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Politics Life Sci ; 43(1): 11-23, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38567779


The COVID-19 pandemic highlights a long-known but often neglected aspect of international relations: the ability of disease to challenge and change all aspects of security, as well as the ability of public policies to change the course of disease progression. Diseases, especially mass epidemics like COVID-19, clearly affect political, economic, and social structures, but they can also be ameliorated or exacerbated by political policies, including public health policies. The threat of pandemic disease poses a widespread and increasing threat to international stability. Indeed, the political implications of pandemic disease have become increasingly evident as COVID-19 has precipitated death, economic collapse, and political instability around the globe. Any pandemic disease can precipitate catastrophes, from increasing health care costs to decreased productivity. This theoretical discussion highlights the intertwined interactions between social, political, and economic forces and the emergence and evolution of pandemic disease, with widespread implications for governance and international security.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , Humanos , Política , Política Pública , COVID-19/epidemiologia
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 31: e2024008, 2024.
Artigo em Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38597566


This article investigates the first generation (1973-1977) of researchers trained in the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro (IUPERJ). While IUPERJ is known as the birthplace of modern Brazilian political science, sociology there is less well known. Using documentary resources, interviews, and the secondary literature, we take a nuanced look at this generation, which has been described as both excessively heterogeneous and less original in comparison to political science at IUPERJ. For them, theoretical and methodological specialization was seen as central to a political sociology that sought responses to the demands of a society at the crossroads between modernization and redemocratization.

Este artigo busca compreender a vocação científica consagrada pela primeira geração (1973-1977) de pesquisadores do Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia do Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro (Iuperj). Embora o Iuperj seja visto como berço da moderna ciência política brasileira, pouco se sabe sobre sua sociologia. Para tal, baseamo-nos em documentos, entrevistas e bibliografia secundária. Queremos nuançar diagnósticos sobre essa geração, ora vista como excessivamente heterogênea, ora como pouco original se comparada à ciência política iuperjiana. Na vocação daquela geração, o elogio à especialização teórico-metodológica era parte central de uma sociologia política que buscava dar respostas às demandas de uma sociedade na encruzilhada entre modernização e redemocratização.

Política , Sociologia , Brasil , Ocupações
Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 61-74, Abr 10, 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232312


Introducción: La intersexualidad comprende condicionesinfrecuentes donde una persona nace con una anatomíasexual diferente del binario hombre-mujer; esto suponehabitar un cuerpo fuera de lo inteligible y estigmatizado.Históricamente, desde la heteronorma, el modelo biomédicoha buscado normalizarles quirúrgicamente para asignarprecoz y arbitrariamente un sexo-género armónico con lagenitalidad. Desde los Derechos Humanos, estas prácticasson cuestionadas por colectivos Intersex.Materiales y método: Estudio de caso, entre años 2019 y2020; técnica de entrevista en profundidad a dos usuariosadultos de los Policlínicos de Urología y Endocrinología de unhospital público en Santiago, Chile; se utilizó la fenomenologíade Husserl para comprender la experiencia en el sistema desalud de las personas intersex. El análisis de la informaciónse basó en la propuesta de Colaizzi.Resultados: Se reconocieron unidades de significado principalese imbricadas, cuyas esencias permitieron describir el fenómenode: ser niño y habitar el espacio hospitalario, vivir con lacondición actualmente, y la experiencia de utilizar el sistemade salud siendo adulto.Conclusiones: Se identificaron diversas estrategias de agenciatanto en el espacio hospitalario como el cotidiano, medianteun proceso personal y silencioso de aprendizajes sobre lasimplicancias de ser intersexual.(AU)

Introduction: Intersexuality includes extremely rareconditions where a person is born with a sexual anatomydifferent from the male-female binary; this supposesinhabiting a body outside the intelligible, configuringa stigma. Historically and from the heteronorm, thebiomedical model has sought to surgically normalizethem in order to precociously and arbitrarily assigna gender in harmony with genitality. From HumanRights, these practices have been questioned byIntersex groups.Materials and method: During the years 2019 and2020, case studies were carried out through in-depthinterviews with two adult users of the Urology andEndocrinology Polyclinics of a public hospital atSantiago, Chile; Husserl's phenomenology was usedto visualize the phenomenon according to how it isexperienced by the subjects who carry it, using theprocedure described by Colaizzi as an informationanalysis plan.Results: Main and overlapping units of meaning wererecognized, whose essences allowed describing thephenomenon of: being a child and inhabiting thehospital space, currently living with the condition,and the experience of using the health system as anadult, with new and own meanings.Conclusions: Various agency strategies were identifiedboth in the hospital space and in everyday life, througha personal and silent process of learning about theimplications of being intersex.(AU)

