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J Chem Phys ; 159(4)2023 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37489653


By mostly using Monte Carlo numerical simulation, this work investigates the densest-known packings and phase behavior of hard spherical capsids, i.e., hard infinitesimally thin spherical caps with a subtended angle larger than the straight angle. The infinitely degenerate densest-known packings are all characterized by hard spherical capsids that interlock and can be subdivided into three families. The first family includes crystalline packings that are constructed by suitably rotating and stacking layers of hexagonally arranged and suitably tilted hard spherical capsids; depending on the successive rotations, the crystalline packings of this family can become the face-centered cubic crystal, the hexagonal close-packed crystal, and their infinitely degenerate variants in the hard-sphere limit. The second family includes crystalline packings that are characterized by rhombic motifs; they all become the face-centered cubic crystal in the hard-sphere limit. The third family includes crystalline packings that are constructed by suitably shifting and stacking layers in which hard spherical capsids are arranged in tightly packed, straight or zigzag, columns; depending on the successive shifts, the crystalline packings of this family can become the face-centered cubic crystal, the hexagonal close-packed crystal, and their infinitely degenerate variants in the hard-sphere limit. In the plane number density vs subtended angle, the phase diagram of hard spherical capsids features a hexagonal columnar liquid-crystalline phase, toward the hard-hemispherical-cap limit, and a plastic-crystalline phase, toward the hard-sphere limit, in addition to the isotropic fluid phase and crystalline phases. On departing from the hard-sphere limit, the increasing propensity of hard spherical capsids to interlock progressively disfavors the plastic-crystalline phase while favoring auto-assemblage into mostly dimeric interlocks in the denser isotropic fluid phase so that a purely entropic isotropic-fluid-plastic-crystal-isotropic-fluid re-entrant sequence of phase transitions is observed in systems of hard spherical capsids with a subtended angle intermediate between the straight angle and the complete angle.

J Phys Chem B ; 127(30): 6814-6824, 2023 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37478840


This work numerically investigates dense disordered (maximally random) jammed packings of hard spherocylinders of cylinder length L and diameter D by focusing on L/D ∈ [0,2]. It is within this interval that one expects that the packing fraction of these dense disordered jammed packings ϕMRJ hsc attains a maximum. This work confirms the form of the graph ϕMRJ hsc versus L/D: here, comparably to certain previous investigations, it is found that the maximal ϕMRJ hsc = 0.721 ± 0.001 occurs at L/D = 0.45 ± 0.05. Furthermore, this work meticulously characterizes the structure of these dense disordered jammed packings via the special pair-correlation function of the interparticle distance scaled by the contact distance and the ensuing analysis of the statistics of the hard spherocylinders in contact: here, distinctly from all previous investigations, it is found that the dense disordered jammed packings of hard spherocylinders with 0.45 ≲ L/D ≤ 2 are isostatic.

J Chem Phys ; 157(13): 134903, 2022 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36208998


This work describes a derivation of the random contact equation that predicts the packing fraction ϕMRJ hr of a dense disordered (maximally random) jammed state of hard, very elongate particles. This derivation is based on (i) the compressibility equation connecting the compressibility of a uniform system with its pair-correlation function: it is assumed equal to zero at jamming; (ii) the pair-correlation function of the interparticle distance scaled with respect to the orientationally dependent contact distance: it is assumed equal to the sum of a delta function and a unit-step function at jamming, where the former function accounts for the interparticle contacts, while the latter function accounts for the background. On assuming that the hard, very elongate particles are cylindrically symmetric with a length L and a diameter D and isostaticity occurs at jamming, the prediction, in particular that, in the limit of L/D → +∞, ϕMRJ hr L/D = (10 + 1)/2, is compared to the available experimental data.

