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PNAS Nexus ; 3(1): pgad483, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38222466


The COVID-19 stay-at-home orders issued in the United States caused significant reductions in traffic and economic activities. To understand the pandemic's perturbations on US emissions and impacts on urban air quality, we developed near-real-time bottom-up emission inventories based on publicly available energy and economic datasets, simulated the emission changes in a chemical transport model, and evaluated air quality impacts against various observations. The COVID-19 pandemic affected US emissions across broad-based energy and economic sectors and the impacts persisted to 2021. Compared with 2019 business-as-usual emission scenario, COVID-19 perturbations resulted in annual decreases of 10-15% in emissions of ozone (O3) and fine particle (PM2.5) gas-phase precursors, which are about two to four times larger than long-term annual trends during 2010-2019. While significant COVID-induced reductions in transportation and industrial activities, particularly in April-June 2020, resulted in overall national decreases in air pollutants, meteorological variability across the nation led to local increases or decreases of air pollutants, and mixed air quality changes across the United States between 2019 and 2020. Over a full year (April 2020 to March 2021), COVID-induced emission reductions led to 3-4% decreases in national population-weighted annual fourth maximum of daily maximum 8-h average O3 and annual PM2.5. Assuming these emission reductions could be maintained in the future, the result would be a 4-5% decrease in premature mortality attributable to ambient air pollution, suggesting that continued efforts to mitigate gaseous pollutants from anthropogenic sources can further protect human health from air pollution in the future.

Environ Sci Technol ; 57(5): 1870-1881, 2023 02 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36695819


We report aircraft observations of extreme levels of HCl and the dihalogens Cl2, Br2, and BrCl in an industrial plume near the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Complete depletion of O3 was observed concurrently with halogen enhancements as a direct result of photochemically produced halogen radicals. Observed fluxes for Cl2, HCl, and NOx agreed with facility-reported emissions inventories. Bromine emissions are not required to be reported in the inventory, but are estimated as 173 Mg year-1 Br2 and 949 Mg year-1 BrCl, representing a major uncounted oxidant source. A zero-dimensional photochemical box model reproduced the observed O3 depletions and demonstrated that bromine radical cycling was principally responsible for the rapid O3 depletion. Inclusion of observed halogen emissions in both the box model and a 3D chemical model showed significant increases in oxidants and particulate matter (PM2.5) in the populated regions of the Great Salt Lake Basin, where winter PM2.5 is among the most severe air quality issues in the U.S. The model shows regional PM2.5 increases of 10%-25% attributable to this single industrial halogen source, demonstrating the impact of underreported industrial bromine emissions on oxidation sources and air quality within a major urban area of the western U.S.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Contaminación del Aire , Pérdida de Ozono , Ozono , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Halógenos , Ozono/análisis , Bromo , Lagos , Contaminación del Aire/análisis , Material Particulado/análisis , Oxidantes
Environ Sci Technol ; 2023 Jan 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36607321


Increasing trends in biomass burning emissions significantly impact air quality in North America. Enhanced mixing ratios of ozone (O3) in urban areas during smoke-impacted periods occur through transport of O3 produced within the smoke or through mixing of pyrogenic volatile organic compounds (PVOCs) with urban nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) to enhance local O3 production. Here, we analyze a set of detailed chemical measurements, including carbon monoxide (CO), NOx, and speciated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), to evaluate the effects of smoke transported from relatively local and long-range fires on O3 measured at a site in Boulder, Colorado, during summer 2020. Relative to the smoke-free period, CO, background O3, OH reactivity, and total VOCs increased during both the local and long-range smoke periods, but NOx mixing ratios remained approximately constant. These observations are consistent with transport of PVOCs (comprised primarily of oxygenates) but not NOx with the smoke and with the influence of O3 produced within the smoke upwind of the urban area. Box-model calculations show that local O3 production during all three periods was in the NOx-sensitive regime. Consequently, this locally produced O3 was similar in all three periods and was relatively insensitive to the increase in PVOCs. However, calculated NOx sensitivities show that PVOCs substantially increase O3 production in the transition and NOx-saturated (VOC-sensitive) regimes. These results suggest that (1) O3 produced during smoke transport is the main driver for O3 increases in NOx-sensitive urban areas and (2) smoke may cause an additional increase in local O3 production in NOx-saturated (VOC-sensitive) urban areas. Additional detailed VOC and NOx measurements in smoke impacted urban areas are necessary to broadly quantify the effects of wildfire smoke on urban O3 and develop effective mitigation strategies.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(40): 7309-7330, 2022 Oct 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36170568


