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Phys Rev Lett ; 133(5): 050402, 2024 Aug 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39159081


We study the interplay between measurement-induced dynamics and conditional unitary evolution in quantum systems. We numerically and analytically investigate commuting random measurement and feed forward (MFF) processes and find a sharp transition in their ability to generate entanglement negativity as the number of MFF channels varies. We also establish a direct connection between these findings and transitions induced by random dephasing from an environment with broken time-reversal symmetry. In one variant of the problem, we employ free probability theory to rigorously prove the transition's existence. Furthermore, these MFF processes have dynamic circuit representations that can be experimentally explored on current quantum computing platforms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(25): 250401, 2024 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38996232


We propose a new approach to simulate the decoherence of a central spin coupled to an interacting dissipative spin bath with cluster-correlation expansion techniques. We benchmark the approach on generic 1D and 2D spin baths and find excellent agreement with numerically exact simulations. Our calculations show a complex interplay between dissipation and coherent spin exchange, leading to increased central spin coherence in the presence of fast dissipation. Finally, we model near-surface nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond and show that accounting for bath dissipation is crucial to understanding their decoherence. Our method can be applied to a variety of systems and provides a powerful tool to investigate spin dynamics in dissipative environments.

Sci Adv ; 10(16): eadj8796, 2024 Apr 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38630825


The dispersive interaction between a qubit and a cavity is ubiquitous in circuit and cavity quantum electrodynamics. It describes the frequency shift of one quantum mode in response to excitations in the other and, in closed systems, is necessarily bidirectional, i.e., reciprocal. Here, we present an experimental study of a nonreciprocal dispersive-type interaction between a transmon qubit and a superconducting cavity, arising from a common coupling to dissipative intermediary modes with broken time reversal symmetry. We characterize the qubit-cavity dynamics, including asymmetric frequency pulls and photon shot noise dephasing, under varying degrees of nonreciprocity by tuning the magnetic field bias of a ferrite component in situ. We introduce a general master equation model for nonreciprocal interactions in the dispersive regime, providing a compact description of the observed qubit-cavity dynamics agnostic to the intermediary system. Our result provides an example of quantum nonreciprocal phenomena beyond the typical paradigms of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and cascaded systems.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 3065, 2024 Apr 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38594258


Superconducting quantum circuits are a natural platform for quantum simulations of a wide variety of important lattice models describing topological phenomena, spanning condensed matter and high-energy physics. One such model is the bosonic analog of the well-known fermionic Kitaev chain, a 1D tight-binding model with both nearest-neighbor hopping and pairing terms. Despite being fully Hermitian, the bosonic Kitaev chain exhibits a number of striking features associated with non-Hermitian systems, including chiral transport and a dramatic sensitivity to boundary conditions known as the non-Hermitian skin effect. Here, using a multimode superconducting parametric cavity, we implement the bosonic Kitaev chain in synthetic dimensions. The lattice sites are mapped to frequency modes of the cavity, and the in situ tunable complex hopping and pairing terms are created by parametric pumping at the mode-difference and mode-sum frequencies, respectively. We experimentally demonstrate important precursors of nontrivial topology and the non-Hermitian skin effect in the bosonic Kitaev chain, including chiral transport, quadrature wavefunction localization, and sensitivity to boundary conditions. Our experiment is an important first step towards exploring genuine many-body non-Hermitian quantum dynamics.

npj Quantum Inf ; 9(1): 81, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38726362


Noise is an ever-present challenge to the creation and preservation of fragile quantum states. Recent work suggests that spatial noise correlations can be harnessed as a resource for noise mitigation via the use of spectator qubits to measure environmental noise. In this work we generalize this concept from spectator qubits to a spectator mode: a photonic mode which continuously measures spatially correlated classical dephasing noise and applies a continuous correction drive to frequency-tunable data qubits. Our analysis shows that by using many photon states, spectator modes can surpass many of the quantum measurement constraints that limit spectator qubit approaches. We also find that long-time data qubit dephasing can be arbitrarily suppressed, even for white noise dephasing. Further, using a squeezing (parametric) drive, the error in the spectator mode approach can exhibit Heisenberg-limited scaling in the number of photons used. We also show that spectator mode noise mitigation can be implemented completely autonomously using engineered dissipation. In this case no explicit measurement or processing of a classical measurement record is needed. Our work establishes spectator modes as a potentially powerful alternative to spectator qubits for noise mitigation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(6): 063604, 2022 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36018661


As the field of optomechanics advances, quadratic dispersive coupling (QDC) represents an increasingly feasible path toward qualitatively new functionality. However, the leading QDC geometries generate linear dissipative coupling and an associated quantum radiation force noise that is detrimental to QDC applications. Here, we propose a simple geometry that dramatically reduces this noise without altering the QDC strength. We identify optimal regimes of operation, and discuss advantages within the examples of optical levitation and nondestructive phonon measurement.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(7): 070402, 2022 Feb 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35244435