Phys Rev E ; 104(5-1): 054604, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34942798


By using Monte Carlo numerical simulation, this work investigates the phase behavior of systems of hard infinitesimally thin circular arcs, from an aperture angle θ→0 to an aperture angle θ→2π, in the two-dimensional Euclidean space. Except in the isotropic phase at lower density and in the (quasi)nematic phase, in the other phases that form, including the isotropic phase at higher density, hard infinitesimally thin circular arcs autoassemble to form clusters. These clusters are either filamentous, for smaller values of θ, or roundish, for larger values of θ. Provided the density is sufficiently high, the filaments lengthen, merge, and straighten to finally produce a filamentary phase while the roundels compact and dispose themselves with their centers of mass at the sites of a triangular lattice to finally produce a cluster hexagonal phase.

Phys Rev E ; 102(4-1): 042903, 2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33212650


This work investigates dense packings of congruent hard infinitesimally thin circular arcs in the two-dimensional Euclidean space. It focuses on those denotable as major whose subtended angle θ∈(π,2π]. Differently than those denotable as minor whose subtended angle θ∈[0,π], it is impossible for two hard infinitesimally thin circular arcs with θ∈(π,2π] to arbitrarily closely approach once they are arranged in a configuration, e.g., on top of one another, replicable ad infinitum without introducing any overlap. This makes these hard concave particles, in spite of being infinitesimally thin, most densely pack with a finite number density. This raises the question as to what are these densest packings and what is the number density that they achieve. Supported by Monte Carlo numerical simulations, this work shows that one can analytically construct compact closed circular groups of hard major circular arcs in which a specific, θ-dependent, number of them (counter) clockwise intertwine. These compact closed circular groups then arrange on a triangular lattice. These analytically constructed densest-known packings are compared to corresponding results of Monte Carlo numerical simulations to assess whether they can spontaneously turn up.

Phys Rev E ; 100(1-1): 012709, 2019 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31499787


Using Monte Carlo numerical simulation, this work sketches the phase diagram of systems of certain hard C_{2h}-symmetric particles, formed by gluing two aligned and displaced hard spherocylinders with a cylindrical-length-to-diameter ratio realistically, if viewed not only from the lyotropic colloidal liquid-crystal side but also from the thermotropic low-molecular-mass liquid-crystal side, equal to 5, as a function of the displacement. Several distinctive phases are observed, such as a nonperiodic smectic-B-like phase, a nonperiodic smectic-H-like phase, a smectic-C phase, and a short-layer-spacing uniaxial smectic-A phase but no biaxial nematic phase.

Phys Rev E ; 100(6-1): 062902, 2019 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31962401


Among the family of hard convex lens-shaped particles (lenses), the one with aspect ratio equal to 2/3 is "optimal" in the sense that the maximally random jammed (MRJ) packings of such lenses achieve the highest packing fraction ϕ_{MRJ}≃0.73 [G. Cinacchi and S. Torquato, Soft Matter 14, 8205 (2018)1744-683X10.1039/C8SM01519H]. This value is only a few percent lower than ϕ_{DKP}=0.76210⋯, the packing fraction of the corresponding densest-known crystalline (degenerate) packings [G. Cinacchi and S. Torquato, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224506 (2015)JCPSA60021-960610.1063/1.4936938]. By exploiting the appreciably reduced propensity that a system of such optimal lenses has to positionally and orientationally order, disordered packings of them are progressively generated by a Monte Carlo method-based procedure from the dilute equilibrium isotropic fluid phase to the dense nonequilibrium MRJ state. This allows us to closely monitor how the (micro)structure of these packings changes in the process of formation of the MRJ state. The gradual changes undergone by the many structural descriptors calculated here can coherently and consistently be traced back to the gradual increase in contacts between the hard particles until the isostatic mean value of ten contact neighbors per lens is reached at the effectively hyperuniform MRJ state. Compared to the MRJ state of hard spheres, the MRJ state of such optimal lenses is denser (less porous), more disordered, and rattler-free. This set of characteristics makes them good glass formers. It is possible that this conclusion may also hold for other hard convex uniaxial particles with a correspondingly similar aspect ratio, be they oblate or prolate, and that, by using suitable biaxial variants of them, that set of characteristics might further improve.

