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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119010


Algorithms for the estimation of gaze direction from mobile and video-based eye trackers typically involve tracking a feature of the eye that moves through the eye camera image in a way that covaries with the shifting gaze direction, such as the center or boundaries of the pupil. Tracking these features using traditional computer vision techniques can be difficult due to partial occlusion and environmental reflections. Although recent efforts to use machine learning (ML) for pupil tracking have demonstrated superior results when evaluated using standard measures of segmentation performance, little is known of how these networks may affect the quality of the final gaze estimate. This work provides an objective assessment of the impact of several contemporary ML-based methods for eye feature tracking when the subsequent gaze estimate is produced using either feature-based or model-based methods. Metrics include the accuracy and precision of the gaze estimate, as well as drop-out rate.

Diagnostics (Basel) ; 14(16)2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39202302


Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by alterations in motile cilia function. The diagnosis of PCD is challenging due to the lack of standardized methods in clinical practice. High-speed video microscopy analysis (HSVA) directly evaluates ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in PCD. Recently, open-source ciliary analysis software applications have shown promise in measuring CBF accurately. However, there is limited knowledge about the performance of different software applications, creating a gap in understanding their comparative effectiveness in measuring CBF in PCD. We compared two open-source software applications, CiliarMove (v219) and Cilialyzer (v1.2.1-b3098cb), against the manual count method. We used high-speed videos of nasal ciliary brush samples from PCD RSPH4A-positive (PCD (RSPH4A)) patients and healthy controls. All three methods showed lower median CBF values for patients with PCD (RSPH4A) than in healthy controls. CiliarMove and Cilialyzer identified lower CBF in patients with PCD (RSPH4A), similarly to the manual count. Cilialyzer, CiliarMove, and manual count methods demonstrated statistical significance (p-value < 0.0001) in the difference of median CBF values between patients with PCD (RSPH4A) and healthy controls. Correlation coefficients between the manual count values against both software methods demonstrated positive linear relationships. These findings support the utility of open-source software-based analysis tools. Further studies are needed to validate these findings with other genetic variants and identify the optimal software for accurate CBF measurement in patients with PCD.

Equine Vet J ; 2024 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39140154


BACKGROUND: An accurate evaluation of the degree of sedation is mandatory to adjust the dosage of sedative drugs. OBJECTIVES: To determine the correlation between head height above the ground and ataxia degree in horses sedated with detomidine and the correlation existing between accelerometric variables and both parameters. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. METHODS: Twelve horses were given 0.01 mg/kg of detomidine hydrochloride iv. Measured accelerometric parameters, with one accelerometer positioned between both sacral tuberosities, included speed, stride frequency and length, regularity, dorsoventral, longitudinal, mediolateral and total accelerometric activities, relative force index and dorsoventral, longitudinal and mediolateral parts of the accelerometric activities. Head height above the ground (cm) and subjective ataxia degree were also measured. Baseline values (-15 min) and values measured 5 and 15 min after the injection and then every 15 min for a period of 2 h were obtained. RESULTS: There was a negative and strong correlation between head height above the ground and ataxia degree (Pearson r = -0.78, p < 0.001), particularly during the first 45 min. A significant correlation was found between head height above the ground and almost all accelerometric parameters. This correlation was very strong with stride frequency, regularity and dorsoventral and total accelerometric activities in both cases, but for ataxia, also with total accelerometric activity. MAIN LIMITATIONS: Experimental conditions may not represent real clinical situations. CONCLUSIONS: Stride frequency and regularity are the most reliable parameters to determine degree of sedation and are related to the sedation produced. Ataxia should not be considered a separate property of sedation and does not need to be assessed separately to the depth of sedation.

