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Plant Physiol Biochem ; 148: 324-332, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32004916


Leaf senescence is a catabolic process that emits volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In densely planted monocultures these VOC emissions occur in outbursts that might be relevant for the local air quality since these VOCs are typically oxygenated. The VOC emissions of a high-density poplar (Populus) bioenergy plantation were monitored along with meteorological parameters, CO2 and H2O exchanges, canopy greenness, and leaf area index during the second half of the year 2015. The emissions of 25 VOCs peaked at the beginning of September, coinciding with the onset of senescence. Together these VOC emissions amounted to a total of 2.85 mmol m-2, translated into 98.3 mg C m-2. The emission peak was mainly composed of oxygenated VOCs as methanol, acetic acid, and lipoxygenase products that are all typical for catabolic processes. So, the senescence process of the poplar plantation was very well reflected in the peak of VOC emissions.

Envejecimiento , Populus , Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles , Envejecimiento/metabolismo , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/metabolismo , Hojas de la Planta/metabolismo , Populus/metabolismo , Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles/análisis , Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles/metabolismo
Glob Change Biol Bioenergy ; 11(12): 1435-1443, 2019 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31894184


Biomass from short-rotation coppice (SRC) of woody perennials is being increasingly used as a bioenergy source to replace fossil fuels, but accurate assessments of the long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of SRC are lacking. To evaluate its mitigation potential, we monitored the GHG balance of a poplar (Populus) SRC in Flanders, Belgium, over 7 years comprising three rotations (i.e., two 2 year rotations and one 3 year rotation). In the beginning-that is, during the establishment year and during each year immediately following coppicing-the SRC plantation was a net source of GHGs. Later on-that is, during each second or third year after coppicing-the site shifted to a net sink. From the sixth year onward, there was a net cumulative GHG uptake reaching -35.8 Mg CO2 eq/ha during the seventh year. Over the three rotations, the total CO2 uptake was -51.2 Mg CO2/ha, while the emissions of CH4 and N2O amounted to 8.9 and 6.5 Mg CO2 eq/ha, respectively. As the site was non-fertilized, non-irrigated, and only occasionally flooded, CO2 fluxes dominated the GHG budget. Soil disturbance after land conversion and after coppicing were the main drivers for CO2 losses. One single N2O pulse shortly after SRC establishment contributed significantly to the N2O release. The results prove the potential of SRC biomass plantations to reduce GHG emissions and demonstrate that, for the poplar plantation under study, the high CO2 uptake outweighs the emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases.

Glob Change Biol Bioenergy ; 10(8): 592-607, 2018 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30174726


The productivity of short-rotation coppice (SRC) plantations with poplar (Populus spp.) strongly depends on soil water availability, which limits the future development of its cultivation, and makes the study of the transpirational water loss particularly timely under the ongoing climate change (more frequent drought and floods). This study assesses the transpiration at different scales (leaf, tree and stand) of four poplar genotypes belonging to different species and from a different genetic background grown under an SRC regime. Measurements were performed for an entire growing season during the third year of the third rotation in a commercial scale multigenotype SRC plantation in Flanders (Belgium). Measurements at leaf level were performed on specific days with a contrasted evaporative demand, temperature and incoming shortwave radiation and included stomatal conductance, stem and leaf water potential. Leaf transpiration and leaf hydraulic conductance were obtained from these measurements. To determine the transpiration at the tree level, single-stem sap flow using the stem heat balance (SHB) method and daily stem diameter variations were measured during the entire growing season. Sap flow-based canopy transpiration (Ec), seasonal dry biomass yield, and water use efficiency (WUE; g aboveground dry matter/kg water transpired) of the four poplar genotypes were also calculated. The genotypes had contrasting physiological responses to environmental drivers and to soil conditions. Sap flow was tightly linked to the phenological stage of the trees and to the environmental variables (photosynthetically active radiation and vapor pressure deficit). The total Ec for the 2016 growing season was of 334, 350, 483 and 618 mm for the four poplar genotypes, Bakan, Koster, Oudenberg and Grimminge, respectively. The differences in physiological traits and in transpiration of the four genotypes resulted in different responses of WUE.

