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Can J Kidney Health Dis ; 11: 20543581241234724, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38576769


Background: People receiving hemodialysis experience high symptom burden that contributes to low functional status and poor health-related quality of life. Management of symptoms is a priority for individuals receiving hemodialysis but limited effective treatments exist. There is emerging evidence that exercise programming can improve several common dialysis-related symptoms. Objective: The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of an exercise rehabilitation program on symptom burden in individuals receiving maintenance hemodialysis. Design: Multicenter, randomized controlled, 1:1 parallel, open label, prospective blinded end point trial. Setting: Three facility-based hemodialysis units in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Participants: Adults aged 18 years or older with end-stage kidney disease receiving facility-based maintenance hemodialysis for more than 3 months, with at least 1 dialysis-related symptom as indicated by the Dialysis Symptom Index (DSI) severity score >0 (n = 150). Intervention: Supervised 26-week exercise rehabilitation program and 60 minutes of cycling during hemodialysis thrice weekly. Exercise intensity and duration were supervised and individualized by the kinesiologist as per participant baseline physical function with gradual progression over the course of the intervention. Control: Usual hemodialysis care (no exercise program). Measurements: Our primary outcome is change in symptom burden at 12 weeks as measured by the DSI severity score. Secondary outcomes include change in modified DSI severity score (includes 10 symptoms most plausible to improve with exercise), change in DSI severity score at 26 and 52 weeks; time to recover post-hemodialysis; health-related quality of life measured using EuroQol (EQ)-5D-5L; physical activity behavior measured by self-report (Godin-Shepherd questionnaire) and triaxial accelerometry; exercise capacity (shuttle walk test); frailty (Fried); self-efficacy for exercise; and 1-year hospitalization and mortality. Methods: Change in primary outcome will be compared between groups by independent 2-tailed t test or Mann-Whitney U test depending on data distribution and using generalized linear mixed models, with study time point as a random effect and adjusted for baseline DSI score. Similarly, change in secondary outcomes will be compared between groups over time using appropriate parametric and nonparametric statistical tests depending on data type and distribution. Limitations: The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on clinical research at our institution delayed completion of target recruitment and prevented collection of accelerometry and physical function outcome data for 15 months until restrictions were lifted. Conclusions: The application of an exercise rehabilitation program to improve symptom burden in individuals on hemodialysis may ameliorate common symptoms observed in individuals on hemodialysis and result in improved quality of life and reduced disability and morbidity over the long term. Importantly, this pragmatic study, with a standardized exercise intervention that is adaptable to baseline physical function, addresses an important gap in both clinical care of hemodialysis patients and our current knowledge.

Contexte: Les personnes sous hémodialyse éprouvent un grand nombre de symptômes qui contribuent à un faible état fonctionnel et à une mauvaise qualité de vie liée à la santé. La prise en charge des symptômes est une priorité pour les personnes sous hémodialyse, mais les traitements efficaces sont limités. De nouvelles preuves montrent que l'adoption d'un programme d'exercice permettrait d'améliorer plusieurs symptômes courants liés à la dialyse. Objectifs: Le principal objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer l'effet d'un programme de rééducation par l'exercice sur le fardeau des symptômes chez les personnes recevant une hémodialyse d'entretien. Conception: Essai clinique prospectif randomisé-contrôlé, en aveugle, en parallèle 1:1 et ouvert, multicentrique. Cadre: Trois unités d'hémodialyse de Winnipeg, au Manitoba (Canada). Sujets: Des adultes atteints d'insuffisance rénale terminale qui reçoivent des traitements d'hémodialyse d'entretien en centre depuis plus de trois mois et qui présentent au moins un symptôme lié à la dialyse, tel qu'indiqué par un score de gravité de l'indice des symptômes de la dialyse (Dialysis Symptom Index) supérieur à zéro (n = 150). Intervention: Programme supervisé de rééducation par l'exercice d'une durée de 26 semaines et 60 minutes de vélo trois fois par semaine pendant l'hémodialyse. L'intensité et la durée de l'exercice ont été supervisées par un kinésiologue qui les a ensuite personnalisées en fonction de la forme physique initiale du participant en prévoyant une progression graduelle tout au long de l'intervention. Groupe témoin: Soins habituels d'hémodialyse (sans programme d'exercice). Mesures: Notre principal critère de jugement est un changement dans le fardeau lié aux symptômes après 12 semaines, tel que mesuré par le score de gravité de l'indice des symptômes de dialyse (ISD). Les critères d'évaluation secondaires comprennent un changement du score modifié de gravité de l'ISD (portant sur 10 symptômes les plus plausibles de s'améliorer avec l'exercice), la modification du score de gravité de l'ISD après 26 et 52 semaines, le temps de récupération après l'hémodialyse, la qualité de vie liée à la santé mesurée par le questionnaire EQ5D-5L, le comportement lié à l'activité physique mesuré par autoévaluation (questionnaire Godin-Shepherd) et par accéléromètre triaxial, la capacité d'effort (test de marche navette), la fragilité (Fried), le sentiment d'efficacité autodéclaré face à l'exercice, ainsi que les hospitalisations et la mortalité à un an. Méthodologie: Les changements pour le principal critère de jugement seront comparés entre les groupes par un test t bilatéral indépendant ou un test U de Mann-Whitney en fonction de la distribution des données, ainsi qu'à l'aide de modèles linéaires mixtes généralisés avec un point temporel de l'étude comme effet aléatoire et corrigé en fonction du score ISD initial. Les changements dans les résultats secondaires seront comparés entre les groupes au fil du temps à l'aide des tests statistiques paramétriques et non paramétriques appropriés selon le type de données et la distribution. Limites: Les restrictions liées à la pandémie de COVID-19 dans notre établissement ont retardé le recrutement des cibles et empêché pendant 15 mois la collecte de données sur les résultats mesurés par l'accéléromètre et les mesures de la fonction physique, soit jusqu'à ce que les restrictions soient levées. Conclusion: L'adoption d'un programme de rééducation par l'exercice visant à réduire le fardeau lié aux symptômes chez les personnes sous hémodialyse peut améliorer les symptômes courants observés dans cette population et se traduire par une amélioration de la qualité de vie et une réduction de l'invalidité et de la morbidité à long terme. Il convient de noter que cet essai pragmatique, avec son intervention d'exercice standardisée adaptable à la condition physique initiale de la personne, comble une lacune importante dans les soins cliniques des patients sous hémodialyse et dans nos connaissances actuelles.