HISTORIAL: Una evaluación precisa del grado de sedación es importante para ajustar la dosis de drogas sedantes. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la correlación entre la altura de cabeza con respecto al suelo y el grado de ataxia en caballos sedados con detomidina y la correlación que existe entre las variables acelerométricas y ambos parámetros. DISEÑO DEL ESTUDIO: Estudio retrospectivo. MÉTODOS: A doce caballos se les administró 0.01 mg/kg de hidrocloruro de detomidina por vía endovenosa. Parámetros acelerométricos fueron medidos, con un acelerómetro posicionado entre ambas tuberosidades sacrales, que incluyeron velocidad, frecuencia y largo del paso, regularidad, actividades acelerométricas dorso ventral, longitudinal, medio lateral y total, índice de fuerza relativo y partes dorso ventral, longitudinal, medio lateral de actividades acelerométricas. También se midieron la altura de la cabeza sobre el nivel del suelo (cm) y grado de ataxia subjetiva. Se obtuvieron valores de base (­15 min) y valores medidos 5 y 15 min después de la inyección y subsecuentemente cada 15 min por un periódo de 2h. RESULTADOS: Hubo una correlación fuerte, negativa, estadísticamente significativa entre la altura de la cabeza sobre el nivel del suelo y el grado de ataxia (Pearson r = ­0.78, p<0.001), con una correlación mayor durante los primeros 45 minutos. En cuanto a la ataxia, se encontró una correlación significativa entre cabeza sobre el suelo y casi todos los parámetros acelerométricos. Esta correlación fue muy fuerte con la frecuencia y regularidad del paso, actividades acelerométricas dorso ventral y total en ambos casos pero para ataxia también con actividad acelerométrica total. LIMITACIONES PRINCIPALES: Condiciones experimentales no imitan completamente las situaciones clínicas reales. CONCLUSIONES: La frecuencia y regularidad del paso parecen ser los parámetros más confiables para determinar el grado de sedación y están estrictamente relacionados con la sedación producida. Además, la ataxia no debería considerarse como una propiedad separada de la sedación y no necesita ser evaluada en forma separada a la profundidad de la sedación.

Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 2024 Jun 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38898241


BACKGROUND: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a psychiatric condition characterized by persistent concern with non-existent or minor defects in one's physical appearance. BDD can be difficult to identify as patients often have limited insight into the condition. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the prevalence of BDD in patients presenting to private aesthetic clinical settings in four Latin American countries. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study From August to October 2022 to evaluate the prevalence of BDD among 360 patients seeking nonsurgical cosmetic procedures in Chile, Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia using the Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ). We reported prevalence estimates for the lowest and highest previously proposed DCQ cutoff points. RESULTS: The DCQ total scores in the study population ranged from 0 to 21, with a mean total score of 5.1 ± 3.4. The prevalence of positive screening results for BDD (total DCQ score ≥ 9) was 15.8%. The prevalence of a likely diagnosis of BDD (total DCQ score of ¥ 17) was 0.83%. LIMITATIONS: The convenience sample limited the generalizability of the findings to Latin America. CONCLUSION: We encourage colleagues to be more mindful of this diagnosis and to facilitate earlier psychological evaluation in patients who are positive for BDD. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE III: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

Animals (Basel) ; 14(7)2024 Apr 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38612360


Subchondral cystic lesions (SCL) in the medial femoral condyle are a usual finding in Thoroughbred survey and auction repository radiographs. Several treatments with different outcomes have been studied over the years to improve soundness and racing prognosis. Our objective was to report the racing prognosis in Thoroughbred yearlings intended for racing that were diagnosed with SCL in the medial femoral condyle and were treated using four current and different techniques: intralesional injection of corticosteroids, SCL debridement through the joint with a drill bit, translesional cortical screw placement, and absorbable hydroxyapatite implant placement. Data from 182 Thoroughbred yearlings treated for SCL in the medial femoral condyle were collected from 2014 to 2020. Limb affected, age at surgery, sex, and radiographic measurements of the SCL were recorded. Auction price and racing performance were collected for treated horses and compared to 154 maternal siblings free of medial femoral condyle SCL. Analyses were conducted to assess if racing prognosis was affected by SCL size, to detect differences in auction price and selected flat racing outcome parameters between cases and controls, and to compare racing prognosis between the studied treatments. Mares and lesions located in the right stifle were significantly overrepresented. The auction price of treated horses was significantly lower than that of their siblings. Horses treated for SCL had significantly lower chances to start in a race than controls (59% vs. 74% respectively). Wider SCL negatively affected the chances to start at least in one race, and negatively affected the earnings made in the 2-year-olds' racing year. Horses with SCL treated using a bioabsorbable implant had a significantly higher median in starts as 3-year-olds (seven starts) than horses that had the SCL debrided with a drill bit (three starts). In conclusion, Thoroughbred yearlings treated for a medial femoral condyle SCL had lower auction prices and decreased ability to start a race compared to siblings' wider cysts had worse prognosis to start a race and might affect earnings as 2-year-olds; and horses treated with bioabsorbable composite implant placement had more starts as 3-year-olds than with other techniques.