Dark chamber experiments were conducted to study the SOA formed from the oxidation of α-pinene and Δ-carene under different peroxy radical (RO2) fate regimes: RO2 + NO3, RO2 + RO2, and RO2 + HO2. SOA mass yields from α-pinene oxidation were <1 to ∼25% and strongly dependent on available OA mass up to ∼100 µg m-3. The strong yield dependence of α-pinene oxidation is driven by absorptive partitioning to OA and not by available surface area for condensation. Yields from Δ-carene + NO3 were consistently higher, ranging from ∼10-50% with some dependence on OA for <25 µg m-3. Explicit kinetic modeling including vapor wall losses was conducted to enable comparisons across VOC precursors and RO2 fate regimes and to determine atmospherically relevant yields. Furthermore, SOA yields were similar for each monoterpene across the nominal RO2 + NO3, RO2 + RO2, or RO2 + HO2 regimes; thus, the volatility basis sets (VBS) constructed were independent of the chemical regime. Elemental O/C ratios of ∼0.4-0.6 and nitrate/organic mass ratios of ∼0.15 were observed in the particle phase for both monoterpenes in all regimes, using aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) measurements. An empirical relationship for estimating particle density using AMS-derived elemental ratios, previously reported in the literature for non-nitrate containing OA, was successfully adapted to organic nitrate-rich SOA. Observations from an NO3- chemical ionization mass spectrometer (NO3-CIMS) suggest that Δ-carene more readily forms low-volatility gas-phase highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs) than α-pinene, which primarily forms volatile and semivolatile species, when reacted with NO3, regardless of RO2 regime. The similar Δ-carene SOA yields across regimes, high O/C ratios, and presence of HOMs, suggest that unimolecular and multistep processes such as alkoxy radical isomerization and decomposition may play a role in the formation of SOA from Δ-carene + NO3. The scarcity of peroxide functional groups (on average, 14% of C10 groups carried a peroxide functional group in one test experiment in the RO2 + RO2 regime) appears to rule out a major role for autoxidation and organic peroxide (ROOH, ROOR) formation. The consistently substantially lower SOA yields observed for α-pinene + NO3 suggest such pathways are less available for this precursor. The marked and robust regime-independent difference in SOA yield from two different precursor monoterpenes suggests that in order to accurately model SOA production in forested regions the chemical mechanism must feature some distinction among different monoterpenes.

Geophys Res Lett ; 49(11): e2021GL097366, 2022 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35859850


Oxidation of isoprene by nitrate radicals (NO3) or by hydroxyl radicals (OH) under high NOx conditions forms a substantial amount of organonitrates (ONs). ONs impact NOx concentrations and consequently ozone formation while also contributing to secondary organic aerosol. Here we show that the ONs with the chemical formula C4H7NO5 are a significant fraction of isoprene-derived ONs, based on chamber experiments and ambient measurements from different sites around the globe. From chamber experiments we found that C4H7NO5 isomers contribute 5%-17% of all measured ONs formed during nighttime and constitute more than 40% of the measured ONs after further daytime oxidation. In ambient measurements C4H7NO5 isomers usually dominate both nighttime and daytime, implying a long residence time compared to C5 ONs which are removed more rapidly. We propose potential nighttime sources and secondary formation pathways, and test them using a box model with an updated isoprene oxidation scheme.