Introdução: Intersexo compreende condições rarasem que uma pessoa nasce com uma anatomia sexualdiferente do binário masculino-feminino; Isso significahabitar um corpo fora do que é inteligível e estigmatizado.Historicamente, a partir da heteronormação, o modelobiomédico buscou normalizá-los cirurgicamente paraatribuir precoce e arbitrariamente um sexo-gêneroharmônico com a genitalidade. A partir dos DireitosHumanos, essas práticas são questionadas por gruposintersexuais.Materiais e método: Estudo de caso, entre os anos de2019 e 2020; técnica de entrevista em profundidadecom dois usuários adultos das Policlínicas de Urologiae Endocrinologia de um hospital público de Santiago,Chile; A fenomenologia de Husserl foi utilizada paracompreender a experiência de pessoas intersexuaisno sistema de saúde. A análise das informações foibaseada na proposta de Colaizzi.Resultados: Reconheceram-se unidades de significadoprincipais e sobrepostas, cujas essências permitiramdescrever o fenômeno de: ser criança e habitar oespaço hospitalar, viver atualmente com a condição e aexperiência de usar o sistema de saúde na fase adulta.Conclusões: Foram identificadas várias estratégiasde agenciamento tanto no hospital como na vidaquotidiana, através de um processo pessoal e silenciosode aprendizagem sobre as implicações de ser intersexo.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Sistemas de Saúde , Transtornos do Desenvolvimento Sexual/enfermagem , Direitos Humanos , 17627 , Chile , Inquéritos e Questionários , Política
Vet Rec ; 194(8): i-iii, 2024 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38639252


Entering the political arena isn't for everyone, but here the second - and currently only - vet to sit in the House of Lords, Lord Trees, and his parliamentary intern, discuss why contributing to parliamentary business is an exciting and stimulating end and start to their respective careers.

Políticas , Política , Animais , Árvores
BMJ ; 385: q911, 2024 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38641360
Health Res Policy Syst ; 22(1): 47, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622666


BACKGROUND: Generally, public health policy-making is hardly a linear process and is characterized by interactions among politicians, institutions, researchers, technocrats and practitioners from diverse fields, as well as brokers, interest groups, financiers and a gamut of other actors. Meanwhile, most public health policies and systems in Africa appear to be built loosely on technical and scientific evidence, but with high political systems and ideologies. While studies on national health policies in Africa are growing, there seems to be inadequate evidence mapping on common themes and concepts across existing literature. PURPOSE: The study seeks to explore the extent and type of evidence that exist on the conflict between politics and scientific evidence in the national health policy-making processes in Africa. METHODS: A thorough literature search was done in PubMed, Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect, Dimensions, Taylor and Francis, Chicago Journals, Emerald Insight, JSTOR and Google Scholar. In total, 43 peer-reviewed articles were eligible and used for this review. RESULT: We found that the conflicts to evidence usage in policy-making include competing interests and lack of commitment; global policy goals, interest/influence, power imbalance and funding, morals; and evidence-based approaches, self-sufficiency, collaboration among actors, policy priorities and existing structures. Barriers to the health policy process include fragmentation among actors, poor advocacy, lack of clarity on the agenda, inadequate evidence, inadequate consultation and corruption. The impact of the politics-evidence conflict includes policy agenda abrogation, suboptimal policy development success and policy implementation inadequacies. CONCLUSIONS: We report that political interests in most cases influence policy-makers and other stakeholders to prioritize financial gains over the use of research evidence to policy goals and targets. This situation has the tendency for inadequate health policies with poor implementation gaps. Addressing these issues requires incorporating relevant evidence into health policies, making strong leadership, effective governance and a commitment to public health.

Política de Saúde , Formulação de Políticas , Humanos , Política Pública , Política , África
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 31: e2024010, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38629659


This paper examines the development of the TECNO-ITINTEC museum, the first interactive science museum in Peru, which opened in 1979. The museum functioned under the Institute of Industrial Technology Research and Technical Standards (ITINTEC), a public institution established during the government of Velazco Alvarado. In 1975, Jorge Heraud became the president of ITINTEC's Board of Directors and proposed a science museum to inspire future generations of scientists. José Castro Mendívil joined as the exhibition's director and designer. Their motivation to open a museum coincided with the government's ideals for modernization and nationalization. This article analyzes various sources including newspapers, laws that regulated the institute, reports, and interviews with people involved in the museum to understand how science and politics intersected in TECNO-ITINTEC.