PLoS One ; 19(3): e0289855, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38457388


When humans navigate through complex environments, they coordinate gaze and steering to sample the visual information needed to guide movement. Gaze and steering behavior have been extensively studied in the context of automobile driving along a winding road, leading to accounts of movement along well-defined paths over flat, obstacle-free surfaces. However, humans are also capable of visually guiding self-motion in environments that are cluttered with obstacles and lack an explicit path. An extreme example of such behavior occurs during first-person view drone racing, in which pilots maneuver at high speeds through a dense forest. In this study, we explored the gaze and steering behavior of skilled drone pilots. Subjects guided a simulated quadcopter along a racecourse embedded within a custom-designed forest-like virtual environment. The environment was viewed through a head-mounted display equipped with an eye tracker to record gaze behavior. In two experiments, subjects performed the task in multiple conditions that varied in terms of the presence of obstacles (trees), waypoints (hoops to fly through), and a path to follow. Subjects often looked in the general direction of things that they wanted to steer toward, but gaze fell on nearby objects and surfaces more often than on the actual path or hoops. Nevertheless, subjects were able to perform the task successfully, steering at high speeds while remaining on the path, passing through hoops, and avoiding collisions. In conditions that contained hoops, subjects adapted how they approached the most immediate hoop in anticipation of the position of the subsequent hoop. Taken together, these findings challenge existing models of steering that assume that steering is tightly coupled to where actors look. We consider the study's broader implications as well as limitations, including the focus on a small sample of highly skilled subjects and inherent noise in measurement of gaze direction.

Conducción de Automóvil , Movimiento , Humanos , Movimiento (Física) , Desempeño Psicomotor , Fijación Ocular
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 32(1): e1405, dic. 26, 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531734


Introducción: se estima escasez de 5.9 millones de profesionistas de la salud a nivel mundial. La Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada (EPA), cuenta con conocimientos, competencias y habilidades clínicas específicas para actuar en situaciones de déficit de personal médico, tratando desde enfermedades agudas hasta crónico degenerativas, preservando tanto la salud mental como física. Objetivo: Determinar el desempeño de la Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada en el Sector Salud. Metodología: revisión sistemática sobre la EPA, que incluyó revisiones y artículos originales del periodo 2013-2022 en español e inglés, acerca de su desempeño: evolución, aceptación y reconocimiento. Para la identificación, cribado e inclusión de los artículos se utilizó el modelo PRISMA 2020. Resultados: de un total de 838 artículos identificados, se incluyeron 20 artículos y 7 de otras fuentes como citas y otros sitios web, obteniendo un total de 27 artículos de revisión, que abordan la evolución, la aceptación y reconocimiento. Se realizó análisis cualitativo. Conclusiones: el desempeño de EPA surge por las demandas poblacionales de atención primaria a la salud, diversos países ya cuentan con EPA, asistiendo a sus habitantes desde sus especialidades. La EPA es diversa y extensa, su profesionalización debe ser continua y permanente. En México falta camino para tomar la EPA como parte del equipo multidisciplinario

Abstract Introduction: About 5.9 millions healthcare professionals lack across the world. The Advanced Practice Nursing (APN), has specific knowledge, competences, and clinical abilities to act in medical absence, taking care from acute illness until chronic diseases, preserving both mental and physical health. Objective: To determine the Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) performance in the Health Sector. Methods: A systematic review about APN, including reviews and original articles from the period 2013-2022 in Spanish and English, about performance: evolution, acceptance and recognition. For the identification, screening, and inclusion of the articles the PRISMA 2020 model was used. Results: Of 838 total identified articles, 20 articles were included from the search and 7 from other sources such as citations and other websites, obtaining 27 total articles to be reviewed, which regard the evolution, acceptance and recognition. A qualitative analysis was performed. Conclusions: The APN performance arose because of demands for primary health care; several countries already have APN, providing care to inhabitants through their different specialties. APN is diverse and extensive, its professionalization must be continuous and permanent. In Mexico there is still some way to go to APN to take part in the multidisciplinary team.

Humanos , Rol de la Enfermera , Educación en Enfermería , Enfermería de Práctica Avanzada , Enfermería de Atención Primaria
Psicol Reflex Crit ; 36(1): 37, 2023 Nov 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38015372


