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Rev. biol. trop ; 66(4): 1614-1628, oct.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003351


Abstract Fish-eating in bats evolved independently in Myotis vivesi (Vespertillionidae) and Noctilio leporinus (Noctilionidae). We compared cranial morphological characters and bite force between these species to test the existence of evolutionary parallelism in piscivory. We collected cranial distances of M. vivesi, two related insectivorous bats (M. velifer and M. keaysi), two facultatively piscivorous bats (M. daubentonii and M. capaccinii), and N. leporinus. We analyzed morphometric data applying multivariate methods to test for differences among the six species. We also measured bite force in M. vivesi and evaluated if this value was well predicted by its cranial size. Both piscivorous species were morphologically different from the facultatively piscivorous and insectivorous species, and skull size had a significant contribution to this difference. However, we did not find morphological and functional similarities that could be interpreted as parallelisms between M. vivesi and N. leporinus. These two piscivorous species differed significantly in cranial measurements and in bite force. Bite force measured for M. vivesi was well predicted by skull size. Piscivory in M. vivesi might be associated to the existence of a vertically displaced temporal muscle and an increase in gape angle that allows a moderate bite force to process food.(AU)

Resumen La alimentación por peces en murciélagos evolucionó independientemente en Myotis vivesi (Vespertilionidae) y Noctilio leporinus (Phyllostomidae). En este estudio se compararon características craneales morfológicas y fuerza de mordida entre estas especies, para probar la existencia de paralelismo evolucionario en piscivoría. Se recolectaron distancias craneales en M. vivesi, dos parientes insectívoros (M. velifer y M. keaysi), dos murciélagos piscívoros facultativos (M. daubentonii y M. capaccinii), y N. leporinus. Se analizaron datos morfométricos aplicando múltiples métodos para probar las diferencias entre las seis especies. Se midió la fuerza de mordida en M. vivesi y se evalúo si puede ser predicha por el tamaño del cráneo. Las especies piscívoras fueron morfológicamente diferentes de las facultativamente piscívoras y las insectívoras, el tamaño del cráneo tuvo una contribución significativa en esta diferencia. Sin embargo, no encontramos semejanzas morfológicas y funcionales que puedan ser interpretadas como paralelismos entre M. vivesi y N. leporinus. Estas dos especies piscívoras difieren significativamente en medidas craneales y fuerza de mordida. La fuerza de mordida en M. vivesi fue efectivamente predicha por el tamaño de cráneo. La piscivoría en M. vivesi puede estar asociada con la existencia de un músculo temporal verticalmente desplazado y el incremento en el ángulo de apertura mandibular que permite moderar la fuerza de mordida para procesar el alimento.(AU)

Fuerza de la Mordida , Quirópteros , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Mandíbula
Oecologia ; 171(2): 537-44, 2013 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22886039


Caution for the indiscriminate conversion of the isotopic niche into ecologic niche was recently advised. We tested the utility of the isotopic niche to answer ecological questions on oceanic islands. We compared the isotopic niches of black rats (Rattus rattus) on two islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico: Farrallón de San Ignacio (FSI) and San Pedro Mártir (SPM). Both islands maintained several species of marine birds, but FSI is devoid of terrestrial vegetation and SPM has several species of terrestrial plants. We tested the hypothesis that rats on FSI have a narrower trophic niche due to its lower diversity of food items. We predicted a smaller variance in δ(13)C and δ(15)N values of rat muscle on FSI, and a lower use of marine birds as food on SPM. We also examined stomach contents of rats on both islands to validate the isotopic information. Variances in δ(13)C and δ(15)N values of black rats were lower on FSI, and the contribution of marine birds to the diet of rats was smaller on SPM. Stomachs in most rats collected on FSI contained only one or two types of food items, mostly marine birds and terrestrial invertebrates. In contrast, stomachs with only one type of food item were rare on SPM, and in most cases they contained three or more food types. Our findings showed that isotopic variance is a good approximation for trophic niche when comparing populations with access to an assemblage of preys with contrasting biological and isotopic diversity.

Cadena Alimentaria , Especies Introducidas , Islas , Ratas , Animales , Biodiversidad , Aves , Dieta , Invertebrados , México