Glob Change Biol Bioenergy ; 10(6): 405-414, 2018 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29937921


Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are major precursors of both ozone and secondary organic aerosols (SOA) in the troposphere and represent a non-negligible portion of the carbon fixed by primary producers, but long-term ecosystem-scale measurements of their exchanges with the atmosphere are lacking. In this study, the fluxes of 46 ions corresponding to 36 BVOCs were continuously monitored along with the exchanges of mass (carbon dioxide and water vapor) and energy (sensible and latent heat) for an entire year in a poplar (Populus) short-rotation crop (SRC), using the eddy covariance methodology. BVOC emissions mainly consisted of isoprene, acetic acid, and methanol. Total net BVOC emissions were 19.20 kg C ha-1 yr-1, which represented 0.63% of the net ecosystem exchange (NEE), resulting from -23.59 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 fixed as CO 2 and 20.55 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 respired as CO 2 from the ecosystem. Isoprene emissions represented 0.293% of NEE, being emitted at a ratio of 1 : 1709 mol isoprene per mol of CO 2 fixed. Based on annual ecosystem-scale measurements, this study quantified for the first time that BVOC carbon emissions were lower than previously estimated in other studies (0.5-2% of NEE) on poplar trees. Furthermore, the seasonal and diurnal emission patterns of isoprene, methanol, and other BVOCs provided a better interpretation of the relationships with ecosystem CO 2 and water vapor fluxes, with air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and photosynthetic photon flux density.

Glob Change Biol Bioenergy ; 10(3): 150-164, 2018 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29497458


Perennial bioenergy crops have significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contribute to climate change mitigation by substituting for fossil fuels; yet delivering significant GHG savings will require substantial land-use change, globally. Over the last decade, research has delivered improved understanding of the environmental benefits and risks of this transition to perennial bioenergy crops, addressing concerns that the impacts of land conversion to perennial bioenergy crops could result in increased rather than decreased GHG emissions. For policymakers to assess the most cost-effective and sustainable options for deployment and climate change mitigation, synthesis of these studies is needed to support evidence-based decision making. In 2015, a workshop was convened with researchers, policymakers and industry/business representatives from the UK, EU and internationally. Outcomes from global research on bioenergy land-use change were compared to identify areas of consensus, key uncertainties, and research priorities. Here, we discuss the strength of evidence for and against six consensus statements summarising the effects of land-use change to perennial bioenergy crops on the cycling of carbon, nitrogen and water, in the context of the whole life-cycle of bioenergy production. Our analysis suggests that the direct impacts of dedicated perennial bioenergy crops on soil carbon and nitrous oxide are increasingly well understood and are often consistent with significant life cycle GHG mitigation from bioenergy relative to conventional energy sources. We conclude that the GHG balance of perennial bioenergy crop cultivation will often be favourable, with maximum GHG savings achieved where crops are grown on soils with low carbon stocks and conservative nutrient application, accruing additional environmental benefits such as improved water quality. The analysis reported here demonstrates there is a mature and increasingly comprehensive evidence base on the environmental benefits and risks of bioenergy cultivation which can support the development of a sustainable bioenergy industry.

Glob Change Biol Bioenergy ; 9(6): 1151-1164, 2017 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28603557


We calibrated and evaluated the agricultural model AquaCrop for the simulation of water use and yield of a short-rotation coppice (SRC) plantation with poplar (Populus) in East Flanders (Belgium) during the second and the third rotation (first 2 years only). Differences in crop development and growth during the course of the rotations were taken into account during the model calibration. Overall, the AquaCrop model showed good performance for the daily simulation of soil water content (R2 of 0.57-0.85), of green canopy cover (R2 > 0.87), of evapotranspiration (ET; R2 > 0.76), and of potential yield. The simulated, total yearly water use of the SRC ranged between 55% and 85% of the water use of a reference grass ecosystem calculated under the same environmental conditions. Crop transpiration was between 67% and 93% of total ET, with lower percentages in the first than in the second year of each rotation. The observed (dry mass) yield ranged from 6.61 to 14.76 Mg ha-1 yr-1. A yield gap of around 30% was observed between the second and the third rotation, as well as between simulated and observed yield during the third rotation. This could possibly be explained by the expansion of the understory (weed) layer; the relative cover of understory weeds was 22% in the third year of the third rotation. The agricultural AquaCrop model simulated total water use and potential yield of the operational SRC in a reliable way. As the plantation was extensively managed, potential effects of irrigation and/or fertilization on ET and on yield were not considered in this study.