BACKGROUND: Identifying the underlying mechanisms through which adverse childhood experiences affect (ACEs) the mental health of adolescents is of paramount importance for disease prevention in later stages of life. OBJECTIVE: The present study examines the relationship between ACEs and psychopathology in adolescents from northern Chile and how attachment style (abandonment anxiety and intimacy avoidance) may moderate this relationship. A total of 154 schooled adolescents aged 12 to 17 (M = 15.08, SD = 1.64) completed a series of self-report questionnaires including the Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire (ACEs), Experiences in Close Relationships- Relationship Structures (ECR-RS), and Youth Self Report (YSR-18). RESULTS: The data analysis was carried out using SPSS version 25, which included descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, and Spearman correlation analysis. To address moderation analysis, the PROCESS macro extension version 4.1 was employed. In this process, the bootstrap method was applied to construct confidence intervals, and the pick-a-point approach was used to define the levels of the moderating variable. According to the results, 80.3% of the sample experienced one or more ACEs, and 16.4% reported experiencing at least three. Furthermore, the variables under study exhibited significant correlations with each other, except for intimacy avoidance, which showed no correlation with ACEs (rho = -0.10; p = 0.273). When considering abandonment anxiety as a moderating variable, the direct effect of ACEs on externalizing symptoms showed statistically significant changes (ß = 0.60, p = 0.03). No other moderating effects were found according to the proposed models. CONCLUSION: In childhood, the accumulation of ACEs is associated with the development of psychopathology in adolescents from northern Chile, specifically with the presence of internalizing and externalizing symptoms. These findings suggest that lower levels of abandonment anxiety could mitigate the effects of ACEs on adolescent psychopathology, while higher levels of abandonment anxiety could exacerbate these effects on psychopathology.

JBJS Case Connect ; 13(4)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38015935


CASE: A 61-year-old woman with lower back and radicular leg pain underwent minimally invasive spinal fusion at L5-S1. By postoperative day 6, she exhibited erythema, wound dehiscence, and necrotic changes. Although a necrotizing infection was initially suspected, multiple debridements and antibiotic therapy failed to improve her condition. The patient was eventually diagnosed with pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) and was managed with immunosuppressants and extended wound care. CONCLUSION: PG is a rare dermatosis that is often misdiagnosed, leading to inappropriate treatment, debridements, and additional complications. Prompt identification and multidisciplinary collaboration are key to preventing unnecessary interventions and achieving the best outcomes.

Piodermia Gangrenosa , Fusión Vertebral , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Piodermia Gangrenosa/cirugía , Fusión Vertebral/efectos adversos , Inmunosupresores
J Neurosci ; 43(45): 7511-7522, 2023 11 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37940592


Real-world actions require one to simultaneously perceive, think, and act on the surrounding world, requiring the integration of (bottom-up) sensory information and (top-down) cognitive and motor signals. Studying these processes involves the intellectual challenge of cutting across traditional neuroscience silos, and the technical challenge of recording data in uncontrolled natural environments. However, recent advances in techniques, such as neuroimaging, virtual reality, and motion tracking, allow one to address these issues in naturalistic environments for both healthy participants and clinical populations. In this review, we survey six topics in which naturalistic approaches have advanced both our fundamental understanding of brain function and how neurologic deficits influence goal-directed, coordinated action in naturalistic environments. The first part conveys fundamental neuroscience mechanisms related to visuospatial coding for action, adaptive eye-hand coordination, and visuomotor integration for manual interception. The second part discusses applications of such knowledge to neurologic deficits, specifically, steering in the presence of cortical blindness, impact of stroke on visual-proprioceptive integration, and impact of visual search and working memory deficits. This translational approach-extending knowledge from lab to rehab-provides new insights into the complex interplay between perceptual, motor, and cognitive control in naturalistic tasks that are relevant for both basic and clinical research.

Accidente Cerebrovascular , Realidad Virtual , Humanos , Objetivos , Memoria a Corto Plazo , Cognición
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 80(4): 247-252, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37703551