Understanding whether dissipation in an open quantum system is truly quantum is a question of both fundamental and practical interest. We consider n qubits subject to correlated Markovian dephasing and present a sufficient condition for when bath-induced dissipation can generate system entanglement and hence must be considered quantum. Surprisingly, we find that the presence or absence of time-reversal symmetry plays a crucial role: broken time-reversal symmetry is required for dissipative entanglement generation. Further, simply having nonzero bath susceptibilities is not enough for the dissipation to be quantum. We also present an explicit experimental protocol for identifying truly quantum dephasing dissipation and lay the groundwork for studying more complex dissipative systems and finding optimal noise mitigating strategies.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 6528, 2021 Nov 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34764276


Quantum sensing protocols that exploit the dephasing of a probe qubit are powerful and ubiquitous methods for interrogating an unknown environment. They have a variety of applications, ranging from noise mitigation in quantum processors, to the study of correlated electron states. Here, we discuss a simple strategy for enhancing these methods, based on the fact that they often give rise to an inadvertent quench of the probed system: there is an effective sudden change in the environmental Hamiltonian at the start of the sensing protocol. These quenches are extremely sensitive to the initial environmental state, and lead to observable changes in the sensor qubit evolution. We show how these new features give access to environmental response properties. This enables methods for direct measurement of bath temperature, and for detecting non-thermal equilibrium states. We also discuss how to deliberately control and modulate this quench physics, which enables reconstruction of the bath spectral function. Extensions to non-Gaussian quantum baths are also discussed, as is the application of our ideas to a range of sensing platforms (e.g., nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond, semiconductor quantum dots, and superconducting circuits).

Science ; 372(6542): 570-571, 2021 05 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33958461
Nat Commun ; 11(1): 5382, 2020 Oct 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33097707


Non-Hermitian systems exhibit markedly different phenomena than their conventional Hermitian counterparts. Several such features, such as the non-Hermitian skin effect, are only present in spatially extended systems. Potential applications of these effects in many-mode systems however remains largely unexplored. Here, we study how unique features of non-Hermitian lattice systems can be harnessed to improve Hamiltonian parameter estimation in a fully quantum setting. While the quintessential non-Hermitian skin effect does not provide any distinct advantage, alternate effects yield dramatic enhancements. We show that certain asymmetric non-Hermitian tight-binding models with a [Formula: see text] symmetry yield a pronounced sensing advantage: the quantum Fisher information per photon increases exponentially with system size. We find that these advantages persist in regimes where non-Markovian and non-perturbative effects become important. Our setup is directly compatible with a variety of quantum optical and superconducting circuit platforms, and already yields strong enhancements with as few as three lattice sites.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(10): 103602, 2020 Mar 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32216414


Optomechanical couplings involve both beam splitter and two-mode-squeezing types of interactions. While the former underlies the utility of many applications, the latter creates unwanted excitations and is usually detrimental. In this Letter, we propose a simple but powerful method based on cavity parametric driving to suppress the unwanted excitation that does not require working with a deeply sideband-resolved cavity. Our approach is based on a simple observation: as both the optomechanical two-mode-squeezing interaction and the cavity parametric drive induce squeezing transformations of the relevant photonic bath modes, they can be made to cancel one another. We illustrate how our method can cool a mechanical oscillator below the quantum backaction limit, and significantly suppress the output noise of a sideband-unresolved optomechanical transducer.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 14(2): 161-167, 2019 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30643270


Transport measurements have been an indispensable tool in studying conducting states of matter. However, there exists a large set of interesting states that are insulating, often due to electronic interactions or topology, and are difficult to probe via transport. Here, through an experiment on carbon nanotubes, we present a new approach capable of measuring insulating electronic states through their back action on nanomechanical motion. We use a mechanical pump-probe scheme, allowing the detection of shifts in both frequency and dissipation rate of mechanical vibrational modes, in an overall insulating system. As an example, we use this method to probe the non-conducting configurations of a double quantum dot, allowing us to observe the theoretically predicted signature of nanomechanical back action resulting from a coherently tunnelling electron. The technique opens a new way for measuring the internal electronic structure of a growing variety of insulating states in one- and two-dimensional systems.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 4320, 2018 10 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30333486


Unconventional properties of non-Hermitian systems, such as the existence of exceptional points, have recently been suggested as a resource for sensing. The impact of noise and utility in quantum regimes however remains unclear. In this work, we analyze the parametric-sensing properties of linear coupled-mode systems that are described by effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. Our analysis fully accounts for noise effects in both classical and quantum regimes, and also fully treats a realistic and optimal measurement protocol based on coherent driving and homodyne detection. Focusing on two-mode devices, we derive fundamental bounds on the signal power and signal-to-noise ratio for any such sensor. We use these to demonstrate that enhanced signal power requires gain, but not necessarily any proximity to an exceptional point. Further, when noise is included, we show that nonreciprocity is a powerful resource for sensing: it allows one to exceed the fundamental bounds constraining any conventional, reciprocal sensor.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(9): 090501, 2018 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29547319