Glob Change Biol Bioenergy ; 9(2): 299-313, 2017 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28261329


Uncertainty in soil carbon (C) fluxes across different land-use transitions is an issue that needs to be addressed for the further deployment of perennial bioenergy crops. A large-scale short-rotation coppice (SRC) site with poplar (Populus) and willow (Salix) was established to examine the land-use transitions of arable and pasture to bioenergy. Soil C pools, output fluxes of soil CO 2, CH 4, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and volatile organic compounds, as well as input fluxes from litter fall and from roots, were measured over a 4-year period, along with environmental parameters. Three approaches were used to estimate changes in the soil C. The largest C pool in the soil was the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool and increased after four years of SRC from 10.9 to 13.9 kg C m-2. The belowground woody biomass (coarse roots) represented the second largest C pool, followed by the fine roots (Fr). The annual leaf fall represented the largest C input to the soil, followed by weeds and Fr. After the first harvest, we observed a very large C input into the soil from high Fr mortality. The weed inputs decreased as trees grew older and bigger. Soil respiration averaged 568.9 g C m-2 yr-1. Leaching of DOC increased over the three years from 7.9 to 14.5 g C m-2. The pool-based approach indicated an increase of 3360 g C m-2 in the SOC pool over the 4-year period, which was high when compared with the -27 g C m-2 estimated by the flux-based approach and the -956 g C m-2 of the combined eddy-covariance + biometric approach. High uncertainties were associated to the pool-based approach. Our results suggest using the C flux approach for the assessment of the short-/medium-term SOC balance at our site, while SOC pool changes can only be used for long-term C balance assessments.

Glob Change Biol Bioenergy ; 9(2): 370-384, 2017 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28239421


Short-rotation coppice (SRC) has great potential for supplying biomass-based heat and energy, but little is known about SRC's ecological footprint, particularly its impact on the water cycle. To this end, we quantified the water use of a commercial scale poplar (Populus) SRC plantation in East Flanders (Belgium) at tree and stand level, focusing primarily on the transpiration component. First, we used the AquaCrop model and eddy covariance flux data to analyse the different components of the stand-level water balance for one entire growing season. Transpiration represented 59% of evapotranspiration (ET) at stand scale over the whole year. Measured ET and modelled ET were lower as compared to the ET of reference grassland, suggesting that the SRC only used a limited amount of water. Secondly, we compared leaf area scaled and sapwood area scaled sap flow (Fs) measurements on individual plants vs. stand scale eddy covariance flux data during a 39-day intensive field campaign in late summer 2011. Daily stem diameter variation (∆D) was monitored simultaneously with Fs to understand water use strategies for three poplar genotypes. Canopy transpiration based on sapwood area or leaf area scaling was 43.5 and 50.3 mm, respectively, and accounted for 74%, respectively, 86%, of total ecosystem ET measured during the intensive field campaign. Besides differences in growth, the significant intergenotypic differences in daily ∆D (due to stem shrinkage and swelling) suggested different water use strategies among the three genotypes which were confirmed by the sap flow measurements. Future studies on the prediction of SRC water use, or efforts to enhance the biomass yield of SRC genotypes, should consider intergenotypic differences in transpiration water losses at tree level as well as the SRC water balance at stand level.