BACKGROUND: Acute fetal distress (AFD) is a condition that requires timely diagnosis because it generates hypoxia, acidosis, and even intrauterine death. This study aimed to determine lactate and pH values in the umbilical cord in full-term newborns (NBs) with a history of AFD. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study in full-term NBs of mothers with at least one perinatal, neonatal, or gasometric AFD antecedent. Neonatal morbidity was considered: if 1-min Apgar ≤ 6, or advanced neonatal maneuvers, or neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions were necessary. The cutoff points were lactate > 4mmol/L and pH < 7.2. RESULTS: Of 66 NBs, 33.3% of mothers presented at least one antecedent for developing AFD; 22.7% presented hypertensive pregnancy disease, 13.6% oligohydramnios, and 63.6% other factors. Perinatally, 28.7% required advanced neonatal resuscitation maneuvers and 7.5% admission to the NICU. In the gasometry, the lactate and pH values for the neonatal morbidity of the NBs' group were 4.726 ± 1.401 and 7.293 ± 0.056, respectively, versus 2.240 ± 0.318 and 7.359 ± 0.022 (p < 0.05) for the group without associated neonatal morbidity. CONCLUSIONS: Lactate values in the umbilical cord increased by 25%, and pH decreased by one percent in NBs with a history of AFD and associated morbidity.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El sufrimiento fetal agudo (SFA) es una condición que amerita un diagnóstico oportuno debido a que genera hipoxia, acidosis e incluso la muerte intrauterina. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los valores de lactato y pH en cordón umbilical en recién nacidos de término con antecedente SFA. MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal, en recién nacidos a término, de madres que tuvieron al menos un antecedente para SFA de tipo perinatal, neonatal o gasométrico. Se consideró morbilidad neonatal cuando presentaron Apgar al minuto ≤ 6, o requirieron maniobras avanzadas de reanimación neonatal, o ingreso a Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN). El punto de corte fue > 4 mmol/L para los valores de lactato y pH < 7.2. RESULTADOS: De un total de 66 recién nacidos, el 33.3% de las madres presentaron al menos un antecedente para desarrollar SFA; el 22.7% presentó enfermedad hipertensiva del embarazo, el 13.6%, oligohidramnios, y el 63.6%, otros factores. El 28.7% requirieron maniobras avanzadas de la reanimación neonatal y el 7.5%, el ingreso a la UCIN. En la gasometría, el valor de lactato y pH para el grupo de recién nacidos con morbilidad neonatal fue de 4.726 ± 1.401 y 7.293 ± 0.056 respectivamente, versus 2.240 ± 0.318 y 7.359 ± 0.022 (p < 0.05) para el grupo sin morbilidad neonatal asociada. CONCLUSIONES: Se observó un incremento del 25% de los valores de lactato en cordón umbilical y una disminución del 1% del pH en los recién nacidos con antecedente de SFA y morbilidad asociada.

Hipertensión , Ácido Láctico , Femenino , Embarazo , Recién Nacido , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Sufrimiento Fetal/diagnóstico , Resucitación , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno
Animals (Basel) ; 13(18)2023 Sep 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37760238


Subchondral cystic lesions (SCLs) in equines and their treatments have been mainly studied in the medial femoral condyle of the femur. SCLs in the distal extremities affecting the fetlock or interphalangeal joints are frequent, but treatment or prognosis studies in horses are currently sparse. Our objective was to compare four treatments for SCLs in the distal extremities (intralesional injection of corticosteroids, transcortical drilling, cortical screw placement, and absorbable hydroxyapatite implant placement) and report the racing prognoses for affected thoroughbred yearlings. Data from 113 thoroughbred yearlings treated for SCLs in the distal extremities were collected from 2014 to 2020. Age at surgery, sex, bone affected, radiographic SCL measurements, SCL shape, and type of treatment were recorded. Sale data and racing performance were collected for the operated horses and for 109 maternal siblings that were free of SCLs. An analysis was conducted to assess if SCL size affected racing prognosis and to detect differences in sale value and selected racing parameters between the cases and controls. The outcomes for the different treatments, the different bones affected, and the SCL shape type were also analyzed. There was no difference in the ability to start in a race between the cases and controls (60.2% vs. 69.7%, respectively). The auction value of the treated horses was significantly lower than that of their siblings. The bone affected did not impact any of the racing variables studied, whereas the height of the SCLs negatively affected the number of wins and placed races. The type of treatment for the horses affected by SCLs did not have an impact on sale prices, ability to start a race, race starts, wins, and places, or age at the time of the first start. In conclusion, yearlings diagnosed with an SCL in the distal extremities had lower auction prices and decreased racing performances, with lower numbers of wins correlated with larger SCL heights compared to the siblings. Similar racing performance was found regardless of the treatment received.

J Am Vet Med Assoc ; 261(11): 1638-1645, 2023 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37562781


OBJECTIVE: To assess the value of 18F-sodium fluoride (18F-NaF) positron emission tomography (PET) for imaging the tarsus and proximal metatarsus and compare it with CT and lameness evaluation. ANIMALS: 25 horses with lameness localized to the tarsal and proximal metatarsal regions that underwent 18F-NaF PET/CT between 2016 and 2021. METHODS: 18F-NaF PET and CT images were retrospectively independently evaluated by 3 observers. Standardized uptake values (SUV) were used to characterize 18F-NaF uptake. Correlation between PET and CT findings with subjective and objective maximum (Max-D) and minimum pelvic height lameness data was estimated. RESULTS: The inter-observer Kappa-weighted value (κ) was higher for PET (κ = 0.66) than CT (κ = 0.6). CT and PET scores were fairly correlated (R = 0.49; P < 0.05). PET SUVratio (SUV of the main lesion/SUV talus) had the highest correlation with Max-D (R = 0.71; P < .05). PET and CT scores for the plantar region were significantly higher in Quarter Horses (P < .05) and showed consistently higher correlation with objective lameness data (CT plantar grade - Max-D [R = 0.6; P < .05], PET plantar grade - Max-D [R = 0.47; P = .04]) than other regions of the distal tarsal joints. Three Warmbloods presented marked uptake at the medial cochlea of the distal tibia. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: PET had a moderate correlation with CT for assessment of tarsal lesions. The degree of PET uptake can help differentiate active versus inactive lesions. Specific location of the uptake is important in determining clinical relevance.

