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Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre la doble protección anticonceptiva en estudiantes de la carrera de medicina de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato / Knowledge, attitudes and practices about double contraceptive protection in medical students at the Technical University of Ambato

Aveiga Flores, M.
Ambato; s.n; 2021. 151 p.
Thesis in Spanish | MMyP | ID: biblio-1254446
One of the main reasons to use contraceptive methods is to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, very few take into consideration that they also need to prevent a Sexually Transmitted Infection. The use of double contraceptive protection is a form of safe sex, since through it an unplanned pregnancy can be avoided simultaneously, and a Sexually Transmitted Infection can be prevented. The objective of this research is To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices about contraception and how they influence the use of double contraceptive protection in students of the Medical School of the Technical University of Ambato. A study was carried out with a mixed


quantitative and qualitative, cross-sectional, field, the collection of information was carried out through an ethnographic survey applied to 230 students of the first, sixth and tenth semesters of the Medicine career. To determine the existence or not of independence, Pearson's Chi-square (x2) statistic was applied, the values of p <0.05 were considered significant. The results allow us to affirm that the level of knowledge about contraception possessed by medical students does not condition the preference or frequency of use of the double protection method. Regarding attitudes, these do not influence the use of double contraceptive protection; These results are maintained in all semesters of the study participants. While the practices on contraception and Sexually Transmitted Infection of first-semester medical students determine the preference or frequency of use of the double protection method. These results are not presented in the sixth and tenth semesters. Therefore, it can be concluded that knowledge and attitudes do not influence the use of double protection, while practices determine the preference or frequency of use of double contraceptive protection in first-semester students, but not in students. sixth semester and tenth semester. (AU)
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