Sci Rep ; 6: 32676, 2016 09 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27615148


The emission of isoprene and other biogenic volatile organic compounds from vegetation plays an important role in tropospheric ozone (O3) formation. The potentially large expansion of isoprene emitting species (e.g., poplars) for bioenergy production might, therefore, impact tropospheric O3 formation. Using the eddy covariance technique we have simultaneously measured fluxes isoprene, O3 and of CO2 from a poplar (Populus) plantation grown for bioenergy production. We used the chemistry transport model LOTOS-EUROS to scale-up the isoprene emissions associated with the existing poplar plantations in Europe, and we assessed the impact of isoprene fluxes on ground level O3 concentrations. Our findings suggest that isoprene emissions from existing poplar-for-bioenergy plantations do not significantly affect the ground level of O3 concentration. Indeed the overall land in Europe covered with poplar plantations has not significantly changed over the last two decades despite policy incentives to produce bioenergy crops. The current surface area of isoprene emitting poplars-for-bioenergy remains too limited to significantly enhance O3 concentrations and thus to be considered a potential threat for air quality and human health.

Plant Cell Environ ; 39(3): 539-55, 2016 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26386252


Leaves of fast-growing, woody bioenergy crops often emit volatile organic compounds (VOC). Some reactive VOC (especially isoprene) play a key role in climate forcing and may negatively affect local air quality. We monitored the seasonal exchange of VOC using the eddy covariance technique in a 'coppiced' poplar plantation. The complex interactions of VOC fluxes with climatic and physiological variables were also explored by using an artificial neural network (Self Organizing Map). Isoprene and methanol were the most abundant VOC emitted by the plantation. Rapid development of the canopy (and thus of the leaf area index, LAI) was associated with high methanol emissions and high rates of gross primary production (GPP) since the beginning of the growing season, while the onset of isoprene emission was delayed. The highest emissions of isoprene, and of isoprene photo-oxidation products (Methyl Vinyl Ketone and Methacrolein, iox ), occurred on the hottest and sunniest days, when GPP and evapotranspiration were highest, and formaldehyde was significantly deposited. Canopy senescence enhanced the exchange of oxygenated VOC. The accuracy of methanol and isoprene emission simulations with the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature increased by applying a function to modify their basal emission factors, accounting for seasonality of GPP or LAI.

Biocombustibles , Hojas de la Planta/crecimiento & desarrollo , Populus/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Compuestos Orgánicos Volátiles/metabolismo , Butadienos/análisis , Carbono/análisis , Ambiente , Hemiterpenos/análisis , Espectrometría de Masas , Metanol/análisis , Modelos Biológicos , Pentanos/análisis , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Factores de Tiempo
Plant Cell Environ ; 38(7): 1233-51, 2015 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25444560


Vulnerability to drought-induced cavitation is a key trait of plant water relations. Here, we summarize the available literature on vulnerability to drought-induced cavitation in poplars (Populus spp.), a genus of agronomic, ecological and scientific importance. Vulnerability curves and vulnerability parameters (including the water potential inducing 50% loss in hydraulic conductivity, P50) were collected from 37 studies published between 1991 and 2014, covering a range of 10 species and 12 interspecific hybrid crosses. Results of our meta-analysis confirm that poplars are among the most vulnerable woody species to drought-induced cavitation (mean P50 = -1.44 and -1.55 MPa across pure species and hybrids, respectively). Yet, significant variation occurs among species (P50 range: 1.43 MPa) and among hybrid crosses (P50 range: 1.12 MPa), within species and hybrid crosses (max. P50 range reported: 0.8 MPa) as well as in response to environmental factors including nitrogen fertilization, irradiance, temperature and drought (max. P50 range reported: 0.75 MPa). Potential implications and gaps in knowledge are discussed in the context of poplar cultivation, species adaptation and climate modifications. We suggest that poplars represent a valuable model for studies on drought-induced cavitation, especially to elucidate the genetic and molecular basis of cavitation resistance in Angiosperms.