Enfermedades de los Caballos , Fluoruro de Sodio , Animales , Caballos , Tomografía Computarizada por Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones/métodos , Cojera Animal/diagnóstico por imagen , Estudios Retrospectivos , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones/métodos , Tomografía de Emisión de Positrones/veterinaria , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Enfermedades de los Caballos/diagnóstico por imagen
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 80(4): 247-252, Jul.-Aug. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520286


Abstract Background: Acute fetal distress (AFD) is a condition that requires timely diagnosis because it generates hypoxia, acidosis, and even intrauterine death. This study aimed to determine lactate and pH values in the umbilical cord in full-term newborns (NBs) with a history of AFD. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in full-term NBs of mothers with at least one perinatal, neonatal, or gasometric AFD antecedent. Neonatal morbidity was considered: if 1-min Apgar ≤ 6, or advanced neonatal maneuvers, or neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions were necessary. The cutoff points were lactate > 4mmol/L and pH < 7.2. Results: Of 66 NBs, 33.3% of mothers presented at least one antecedent for developing AFD; 22.7% presented hypertensive pregnancy disease, 13.6% oligohydramnios, and 63.6% other factors. Perinatally, 28.7% required advanced neonatal resuscitation maneuvers and 7.5% admission to the NICU. In the gasometry, the lactate and pH values for the neonatal morbidity of the NBs' group were 4.726 ± 1.401 and 7.293 ± 0.056, respectively, versus 2.240 ± 0.318 and 7.359 ± 0.022 (p < 0.05) for the group without associated neonatal morbidity. Conclusions: Lactate values in the umbilical cord increased by 25%, and pH decreased by one percent in NBs with a history of AFD and associated morbidity.

Resumen Introducción: El sufrimiento fetal agudo (SFA) es una condición que amerita un diagnóstico oportuno debido a que genera hipoxia, acidosis e incluso la muerte intrauterina. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los valores de lactato y pH en cordón umbilical en recién nacidos de término con antecedente SFA. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal, en recién nacidos a término, de madres que tuvieron al menos un antecedente para SFA de tipo perinatal, neonatal o gasométrico. Se consideró morbilidad neonatal cuando presentaron Apgar al minuto ≤ 6, o requirieron maniobras avanzadas de reanimación neonatal, o ingreso a Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN). El punto de corte fue > 4 mmol/L para los valores de lactato y pH < 7.2. Resultados: De un total de 66 recién nacidos, el 33.3% de las madres presentaron al menos un antecedente para desarrollar SFA; el 22.7% presentó enfermedad hipertensiva del embarazo, el 13.6%, oligohidramnios, y el 63.6%, otros factores. El 28.7% requirieron maniobras avanzadas de la reanimación neonatal y el 7.5%, el ingreso a la UCIN. En la gasometría, el valor de lactato y pH para el grupo de recién nacidos con morbilidad neonatal fue de 4.726 ± 1.401 y 7.293 ± 0.056 respectivamente, versus 2.240 ± 0.318 y 7.359 ± 0.022 (p < 0.05) para el grupo sin morbilidad neonatal asociada. Conclusiones: Se observó un incremento del 25% de los valores de lactato en cordón umbilical y una disminución del 1% del pH en los recién nacidos con antecedente de SFA y morbilidad asociada.

Cell Rep ; 42(5): 112432, 2023 05 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37120812


We recently discovered that some bacteriophages establish a nucleus-like replication compartment (phage nucleus), but the core genes that define nucleus-based phage replication and their phylogenetic distribution were still to be determined. Here, we show that phages encoding the major phage nucleus protein chimallin share 72 conserved genes encoded within seven gene blocks. Of these, 21 core genes are unique to nucleus-forming phage, and all but one of these genes encode proteins of unknown function. We propose that these phages comprise a novel viral family we term Chimalliviridae. Fluorescence microscopy and cryoelectron tomography studies of Erwinia phage vB_EamM_RAY confirm that many of the key steps of nucleus-based replication are conserved among diverse chimalliviruses and reveal variations on this replication mechanism. This work expands our understanding of phage nucleus and PhuZ spindle diversity and function, providing a roadmap for identifying key mechanisms underlying nucleus-based phage replication.