Environ Toxicol Chem ; 41(1): 193-200, 2022 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34856002


Wilson Mine is a former vanadium mine site located in the Ouachita Mountains near Hot Springs, Arkansas. The site, which drains via two streams to Lake Catherine, has undergone extensive reclamation to significantly reduce groundwater and surface water contact with mine spoils. One of the streams passes through a former mine pit forming East Wilson Pond, and flux from pit lake sediments can result in elevated metal, that is, zinc (Zn), concentrations in overlying water. To mitigate potential risks, an investigation was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of capping materials for partitioning Zn-contaminated sediments from overlying water in East Wilson Pond. A 28-day laboratory study compared the effectiveness of capping materials including combinations of limestone, bentonite clay, and gravel for mitigating Zn flux, including under reasonable worst-case conditions (pH 5.5) encountered in the hypolimnion. Dissolved Zn was monitored over time in overlying water and in sediment porewaters within untreated controls and within the capping layer of treated systems. The use of limestone and/or bentonite clay improved buffering capacity compared to the noncapped control, and pH declined gradually but only modestly in the overlying water and porewater of all treated systems. Concentrations of Zn in overlying water of the noncapped control increased from approximately 30 to 100 µg/L during the study period, while concentrations in the overlying water and porewater of systems containing capping materials remained low (10-30 µg/L). The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the capping materials for neutralizing pH and reducing Zn flux, and a three-layer cap consisting of limestone (top) + bentonite clay (middle) + gravel (bottom) was determined to be most effective. These results were used to inform the selection of materials for the application of a cap to reduce Zn flux from the pit lake sediments. Environ Toxicol Chem 2022;41:193-200. © 2021 SETAC.

Lagos , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua , Bentonita , Carbonato de Calcio , Arcilla , Sedimentos Geológicos , Agua , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Zinc
Sci Adv ; 7(50): eabl3648, 2021 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34878847


Wildfires are a substantial but poorly quantified source of tropospheric ozone (O3). Here, to investigate the highly variable O3 chemistry in wildfire plumes, we exploit the in situ chemical characterization of western wildfires during the FIREX-AQ flight campaign and show that O3 production can be predicted as a function of experimentally constrained OH exposure, volatile organic compound (VOC) reactivity, and the fate of peroxy radicals. The O3 chemistry exhibits rapid transition in chemical regimes. Within a few daylight hours, the O3 formation substantially slows and is largely limited by the abundance of nitrogen oxides (NOx). This finding supports previous observations that O3 formation is enhanced when VOC-rich wildfire smoke mixes into NOx-rich urban plumes, thereby deteriorating urban air quality. Last, we relate O3 chemistry to the underlying fire characteristics, enabling a more accurate representation of wildfire chemistry in atmospheric models that are used to study air quality and predict climate.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(52)2021 12 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34930838


Ozone is the third most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide and methane but has a larger uncertainty in its radiative forcing, in part because of uncertainty in the source characteristics of ozone precursors, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic carbon that directly affect ozone formation chemistry. Tropospheric ozone also negatively affects human and ecosystem health. Biomass burning (BB) and urban emissions are significant but uncertain sources of ozone precursors. Here, we report global-scale, in situ airborne measurements of ozone and precursor source tracers from the NASA Atmospheric Tomography mission. Measurements from the remote troposphere showed that tropospheric ozone is regularly enhanced above background in polluted air masses in all regions of the globe. Ozone enhancements in air with high BB and urban emission tracers (2.1 to 23.8 ppbv [parts per billion by volume]) were generally similar to those in BB-influenced air (2.2 to 21.0 ppbv) but larger than those in urban-influenced air (-7.7 to 6.9 ppbv). Ozone attributed to BB was 2 to 10 times higher than that from urban sources in the Southern Hemisphere and the tropical Atlantic and roughly equal to that from urban sources in the Northern Hemisphere and the tropical Pacific. Three independent global chemical transport models systematically underpredict the observed influence of BB on tropospheric ozone. Potential reasons include uncertainties in modeled BB injection heights and emission inventories, export efficiency of BB emissions to the free troposphere, and chemical mechanisms of ozone production in smoke. Accurately accounting for intermittent but large and widespread BB emissions is required to understand the global tropospheric ozone burden.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Contaminación del Aire , Biomasa , Ozono , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/química , Atmósfera , Ecosistema , Incendios , Ozono/análisis , Ozono/química
Environ Sci Technol ; 55(23): 15646-15657, 2021 12 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34817984