Aclimatación , Transpiración de Plantas/fisiología , Populus/fisiología , Agua/fisiología , Sequías , Ambiente , Nitrógeno/metabolismo , Populus/anatomía & histología , Especificidad de la Especie , Madera/anatomía & histología , Madera/fisiología , Xilema/anatomía & histología , Xilema/fisiología
Int J Phytoremediation ; 17(1-6): 40-8, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25174423


To examine the potential of Pseudomonas putida W619-TCE to improve phytoremediation of Ni-TCE co-contamination, the effects of inoculation of a Ni-resistant, TCE-degrading root endophyte on Ni-TCE phytotoxicity, Ni uptake and trichloroethylene (TCE) degradation of Ni-TCE-exposed poplar cuttings are evaluated. After inoculation with P. putida W619-TCE, root weight of non-exposed poplar cuttings significantly increased. Further, inoculation induced a mitigation of the Ni-TCE phytotoxicity, which was illustrated by a diminished exposure-induced increase in activity of antioxidative enzymes. Considering phytoremediation efficiency, inoculation with P. putida W619-TCE resulted in a 45% increased Ni uptake in roots as well as a slightly significant reduction in TCE concentration in leaves and TCE evapotranspiration to the atmosphere. These results indicate that endophytes equipped with the appropriate characteristics can assist their host plant to deal with co-contamination of toxic metals and organic contaminants during phytoremediation. Furthermore, as poplar is an excellent plant for biomass production as well as for phytoremediation, the obtained results can be exploited to produce biomass for energy and industrial feedstock applications in a highly productive manner on contaminated land that is not suited for normal agriculture. Exploiting this land for biomass production could contribute to diminish the conflict between food and bioenergy production.

Restauración y Remediación Ambiental/métodos , Níquel/metabolismo , Populus/metabolismo , Pseudomonas putida/metabolismo , Contaminantes del Suelo/metabolismo , Tricloroetileno/metabolismo , Biodegradación Ambiental , Níquel/análisis , Raíces de Plantas/metabolismo , Raíces de Plantas/microbiología , Populus/química , Populus/microbiología , Contaminantes del Suelo/análisis , Tricloroetileno/análisis
Microb Biotechnol ; 6(3): 288-99, 2013 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23425076


Phytoextraction has been reported as an economically and ecologically sound alternative for the remediation of metal-contaminated soils. Willow is a metal phytoextractor of interest because it allows to combine a gradual contaminant removal with production of biomass that can be valorized in different ways. In this work two willow clones growing on a metal-contaminated site were selected: 'Belgisch Rood' (BR) with a moderate metal extraction capacity and 'Tora' (TO) with a twice as high metal accumulation. All cultivable bacteria associated with both willow clones were isolated and identified using 16SrDNA ARDRA analysis followed by 16SrDNA sequencing. Further all isolated bacteria were investigated for characteristics that might promote plant growth (production of siderophores, organic acids and indol acetic acid) and for their metal resistance. The genotypic and phenotypic characterization of the isolated bacteria showed that the TO endophytic bacterial population is more diverse and contains a higher percentage of metal-resistant plant growth promoting bacteria than the endophytic population associated with BR. We hypothesize that the difference in the metal accumulation capacity between BR and TO clones might be at least partly related to differences in characteristics of their associated bacterial population.

Bacterias/genética , Biodegradación Ambiental , Metales Pesados/metabolismo , Salix/microbiología , Contaminantes del Suelo/metabolismo , Bacterias/clasificación , Bacterias/metabolismo , Cadmio/metabolismo , Genotipo , Microbiología Industrial/métodos , Fenotipo , Raíces de Plantas/microbiología , Brotes de la Planta/microbiología , Microbiología del Suelo , Zinc/metabolismo
New Phytol ; 196(1): 162-172, 2012 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22775349


• Increasing atmospheric concentrations of phytotoxic ozone (O(3) ) can constrain growth and carbon sink strength of forest trees, potentially exacerbating global radiative forcing. Despite progress in the conceptual understanding of the impact of O(3) on plants, it is still difficult to detect response patterns at the leaf level. • Here, we employed principal component analysis (PCA) to analyse a database containing physiological leaf-level parameters of 60-yr-old Fagus sylvatica (European beech) trees. Data were collected over two climatically contrasting years under ambient and twice-ambient O(3) regimes in a free-air forest environment. • The first principal component (PC1) of the PCA was consistently responsive to O(3) and crown position within the trees over both years. Only a few of the original parameters showed an O(3) effect. PC1 was related to parameters indicative of oxidative stress signalling and changes in carbohydrate metabolism. PC1 correlated with cumulative O(3) uptake over preceding days. • PC1 represents an O(3) -responsive multivariate pattern detectable in the absence of consistently measurable O(3) effects on individual leaf-level parameters. An underlying effect of O(3) on physiological processes is indicated, providing experimental confirmation of theoretical O(3) response patterns suggested previously.