Bacteriófagos , Erwinia , Bacteriófagos/genética , Bacteriófagos/metabolismo , Erwinia/genética , Erwinia/metabolismo , Filogenia , Genoma Viral , ADN Viral/genética , ADN Viral/metabolismo
Front Comput Neurosci ; 17: 1099593, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36890967


The active inference framework (AIF) is a promising new computational framework grounded in contemporary neuroscience that can produce human-like behavior through reward-based learning. In this study, we test the ability for the AIF to capture the role of anticipation in the visual guidance of action in humans through the systematic investigation of a visual-motor task that has been well-explored-that of intercepting a target moving over a ground plane. Previous research demonstrated that humans performing this task resorted to anticipatory changes in speed intended to compensate for semi-predictable changes in target speed later in the approach. To capture this behavior, our proposed "neural" AIF agent uses artificial neural networks to select actions on the basis of a very short term prediction of the information about the task environment that these actions would reveal along with a long-term estimate of the resulting cumulative expected free energy. Systematic variation revealed that anticipatory behavior emerged only when required by limitations on the agent's movement capabilities, and only when the agent was able to estimate accumulated free energy over sufficiently long durations into the future. In addition, we present a novel formulation of the prior mapping function that maps a multi-dimensional world-state to a uni-dimensional distribution of free-energy/reward. Together, these results demonstrate the use of AIF as a plausible model of anticipatory visually guided behavior in humans.

bioRxiv ; 2023 Feb 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36865095


We recently discovered that some bacteriophages establish a nucleus-like replication compartment (phage nucleus), but the core genes that define nucleus-based phage replication and their phylogenetic distribution were unknown. By studying phages that encode the major phage nucleus protein chimallin, including previously sequenced yet uncharacterized phages, we discovered that chimallin-encoding phages share a set of 72 highly conserved genes encoded within seven distinct gene blocks. Of these, 21 core genes are unique to this group, and all but one of these unique genes encode proteins of unknown function. We propose that phages with this core genome comprise a novel viral family we term Chimalliviridae. Fluorescence microscopy and cryo-electron tomography studies of Erwinia phage vB_EamM_RAY confirm that many of the key steps of nucleus-based replication encoded in the core genome are conserved among diverse chimalliviruses, and reveal that non-core components can confer intriguing variations on this replication mechanism. For instance, unlike previously studied nucleus-forming phages, RAY doesn't degrade the host genome, and its PhuZ homolog appears to form a five-stranded filament with a lumen. This work expands our understanding of phage nucleus and PhuZ spindle diversity and function, providing a roadmap for identifying key mechanisms underlying nucleus-based phage replication.

Equine Vet J ; 55(4): 649-655, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36223251


BACKGROUND: Trigeminal nerve-mediated head-shaking (TNMH) in horses is a diagnosis made by exclusion. Computed tomography (CT) is frequently used to identify any disease process that could cause the clinical signs of head-shaking. Although abnormalities are frequently identified, it is unknown whether treatment of these conditions improves clinical signs. OBJECTIVES: To ascertain the clinical significance of CT findings in horses presented with a complaint of head-shaking. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case series. METHODS: CT and patient records were reviewed and all abnormal findings and any treatments subsequently carried out was recorded. A questionnaire was sent to referring veterinarians and owners were contacted by telephone to establish whether treatment of the identified condition improved clinical signs. RESULTS: This study included 103 horses presented for head CT with the complaint of head-shaking with follow-up information obtained for 84 horses (81.6%). The diagnosis of TNMH was based on a combination of positive maxillary nerve block and/or response to treatment for TNMH. Although TNMH was the most common diagnosis with 62 horses (60.2%) affected, in 22 horses (21.4%), a primary disease process was identified and treatment of the condition eliminated signs of head-shaking. Clinically relevant primary diseases included dental fracture, primary sinusitis, temporo-mandibular joint arthritis, nuchal bursitis, musculoskeletal pathologies, basisphenoid fracture, otitis externa and a mass affecting the infra-orbital nerve. MAIN LIMITATIONS: Some clinical information was missing and follow-up information was not obtained in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: CT was perceived as a useful diagnostic tool by most veterinarians, ruling out significant abnormalities. In over 20% of the cases, a treatable primary condition was identified leading to complete resolution of clinical signs.