Kidney Int Rep ; 8(7): 1389-1398, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37441469


Introduction: Low activity levels and poor physical function are associated with technique failure and mortality in people receiving peritoneal dialysis (PD). Adequate levels of physical function are required to maintain independence for people choosing this predominantly home-based therapy. The objective of this study was to identify the exercise-related perceptions and practices of PD clinicians globally. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of PD clinicians from English-, Thai-, Spanish-, and Portuguese-speaking PD-prevalent countries exploring clinicians' perceptions and practices of swimming, activity following PD catheter insertion, lifting, and falls prevention. This study was convened by the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis and Global Renal Exercise Network between July and December 2021. Results: Of 100 of the highest PD-prevalent countries, 85 responded and were represented in the findings. A total of 1125 PD clinicians (448 nephrologists, 558 nephrology nurses, 59 dietitians, and 56 others) responded from 61% high-income, 32% upper middle-income and 7% lower middle-income countries. The majority (n = 1054, 94%) agreed that structured exercise programs would be beneficial for people receiving PD. Most respondents believed people on PD could perform more exercise (n = 907, 81%) and that abdominal strengthening exercises could be safely performed (n = 661, 59%). Compared to clinicians in high-income countries, clinicians from lower middle-income status (odds ratio [OR], 5.57; 1.64 to 18.9) are more likely to promote participation in physical activity. Conclusion: Clinicians know the importance of physical activity in people receiving PD. Exercise counseling and structured exercise plans could be included in the standard care of people receiving PD to maintain independence.

Kidney Int Rep ; 8(5): 1002-1012, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37180520


Introduction: Intradialytic cycling is often performed during the first half of hemodialysis because of concerns regarding increased frequency of intradialytic hypotension (IDH) late in hemodialysis. This increases exercise program resource needs and limits utility of intradialytic cycling to treat dialysis-related symptoms. Methods: This multicenter, randomized, crossover trial compared IDH rate when cycling during the first half versus the second half of hemodialysis in 98 adults on maintenance hemodialysis. Group A cycled during the first half of hemodialysis for 2 weeks and subsequently during the second half for 2 weeks. In group B, the cycling schedule was reversed. Blood pressure (BP) was measured every 15 minutes throughout hemodialysis. Primary outcome was IDH rate (systolic BP [SBP] decrease of >20 mm Hg or SBP <90 mm Hg). Secondary outcomes included symptomatic IDH rate and time to recover post hemodialysis. Data were analyzed using negative binomial and gamma distribution mixed regression. Results: Mean age 64.7 (SD 12.0) and 64.7 (SD 14.2) years in group A (n = 52) and group B (n = 46), respectively. Proportions of females were 33% in group A and 43% in group B. Median time on hemodialysis was 4.1 (interquartile range [IQR] 2.5, 6.1]) years in group A and 3.9 years (IQR 2.5, 6.7) in group B. IDH rate per 100 hemodialysis hours (95% confidence interval [CI]) was 34.2 (26.4, 42.0) and 36.0 (28.9, 43.1) during early and late intradialytic cycling, respectively (P = 0.53). Timing of intradialytic cycling was not associated with symptomatic IDH (relative risk [RR]: 1.07 [0.75-1.53]) or time to recover post hemodialysis (odds ratio: 0.99 [0.79-1.23]). Conclusion: We found no association between the rate of overall or symptomatic IDH and the timing of intradialytic cycling in patients enrolled in an intradialytic cycling program. Increased use of cycling late in hemodialysis may optimize intradialytic cycling program resource use and should be studied as a possible treatment for symptoms common in late hemodialysis.