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PLoS One ; 19(5): e0302889, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38709805


Semi-articulated remains of a large chelonioid turtle from the Turonian strata (Upper Cretaceous; ca. 93.9-89.8 Myr) near Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo (Verona province, northeastern Italy) are described for the first time. Together with the skeletal elements, the specimen also preserves pebbles inside the thoracic area which are lithologically distinct from the surrounding matrix. These allochthonous clasts are here interpreted as geo-gastroliths, in-life ingested stones that resided in the digestive tract of the animal. This interpretation marks the first reported evidence of geophagy in a fossil marine turtle. SEM-EDS analysis, together with macroscopic petrological characterization, confirm the presence of both siliceous and carbonatic pebbles. These putative geo-gastroliths have morphometries and size ranges more similar to those of gastroliths in different taxa (fossils and extant) than allochthonous "dropstone" clasts from the same deposit that were carried by floating vegetation A dense pitted pattern of superficial erosion is microscopically recognizable on the carbonatic gastroliths, consistent with surface etching due to gastric acids. The occurrence of a similar pattern was demonstrated by the experimental etching of carbonatic pebbles with synthetic gastric juice. Gut contents of modern green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) were surveyed for substrate ingestion, providing direct evidence of geophagic behavior in extant chelonioids. Comparison with modern turtle dietary habits may suggests that the pebbles were ingested as a way to supplement calcium after or in preparation for egg deposition, implying that the studied specimen was possibly a gravid female.

Fósiles , Tortugas , Animales , Tortugas/anatomía & histología , Italia , Paleontología
PeerJ ; 8: e10167, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33282548


Associated and isolated teeth of the extinct elasmobranch Ptychodus latissimus Agassiz, 1835 from the Upper Cretaceous Scaglia Rossa pelagic limestone of northern Italy are described and discussed here in detail for the first time. The dentition of this widely distributed species consists of low-crowned molariform teeth that exhibit marked and strong occlusal ornamentations suitable for crushing hard-shelled prey. The associated tooth sets and isolated teeth analyzed here are heterogeneous in size and crown outline, but unambiguously belong to a single species. Re-examination of this Italian material consisting of ca. 30 specimens mostly coming from historical collections allows for a rigorous assessment of the intraspecific variability of P. latissimus, including the identification of three different tooth "morphotypes" based on their positions within the jaws. The relatively flat crowns and occlusal sharp and thick ridges indicate a high adaptation for crushing hard-shelled prey in P. latissimus indicating that the durophagous adaptations of this species were certainly more pronounced than in all other species of Ptychodus. We hypothesize that P. latissimus was a third-level predator occupying habitats with abundant thick-shelled prey, such as inoceramid bivalves and ammonites.