HISTORIAL: Las sacudidas de cabeza mediadas por el nervio Trigémino (TNMH) en caballos es un diagnostico por exclusión. La tomografía computarizada (CT) es frecuentemente utilizada para identificar cualquier proceso patológico que pudiese ser la causa de los síntomas de sacudida de cabeza. Aunque se identifican frecuentemente anomalías, no se sabe si es que el tratamiento de estas condiciones mejora los signos clínicos. OBJETIVOS: Demostrar la significancia clínica de los hallazgos por CT en caballos presentados con queja de sacudida de cabeza. DISEÑO DEL ESTUDIO: Series de casos retrospectivos. MÉTODOS: Los archivos de tomografía computarizada y de pacientes fueron revisados y todos los hallazgos anormales y los tratamientos llevados a cabo subsecuentemente fueron anotados. Un cuestionario fue mandado a los veterinarios que difirieron los casos y los dueños fueron contactados por teléfono para saber si el tratamiento de la condición identificada mejoro los síntomas. RESULTADOS: Este estudio incluyo a 103 caballos presentados para CT de cabeza con queja de sacudida de cabeza con información subsecuente obtenida en 84 caballos (81.6%). TNMH fue el diagnostico basados en un combinación de bloque positivo del nervio maxilar y/o respuesta positiva a tratamiento de TNMH. Aunque TNMH fue el diagnostico mas común con 62 caballos (60.2%) afectados, en 22 caballos (21.4%), un proceso patológico primario fue identificado y el tratamiento de la condición elimino los síntomas de sacudida de cabeza. Las enfermedades clínicas primarias relevantes incluyeron fracturas dentales, sinusitis primaria, artritis de la articulación temporo-mandibular, bursitis nucal, patologías musculo esqueléticas, fracturas basifenoideas, otitis externa y masas tumorales afectando al nervio infra-orbital. LIMITACIONES PRINCIPALES: No se pudo obtener toda la información clínica e no se obtuvo información de seguimiento en todos los casos. CONCLUSIONES: La tomografía computarizada era considerada como un herramienta diagnostica por la mayoría de los veterinarios, descartando anomalías significativas. En mas de un 20% de los casos, una condición primaria con tratamiento fue identificada y esta llevo a la resolución de los síntomas clínicos.

Fracturas Óseas , Enfermedades de los Caballos , Caballos , Animales , Estudios Retrospectivos , Enfermedades de los Caballos/diagnóstico por imagen , Enfermedades de los Caballos/tratamiento farmacológico , Cabeza/diagnóstico por imagen , Fracturas Óseas/veterinaria , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X/veterinaria
Front Vet Sci ; 10: 1278148, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38260210


Introduction: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is regarded as a convenient and suitable alternative to conventional computed tomography. However, in the horse, the quality of obtained data sets needs to be evaluated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the visibility and accessibility of clinically relevant anatomical structures displayed in CBCT and conventional multidetector computed tomography (MDCT). Materials and methods: Twenty-nine limbs from horses euthanized for reasons unrelated to this study were used. Native and intraarticular contrast scans of the fetlock (CBCT vs. MDCT) were performed. The visibility and accessibility of selected anatomical structures were blindly scored by three independent experienced observers using a scoring system previously reported and adapted to the fetlock joint. Results: Only minor differences between CBCT and MDCT were identified concerning the diagnostic quality of images for osseous structures. Soft tissue structures were better evaluated on MDCT images. In CBCT as well as in MDCT articular cartilage could only be visualized after intraarticular injection of contrast medium. Discussion/conclusion: Cone beam computed tomography of the fetlock is a useful and reliable diagnostic tool when evaluating osseous structures and delineating articular cartilage with contrast medium. However, this modality is limited for assessing soft tissues structures.

Front Genet ; 14: 1306600, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38299096


Environmental pollution nowadays has not only a direct correlation with human health changes but a direct social impact. Epidemiological studies have evidenced the increased damage to human health on a daily basis because of damage to the ecological niche. Rapid urban growth and industrialized societies importantly compromise air quality, which can be assessed by a notable accumulation of air pollutants in both the gas and the particle phases. Of them, particulate matter (PM) represents a highly complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds of the most variable size, composition, and origin. PM being one of the most complex environmental pollutants, its accumulation also varies in a temporal and spatial manner, which challenges current analytical techniques used to investigate PM interactions. Nevertheless, the characterization of the chemical composition of PM is a reliable indicator of the composition of the atmosphere, the quality of breathed air in urbanized societies, industrial zones and consequently gives support for pertinent measures to avoid serious health damage. Epigenomic damage is one of the most promising biological mechanisms of air pollution-derived carcinogenesis. Therefore, this review aims to highlight the implication of PM exposure in diverse molecular mechanisms driving human diseases by altered epigenetic regulation. The presented findings in the context of pan-organic cancer, fibrosis, neurodegeneration and metabolic diseases may provide valuable insights into the toxicity effects of PM components at the epigenomic level and may serve as biomarkers of early detection for novel targeted therapies.