1) and T(1Q2) were measured, whereas for a tensor symmetry axis oriented at the magic-angle (54.74 degrees ) the values were essentially equal. Magic-angle spinning introduces a number of complications into the measurement and interpretation of the spin-lattice relaxation. Comparison of (71)Ga and (69)Ga MAS-NMR saturation-recovery curves with both central and satellite transitions completely saturated by a train of 90 degrees pulses incommensurate with the rotor period provides the simplest means of assessing the contribution from magnetic relaxation, and yields results for the quadrupolar mechanism contribution that are consistent with those obtained from the film sample.

J Magn Reson ; 252: 135-44, 2015 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25700115


Measuring true spin-lattice relaxation times T(1) of half-integral quadrupolar nuclei having non-zero nuclear quadrupole coupling constants (NQCCs) presents challenges due to the presence of satellite-transitions (STs) that may lie outside the excitation bandwidth of the central transition (CT). This leads to complications in establishing well-defined initial conditions for the population differences in these multi-level systems. In addition, experiments involving magic-angle spinning (MAS) can introduce spin exchange due to zero-crossings of the ST and CT (or possibly rotational resonance recoupling in the case of multiple sites) and greatly altered initial conditions as well. An extensive comparison of pulse sequences that have been previously used to measure T(1) in such systems is reported, using the (71)Ga (I=3/2) NMR of a Ge-doped h-GaN n-type semiconductor sample as the test case. The T(1) values were measured at the peak maximum of the Knight shift distribution. Analytical expressions for magnetization-recovery of the CT appropriate to the pulse sequences tested were used, involving contributions from both a magnetic relaxation mechanism (rate constant W) and a quadrupolar one (rate constants W(1) and W(2), approximately equal in this case). An asynchronous train of high-power saturating pulses under MAS that is able to completely saturate both CT and STs is found to be the most reliable and accurate method for obtaining the "true T(1)", defined here as (2W+2W1,2)(-)(1). All other methods studied yielded poor agreement with this "true T(1)" value or even resulted in gross errors, for reasons that are analyzed in detail. These methods involved a synchronous train of saturating pulses under MAS, an inversion-recovery sequence under MAS or static conditions, and a saturating comb of pulses on a static sample. Although the present results were obtained on a sample where the magnetic relaxation mechanism dominated the quadrupolar one, the asynchronous saturating pulse train approach is not limited to this situation. The extent to which W(1) and W(2) are unequal does affect the interpretability of the experiment however, particularly when the quadrupolar mechanism dominates. A numerically approximate solution for the I=3/2 recovery case reveals the quantitative effects of any such inequality.

J Am Chem Soc ; 128(15): 4952-3, 2006 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16608319


A strategy is demonstrated for identifying unambiguously and characterizing quantitatively the effects of distributions of conduction electron concentrations arising from intentional or unintentional dopants in semiconductors by magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR. The 71Ga MAS NMR spectra of a number of chemically synthesized GaN samples with no intentional doping show inhomogeneously broadened absorptions to high frequency of the main peak. These broad signals are shown, from spin-lattice relaxation time measurements as a function of shift position in a single sample, to be due to Knight shifts arising from degenerate conduction electrons. For a GaN sample with Ge as an intentional dopant at the 0.13% (wt) level, the spectrum is dramatically broadened and shifted to high frequency by up to several hundred parts per million. Analysis of the inhomogeneously broadened line shape yields a quantitative probability density function for electron carrier concentration in the bulk sample that reflects significant compositional heterogeneity due to a variety of possible sources.

J Am Chem Soc ; 126(30): 9166-7, 2004 Aug 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15281790


Hexagonal and cubic polytypes of bulk gallium nitride powders are characterized by 69,71Ga and 14N MAS NMR at 11.7 T. The (corrected) 71Ga chemical shifts are 333.0 and 357.5 ppm, respectively; the corresponding 14N chemical shifts are -301.8 and -297.0 ppm (all shifts referenced to 1 M gallium nitrate). The 69,71Ga nuclear quadrupole coupling constants (NQCC) in the hexagonal form are axially symmetric and agree with previous single-crystal determinations. The 71Ga MAS NMR satellite pattern envelope of the cubic form has a large Gaussian half-height width of 297 kHz, due to nonzero NQCC values induced by defects. The 14N MAS NMR spinning sideband pattern of the cubic form has a Lorentzian envelope half-height width of 17.5 kHz for the same reason. A sample containing both phases shows an unexpected marked loss of the 71Ga MAS NMR satellite transition intensity expected for the hexagonal phase. Static 71Ga-selective Hahn spin-echo measurements at the perpendicular edge of the powder pattern for the hexagonal form in this sample show a large reduction in T2, especially at higher temperatures. The partial destruction of both spin-echoes and rotational echoes is due to a chemical-exchange type process involving sites having different NQCC values.