Fagus/efectos de los fármacos , Fagus/fisiología , Ozono/farmacología , Hojas de la Planta/efectos de los fármacos , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Análisis de Varianza , Europa (Continente) , Fagus/crecimiento & desarrollo , Conceptos Meteorológicos , Análisis Multivariante , Ozono/metabolismo , Análisis de Componente Principal , Estaciones del Año
Environ Pollut ; 159(12): 3294-301, 2011 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21937157


Will species that are sensitive/tolerant to Zn pollution still have the same sensitivity/tolerance in a future climate? To answer this question we analysed the response of constructed grassland communities to five levels of zinc (Zn) supply, ranging from 0 to 354 mg Zn kg(-1) dry soil, under a current climate and a future climate (elevated CO2 and warming). Zn concentrations increased in roots and shoots with Zn addition but this increase did not differ between climates. Light-saturated net CO2 assimilation rate (A(sat)) of the species, on the other hand, responded differently to Zn addition depending on climate. Still, current and future climate communities have comparable biomass responses to Zn, i.e., no change in root biomass and a 13% decrease of above-ground biomass. Provided that the different response of A(sat) in a future climate will not compromise productivity and survival on the long term, sensitivity is not altered by climate change.

Poaceae/efectos de los fármacos , Poaceae/fisiología , Contaminantes del Suelo/toxicidad , Zinc/toxicidad , Biomasa , Cambio Climático , Contaminantes del Suelo/metabolismo , Estrés Fisiológico/efectos de los fármacos , Zinc/metabolismo
PLoS One ; 5(7): e11648, 2010 Jul 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20657833


BACKGROUND: If biofuels are to be a viable substitute for fossil fuels, it is essential that they retain their potential to mitigate climate change under future atmospheric conditions. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration [CO2] stimulates plant biomass production; however, the beneficial effects of increased production may be offset by higher energy costs in crop management. METHODOLOGY/MAIN FINDINGS: We maintained full size poplar short rotation coppice (SRC) systems under both current ambient and future elevated [CO2] (550 ppm) and estimated their net energy and greenhouse gas balance. We show that a poplar SRC system is energy efficient and produces more energy than required for coppice management. Even more, elevated [CO2] will increase the net energy production and greenhouse gas balance of a SRC system with 18%. Managing the trees in shorter rotation cycles (i.e., 2 year cycles instead of 3 year cycles) will further enhance the benefits from elevated [CO2] on both the net energy and greenhouse gas balance. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Adapting coppice management to the future atmospheric [CO2] is necessary to fully benefit from the climate mitigation potential of bio-energy systems. Further, a future increase in potential biomass production due to elevated [CO2] outweighs the increased production costs resulting in a northward extension of the area where SRC is greenhouse gas neutral. Currently, the main part of the European terrestrial carbon sink is found in forest biomass and attributed to harvesting less than the annual growth in wood. Because SRC is intensively managed, with a higher turnover in wood production than conventional forest, northward expansion of SRC is likely to erode the European terrestrial carbon sink.

Biocombustibles , Dióxido de Carbono , Biomasa , Metabolismo Energético , Desarrollo de la Planta , Plantas/metabolismo
Trends Plant Sci ; 15(1): 5-10, 2010 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19955012


Current forest Free Air CO(2) Enrichment (FACE) experiments are reaching completion. Therefore, it is time to define the scientific goals and priorities of future experimental facilities. In this opinion article, we discuss the following three overarching issues (i) What are the most urgent scientific questions and how can they be addressed? (ii) What forest ecosystems should be investigated? (iii) Which other climate change factors should be coupled with elevated CO(2) concentrations in future experiments to better predict the effects of climate change? Plantations and natural forests can have conflicting purposes for high productivity and environmental protection. However, in both cases the assessment of carbon balance and how this will be affected by elevated CO(2) concentrations and the interacting climate change factors is the most pressing priority for future experiments.