We present a novel method, the Gaussian observational model for edge to center heterogeneity (GOMECH), to quantify the horizontal chemical structure of plumes. GOMECH fits observations of short-lived emissions or products against a long-lived tracer (e.g., CO) to provide relative metrics for the plume width (wi/wCO) and center (bi/wCO). To validate GOMECH, we investigate OH and NO3 oxidation processes in smoke plumes sampled during FIREX-AQ (Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality, a 2019 wildfire smoke study). An analysis of 430 crosswind transects demonstrates that nitrous acid (HONO), a primary source of OH, is narrower than CO (wHONO/wCO = 0.73-0.84 ± 0.01) and maleic anhydride (an OH oxidation product) is enhanced on plume edges (wmaleicanhydride/wCO = 1.06-1.12 ± 0.01). By contrast, NO3 production [P(NO3)] occurs mainly at the plume center (wP(NO3)/wCO = 0.91-1.00 ± 0.01). Phenolic emissions, highly reactive to OH and NO3, are narrower than CO (wphenol/wCO = 0.96 ± 0.03, wcatechol/wCO = 0.91 ± 0.01, and wmethylcatechol/wCO = 0.84 ± 0.01), suggesting that plume edge phenolic losses are the greatest. Yet, nitrophenolic aerosol, their oxidation product, is the greatest at the plume center (wnitrophenolicaerosol/wCO = 0.95 ± 0.02). In a large plume case study, GOMECH suggests that nitrocatechol aerosol is most associated with P(NO3). Last, we corroborate GOMECH with a large eddy simulation model which suggests most (55%) of nitrocatechol is produced through NO3 in our case study.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Contaminación del Aire , Aerosoles , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Contaminación del Aire/análisis , Biomasa , Humo/análisis
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(32)2021 08 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34341119


Decades of air quality improvements have substantially reduced the motor vehicle emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Today, volatile chemical products (VCPs) are responsible for half of the petrochemical VOCs emitted in major urban areas. We show that VCP emissions are ubiquitous in US and European cities and scale with population density. We report significant VCP emissions for New York City (NYC), including a monoterpene flux of 14.7 to 24.4 kg ⋅ d-1 ⋅ km-2 from fragranced VCPs and other anthropogenic sources, which is comparable to that of a summertime forest. Photochemical modeling of an extreme heat event, with ozone well in excess of US standards, illustrates the significant impact of VCPs on air quality. In the most populated regions of NYC, ozone was sensitive to anthropogenic VOCs (AVOCs), even in the presence of biogenic sources. Within this VOC-sensitive regime, AVOCs contributed upwards of ∼20 ppb to maximum 8-h average ozone. VCPs accounted for more than 50% of this total AVOC contribution. Emissions from fragranced VCPs, including personal care and cleaning products, account for at least 50% of the ozone attributed to VCPs. We show that model simulations of ozone depend foremost on the magnitude of VCP emissions and that the addition of oxygenated VCP chemistry impacts simulations of key atmospheric oxidation products. NYC is a case study for developed megacities, and the impacts of VCPs on local ozone are likely similar for other major urban regions across North America or Europe.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Ozono , Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles/análisis , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/química , Contaminación del Aire , Ciudades , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Europa (Continente) , Humanos , Modelos Teóricos , Monoterpenos/análisis , Ciudad de Nueva York , Óxidos de Nitrógeno/análisis , Óxidos de Nitrógeno/química , Odorantes/análisis , Densidad de Población , Emisiones de Vehículos/análisis , Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles/química
Bull Am Meteorol Soc ; 0: 1-94, 2021 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34446943