Museus , Política , Humanos , Peru , Governo , Tecnologia
PLoS One ; 19(4): e0294735, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38603640


Using a novel dataset of 590M messages by 21M users, we present the first large-scale examination of the behavior of likely Bernie supporters on Twitter during the 2020 U.S. Democratic primaries and presidential election. We use these data to dispel empirically the notion of a unified, stereotypical Bernie supporter (e.g., the "Bernie Bro"). Instead, our work uncovers significant variation in the identities and ideologies of Bernie supporters who were active on Twitter. Our work makes three contributions to the literature on social media and social movements. Methodologically, we present a novel mixed methods approach to surface identity and ideological variation within a movement via use of patterns in who retweets whom (i.e. who retweets which other users) and who retweets what (i.e. who retweets which specific tweets). Substantively, documentation of these variations challenges a trend in the social movement literature to assume actors within a particular movement are unified in their ideology, identity, and values.

Mídias Sociais , Humanos , Política , Documentação
Science ; 384(6693): 251, 2024 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38635696


France is at a crossroads, facing environmental and social challenges that are profoundly altering its society. Yet, the French government keeps prioritizing short-term political gains over long-term evidence-based planning for major transitions that France, like most countries, will undergo over the next 20 years. There is an urgent need for France to implement long-term science-informed policy-making.

Política , Política Pública , Dinâmica Populacional , Demografia , Países Desenvolvidos , França
BMJ ; 385: q844, 2024 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38636964

Política , Humanos , Índia
PLoS One ; 19(4): e0297446, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38625884


Despite significant growth in fiscal expenditure, the overall level of public services in China remains inadequate. One approach to improving government public service efficiency from the perspective of management psychology is to strengthen government competition. However, only a few studies have explored the improvement of public service efficiency through government competition, with even fewer addressing the phenomena of market segmentation and spatial effects that accompany the process of government competition. This paper aims to fill this research gap by examining the effects of government competition and market segmentation on public service efficiency, as well as their spatial disparities. We initially employs the DEA method to assess the efficiency of public services based on inputs and outputs, and examines its spatial variations. Subsequently, a semi-parametric spatial lag panel model is utilized to validate the effects of market segmentation and government competition on public service efficiency. Our findings indicate that inter-provincial market segmentation leads to a decline in public service efficiency. Moreover, the influence of horizontal competition between local governments on public service efficiency varies depending on the degree of positive and negative effects in their competition dynamics. The impact of vertical competition between central and local governments on public service efficiency is influenced by the degree of fiscal decentralization. When the level of fiscal decentralization is below 0.808, vertical competition between central and local governments has a promoting effect on public service efficiency. However, when the degree of fiscal decentralization exceeds 0.08, this promoting effect weakens and gradually transforms into a negative influence. The insights and evidence provided by this study offer valuable guidance for for effectively reshaping the fiscal relations between the central and local governments in China and improving public service efficiency in the context of a new round of fiscal and tax system reforms.

Eficiência , Política , Gastos em Saúde , Governo Local , China , Desenvolvimento Econômico
Afr J Reprod Health ; 28(3): 74-80, 2024 Mar 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38583069


This study examines the nexus among political factors, carbon emissions, and life expectancy between 1990 and 2020 in India. Data for this study was extracted from the World Bank Development indicators, after which it was subjected to econometrics analysis. The results showed that on averages, between 1990 and 2020, India experienced a life expectancy around 65 years. Fossil fuel energy consumption represents a small proportion of total energy consumption in India. However, carbon emissions and life expectancy have a positive and significant relationship. Fossil fuel usage and life expectancy possess a significantly positive relationship (FFEC = 0.044128, P-value = 0.0023) Moreover, government effectiveness and life expectancy have a significant direct relationship. Political stability and life expectancy have a significant negative relationship in the country. We conclude that policymakers in India should ensure that carbon emissions and fossil fuel usage in India do not pose a threat to life expectancy. Efforts should be put in place by policymakers in India to increase life expectancy , a strategic component of SDG 3- good health and well being for all at all ages, by ensuring stable political climate, good governance and efficient health enhanced public policies.

Cette étude examine le lien entre les facteurs politiques, les émissions de carbone et l'espérance de vie entre 1990 et 2020 en Inde. Les données de cette étude ont été extraites des indicateurs de développement de la Banque mondiale, après quoi elles ont été soumises à une analyse économétrique. Les résultats ont montré qu'en moyenne, entre 1990 et 2020, l'Inde a connu une espérance de vie d'environ 65 ans. La consommation d'énergie fossile représente une petite proportion de la consommation totale d'énergie en Inde. Cependant, les émissions de carbone et l'espérance de vie ont une relation positive et significative. L'utilisation de combustibles fossiles et l'espérance de vie possèdent une relation significativement positive (FFEC = 0,044128, valeur P = 0,0023). De plus, l'efficacité du gouvernement et l'espérance de vie ont une relation directe significative. La stabilité politique et l'espérance de vie ont une relation négative significative dans le pays. Nous concluons que les décideurs politiques indiens devraient veiller à ce que les émissions de carbone et l'utilisation de combustibles fossiles en Inde ne constituent pas une menace pour l'espérance de vie. Des efforts devraient être mis en place par les décideurs politiques indiens pour augmenter l'espérance de vie, une composante stratégique de l'ODD 3 - bonne santé et bien-être pour tous à tout âge, en garantissant un climat politique stable, une bonne gouvernance et des politiques publiques efficaces et améliorées en matière de santé.