Soft Matter ; 14(40): 8205-8218, 2018 Oct 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30283973


We generate and study dense positionally and/or orientationally disordered, including jammed, monodisperse packings of hard convex lens-shaped particles (lenses). Relatively dense isotropic fluid configurations of lenses of various aspect ratios are slowly compressed via a Monte Carlo method based procedure. Under this compression protocol, while 'flat' lenses form a nematic fluid phase (where particles are positionally disordered but orientationally ordered) and 'globular' lenses form a plastic solid phase (where particles are positionally ordered but orientationally disordered), 'intermediate', neither 'flat' nor 'globular', lenses do not form either mesophase. In general, a crystal solid phase (where particles are both positionally and orientationally ordered) does not spontaneously form during lengthy numerical simulation runs. In correspondence to those volume fractions at which a transition to the crystal solid phase would occur in equilibrium, a 'downturn' is observed in the inverse compressibility factor versus volume fraction curve beyond which this curve behaves essentially linearly. This allows us to estimate the volume fraction at jamming of the dense non-crystalline packings so generated. These packings are nematic for 'flat' lenses and plastic for 'globular' lenses, while they are robustly isotropic for 'intermediate' lenses, as confirmed by the calculation of the τ order metric, among other quantities. The structure factors S(k) of the corresponding jammed states tend to zero as the wavenumber k goes to zero, indicating they are effectively hyperuniform (i.e., their infinite-wavelength density fluctuations are anomalously suppressed). Among all possible lens shapes, 'intermediate' lenses with aspect ratio around 2/3 are special because they are those that reach the highest volume fractions at jamming while being positionally and orientationally disordered and these volume fractions are as high as those reached by nematic jammed states of 'flat' lenses and plastic jammed states of 'globular' lenses. All of their attributes, taken together, make such 'intermediate' lens packings particularly good glass-forming materials.

J Chem Phys ; 147(22): 224903, 2017 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29246036


Recent numerical simulations of hard helical particle systems unveiled the existence of a novel chiral nematic phase, termed screw-like, characterised by the helical organization of the particle C2 symmetry axes round the nematic director with periodicity equal to the particle pitch. This phase forms at high density and can follow a less dense uniform nematic phase, with relative occurrence of the two phases depending on the helix morphology. Since these numerical simulations were conducted under three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions, two questions could remain open. First, the real nature of the lower density nematic phase, expected to be cholesteric. Second, the influence that the latter, once allowed to form, may have on the existence and stability of the screw-like nematic phase. To address these questions, we have performed Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics numerical simulations of helical particle systems confined between two parallel repulsive walls. We have found that the removal of the periodicity constraint along one direction allows a relatively-long-pitch cholesteric phase to form, in lieu of the uniform nematic phase, with helical axis perpendicular to the walls while the existence and stability of the screw-like nematic phase are not appreciably affected by this change of boundary conditions.

J Chem Phys ; 145(13): 134903, 2016 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27782428


The mechanism of diffusion of helical particles in the new screw-like nematic phase is studied by molecular dynamics numerical simulation. Several dynamical indicators are reported that evidence and microscopically characterise the special translo-rotational motion by which helical particles move in this chiral liquid-crystalline phase. Besides mean square displacements and diffusion coefficients resolved parallel and perpendicular to the nematic director, a suitable translo-rotational van Hove self-correlation function and a sequence of translational and rotational velocity, self- and distinct-, time correlation functions are calculated. The analysis of all these correlation functions elicits the operativeness of the aforementioned coupled mechanism and allows its short- and long-time quantitative characterisation.