Wintertime episodes of high aerosol concentrations occur frequently in urban and agricultural basins and valleys worldwide. These episodes often arise following development of persistent cold-air pools (PCAPs) that limit mixing and modify chemistry. While field campaigns targeting either basin meteorology or wintertime pollution chemistry have been conducted, coupling between interconnected chemical and meteorological processes remains an insufficiently studied research area. Gaps in understanding the coupled chemical-meteorological interactions that drive high pollution events make identification of the most effective air-basin specific emission control strategies challenging. To address this, a September 2019 workshop occurred with the goal of planning a future research campaign to investigate air quality in Western U.S. basins. Approximately 120 people participated, representing 50 institutions and 5 countries. Workshop participants outlined the rationale and design for a comprehensive wintertime study that would couple atmospheric chemistry and boundary-layer and complex-terrain meteorology within western U.S. basins. Participants concluded the study should focus on two regions with contrasting aerosol chemistry: three populated valleys within Utah (Salt Lake, Utah, and Cache Valleys) and the San Joaquin Valley in California. This paper describes the scientific rationale for a campaign that will acquire chemical and meteorological datasets using airborne platforms with extensive range, coupled to surface-based measurements focusing on sampling within the near-surface boundary layer, and transport and mixing processes within this layer, with high vertical resolution at a number of representative sites. No prior wintertime basin-focused campaign has provided the breadth of observations necessary to characterize the meteorological-chemical linkages outlined here, nor to validate complex processes within coupled atmosphere-chemistry models.

Environ Sci Technol ; 55(15): 10280-10290, 2021 08 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34255503


Understanding the efficiency and variability of photochemical ozone (O3) production from western wildfire plumes is important to accurately estimate their influence on North American air quality. A set of photochemical measurements were made from the NOAA Twin Otter research aircraft as a part of the Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) experiment. We use a zero-dimensional (0-D) box model to investigate the chemistry driving O3 production in modeled plumes. Modeled afternoon plumes reached a maximum O3 mixing ratio of 140 ± 50 ppbv (average ± standard deviation) within 20 ± 10 min of emission compared to 76 ± 12 ppbv in 60 ± 30 min in evening plumes. Afternoon and evening maximum O3 isopleths indicate that plumes were near their peak in NOx efficiency. A radical budget describes the NOx volatile - organic compound (VOC) sensitivities of these plumes. Afternoon plumes displayed a rapid transition from VOC-sensitive to NOx-sensitive chemistry, driven by HOx (=OH + HO2) production from photolysis of nitrous acid (HONO) (48 ± 20% of primary HOx) and formaldehyde (HCHO) (26 ± 9%) emitted directly from the fire. Evening plumes exhibit a slower transition from peak NOx efficiency to VOC-sensitive O3 production caused by a reduction in photolysis rates and fire emissions. HOx production in evening plumes is controlled by HONO photolysis (53 ± 7%), HCHO photolysis (18 ± 9%), and alkene ozonolysis (17 ± 9%).

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Contaminación del Aire , Ozono , Incendios Forestales , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Contaminación del Aire/análisis , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Ozono/análisis , Fotoquímica
Environ Sci Technol ; 55(13): 9129-9139, 2021 07 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34161066


We present an updated fuel-based oil and gas (FOG) inventory with estimates of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from oil and natural gas production in the contiguous US (CONUS). We compare the FOG inventory with aircraft-derived ("top-down") emissions for NOx over footprints that account for ∼25% of US oil and natural gas production. Across CONUS, we find that the bottom-up FOG inventory combined with other anthropogenic emissions is on average within ∼10% of top-down aircraft-derived NOx emissions. We also find good agreement in the trends of NOx from drilling- and production-phase activities, as inferred by satellites and in the bottom-up inventory. Leveraging tracer-tracer relationships derived from aircraft observations, methane (CH4) and non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emissions have been added to the inventory. Our total CONUS emission estimates for 2015 of oil and natural gas are 0.45 ± 0.14 Tg NOx/yr, 15.2 ± 3.0 Tg CH4/yr, and 5.7 ± 1.7 Tg NMVOC/yr. Compared to the US National Emissions Inventory and Greenhouse Gas Inventory, FOG NOx emissions are ∼40% lower, while inferred CH4 and NMVOC emissions are up to a factor of ∼2 higher. This suggests that NMVOC/NOx emissions from oil and gas basins are ∼3 times higher than current estimates and will likely affect how air quality models represent ozone formation downwind of oil and gas fields.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Ozono , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Metano/análisis , Gas Natural/análisis , Yacimiento de Petróleo y Gas , Ozono/análisis
ACS Earth Space Chem ; 5(4): 785-800, 2021 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33889791