Carbono , Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Humanos , Combustíveis Fósseis , Política , Expectativa de Vida , Índia
PLoS One ; 19(4): e0301053, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38573942


Variations in political participation are linked to demographic factors, socioeconomic disparities, and cultural-ethnic diversity. Existing research has primarily explored reduced political involvement among individuals with disabilities, particularly in electoral politics. However, little research has attended the involvement of deaf people specifically. This is of interest because deaf youth are at an intersection of disability, language and cultural identity with their language affiliations and rejection or acceptance of disability evolving through childhood. This study draws from original data collected via an online survey, comprising 163 deaf young respondents aged 16-19 in Great Britain. We compare their levels of political participation with those of general population peers to explore how sociodemographic factors, alongside variations in self-identification as deaf, and meaningful interactions with other deaf people contribute to explain their political engagement. The results challenge conventional wisdom by demonstrating that deaf youth participate more actively in politics than their hearing peers in various forms of political involvement, including collective, contact, and institutional activism. We also recognize differences among deaf youth and propose that social aspects of identity formation, particularly embracing a deaf identity and having deaf friends, can boost certain forms of political engagement. In summary, this study underscores the importance of acknowledging the diversity of deaf youth in terms of affiliation with various forms of deaf identity, rendering their experience different from both disabled and hearing youth. By identifying the factors driving heightened political participation, policymakers and advocates can develop strategies to enhance political engagement among all young people, regardless of their hearing status.

Pessoas com Deficiência , Humanos , Adolescente , Criança , Reino Unido , Política , Grupo Associado , Diversidade Cultural
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 7948, 2024 04 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38575627


The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between democratic quality and excess mortality produced in the year 2020 before COVID-19 vaccinations were generalised. Using cross-sectional data from 80 countries on five continents, multiple linear regression models between excess mortality, the general democracy index and its disaggregation into five categories: electoral process and pluralism, government functioning, political participation, political culture and civil liberties were estimated. The analysis also considered, public health spending per capita, overweight inhabitants, the average temperature of the country, population over 65 years of age, The KOF Globalisation Index, and the Gross National Income per capita as control variables. It was possible to establish a strong inverse association between excess mortality per million inhabitants and the general democracy index and four of its five categories. There was a particularly strong relationship between excess mortality and the political culture dimension (-326.50, p < 0.001). The results suggest that the higher the democratic quality of the political institutions of a State and particularly of their political culture the more improved the response and management of the pandemic was in preventing deaths and protecting their citizens more effectively. Conversely, countries with lower democracy index values have higher excess mortality. Quality democratic political institutions provide more effective public health policies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Democracia , Pandemias , Estudos Transversais , Política
Sci Eng Ethics ; 30(2): 13, 2024 Apr 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38575812


Controversies surrounding social media platforms have provided opportunities for institutional reflexivity amongst users and regulators on how to understand and govern platforms. Amidst contestation, platform companies have continued to enact projects that draw upon existing modes of privatized governance. We investigate how social media companies have attempted to achieve closure by continuing to set the terms around platform governance. We investigate two projects implemented by Facebook (Meta)-authenticity regulation and privacy controls-in response to the Russian Interference and Cambridge Analytica controversies surrounding the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Drawing on Goffman's metaphor of stage management, we analyze the techniques deployed by Facebook to reinforce a division between what is visible and invisible to the user experience. These platform governance projects propose to act upon front-stage data relations: information that users can see from other users-whether that is content that users can see from "bad actors", or information that other users can see about oneself. At the same time, these projects relegate back-stage data relations-information flows between users constituted by recommendation and targeted advertising systems-to invisibility and inaction. As such, Facebook renders the user experience actionable for governance, while foreclosing governance of back-stage data relations central to the economic value of the platform. As social media companies continue to perform platform governance projects following controversies, our paper invites reflection on the politics of these projects. By destabilizing the boundaries drawn by platform companies, we open space for continuous reflexivity on how platforms should be understood and governed.

Mídias Sociais , Humanos , Política , Privacidade
Lancet Planet Health ; 8(4): e213, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38580420