We present a continuous variable tomography scheme that reconstructs the Husimi Q function (Wigner function) by Lagrange interpolation, using measurements of the Q function (Wigner function) at the Padua points, conjectured to be optimal sampling points for two dimensional reconstruction. Our approach drastically reduces the number of measurements required compared to using equidistant points on a regular grid, although reanalysis of such experiments is possible. The reconstruction algorithm produces a reconstructed function with exponentially decreasing error and quasilinear runtime in the number of Padua points. Moreover, using the interpolating polynomial of the Q function, we present a technique to directly estimate the density matrix elements of the continuous variable state, with only a linear propagation of input measurement error. Furthermore, we derive a state-independent analytical bound on this error, such that our estimate of the density matrix is accompanied by a measure of its uncertainty.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(23): 230503, 2016 Jun 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27341219


We develop new pulse schemes to significantly speed up adiabatic state transfer protocols. Our general strategy involves adding corrections to an initial control Hamiltonian that harness nonadiabatic transitions. These corrections define a set of dressed states that the system follows exactly during the state transfer. We apply this approach to stimulated Raman adiabatic passage protocols and show that a suitable choice of dressed states allows one to design fast protocols that do not require additional couplings, while simultaneously minimizing the occupancy of the "intermediate" level.

Nat Commun ; 7: 11338, 2016 04 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27108814


The quantum nonlinear regime of optomechanics is reached when nonlinear effects of the radiation pressure interaction are observed at the single-photon level. This requires couplings larger than the mechanical frequency and cavity-damping rate, and is difficult to achieve experimentally. Here we show how to exponentially enhance the single-photon optomechanical coupling strength using only additional linear resources. Our method is based on using a large-amplitude, strongly detuned mechanical parametric drive to amplify mechanical zero-point fluctuations and hence enhance the radiation pressure interaction. It has the further benefit of allowing time-dependent control, enabling pulsed schemes. For a two-cavity optomechanical set-up, we show that our scheme generates photon blockade for experimentally accessible parameters, and even makes the production of photonic states with negative Wigner functions possible. We discuss how our method is an example of a more general strategy for enhancing boson-mediated two-particle interactions and nonlinearities.

Nat Commun ; 7: 10779, 2016 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26931620


There is enormous interest in engineering topological photonic systems. Despite intense activity, most works on topological photonic states (and more generally bosonic states) amount in the end to replicating a well-known fermionic single-particle Hamiltonian. Here we show how the squeezing of light can lead to the formation of qualitatively new kinds of topological states. Such states are characterized by non-trivial Chern numbers, and exhibit protected edge modes, which give rise to chiral elastic and inelastic photon transport. These topological bosonic states are not equivalent to their fermionic (topological superconductor) counterparts and, in addition, cannot be mapped by a local transformation onto topological states found in particle-conserving models. They thus represent a new type of topological system. We study this physics in detail in the case of a kagome lattice model, and discuss possible realizations using nonlinear photonic crystals or superconducting circuits.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(9): 093604, 2015 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26371653


We show how to use two-mode squeezed light to exponentially enhance cavity-based dispersive qubit measurement. Our scheme enables true Heisenberg-limited scaling of the measurement, and crucially, it is not restricted to small dispersive couplings or unrealistically long measurement times. It involves coupling a qubit dispersively to two cavities and making use of a symmetry in the dynamics of joint cavity quadratures (a so-called quantum-mechanics-free subsystem). We discuss the basic scaling of the scheme and its robustness against imperfections, as well as a realistic implementation in circuit quantum electrodynamics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(5): 053602, 2013 Aug 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23952398


We consider how nonlinear interaction effects can manifest themselves and even be enhanced in a strongly driven optomechanical system. Using a Keldysh Green's function approach, we calculate modifications to the cavity density of states due to both linear and nonlinear optomechanical interactions, showing that strong modifications can arise even for a weak nonlinear interaction. We show how this quantity can be directly probed in an optomechanically induced transparency-type experiment. We also show how the enhanced interaction can lead to nonclassical behavior, as evidenced by the behavior of g(2) correlation functions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(25): 253601, 2013 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23829736


We show how strong steady-state entanglement can be achieved in a three-mode optomechanical system (or other parametrically coupled bosonic system) by effectively laser cooling a delocalized Bogoliubov mode. This approach allows one to surpass the bound on the maximum stationary intracavity entanglement possible with a coherent two-mode squeezing interaction. In particular, we find that optimizing the relative ratio of optomechanical couplings, rather than simply increasing their magnitudes, is essential for achieving strong entanglement. Unlike typical dissipative entanglement schemes, our results cannot be described by treating the effects of the entangling reservoir via a Linblad master equation.