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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 9579, 2024 04 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38671082


Marine animal forest (MAF) are animal-dominated megabenthic communities that support high biodiversity levels and play key roles in ecosystem functioning. However, there is limited data available in Patagonian waters related to the presence of these vulnerable benthic communities. We report a monospecific MAF of Errina antartica in Angostura Tomms, which represents the southernmost known living MAF of this species. With coverages reaching up to 28.5% of the substrate from 1.23 m to, at least, 33 m depth is the shallowest stylasterid assemblage described worldwide to date. The size of the colonies ranged from 0.14 to 15.8 cm, with small colonies (< 10 cm) being the most abundant (99%). We hypothesize that this MAF might correspond to a recent colonization of a space, extending its distribution range towards shallower areas or it could be an assemblage formed at the limit of the species' distribution in which the environmental conditions are not optimal for the major development of the colonies. Additionally, results showed that habitats structured by three-dimensional sessile invertebrate such as E. antarctica showed higher values of species richness and alpha diversity than non-biogenic habitats. Analyses were based on 297 photos taken at 22 different sites in the western Strait of Magellan, along vertical transects from 5 to 25 m depth. Our study highlights the importance of the benthic communities existing in Patagonian waters, evidencing the need to act actively to ensure their maintenance.

Biodiversidad , Animales , Regiones Antárticas , Ecosistema , Pradera , Organismos Acuáticos/fisiología , Invertebrados/fisiología , Invertebrados/clasificación
Ene ; 17(1)2023. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-226712


Objetivo principal: Identificar la mejor evidencia disponible sobre inter venciones efectivas para la exploración y estratificación del PD. Metodología: Revisión de Guías de Práctica Clínica con recomendacio nes acerca de la exploración y estratifi cación del PD. Resultados principales: Recopi lamos las intervenciones que son más efectivas para diagnosticar precozmente el PD en A.P recogidas de 10 GPC. In cluyen la evaluación visual de los pies, la valoración de la neuropatía diabética pe riférica mediante monofilamento de Semmes-Weinstein de 10 g, diapasón de 128 Hz y exploración del reflejo aquíleo, y la valoración de la enfermedad arterial periférica mediante la palpación de pul sos periféricos y determinación del índice tobillo brazo. Posteriormente estratifica ción del riesgo de desarrollar un PD. Conclusión principal: La monitori zación de las extremidades inferiores debe formar parte de los planes de cui dados de los pacientes diabéticos. Se deberían establecer unidades especiali zadas en atención al PD y poder derivar desde AP a estos pacientes (AU)

Interventions for foot examination in diabetic patients in Primary Care: A review of Clinical Practice Guidelines Main objective: To identify the best available evidence on effective in terventions in the exploration and diag nosis of DF. Methodology: Review of the Clini cal Practice Guidelines with recommen dations on the exploration and stratifica tion of DF. Main results: We compiled the interventions that are most effective for early diagnosis of DF in P.C collected in 10 CPG. They include visual assessment of their feet, assessment of diabetic pe ripheral neuropathy using a 10-g Sem mes-Weinstein monofilament, 128-Hz tuning fork, and Achilles reflex testing, assessment of peripheral arterial disease by palpation of peripheral pulses, and determination of the ankle arm index Subsequently, risk stratification of deve loping DF. Main conclusion: Monitoring of the lower extremities should be part of the care plans for diabetic patients. Spe cialized units should be established for DF care and these patients should be able to be referred from PC (AU)

Humanos , Atención Primaria de Salud , Pie Diabético/enfermería , Guías de Práctica Clínica como Asunto