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Saudi J Biol Sci ; 29(5): 3167-3176, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35844397


The acquisition of multi-drug resistance (MDR) genes by pathogenic bacterial bugs and their dispersal to different food webs has become a silent pandemic. The multiplied use of different antibacterial therapeutics during COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process among emerging pathogens. Wild migratory birds play an important role in the spread of MDR pathogens and MDR gene flow due to the consumption of contaminated food and water. Escherichia fergusonii is an emerging pathogen of family Enterobacteriaceae and commonly causes disease in human and animals. The present study focused on the isolation of E. fergusonii from blood, saliva, and intestine of selected migratory birds of the Hazara Division. The sensitivity of isolated strains was assessed against ten different antibiotics. The isolation frequency of E. fergusonii was 69%. In blood samples, a high rate of resistance was observed against ceftriaxone (80%) followed by ampicillin (76%) whereas, in oral and intestinal samples, ceftriaxone resistant strains were 56% and 57% while ampicillin resistance was 49% and 52% respectively. The overall ceftriaxone and ampicillin-resistant cases in all three sample sources were 71% and 65% respectively. In comparison to oral and intestinal samples, high numbers of ceftriaxone-resistant strains were isolated from the blood of mallard while ampicillin-resistant strains were observed in blood samples of cattle egrets. 16S rRNA-based confirmed strains of E. fergusonii were processed for detection of CTX-M and TEM-1 gene through Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) after DNA extraction. Hundred percent ceftriaxone resistant isolates possessed CTX-M and all ampicillin-resistant strains harbored TEM-1 genes. Amplified products were sequenced by using the Sanger sequencing method and the resulted sequences were checked for similarity in the nucleotide Database through the BLAST program. TEM-1 gene showed 99% and the CTX-M gene showed 98% similar sequences in the Database. The 16S rRNA sequence and nucleotide sequences for TEM-1 and CTX-M genes were submitted to Gene Bank with accession numbers LC521304, LC521306, LC521307 respectively. We posit to combat MDR gene flow among the bacterial pathogens across different geographical locations, regular surveillance of new zoonotic pathogens must be conducted.