Alkyl nitrate (AN) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from the reaction of nitrate radicals (NO3) with isoprene were observed in the Simulation of Atmospheric PHotochemistry In a large Reaction (SAPHIR) chamber during the NO3Isop campaign in August 2018. Based on 15 day-long experiments under various reaction conditions, we conclude that the reaction has a nominally unity molar AN yield (observed range 90 ± 40%) and an SOA mass yield of OA + organic nitrate aerosol of 13-15% (with ∼50 µg m-3 inorganic seed aerosol and 2-5 µg m-3 total organic aerosol). Isoprene (5-25 ppb) and oxidant (typically ∼100 ppb O3 and 5-25 ppb NO2) concentrations and aerosol composition (inorganic and organic coating) were varied while remaining close to ambient conditions, producing similar AN and SOA yields under all regimes. We observe the formation of dinitrates upon oxidation of the second double bond only once the isoprene precursor is fully consumed. We determine the bulk partitioning coefficient for ANs (K p ∼ 10-3 m3 µg-1), indicating an average volatility corresponding to a C5 hydroxy hydroperoxy nitrate.

Environ Sci Technol ; 55(5): 2878-2889, 2021 03 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33596062


Nighttime oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) by nitrate radicals (NO3·) represents one of the most important interactions between anthropogenic and natural emissions, leading to substantial secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. The direct climatic effect of such SOA cannot be quantified because its optical properties and atmospheric fate are poorly understood. In this study, we generated SOA from the NO3· oxidation of a series BVOCs including isoprene, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes. The SOA were subjected to comprehensive online and offline chemical composition analysis using high-resolution mass spectrometry and optical properties measurements using a novel broadband (315-650 nm) cavity-enhanced spectrometer, which covers the wavelength range needed to understand the potential contribution of the SOA to direct radiative forcing. The SOA contained a significant fraction of oxygenated organic nitrates (ONs), consisting of monomers and oligomers that are responsible for the detected light absorption in the 315-400 nm range. The SOA created from ß-pinene and α-humulene was further photochemically aged in an oxidation flow reactor. The SOA has an atmospheric photochemical bleaching lifetime of >6.2 h, indicating that some of the ONs in the SOA may serve as atmosphere-stable nitrogen oxide sinks or reservoirs and will absorb and scatter incoming solar radiation during the daytime.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles , Aerosoles , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Cromatografía de Gases y Espectrometría de Masas , Monoterpenos , Nitratos , Óxidos de Nitrógeno
Environ Sci Technol ; 54(19): 11827-11837, 2020 10 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32870663


Transformations of biomass burning brown carbon aerosols (BB-BrC) over their diurnal lifecycle are currently not well studied. In this study, the aging of BB tar proxy aerosols processed by NO3• under dark conditions followed by the photochemical OH• reaction and photolysis were investigated in tandem flow reactors. The results show that O3 oxidation in the dark diminishes light absorption of wood tar aerosols, resulting in higher particle single-scattering albedo (SSA). NO3• reactions augment the mass absorption coefficient (MAC) of the aerosols by a factor of 2-3 by forming secondary chromophores, such as nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) and organonitrates. Subsequent OH• oxidation and direct photolysis both decompose the organic nitrates (ONs, representing bulk functionalities of NACs and organonitrates) in the NO3•-aged wood tar aerosols, thus decreasing particle absorption. Moreover, NACs degrade faster than organonitrates by photochemical aging. The NO3•-aged wood tar aerosols are more susceptible to photolysis than to OH• reactions. The photolysis lifetimes for the ONs and for the absorbance of the NO3•-aged aerosols are on the order of hours under typical solar irradiation, while the absorption and ON lifetimes toward OH• oxidation are substantially longer. Overall, nighttime aging via NO3• reactions increases the light absorption of wood tar aerosols and shortens their absorption lifetime under daytime conditions.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Carbono , Aerosoles/análisis , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Biomasa , Carbono/análisis , Laboratorios , Fotólisis
Environ Sci Technol ; 54(10): 5973-5979, 2020 05 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32343120