Dióxido de Carbono/análisis , Árboles/metabolismo , Dióxido de Carbono/metabolismo , Ecosistema , Efecto Invernadero
Tree Physiol ; 29(11): 1349-65, 2009 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19734546


In this study, the effects of different light intensities either in direct sunlight or in the shade crown of adult beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees on delta13C and Delta18O were determined under ambient (1 x O3) and twice-ambient (2 x O3) atmospheric ozone concentrations during two consecutive years (2003 and 2004). We analysed the isotopic composition in leaf bulk, leaf cellulose, phloem and xylem material and related the results to (a) meteorological data (air temperature, T and relative humidity, RH), (b) leaf gas exchange measurements (stomatal conductance, g(s); transpiration rate, E; and maximum photosynthetic activity, A(max)) and (c) the outcome of a steady-state evaporative enrichment model. Delta13C was significantly lower in the shade than in the sun crown in all plant materials, whilst Delta18O was increased significantly in the shade than in the sun crown in bulk material and cellulose. Elevated ozone had no effect on delta13C, although Delta18O was influenced by ozone to varied degrees during single months. We observed significant seasonal changes for both parameters, especially in 2004, and also significant differences between the study years. Relating the findings to meteorological data and gas exchange parameters, we conclude that the differences in Delta18O between the sun and the shade crown were predominantly caused by the Péclet effect. This assumption was supported by the modelled Delta18O values for leaf cellulose. It was demonstrated that independent of RH, light-dependent reduction of stomatal conductance (and thus transpiration) and of A(max) can drive the pattern of Delta18O increase with the concomitant decrease of delta13C in the shade crown. The effect of doubling ozone levels on time-integrated stomatal conductance and transpiration as indicated by the combined analysis of Delta18O and delta13C was much lower than the influence caused by the light exposure.

Carbono/metabolismo , Fagus/metabolismo , Oxígeno/metabolismo , Ozono/farmacología , Isótopos de Carbono , Celulosa/metabolismo , Fagus/efectos de los fármacos , Fagus/efectos de la radiación , Humedad , Isótopos de Oxígeno , Floema/efectos de los fármacos , Floema/metabolismo , Floema/efectos de la radiación , Hojas de la Planta/efectos de los fármacos , Hojas de la Planta/metabolismo , Hojas de la Planta/efectos de la radiación , Estomas de Plantas/efectos de los fármacos , Estomas de Plantas/metabolismo , Estomas de Plantas/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Luz Solar , Temperatura , Xilema/efectos de los fármacos , Xilema/metabolismo , Xilema/efectos de la radiación
New Phytol ; 184(4): 932-43, 2009 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19754638


*Increasing evidence about hydraulic redistribution and its ecological consequences is emerging. Hydraulic redistribution results from an interplay between competing plant and soil water potential gradients. In this work, stem-mediated hydraulic redistribution was studied in a 53-year-old Douglas-fir tree during a period of drought. *Sap flux density measurements using the heat field deformation method were performed at four locations: in two large opposing roots and on two sides of the tree stem. Hydraulic redistribution was induced by localized irrigation on one of the measured roots, creating heterogeneous soil water conditions. *Stem-mediated hydraulic redistribution was detected during night-time conditions when water was redistributed from the wet side of the tree to the nonirrigated dry side. In addition to stem-mediated hydraulic redistribution, bidirectional flow in the dry root was observed, indicating radial sectoring in the xylem. *It was observed that, through stem-mediated hydraulic redistribution, Douglas-fir was unable to increase its transpiration despite the fact that sufficient water was available to one part of the root system. This resulted from the strong water potential gradient created by the dry soil in contact with the nonirrigated part of the root system. A mechanism of stem-mediated hydraulic redistribution is proposed and its possible implications are discussed.

Adaptación Fisiológica/fisiología , Raíces de Plantas/fisiología , Tallos de la Planta/fisiología , Transpiración de Plantas/fisiología , Pseudotsuga/fisiología , Agua/fisiología , Sequías , Suelo , Árboles/fisiología , Xilema