Faraday Discuss ; 186: 171-86, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26767786


The shape of the building blocks plays a crucial role in directing self-assembly towards desired architectures. Out of the many different shapes, the helix has a unique position. Helical structures are ubiquitous in nature and a helical shape is exhibited by the most important biopolymers like polynucleotides, polypeptides and polysaccharides as well as by cellular organelles like flagella. Helical particles can self-assemble into chiral superstructures, which may have a variety of applications, e.g. as photonic (meta)materials. However, a clear and definite understanding of these structures has not been entirely achieved yet. We have recently undertaken an extensive investigation on the phase behaviour of hard helical particles, using numerical simulations and classical density functional theory. Here we present a detailed study of the phase diagram of hard helices as a function of their morphology. This includes a variety of liquid-crystal phases, with different degrees of orientational and positional ordering. We show how, by tuning the helix parameters, it is possible to control the organization of the system. Starting from slender helices, whose phase behaviour is similar to that of rodlike particles, an increase in curliness leads to the onset of azimuthal correlations between the particles and the formation of phases specific to helices. These phases feature a new kind of screw order, of which there is experimental evidence in colloidal suspensions of helical flagella.

Cristales Líquidos/química , Flagelos/química , Modelos Moleculares , Conformación Molecular , Péptidos/química , Transición de Fase , Fotones , Polinucleótidos/química , Polisacáridos/química
J Chem Phys ; 143(22): 224506, 2015 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26671389


By using theoretical methods and Monte Carlo simulations, this work investigates dense ordered packings and equilibrium phase behavior (from the low-density isotropic fluid regime to the high-density crystalline solid regime) of monodisperse systems of hard convex lens-shaped particles as defined by the volume common to two intersecting congruent spheres. We show that, while the overall similarity of their shape to that of hard oblate ellipsoids is reflected in a qualitatively similar phase diagram, differences are more pronounced in the high-density crystal phase up to the densest-known packings determined here. In contrast to those non-(Bravais)-lattice two-particle basis crystals that are the densest-known packings of hard (oblate) ellipsoids, hard convex lens-shaped particles pack more densely in two types of degenerate crystalline structures: (i) non-(Bravais)-lattice two-particle basis body-centered-orthorhombic-like crystals and (ii) (Bravais) lattice monoclinic crystals. By stacking at will, regularly or irregularly, laminae of these two crystals, infinitely degenerate, generally non-periodic in the stacking direction, dense packings can be constructed that are consistent with recent organizing principles. While deferring the assessment of which of these dense ordered structures is thermodynamically stable in the high-density crystalline solid regime, the degeneracy of their densest-known packings strongly suggests that colloidal convex lens-shaped particles could be better glass formers than colloidal spheres because of the additional rotational degrees of freedom.

Chemphyschem ; 16(11): 2327-37, 2015 Aug 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26102303


The conformational equilibrium of methyl 4-nitrophenyl sulfoxide (MNPSO) was experimentally investigated in the gas phase by using microwave spectroscopy and in isotropic and nematic liquid-crystal solutions, in which the solvents are nonaqueous and aprotic, by using NMR spectroscopy; moreover, it was theoretically studied in vacuo and in solution at different levels of theory. The overall set of results indicates a significant dependence of the solute conformational distribution on the solvent dielectric permittivity constant: when dissolved in low-polarity media, the most stable conformation of MNPSO proved to be strongly twisted with respect to that in more polar solvents, in which the conformational distribution maximum essentially coincides with that obtained in the gas phase. We discuss a possible explanation of this behavior, which rests on electrostatic solute-solvent interactions and is supported by calculations of the solute electric dipole moment as a function of the torsional angle. This function shows that the least polar conformation of MNPSO is located at a twist angle close to that of the conformational distribution maximum found in less-polar solvents. This fact, associated with a relatively flat torsional potential, can justify the stabilization of the twisted conformation by the less-polar solvents.

J Phys Chem B ; 119(17): 5671-6, 2015 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25826713


This work discusses a few second- and third-virial (density functional) theory approaches aimed at describing the isotropic-nematic phase transition in three-dimensional freely rotating infinitesimally thin hard discs, the basic model for (colloidal) discotic liquid crystals. Both plain and resummed versions are considered, those resummed being based on a simple yet rather accurate analytic equation of state for the isotropic phase. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations, carried out to locate accurately the phase transition, are used to test the performance of these approaches and guide toward an improved ansatz.