The oxidation of nitric oxide to nitrogen dioxide by hydroperoxy (HO2) and organic peroxy radicals (RO2) is responsible for the chemical net ozone production in the troposphere and for the regeneration of hydroxyl radicals, the most important oxidant in the atmosphere. In Summer 2014, a field campaign was conducted in the North China Plain, where increasingly severe ozone pollution has been experienced in the last years. Chemical conditions in the campaign were representative for this area. Radical and trace gas concentrations were measured, allowing for calculating the turnover rates of gas-phase radical reactions. Therefore, the importance of heterogeneous HO2 uptake on aerosol could be experimentally determined. HO2 uptake could have suppressed ozone formation at that time because of the competition with gas-phase reactions that produce ozone. The successful reduction of the aerosol load in the North China Plain in the last years could have led to a significant decrease of HO2 loss on particles, so that ozone-forming reactions could have gained importance in the last years. However, the analysis of the measured radical budget in this campaign shows that HO2 aerosol uptake did not impact radical chemistry for chemical conditions in 2014. Therefore, reduced HO2 uptake on aerosol since then is likely not the reason for the increasing number of ozone pollution events in the North China Plain, contradicting conclusions made from model calculations reported in the literature.

Ozono/análisis , Aerosoles/análisis , Atmósfera , China , Radical Hidroxilo
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(9): 4505-4510, 2020 03 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32071211


Dimethyl sulfide (DMS), emitted from the oceans, is the most abundant biological source of sulfur to the marine atmosphere. Atmospheric DMS is oxidized to condensable products that form secondary aerosols that affect Earth's radiative balance by scattering solar radiation and serving as cloud condensation nuclei. We report the atmospheric discovery of a previously unquantified DMS oxidation product, hydroperoxymethyl thioformate (HPMTF, HOOCH2SCHO), identified through global-scale airborne observations that demonstrate it to be a major reservoir of marine sulfur. Observationally constrained model results show that more than 30% of oceanic DMS emitted to the atmosphere forms HPMTF. Coincident particle measurements suggest a strong link between HPMTF concentration and new particle formation and growth. Analyses of these observations show that HPMTF chemistry must be included in atmospheric models to improve representation of key linkages between the biogeochemistry of the ocean, marine aerosol formation and growth, and their combined effects on climate.

Environ Toxicol Chem ; 39(2): 323-334, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31692059


We explored the concept of equilibrium passive sampling for methylmercury (MeHg) using the strategy developed for hydrophobic organic chemicals. Passive sampling should allow prediction of the concentration of the chemically labile fraction of MeHg in sediment porewaters based on equilibrium partitioning into the sampler, without modeling diffusion rates through the sampler material. Our goals were to identify sampler materials with the potential to mimic MeHg partitioning into animals and sediments and provide reversible sorption in a time frame appropriate for in situ samplers. Candidate materials tested included a range of polymers embedded with suitable sorbents for MeHg. The most promising were activated carbon (AC) embedded in agarose, thiol-self-assembled monolayers on mesoporous supports embedded in agarose, and cysteine-functionalized polyethylene terephthalate, which yielded log sampler-water partition coefficients of 2.8 to 5 for MeHgOH and MeHg complexed with dissolved organic matter (Suwannee River humic acid). Sampler equilibration time in sediments was approximately 1 to 2 wk. Investigation of the MeHg accumulation mechanism by AC embedded in agarose suggested that sampling was kinetically influenced by MeHg interactions with AC particles and not limited by diffusion through the gel for this material. Also, AC exhibited relatively rapid desorption of Hg and MeHg, indicating that this sorbent is capable of reversible, equilibrium measurements. In sediment:water microcosms, porewater concentrations made with isotherm-calibrated passive samplers agreed within a factor of 2 (unamended sediment) or 4 (AC-amended sediment) with directly measured concentrations. The present study demonstrates a potential new approach to passive sampling of MeHg. Environ Toxicol Chem 2020;39:323-334. © 2019 SETAC.

Monitoreo del Ambiente/instrumentación , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Compuestos de Metilmercurio/análisis , Suelo/química , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Animales , Carbón Orgánico/química , Sustancias Húmicas/análisis , Interacciones Hidrofóbicas e Hidrofílicas , Mercurio/análisis , Ríos/química