J Chem Phys ; 141(15): 154901, 2014 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25338907


Monte Carlo numerical simulations are used to study in detail how the characteristics of the isotropic-nematic phase transition change as infinitely thin hard platelets are bent into shallow lens-like particles. First, this phase transition in the former reference model system is re-examined and more accurately located. Then, it is shown quantitatively that this already quite weak but distinctly first-order phase transition weakens further upon curving the platelets to such an extent that, thanks to the thinness of these particles that does not favor its pre-emptying by a transition to a (partially) positionally ordered phase, an isotropic-nematic tricritical point limit can be arbitrarily closely approached.

Soft Matter ; 10(41): 8171-87, 2014 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25164281


Hard helices can be regarded as a paradigmatic elementary model for a number of natural and synthetic soft matter systems, all featuring the helix as their basic structural unit, from natural polynucleotides and polypeptides to synthetic helical polymers, and from bacterial flagella to colloidal helices. Here we present an extensive investigation of the phase diagram of hard helices using a variety of methods. Isobaric Monte Carlo numerical simulations are used to trace the phase diagram; on going from the low-density isotropic to the high-density compact phases a rich polymorphism is observed, exhibiting a special chiral screw-like nematic phase and a number of chiral and/or polar smectic phases. We present full characterization of the latter, showing that they have unconventional features, ascribable to the helical shape of the constituent particles. Equal area construction is used to locate the isotropic-to-nematic phase transition, and the results are compared with those stemming from an Onsager-like theory. Density functional theory is also used to study the nematic-to-screw-nematic phase transition; within the simplifying assumption of perfectly parallel helices, we compare different levels of approximation, that is second- and third-virial expansions and a Parsons-Lee correction.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 16(30): 16225-32, 2014 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24969095


Using an Onsager-like theory, we have investigated the relationship between the morphology of hard helical particles and the features (pitch and handedness) of the cholesteric phase that they form. We show that right-handed helices can assemble into right- (R) and left-handed (L) cholesterics, depending on their curliness, and that the cholesteric pitch is a non-monotonic function of the intrinsic pitch of particles. The theory leads to the definition of a hierarchy of pseudoscalars, which quantify the difference in the average excluded volume between pair configurations of helices having (R) and (L)-skewed axes. The predictions of the Onsager-like theory are supported by Monte Carlo simulations of the isotropic phase of hard helices, showing how the cholesteric organization, which develops on scales longer than hundreds of molecular sizes, is encoded in the short-range chiral correlations between the helical axes.

J Chem Phys ; 140(8): 081101, 2014 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24588140


Evidence of a special chiral nematic phase is provided using numerical simulation and Onsager theory for systems of hard helical particles. This phase appears at the high density end of the nematic phase, when helices are well aligned, and is characterized by the C2 symmetry axes of the helices spiraling around the nematic director with periodicity equal to the particle pitch. This coupling between translational and rotational degrees of freedom allows a more efficient packing and hence an increase of translational entropy. Suitable order parameters and correlation functions are introduced to identify this screw-like phase, whose main features are then studied as a function of radius and pitch of the helical particles. Our study highlights the physical mechanism underlying a similar ordering observed in colloidal helical flagella [E. Barry, Z. Hensel, Z. Dogic, M. Shribak, and R. Oldenbourg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 018305 (2006)] and raises the question of whether it could be observed in other helical particle systems, such as DNA, at sufficiently high densities.

Simulación de Dinámica Molecular , Coloides/química , ADN/química , Método de Montecarlo , Polímeros/química
J Chem Phys ; 139(12): 124908, 2013 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24089805


This work reports on the phase behavior of hard spherical caps in the interval of particle shapes delimited by the hard platelet and hemispherical cap models. These very simple model colloidal particles display a remarkably complex phase behavior featuring a competition between isotropic-nematic phase separation and clustering as well as a sequence of structures, from roundish to lacy aggregates to no ordinary hexagonal columnar mesophases, all characterized by groups of particles tending to arrange on the same spherical surface. This behavior parallels that one of many molecular systems forming micelles but here it is purely entropy-driven.